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Adventures of Val: Beginning of his quest:

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#21 fs_spenser

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 12:45

[OOC : Val, if you would. :wink: ]

#22 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 17:49


Val found... what? It looked like a piece of paper with some weird letters. He took it to the barkeeper.

*Collected 1 Unknown Paper*

Barkeeper: Where'd you find this?!

Over by the shop... Why?

Barkeeper: *Rushes out, builds an enchanter's stall* Go talk to him about it. Here, use these. *Rushes in*

*Collected 1 Orc Arm, 1 Ogre Head and 1 Essence of the Mage*

I wonder what was bothering him...

Val took everything to this "Enhanter." Instead of getting his weird items back, he was looking into an ancient Pyramid thingy.

Enchanter: You're quite lucky, sir. This is a Pyramid of Foresight. It'll see the future.

*Lost ingredients and Unknown Paper*
*Collected 1 Pyramid of Foresight*

Interested, Val went over to the Barkeeper. Before he could, he was sucked into the Pyramid!

*World of Foreight*

Val could see 3 huge Ogrims headed for... An unknown person? whoever it was, it looked familiar. He felt himself rising again.

*Val's Fortress*

Val went and warned Raven of what was coming. He waited for a response.

#23 fs_spenser

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Posted 24 January 2008 - 06:26


Raven got out of the shop and chew on some meat, he heard some running foot steps and instantly pulled out his sword. He sighed with relief when he looked at the figure and saw that it was Val. He put the weapon and wanted to ask him what was the matter when Val suddenly shouted warnings.

Something's coming.. But what?

"What happened?!" Raven said when a arrow hit the ground beside him.

They were gnolls, and they usually were looking for food around the forest. Raven picked up his sword and pulled it out, "Val! We'll talk later, we gotta do some business for a moment!"

Then he charged.

#24 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 24 January 2008 - 18:19

As Raven charged towards the Gnolls, Val picked up the arrow and examined it. He would put it for use later.

*Collected Silver Arrow*

Val shot Fire Bolts a the Gnolls, but this only seemed to increase their strength. And when Raven hit one of them with his sword, Raven got burned.

(Strange... Gnolls cannot absorb heat.)

Val Create Ice pillars on them. Encased, the Gnolls now seemed to cool down.

Val put a small coating of ice around Raven's hand, which got burnt during the fight, to recover it faster.

#25 fs_spenser

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Posted 25 January 2008 - 04:51

[Current RP Gold : 100]

Raven looked at his hand, it was burned and it hurt quite a bit. Then suddenly ice started to form on his hand, "Woah." he said. Then he looked at Val and saw that he casted a spell on his hand and made Ice Pillars around the Gnolls. Then steam were coming out of the Gnolls and they were cooling down. "Alright you rat-stinking-son-of-a-sewer-rat!" he shouted, "It's time to die!"

Raven again, charged at the Gnolls and swinged the sword gracefully through one of the Gnoll's head. Thunk! His sword bounced back. Raven groaned for he knew the Gnoll's were ice now, now there would be no battle. Raven looked at Val and he appeared to be thinking about something, Must be thinking why those Gnolls absorbed his Fire Bolt..
he thought.

He took a stone from the ground and threw it with all his might and the stone hit the iced-sculpture of the Gnoll and it broke into pieces. He did the same with the other Gnolls and they broke too. He looked to the ground and saw a small pouch containing 60 gold and a crossbow and a bag of silver arrows.

*Collected 60 Gold, Crossbow and a bag of Silver Arrows*

Raven slung the Crossbow on crossbow on his shoulder and the silver arrows around his back. Now he had in total 160 gold, 40 more before Raven could buy the shield he wanted.

#26 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 25 January 2008 - 22:58

[Current RP Gold: 100 <+20 this post>]

Val saw Raven left a few things behind. He grabbed them.

*Collected 50 RP Gold, a letter and a Jade*

Val read the letter:

Letter #1:

Gnoll Team #125

Deliver this Jade and Gold to the Gnoll Stronghold in the Mountains, but be weary; a sizable Stronghold is on your path, as one Gnoll Scout reports. The Jade is imbued with the properties of poison to whoever uses it on a staff. The spell on it is "Poisonous Arrow," don't let the lead mage of the Stronghold grab it.


Gnoll Leader Firgrim

*Val imbued his Steel Staff with the "Poisonous Arrow" spell and lost 30 RP Gold*

Val closed the letter to see an arrow flying to his head. He leaped aside. The arrow hit where he had been.

One of the Gnolls frozen in the ice had thawed out.

(Perhaps this arrow can be of some use)

He shot a arrow with a green aura, the Poisonous Arrow, out of his staff and it hit the Gnoll on the leg. The Gnoll was killed and dropped another letter.

*Collected Letter #2*

Letter #2 reads:

Gnoll Team #125:

I slipped a few items in the enemy Stonghold's store. It's out of the generousity to Raven, and he may not reconize you.


Gnoll Scout Firasger

P.S. Kill the mage.

He closed the letter. He rushed to the store to find these items:

*Store #1*

Jade "Poisonous Arrow" gem (Staves, arrows/bolts): 150 RP Gold

Sapphire "Warrior's Strength" gem (Swords): 200 RP Gold

Emerald Sword of the Firgrim: 250 RP Gold

Jade Crossbow w/ matching bolts (50 bolts): 200 RP Gold

He smiled and left, but was preparing for what came ahead. He built a Guard Tower and gathered 2 archers, just in case.

#27 fs_spenser

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Posted 27 January 2008 - 13:36

[Current RP Gold : 100]
[OOC : Hi there! :) ]

Raven can now use Bow's and Arrows.

Raven went into the forest and collected more sticks and wood to make another fire. Suddenly, a movement caught his eye, and it looked.. like a head moving around. He moved cautiously, and saw that it was a human, he relaxed and moved behind the stranger, silently. He pulled out his sword and pointed it at the stranger's throat and said,

"Who are you, are you a friend, or a foe."

He waited for the stranger's answer.

Gnoll Stronghold.

"Chieftan, a scouts have returned bringing grave news."

The gnoll scout leader quickly whispered the news to the gnoll chieftan.

"WHAT?! The enemy in the newly constructed stronghold destroyed the coming gnoll team?" the Gnoll Chieftan shouted.

"Yes, mi'lord."

The Gnoll Chieftan pulled at his beard and then said,

"Prepare for battle, leave no one alive."

#28 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 28 January 2008 - 16:43

*Val's Fortress*

Val saw Raven pointing a sword at a human. He looked into his Pyramid of Foresight and asked:

Who is the human my friend, Raven, in the forest has a sword to?

Pyramid of Foresight: That would be Grim, an ally to Val's fortress. He spotted some Gnoll and followed them to your fortress, Val's Fotress.

Thanking the Pyamid, he rushed to Raven and knocked his sword back.

Raven, this is our friend, look into here.

Val showed him he Pyramid of Foresight and repeated his words.

Pyramid of Foresight: That would be Grim, an ally to Val's fortress. He spotted some Gnoll and followed them to your fortress, Val's Fotress. Raven, do not kill this man, or bad fortune will find you.

Val paused and waited for a response...

*Forest of Khalldar, Mainland, Fistro*

The Ogrim Captain watched the Gnoll Leader through his crystal ball, hearing his words. The Ogrim paused, then told Warrior Team #27:

Intercept the Gnolls and kill them. I will deal with Val's Fortress with General Team #76

Yes Ogrore, my lord.

Warrior Team #27 took off, locating the Gnolls with their Orb of Tracking.

#29 fs_spenser

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Posted 31 January 2008 - 09:28

[Current RP gold : 100]

*Val's Fortress*

Raven listened to Val and gazed into the pyramid, it told him not to harm the one called, Grim, or it would bring bad fortune. Raven relaxed, then pulled Grim up from the ground, suddenly, he heard a horn being blowed..

*2 Miles South-east from the Gnoll Fortress*

No! Don't kill me... GAAHHH! screamed the Gnoll Chieftan, and then died.

The Ogrim's looked at each other, this had barely taken any of their strength and they picked up what was valuable remaining from the Gnoll army. Then, they setted out to Val's Fortress.

*Val's Fortress*

You've gotta be kidding me. Are you saying that we are all here just to make a fancy fortress for some fancy Imperial army?

Raven groaned, he didnt like the Imperial, though Raven had not noticed that Val had mentioned it before a long time ago.

Whatever.. I'm here already anyway.

Raven kicked his legs back and relaxed on the polar bear fur, then he fell asleep.

But not for long.

#30 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 01 February 2008 - 23:56

[Current RP Gold: 120]

Raven: You've gotta be kidding me. Are you saying that we are all here just to make a fancy fortress for some fancy Imperial army?

It's not just for the Imperial. It's for our own lives.

But Raven had aready fallen asleep after he heard "lives." Val heard a horn blowing near them.

So... THIS is Val's Fortress... Not too shabby.

A huge Ogrim and his team came into view, their swords (and staff for the huge Ogrim) drawn. Val quickly drew out his own staff.

One remaining Ogrim scout from Scout Team #89 told me I'd find you here... That was his last words... I have come to avenge his death.

Who are you?

I am Ogrore, chieftain of the Ogrims.

He signalled to Raven, who had drawn his sword as well.

General Team #76, deal with him. I will deal with Val, the killer of Ogrims, myself.

At once, he Ogrim team marched to Raven. This only consisted of two, but had already sealed him with a Prisoner Buff before Raven could move.

Meanwhile, Ogrore had made a high arena.

This is my Arena of the Air. It comes up as an avenger's tool... to the death!

Ogrore was first to atack, shooting an ice blade at Val, who was quick enough to dodge it. Val shot a Fire Bolt, but Ogrore held up his staff.

He reflected it! Val barely avoided his own attack.

(This is not good... He can reflect my attacks...)

Confused? It's a Reflection Staff, designed to reflect anything magical! *evil laugh* This was finished before it started.

Val kept firing Fire Bolts and Fireballs, but Ogrore reflected them all.

(There must be SOME way to defeat him...)

Next he tried an Ice Pillar, but Ogrore seemed to rise with it.

Fool! I shall end this!

He lunged with his own Fire Bolt at Val, but Val kept dodging.

Does that thing ONLY reflect Magical Projectiles?

Yes, it's very useful.

Val thought hard while dodging. He only had enough Magic for two Poisonous Arrows...

Worth a Shot...

Val fired his projectile. At once, Ogrore held up his staff.

Fool! That was a Magical Attack!

He had thought wrong. Raven's Crossbow had slid to Val and he picked it up. It was the crossbow that fired the arrow, not the staff. The staff couldn't absorb all the power... It died down!

Val, sensing a weak point, fired his last of his Magic at Ogrore, and contacted. But... Ogrore puled it right out.

I had back-up, and immnity, to poison.

Ogrore shot one last Fire Bolt at Val, and by this time, Val was too worn to fight. With the Fire Bolt going right at him, Val thought it was over. But...

The Fire Bolt deflected, without even touching him, and went to Ogrore!

(What Could've...?)

That's when he saw a circular shield had reflected the Fire Bolt.


Uh, oh...

The Fire Bolt hit Ogrore right in the chest. He fell off his own arena, into the ground 1000 feet below him. His impact also shattered Raven's seal. It took the two of them little to defeat the Ogrim Generals. Val picked up Ogrore's staff and removed the arrow. The staff retained it's original shape.


Val gave one of the hides to Raven, telling him Ogrim Hide was best used in armor.

Val noticed these things and done the following:

-The store now has:

Steel Staff: 120 RP Gold
Survival Helmet: 250 RP Gold (Shield of Warior's Survival for Warrior's)

-Val built a healing spring.
-Val hired 2 guards to guard Val's fortress.
-Val hired a healer for the Healing Spring.
-Val built a Church.
-Val hired a Bishop to monitor the church.
-Finally, Val built Ice Towers and hired 1 archer to use it.

#31 fs_spenser

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Posted 04 February 2008 - 09:04

[Current RP Gold : 100] ( Will be increased later on. )

When the seal on Raven was shattered, he immediately got up and moved beside Val and holded up his sword. Then they both attacked the Ogrim Generals.

Raven, take the Ogrim Hide, it is best used in making armor.

Raven looked on the ground, he saw something shining and picked it up, as he looked around he found something else, a sack of gold belonging to the ogrim's.


Oh yeah baby! Now I can get my shield!

Raven ran over to the item shop and purchased the shield he wanted, then the shop keeper told him that there were new things to sell. He looked at them and then went out. Raven went back into the forest for more sticks and then he found a crystal ball. It had a "Appraise" mark on it and when he used it, a Appraisal Shop was built. He walked it in and asked the Appraiser to appraise the Unknown Object he found.

'Aye, this will take me a few days to find out what this is. What I can tell you now that it is a extremely powerful object, as I can feel something strong inside of it. Come back in a few days.


[Current RP Gold: 50]


#32 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 04 February 2008 - 19:14

[Current RP Gold: 120 <+30 this post>]

After the Hard-won victory, Val also picked up another unknown object, found in the woods and 80 Gold. He then noticed the new Appraisal shop.

Perhaps I can get this appraised.

Val took the unknown object to the Appraiser.

Appraiser: I can examine this now, costing you 100 gold.

I'm the General here.

Appraiser: How about 50 Gold then?

Sounds fine.

Val paid his gold and was told that his object was a Crystal Ball of Warning.

[Val gained Crystal Ball of Warning in exchange for 50 RP gold]

#33 Zek19



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Posted 04 February 2008 - 19:24

name: varoon
class: ranger
skills: stealth and tracking
summons: rain of fire and beast summon 8)
btw wat is this?

#34 Zek19



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Posted 04 February 2008 - 19:25

oh ya and a elf enchanted unbreakable bow with magically enhanced arrows

#35 Zek19



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Posted 04 February 2008 - 19:26

oh and kool i get 1 more summon and umm summon troops for war

#36 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 04 February 2008 - 22:08

name: varoon
class: ranger
skills: stealth and tracking
summons: rain of fire and beast summon 8)
btw wat is this?

Your summons:
Rain of Fire: I'l approve of it, but it's a bit overpowered for a ranger summon.
Beast Summon: This'll be fine
Troops: Undead troops? If so, that'll be nice.

Your skills:
Stealth: Approved
Tracking: Definitely approved

Your weapon: Overpowered, but I'll approve it.

You'll need to post here now, and check often.

[Part 2 of my last post]

[Current RP Gold: 150 <+100 this post> ]

Val noticed another new figure, almost looking like an elf. He looked into the Pyramid of Foresight to see who it was.

Pyramid of Foresight: This fellow is Varoon, an ally to Val's fortress. His innate tracking can help you pinpoint enemy fortresses.

At once, the figure named Varoon stalked off eastward and Val followed. Varoon led him to a fortress, bloody. It appeared the Gnolls fought the Ogrims earlier and had no sucess. Even their chieftain died.

Val was quickly noticed by Varoon, who shot an arrow at him. Val just barely managed to deflect it due to him STILL recharging his Magic, so he had his Shields up, heading back towards Varoon. But Val quickly caught it to prevent backfire and bloodshed.

Do not be alarmed. I am an ally to you. My name is Val. You must be Varoon. I got it off this:

He showed Varoon the pyramid.

We both saw what happened. Here, let's split the loot.

[Collected 200 Rp gold and 100 Elven Arrows, plus 100 Gnoll arrows]

He handed Varoon half of what he collected.

Let's go back to Val's fortress. I'll be happy to show you around.

#37 fs_spenser

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Posted 06 February 2008 - 01:46

Varoon, I would appreciate it if you didnt spam and could just edit your posts..

#38 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 06 February 2008 - 14:50

Varoon, I would appreciate it if you didnt spam and could just edit your posts..


[Part 3 of my last post]

[Current RP Gold: 250]

Val and Varoon entered the fortress. Val took another Ogrim hide and gave it to Varoon, telling him it was excellent for armor. He gave the crossbow back to Raven before checking out the store.
Val noticed these things in the store:

Anti-Missile Bow: 200 RP Gold (Deflects other arrows)
Reflect Missile Bow: 300 RP Gold (Reflects other arrows back at the target)
Elven Armor: 150 RP Gold
Shield of Ranger's Survival Armor: 200 RP Gold (Puts up a shield if user is out of arrows)

#39 Zek19



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Posted 06 February 2008 - 17:46

sry spenser forgot about that and kk 8)

#40 fs_valkrieguy

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Posted 06 February 2008 - 23:16

[Current RP Gold: 250]

*** Part 1: ***

Val had a noticed a tiny crack in the ice. Following the crack, he saw another mage. He had made that fissure. Val looked into the Pyramid to find out who it was.

Pyramid of Foresight: That is Eddie, an ally to Val's fortress. His home town, Heeragos, was set fire by a vulcan raptor. He is lightning quick, but a Fire Bolt should stun it.

Val just had enough time to dodge a Fireball. That wasn't him, so what could've...?

Val dodged another Fireball, and looked up. Up in the skywas the vulcan raptor. Val had no time to prepare for the upcoming arena battle. Smoke billowed from 8 pillars, blocking sight of what was below, even though Val knew he was 1000 meters high. The vulcan raptor studied Val, then shouted:

Have a nice BAR-BE-QUE!

A Fire Bullet just missed Val. Val's Magic was full, so he couldn't block it. Following the pyramid's advice, he shot a Fire Bolt at the raptor, then shot another to his right. He had Magic, but he wasn't THAT smart. He dodged the first one, going to his right, and the second one smashed into his wing. He plummeted, but fell back on the arena.


His pulled a sword made from flames using his Magic. But Val was too quick. Over and Over, he dodged the slices, but he knew he couldn't keep it up, because the Flames were the vulcan raptor's source of power. A scroll dropped from the raptor's broken wing. Val dodged another blow and grabbed it. He read it. Suddenly, the field went from Fire to Cloudy. The smoke disappeared, replaced by clear blue sky. At once, the sword fizzled. Val's staff reacted to the Clouds. His staff shot a flurry of Shaded Arrows at the Vulcan Raptor. Apparently, they were Nightshade arrows, and the Vulcan Raptor did not see them coming. The arrows struck hard and the vulcan raptor fell off the arena. And he certainly cannot fly with a fried wing. He fell dead on the ground. Val gently floated down on the cloud remaining.

*** Part 2: ***

Was that the raptor that destroyed you're village?

He and Eddie were having a drink at the tavern.


-Val noticed these things in the store:

Scroll of the Earth Arena: 100 RP Gold (Dirt with rocks, ground-level)
Scroll of the Shadow Arena: 150 RP Gold (No telling what will happen, ground-level)
Scroll of the Air Arena: 100 RP Gold (Very windy, blows arrows off-course unless magical, ground-level)
Scroll of the Fire Arena: 100 RP Gold (Warriors use a Fire Sword, ground-level)
Scroll of the Cloud Arena: 150 RP Gold (Mages use Nightshade arrows, 1000 meters above ground)
Scroll of the Water Arena: 150 RP Gold (Rangers use Tidal Pierce Arrows, 1000 meters below ground)
Scroll of the Ice Arena: 150 RP Gold (Mage's ice-class spells more effective, ground-level, not heated)
Scroll of the Ogrim Arena: 100 RP Gold (Basic arena, 1000 meters above ground)
Scroll of the Vulcan Raptor Arena: 150 RP Gold (Fire Arena, 1000 meters above ground)
Scroll of the Basic Arena 50 RP Gold (No bonuses, ground-level)

-Val has his own arena when fighting bosses
-Val built a Cloud Generator
-Val built an Ice Tower
-Val hired 2 archers for the Ice Tower

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