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'BLOOD' a possible idea for Grims intended removal of xp loss from pvp.

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#461 RebornJedi



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Posted 19 October 2014 - 04:22

lost 5957 gold of which Rebornjedi stole 4468 gold.. This is with Thievery 120% and reckoning kicked in my gloat.. The player had 219k gold.. Still worried about all your gold being stolen? Should I lose levels because of this simple 10 stamina attack?


#462 Trailman



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Posted 19 October 2014 - 04:36

Any gold lost is gold sunk.. No matter how many ways you cut it..

I attack you, gold % is lost.. Gold sunk

You fear being attacked and post in marketplace, you pay to post.. Gold upgrades purchased due to fead of stolen gold.. Gold suck

Repair gear that is damaged in attack on both sides.. Erosion, Breaker, Disarm, Undermine, and Retailate add to that.. Gold sunk..

Potions bought in bazaar or special section to PvP.. Gold sunk..

Bounty tickets bought.. Gold sunk..

PvP has a HUGE impact on fallen sword's economy and could be bigger if XP loss was removed fully.. Between buffs, potions, equipment, upgrades, and other aspects fueled by PvP activity you'd think they would of thought about this sooner..think about how often players level.. Now think about how often you can PvP ;-)

As PvP stands now it is not the same gold sink it was in the past. Yes a small part of the gold lost is sunk but most of it ends up in your pocket which does not remove it from the game just redistributes it.


Yes I post in the MP it costs me a little so a small gold sink


Yes both of us have to repair gear again a very small gold sink


As a PvP'er how many potions do you buy in the Bazaar or from the special section of the AH?? You buy buffs/potions from other players so the gold is still in play in the game for the most part


Bounty tickets is a very small gold sink so yes again.


You attack me for 500k and get say 150k and I lose an additional 50k scattered on the ground. How much do you really spend on special potions?? EW1000 25k maybe but because you can make up the difference by buying buffs/potions like EA, SH, ES, Coord Att and Def why bother for the at level player that is hunting with no defense or armor. Most of what you spend as a PvP'er stays in the game there is no gold sink there.


#463 Trailman



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Posted 19 October 2014 - 04:44

lost 5957 gold of which Rebornjedi stole 4468 gold.. This is with Thievery 120% and reckoning kicked in my gloat.. The player had 219k gold.. Still worried about all your gold being stolen? Should I lose levels because of this simple 10 stamina attack?

The main reason I removed both gold theft and xp loss from 10 stam's is to encourage levelers to think about PvP as well. The loss may not be great but it is not often a leveler will damage another leveler with any kind of loss that they value. You have to understand most levelers are of a very different mind set then ether you or I. They will not do something to damage another one of the leveler group unless provoked. On the other hand getting attacked by a PvP'er is a very different matter and they want revenge for that attack.


I want all gold thefts to have the ability for revenge that is a levelers point of view


I want the ability to attack someone for PvPxp and Prestige but no gold with no worries of revenge a PvP'ers point of view. The such small amount of gold is not really worth the 10 stam attack but what I get from prestige and PvPxp might be


Besides the game still gets the small gold sink of both players having to repair gear.

Edited by Trailman, 19 October 2014 - 04:56.


#464 Trailman



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Posted 19 October 2014 - 05:15

To be honest being a BH'er is more of a gold sink then a PvP'er is because they need the potions/buffs right now to complete the bounty. They can't ask around and wait so they buy what they can from the AH or now the Bazaar.

Edited by Trailman, 19 October 2014 - 05:17.


#465 BadPenny



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Posted 19 October 2014 - 07:26

To be honest being a BH'er is more of a gold sink then a PvP'er is because they need the potions/buffs right now to complete the bounty. They can't ask around and wait so they buy what they can from the AH or now the Bazaar.

Actually, it's 6 of one, half a dozen of the other... I prepare for both the same way... drink a distil 50,  cast extend and BM on myself... Drink a EW 1000, a DC 200,  and a conserve 180  (unless I'm hunting gold... kinda stupid to run conserve then), cast my own little buffs on me, then I hit the buff market...  I actually buy the same buffs, regardless of whether I'm off for some regular PvP or bounty hunting.  You see, my intention is to win, so I will make sure I'm the superior warrior before I even begin.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#466 yodamus



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Posted 19 October 2014 - 12:22

if they take away XP loss from the game.. Players better get used to a log full of attacks.. Welcome to an active PvP system

bingo !!, note- players that participate in the new pvp/xp will get a log full of attacks..which they should expect and want to see... , ...those not wanting to participate will have no prowess rating ..no pvp/xp and as long as they dont carry lots of gold, they probably, and should not have to worry about a log full of attacks..as they will not be getting attacked very often..


also, to make it even better- bg says somewhere in this thread, that he will be making a toggle so that a person does not have to see a log full of attacks..end of that worry !!..

Edited by yodamus, 19 October 2014 - 12:28.

#467 yodamus



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Posted 19 October 2014 - 12:45

Ways to protect your gold..

Bank deposits
Gold upgrades
Potion bazaar
Auction house
Guild mates/allies
Scavenging (I kid!)
Protect gold enhancement
Deflect reduces incoming attacks
Properly equiping yourself with equipment/buffs when having delicious amounts of gold in hand
Buff market (buy some deflect)

Other aspects that the cows could introduce to spend gold on

excellent...and you can add arena to that list..i spend tons of gold on arena..plenty plenty plenty of ways to not be carrrying lots of gold...gold comes and goes very fast in this game, having some stolen, should not be such a big deal..

#468 BadPenny



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Posted 19 October 2014 - 13:17

excellent...and you can add arena to that list..i spend tons of gold on arena..plenty plenty plenty of ways to not be carrrying lots of gold...gold comes and goes very fast in this game, having some stolen, should not be such a big deal..

You can always just bypass my attack and send me the gold straightaway... wait, was it for prestige?  In that case, I'll see you again in three days... nothing personal, or even vicious, really, it's just my way to level more efficiently ;)

Just one old lady's opinion




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#469 avvakum



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Posted 19 October 2014 - 16:30

if they take away XP loss from the game.. Players better get used to a log full of attacks.. Welcome to an active PvP system


The one way to do it right is to separate "Gold theft + BH'ing + punishment system (the BB)" and "PvP progression + PvP LUPs".


Gold hit - bountyable, risk to lose 5 PvP lvls / one gold attack, NO PvP XP gain/lose, attacker must be at least lvl 25 in PvP    

BH'ing - bountyable, risk to lose 5 PvP lvls / one bounty accept, Prestige, PvP XP gain based on activity.

PvP Ladder - opt-in, no bounties, Prestige, PvP XP gain based on activity. 


So basically, you have to earn your PvP levels by actively BH'ing and PvP'ing. Once you are eligible you can hit other players for their gold. Your risk however will be losing that privilege on the BB - dropping below lvl 25. 


Character Stats:

Level (normal): 578

PvP Level: 47 


Add/move some PvP skills to the PvP Skill Tree. Also add some gear rich in PvP enhancements (new type) wearable based on PvP levels.  


To make a good start just convert the existing PvP data to PvP XP/levels:


Player's Bounty awards x ?? PvP XP = ????? PvP XP

Player's Smashing victories x ?? PvP XP =  ???? PvP XP

Player's Dominance hours x ?? PvP XP = ???? PvP XP


Convert PvP XP to PvP levels. 

#470 Removed18058



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Posted 19 October 2014 - 16:48

We might lose levelers but we will gain pvpers..


levelers might turn into pvp'ers aswell? :P

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Gotta go fast :P

#471 BadPenny



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Posted 19 October 2014 - 22:44

I hate to inform everyone, but... I don't plan to change how I play very much... unless PvP just ups and dies... (don't see that happening, not if I can help it)  Then there will be nothing left for me to do but socialize... Guess I'll just have to stick around and do that ;)

Just one old lady's opinion




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#472 yotekiller



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Posted 20 October 2014 - 11:26

bingo !!, note- players that participate in the new pvp/xp will get a log full of attacks..which they should expect and want to see... , ...those not wanting to participate will have no prowess rating ..no pvp/xp and as long as they dont carry lots of gold, they probably, and should not have to worry about a log full of attacks..as they will not be getting attacked very often..


also, to make it even better- bg says somewhere in this thread, that he will be making a toggle so that a person does not have to see a log full of attacks..end of that worry !!..

Actually, if they reset everyone's XP level at certain intervals it will make everyone a fresh target again at every reset so they will be seeing how many times they are getting hit on a regular basis.  I am strongly against resetting XP levels because trading XP will just run rampant but you also bring up another good reason not to reset levels.  Instead of resetting levels just give rewards based on your current XP level and carry on.  If you work hard to get your XP up and keep it there then you will be rewarded for your effort.  If you let it go then you won't be rewarded, or targeted, until you do decide to work for those rewards.  This is the only way to eliminate trading and ensure players that don't want to participate remain a target of low importance.

Screenshot everything!

#473 avvakum



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Posted 20 October 2014 - 18:59

PvP's EOC:


9_6.png - Play FallenSword for 6 years. (~2191 days)


0_6.png - Complete at least 10000 bounty hunts. (100,000 bounty awards)


6_6.png - Be ranked first in your PvP Band rankings for 17280 hours. (720 days) 


17_6.png - Be victorious in 25000 PvP combats while using 100 stamina. (2,500,000 stamina)


Assuming 1 PvP level should be earned per 1 day on average:


45,64 bounty awards / 1 day

7,89 hours ranked first in your PvP Band / 1 day

11,41 victories using 100 stamina / 1 day


1 PvP level (some rounding to make life easier):


complete 5 bounties (33%) + 8 hours ranked first in your PvP Band (33%) + 12 victories using 100 stamina (33%) / 1 day 


1% of PvP level: 1.5 bounty awards or 0.24 hours ranked first or 0.36 victories using 100 stamina

1 bounty award: 0.66% of PvP level

1 hour ranked first: 4.125% of PvP level

1 victory using 100 stamina: 2.75% of PvP level


1 Gold hit => risk to lose up to 5 PvP levels on the Bounty Board:

5 PvP levels: 758 bounty awards or 121 hours ranked first or 182 victories using 100 stamina (==18,200 stamina)




Requirements for Gold hits & Bounty accepts:


number of (gold hits + bounty accepts) within last 48 hours must be less than Player's PvP level / 5 lvls.


Player's PvP level / 5 PvP levels > number of (gold hits + bounty accepts) within last 48 hours. 


Gold hits & Bounty accepts are bountyable.

Edited by avvakum, 20 October 2014 - 20:09.

#474 Leos3000



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Posted 20 October 2014 - 18:59

Instead of having resets how about you gain tokens as you level up, 2 per level gained.

if you are de-leveled you have to gain your levels back before you get more points (like vl now) should give more value to pvp xp as well.

#475 Trailman



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Posted 21 October 2014 - 02:12

Instead of having resets how about you gain tokens as you level up, 2 per level gained.

if you are de-leveled you have to gain your levels back before you get more points (like vl now) should give more value to pvp xp as well.

This is a very good idea and very simple to work with as well


#476 BadPenny



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Posted 21 October 2014 - 02:43

Instead of having resets how about you gain tokens as you level up, 2 per level gained.

if you are de-leveled you have to gain your levels back before you get more points (like vl now) should give more value to pvp xp as well.

Actually, I like Reddie's idea of a LUP system geared specifically to PvP better.  It gives value to PvP XP (I hope they call it Prowess)... I'm hoping that this will encourage new blood to try PvP, and see how enjoyable it really is.... 

Just one old lady's opinion




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#477 avvakum



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Posted 21 October 2014 - 04:46

I'm hoping that this will encourage new blood to try PvP, and see how enjoyable it really is.... 

Just a couple of questions. 

How costly is it to update PvP gear for someone who adds 5-20 lvls to their actual level every week?

How much stamina per week do you need for PvP'ing? 

#478 BadPenny



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Posted 21 October 2014 - 05:03

Just a couple of questions. 

How costly is it to update PvP gear for someone who adds 5-20 lvls to their actual level every week?

How much stamina per week do you need for PvP'ing? 

My PvP gear lasts for many many levels.  I still use gear from the 300's and 400's for some things.  Gear can run from the very cheap to the very expensive, so some would have to plan ahead and save, but it's not unmanageable.  For the most part, the really expensive stuff lasts for dozens of levels... 


 As for my stamina usage... It's a lot,  PvP is a major stam investment... A gold hit requires 100 stam, simply to maximize one's take.  A bounty also takes 100 stam (unless you're smashing, then, of course, it's 1000) and my prestige run varies, depending on who has been online and did I  hit them recently.  Then there are my tag buddies... No telling how much stam we spend just playing tag.  But, the stam expenditure is well worth the enjoyment it brings.  


I make new friends all the time due to PvP, not just hunters and other PvPers, but even some of the players I have hit (even for gold)... Sure, I've made an enemy or two, but, oddly enough, most of those enemies have no connections whatsoever to my PvP life... 

Edited by BadPenny, 21 October 2014 - 05:04.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#479 avvakum



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Posted 21 October 2014 - 08:53


#480 BadPenny



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Posted 21 October 2014 - 20:54

Love your "flow chart", vak


Like all but the ladder.... 


Also, do you believe Prestige should remain in the mix?  And what about a successful defense?  What does that get?

Just one old lady's opinion




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