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Game Update v2.06

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#381 Zorg


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 15:51

Next batch of changes are live...

Fixed searching for items with brackets in their name.
Added tool tip to current bid to show what the starting bid was.
Numbers in the auction house are now comma separated.
Added new filter to limit searches to auctions with / without bids / buy now values.
Added new filter to search by price ranges.

~ Chief Technical Officer
Wayne 'Zorg' Robinson

#382 perliak



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 15:52

Two bugs:

- used in recipe filter adds a lot of empty pages to the end of the search result, displaying the sentence "No items to display, try changing your filters to the left.".

- Recipes not known filter does nothing, whenever you tick it, it changes nothing.

A minor issue: example, you are in page 4 of a search, if you change search terms or filters, you keep being at page 4 but of the new search results, instead of being in page 1 of the new results.

Lahona's problem is solved if you search for the type of the bottle, round, pillar, hexagonal, etc :D

#383 Lahona



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 15:52

frustrating - bids dissappear if the buy now is met, before you could look in 'my bids' for example to double check what u paid if they havent already reached your mailbox. same goes with 'my auctions' they dissappear probably at that 10 second thing.

it would be good if the log message saying you won the auction would include the price paid

neat feature - locking the 'items per page' eg. if there was a check box net to it which said 'lock' you wouldnt have to keep changing it from 6 pages to whatever you like it at eg. 8 or 10 etc.

yes please, good idea :)

#384 Zorg


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 15:58

Clicking an item to see all listings for that item will now take you back to 'All Auctions'
Clicking items, changing filters or changing search text now resets you back to page 1.

~ Chief Technical Officer
Wayne 'Zorg' Robinson

#385 Lahona



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 16:03

Tool tips needed on the create auction (page 2) please.

Could we also have an 'available auction slots' line on the create auction page one (selecting the item) please?

#386 iut044



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 16:07

my bids are now not working

#387 viking87


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 16:09

any idea how long it takes for people with the IE browser to use the auction house?

#388 Mher


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 16:09

hi all :) Some little errors :
1- Profile ---> Manage backpack ----> click on the item to check in the AH -----> AH is not filtering on this item

2- Click on an item in AH -----> AH is filtered on this item ----> you can not go back to the previous page.

3- Bid on an item ----> Click "My bids" ----> The item is not displayed

4- Go to official wiki ---> choose an item ----> Search on AH ---> AH is not filtered on this item

5- Click on an item in AH ----> AH is filtered on this item ----> reload or refresh page ----> it will not stay on the filtered item after refresh

I have suggestion too:
1-It's better to see the items in AH without the rectangle behind them. i guess it's better looking that way :D

P.S. I will try to check for more errors

#389 Bizz



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 16:20

Removing min hell forge level is only available via 'Clear Filters' button.
Maybe small Clear button just for Hell forge next to forge icons?

It's useless knowledge if not shared.

#390 Zorg


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 16:22

Removing min hell forge level is only available via 'Clear Filters' button.
Maybe small Clear button just for Hell forge next to forge icons?

No if you click it again it removes the filter...

~ Chief Technical Officer
Wayne 'Zorg' Robinson

#391 Bizz



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 16:25

No if you click it again it removes the filter...

ooh I see it now, need to click same level again to remove it. Thanks :)

It's useless knowledge if not shared.

#392 perliak



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 16:35

While you are at the AH notifications don't update, do they? i'm talking about new log messages, new guild chat message, fs box, spoils of war, even the clock does not change :D

#393 Thiudimir



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 16:51

Zorg, Hoof, et al, first wanted to say I think you guys have done a great job responding to player feedback to troubleshoot the new AH update.

Second, I seem to be unable to access my own bids, either from my log, or from the AH directly. I'm sure you guys are probably addressing this right now, but wanted to bring it up anyways. Thanks.

#394 realking


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 17:02

I like what my guildmate has reported,,,but it still is too complex and it is much slower too,,,also,it is very aggrevating to use the new system,,and the loss of details to the items is unappealing ....Now the my bids button isnt working,,,i am unable to track my bids as i used to and not at all for some reason...

what i see good about the new system are:

1. the 4 extra criteria to choose:
[Used in Recipe?; Used in Quest?; Part of Item Set?; Recipes not known?]
very good for refined and serious trading

2. new stuffs:
[enhancement and favored stats filters]
great additions for players who is noticing, aware and looking for specific enhancements like master inventors or crafters, etc.. and gathering different kinds of setups. we can actually do part of our researching in the AH other than the wiki, fscalculator or UFSG.

3. online statues of the seller, cool! immediate bargaining, provides more dynamic trading to the AH

what i see bad about the new system:

1. the buff filters:
there really aren't that many buffs that are available in potions, and having the buffs in no particular order is a pain to go thru them. comparing to the presets we can make with the fshelper, buying buff potions is a pain now.

2. pull down boxes:
selecting criteria or filters using pull down boxes are rather more cumbersome than having ticks (like old AH) became less user friendly and more clicks.

3. # of items list per page:
well.... I have a Big Monitor, why only 6? maybe we can have a choice on the # of items being list. when u are doing the last minute bidding, u know what i mean. scrolling down isn't much of a problem for some of us who have a wheel on the mouse.

4. (or 2.5) categories:
yes selecting the categories from a pull down manual is frustrating. its the ones that we click on most of the time, so let us click them and not pull and select.

i'm not sure if i'm looking at this in the right direction, but i get the feeling the AH is getting tuned for a smaller screen, handheld. when we are looking at screen estate, monitors have extra horizontal space and portables like a phone have limited space but tends to find space in a vertical way (scrolls down or longer page). hope u can find a balance or give us the preference to choose in between the new refinements.

-give us the options to save our custom search criteria. (old fshelper function)
-use tick options for gold and fsp.
-add in min and max currency.
-add in bound and unbound.
-sort the buff list (whether in alphabet or by levels) and clear out potionless buffs in the list, or maybe try another totally different approach.
-maybe put the minimum craft like min hellforge in a line of 7 icons with the text hovering (if necessary) these 2 goes together..!
-minimum pull down menus please!

well thanks for all the new updates and hope it gets to be really user friendly from now and save some of the goodness from the old AH and fshelper properties.

#395 shokolo



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 17:12

So things still not working for me, or i am missing something

When i click " recipe not known " i expect to see a list of recipes that i can purchase which i dont know yet ( i.e red no ) , but instead i get all kind of items.

Same for "used in recipe " - i dont get items that have " used in recipe " on the item description, but i dont.

Also "used in quest "

#396 kylers


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 17:15

I am having some MAJOR troubles with the last update. The AH will not show anything or work at all while using internet Explorer. when i switch to google chrome, AH works, but i can not use the home button to veiw homepage..... it is a headace switching back and forth between Browsers to veiw home page & AH. please just help me befor i go crazzy!!! :?

Seems there is an issue with Explorer, same here

seems us players using internet explorer are having more trouble using the new system then, well anyone else... soo how long till i can out bid WillOWispa again in AH??

#397 realking


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Posted 10 October 2012 - 17:20

Cheers friend Mher , LOL,,I see you are working hard to make this work and i see the improvements you have made,,,thank you for trying to make a better game,,,,
I am very competitive in the ah,,i did enjoy it immensly,,but i am loosing interest in it, I like to be able to have it simplified so it can become more competitive to bid on things as it once was,,I liked the feature to bid on the low cost items and be able to track them,,,and the color and detail of the merchandise,,it is missing,,i do like the added features but they seem not so good yet,,this all has me concearned because of the enjoyment i have of the ah...My appologies to you for venting my frustraitions of it to everyone,,,,but so far i am unhappy with the new system...The clock on the ah item ending is excellent...the rest hmmm I hope it gets much better...
I am trying to be patient :mrgreen: :oops: :shock: :x :) :cry:

hi all :) Some little errors :
1- Profile ---> Manage backpack ----> click on the item to check in the AH -----> AH is not filtering on this item

2- Click on an item in AH -----> AH is filtered on this item ----> you can not go back to the previous page.

3- Bid on an item ----> Click "My bids" ----> The item is not displayed

4- Go to official wiki ---> choose an item ----> Search on AH ---> AH is not filtered on this item

5- Click on an item in AH ----> AH is filtered on this item ----> reload or refresh page ----> it will not stay on the filtered item after refresh

I have suggestion too:
1-It's better to see the items in AH without the rectangle behind them. i guess it's better looking that way :D

P.S. I will try to check for more errors

#398 Eleonora2



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 17:23

Please update the first message with known bugs and player wishlist.

From looking at it a bit (not even in depth)
- The time is *not* realtime, sometimes it stops counting down until i move mouse/click/do something
When i tried to create an auction it took so long that FF 15.0.1 entered not responding mode. I have three backpack folder and the main only has 24 slots (second time it was still slow but made it without not responding message)
- Paging is slow, even when set to 4 results and no filters it sometimes takes several seconds
- The dropdown lists are sometimes frozen, not responding to the button to show them

- Please remember my settings like gold only
- Please provide favorites like helper did under the old AH
- Please put navigation at top else i have to put it on 4 results in order to be able to page without having to scroll down
- With the new background for AH the backgroud of the item doesnt look nice, please change also or make item background transparent

Sorry to say but i'm not impressed :cry: getting the potions for my hunt will take more time with the new AH

#399 Trailman



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 17:39

Bug Report

When using a templet with no BIN price I get this information bar at the top of my list of items to sell ( Buy Now price must be >= Min Bid ) The templet auto fills a 0 in the BIN price when it should remain blank as it was when the templet was saved. Thank you


#400 cyrus7



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Posted 10 October 2012 - 17:50

I've been trying to "fix" the colors in the new AH to match my custom theme (dark), and am having an issue due to "element.style" being used to explicitly specify colors, rather than using the CSS. Specifically, this is in the auction sidebar. I'm not able to override these in the CSS, so I'm still stuck with:
- that yellow-brown box that is part of the sidebar table (auction-sidebar)
- in the dropdown boxes, after I select something, the text color in the boxes (filter-container) is hard-coded, so I can't see it because it's black and dark brown, and I've set a black background (before anything gets selected, my CSS is able to color it light, but after I've selected anything, the code shows that the color is hard-coded)
- also the "Note after an auction ends..." box has that same tan colored box around it
Can you please use the CSS instead of hard-coding style, so that we may change it in ours? Thanks. :D

Also for some reason when searching for "Enhancement > Fury Caster", it only shows 2 items (both are "Lusika Shield"), when there are plenty of other items in the AH with the Fury Caster enhancement. This happens when no other filters are applied.

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