If this is allowed for titan hunting, this can be helpful for those with busy schedules since they can't stay up for 2-3 hrs for a secure. By using this buff, they might be able to secure a titan in less than an hour. And this will be good for health too, without having to sit infront of a pc/laptop for hours looking at the screen. Instead of stam saving, this buff should look more like a time saver. If we can move 2-3+ squares for 1 stam, why not name the buff as "Flying Carpet" ?
This is why this buff is a disastrous idea.
"'people with busy schedules can't stay up for 2-3 hrs for a secure"
Yes - lets make it easier for those people. The game should bow to them. Busy schedules - so important.
We should make it easier for folk who can only give an hour. maybe. Sometimes.
And it is good for their health! they don't have to sit in front of screens for too long to get their booty!
They want the secure fast, and at minimal risk to their health. They ignore everyone else who ever hunted titans before. Slowpokes who did not catch on to the revolution before it happened, no doubt.
This is an example of folk who want to arrive on a scene, dominate it, make profit, and leave.
Trust them at your peril.
Edited by Belaric, 10 April 2015 - 06:03.