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Vampires of Stratos III - The Vampire Wars (roleplay)

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#21 nukleardog



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Posted 17 December 2005 - 21:47

Early in the morning Nuke staggered out of the tavern with a drink in each hand. Barely able to walk he swayed back and forth through the street singing some catchy diddy very loudly and horribly out of tune. Not really sure where he was supposed to go he sat down in the middle of the street singing and still drinking his ale.

#22 gothador_fornicanus

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Posted 17 December 2005 - 22:54

*after a night of restless sleep zedd gets up and and begins his morning with tea and another dose pf pain killers,after the water boils he adds the leaves and then notices that his leg isnt paining him , he looks around and evrything looks right but just isnt hearing shouts and noise from out side he walks out into a town of strangers , walking towards the crowd he notices two people lying on the ground and upon closer inspection there are 2 marks on each of there necks not knowing anyone there and not being able to remember anything he watches what may come next*

#23 gothador_tomtom

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 12:20

Two bodies lay dead...

Tomtom stood, in a state of shock. Two bodies lay dead, and the villagers had turned away from them and were discussing the election of a leader...

Two bodies lay dead. They look so cold, thought Tomtom. They look so alone.

Two bodies lay dead. Tomtom grabbed a shovel. Pretty girls, he thought, as he started digging furiously. Whoever did this to them will suffer.

#24 Cynyth



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Posted 18 December 2005 - 16:24

Cynyth returned to his home after having seen the unfortunate dead. Two women lay cold and pale from what had opbviously been a vampire attack. Now there were sveral people of the village who wanted to see him mayor! The thought of being responsibe for marshalling the defense of the town made him nervous. He returned to his house to consult the library for wisdom should he be selected, although before he left the one called Chaotix had a slightly larger following.

"Malleus malefacarium, the complete sermons of Cotton Mather, the Necronomicon! By the gods, I was a nerd. But a perspicaciously prepared one it would seem." Indeed, Cynyth's library contained all manner of books suitable for the combat with evil. He sat in the fine leather chair to wait for the results of the election.

#25 gothador_fornicanus

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 17:17

*upon hearing the others talk about a mayor he walks home and looks for more herbs ,looking franticly he cant find any,he tries to remember who he got them from and where they lived,gah he thinks im getting old....or am i?, he suddenly realises he doesnt know how old he is either,he sits down and tries to think of anything that might help.*

#26 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 18 December 2005 - 22:58

Chao woke up and stretched, his muscles sore from sleeping in an odd position. Shouts were emenating from outside his house and he peeked out the door to see what the hub bub was about.

"Two are dead," shouted various villagers.

"It's too early for this," he mumbled as he walked to the cabinet and grabbed an apple. Getting dressed he tossed on a tunic and some leggings and exited his house.

#27 nukleardog



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Posted 18 December 2005 - 23:41

Nuke pauses in his singing hearing people shout something something somethin. Bah! If it isn't ale, Nuke is unconserned, and resumes his signing

Farewell and adieu to you fair Stratos ladies
Farewell and adieu you ladies of Stratos.
For I am a drunkard with no bloody memory
And soon never more will I see you again.

Nuke passes out as he finishes off his ale

#28 gothador_darkdragon8

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 00:35

Dark sat down at one side of the street. Two woman were killed last night and it was not a normal type of murder. Both woman had the blood drained out of them, clearly pointing what the one thing that could have done that. Vampires.

"Vampires.... great. Just great. First I wake up to find I can't remember without anything but my name and now I learn there's vampires lose in this village..... I am not having a good start this morning....."

He then held up the book in his hands.

DarkDragon88's journal KEEP OUT

He had found it on the desk in the bedroom. He must have started it when he had arrived in Stratos ( which was the name of the village Dark assumed ) but for some reason there were pages missing and some entries smudged and on top of that the enrty for last night was unfinshed. Judging by the fact Dark had woken up at the desk, head resting on the journal's pages he must have fallen asleep while making the last entry.

#29 Truffle



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Posted 19 December 2005 - 03:09

Waking up to a great commotion down the ways, Truffle gets up and throws her legs over the side of her bed, she hears many people talking although she cannot make out any familiar voices.

She slides her feet into her slippers beside the bed, grabs her robe and walks over towards the window to glance. The day seems to be a bit dreary, no light shown through the great dark cloud hanging over the village.

As she turns to get dressed for the day her eye catches two bodies on the ground, dead bodies. She couldn't recognize who they were. She turned to get dressed and find out what was going on.

Once washed up, Truffle grabbed her cloak and headed out the door to meet with the others. All seemed to be gathered in the streets still when she arrived within the bunch.

What is going on? she asked one of the villagers. All she heard was Two dead bodies. Like she couldn't see that for herself. She turned to hear someone else say they needed to find a leader for this mess, needed a mayor. Many names were thrown around, Chaotix, Cynyth, ..... none of these names seemed to jog her memory.

She glances up at the sky, the clouds, so dark, over Stratos, who are these people?

#30 gothador_fornicanus

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 04:25

* gets up as he cant remember ANYTHING and decides to take a walk,grabbing his walking staff and cloak he entrers the chilly noon-halfday
lost in his thoughts and picking streets at random he bumps into a man sitting on a side street looking at a book, oh excuse me mister.......*

#31 gothador_xade

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 04:40

Two dead. There's two dead!

My mind screams! They're dead

Vampires they say!

~I hear they tore out their next~

~Musta dog-darn been neery a 50 of em~

The people say vampires.

Oh god! they're all vampires. They've come to taunt me. Taunt my soul.


You're all around me. Stay back! back I say.

Filthy vamps.

#32 gothador_nadat

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 05:53

~I hear they tore out their next~


A ghostly moan is heard.

Next? They didn't just drain my blood, but they tore out my next too? Oh the humanity!

#33 gothador_butters

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 05:59

Butters hears one of the men in the crowd babbling hysterically.

"Vamps! They are all vamps!"

She walks quickly over to him and gives him a shake. It has no effect, he keeps gibbering. Taking a deep breath she backhands him. "For god's sake get a hold of yourself!"

He sits down hard and rubs his cheek.

"I'm Butters, do you remember your name?" she asks.

#34 gothador_xade

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Posted 19 December 2005 - 11:04

Ouch god, that hurt! what was that?

A woman, kinda strange looking, wearing a robe... and she hit me!

I snap back -

What do you think you are doing?

I'm certain she is waiting til I turn my back...

(ooc: oh man, I wrote next instead of necks, man, let that be a lesson to you all... don't post at work...)

#35 Cynyth



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Posted 19 December 2005 - 19:10

Cynyth received a knock at his door that broke him from a particularly gruesome section on destroying the risen dead.

"We elected Chaotix. A bunch of us are headed down to the tavern to celebrate and discuss what happens next."

"We have a tavern? That sounds delightful, and Chaotix deserves congratulations. I'll have to follow you as I have no idea where it is. I do feel that I will be drinking tea and not the stornger brews." They went down the road to a building already full with many people. The celebration of the election was tempered by anxiousness over their next job, justice for this morning's innocent victims.

#36 nukleardog



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Posted 20 December 2005 - 02:20

Nuke awakes to what sounds like cheering, and then hears the mention of alcohol.

"Yes, more ale for me."

Staggers quickly back to the tavern for more mind numbing fun.

#37 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 20 December 2005 - 05:32

Yawning Chao made his way to the tavern. Elected mayor eh, well that was a nice gesture on the part of the town. But what a day to be elected. Two dead, and who knew who would be next.

Truth be told he was just as confused as everyone else at this point, but as long as people stayed calm it would probably all pan out in the end.

Walking into the tavern he made his way to the bar and ordered a glass of elderberry wine. Walking up to the front of the room he rang his glass once.

"Hello there! Seems I've been elected to mayor! I know that in the face of recent events you might want to panic, but please don't. For now, let's just take a drink to the unfortunate fates of the dearly departed."

If the town needed strong leadership he'd be sure to fill it, but they were pretty sturdy sensible folk. He'd sit back for now and let them figure things out.

#38 gothador_xade

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Posted 20 December 2005 - 05:39

Why is everyone so calm?

Look at them all, calmly drinking in the tavern.

Calmly spouting the advantages of being calm.

Calmly standing behind their black prince mayor.

They're all against me now.

they MUST BE!

They're all vampires.


Calm doesn't keep next from being torn out.

I watch them in the bar, downing their ale, for a small while longer and head slowly to my quarters.

#39 nukleardog



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Posted 20 December 2005 - 08:15

Nuke hears someone making a speech, actually on the verge of blacking out again it goes something like this "Mwom Mwoom Mwom Mwom Mwom."

#40 Truffle



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Posted 20 December 2005 - 12:02

As Truffle stands there listening to everyone talk about who to elect for mayor, a few similar names are called out, she's not for sure if she is supposed to know them or not, I vote Chaotix for mayor, she hears someone say, another shouts out Vote Cynyth, he's a good choice too, another one says. She can't recall who either is so she throws in her vote for Cynyth, but her vote meant nothing and Chaotix was voted as mayor.

She watch Chaotix stroll to the tavern as everyone followed. She too followed in, she hoped he would be a good leader and help figure out why this dark cloud had decended upon their little town of Stratos.

Truffle sat down at a table beside a man and a woman and introduced herself to them, Hello, I'm Truffle, she said as she looked at both and took her seat.

Then she watch the new mayor order a drink and listened to him speak, "Hello there! Seems I've been elected to mayor! I know that in the face of recent events you might want to panic, but please don't. For now, let's just take a drink to the unfortunate fates of the dearly departed." she heard him say.

Lost in thought to herself, she watched as all the villagers, or so she thought all, wandered into the tavern, each taking a seat. Discussing on who was a vampire and who wasn't. Who were they going to lynch. Lynching sounded aweful but everyone knew it had to be done and were a bit hesitant on who to chose.

All these faces and no recollection of what we were all doing the day before. We all wake up to two dead bodies, that of Maxie and Nadat. Two females who's faces were familiar but at the same time strangers.

This town needed to do something but what, she was unsure of and hoped that the discussions in the tavern would help her to decide what to do.

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