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Ascension of the Throne

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#41 fs_specter7

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Posted 14 July 2010 - 01:14

Meanwhile, in a land far away, specter, the orc, was cowering in fear. he had just told the shadow lord of what defences lay in the castle. he thought the dark lord would be pleased with him. however, the dark lord had other plans. “off with his head!” commanded the shadow lord to the guards. specter fled the castle and was able to roughly escape the guards. he hid in the heart of the forest and rested there. “how dishonorable an orc i have become. i an orc who supposedly should face death head on. without fear. has fled it 4 times in one day. there is no home for me to return now. perhaps i should have stayed in the castle and sided with those puny humans.” the orc made up his mind, stood up and ran. towards the human castle, hoping that they would accept him.

#42 fs_lichblader

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Posted 14 July 2010 - 01:20

Seeing a lone orc run towards the castle, Lader took aim but noticed it was the one earlier that day.

"Do not shoot! It is the orc from earlier! He is unarmed!" He yelled.

A bowman not far fired but missed. Lader came running toward the archer and knocked him down.

Open the gates quick. The guards quickly opened the gates out of nervousness and allowed Specter in.

Not far away the veteran knight turned around and smiled and retired into his tent.

Once Specter was in, the guards quickly shut the gates again and continued to pile more items behind it to reinforce the gate.

"Explain yourself orc" As Lader turned toward the Specter, who was panting heavily.

#43 fs_specter7

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Posted 14 July 2010 - 01:31

“i am specter, son of drachnah, and i need not explain to you puny humans.” before lader could react specter smiled. “that is what i should have said. but time is very limited right now. i have told the shadow lord of your weaknesses. yet he rewards me with death, for as you have seen, i have dishonored myself. now i have nowhere to return to. so i have decided to ally myself to you humans, where i know i can be of use and regain my honor.” specter places his right fist on his left chest in the orcish version of shaking hands.

#44 fs_lichblader

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Posted 14 July 2010 - 01:45

"Very well. You can prove you trustworthiness in battle. But if you make the slightest sign of treachery, we will kill you on the spot"

Lader walks to the make-shift armory and comes back with two shining axes smiling.

"These Taurg Axes. Light weight yet powerful. Can cleave even through dragonhide with ease. Use them well, Specter."

Although some of the humans are reluctant to fight along with the orc, they have no choice as their numbers are small and they need all the help they can get.

"You must be quite a fast orc Specter. You've managed to beat your former legion here."

The sounds of wardrums were near. And the sound of stomping feet and the clanking of metal got louder and louder with each passing moment.

"They are here!" Lader said as he returned to the battlements.

#45 rebtex



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Posted 14 July 2010 - 02:42

Sensing the orcs near the gate Rebtex begins his assault on their minds. The orcs would be focused on the battle ahead and wouldn't feel the slight trickle of a mind infiltrating theirs. At least that was what he was counting on. There was a spot in an orcs brain that if manipulated correctly would kill it instantly. But the orc would have to be completely under his control and for that to happen the orc couldn't be aware of the infiltration. He had to be cautious. If one orc sensed an infiltration he might not be able to incapacitate it in time to keep it from warning the others. Then he would have to resort regular attacks and he knew he wouldn't last. He would start from the back and work his way forward, skipping strong-minded orcs and generals who were trained to combat mental attacks. His strategy seemed perfect. If only he knew........


#46 rebtex



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Posted 14 July 2010 - 04:34

The orc Specter had told the Shadowlord of Rebtex's mental prowess. The orcs were not only aware of the attacks they could combat them. With orc shaman's masterfully hidden in the group faking weak minds. All the while waiting for an attack.

At first Rebtex had the upper hand. He had taken out half a battalion of orcs that went unnoticed in the heat of battle. Then he felt a burning sensation in his mind. Someone had infiltrated while he was concentrated on the orcs. He fought back but to no avail. The attacker had hold of too much. It was all he could do to shield the rest until someone killed the shaman infiltrating his consciousness. If he wasn't taken out soon Rebtex would be gone.


#47 fs_marinzeus

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Posted 14 July 2010 - 06:48

As Marin was preparing for the battle, doing his katas, basic ninja exercises consisting of fighting movements, implemented on an imaginary opponent, he noticed Rebtex squinting as though in pain. He got closer and asked.
"What's wrong, elf?", but go no response. The Elven was too concentrated on something else. Remembering the psionic powers he used earlier, Marin associated it with what was currently happening. The human sat down on the ground and took a pose, closing his eyes.
"I never passed aura control class", he thought, "but its a good as time as any to learn."
After a few moments of thinking, Marin opened his eyes, a faint blue glow appearing in them. He first looked at Rebtex, then followed an invisible to everyone else path in the air to a location, secluded deep within the orc army. Quickly, the ninja rushed to the arms storage and grabbed a few shuriken.
"Im still not licensed, but noone is here to stop me", he said to himself and he threw the stars in the direction of the shaman. It was a one-shot deal, and thankfully it worked. A direct hit, it broke the connection between the orc and the elf.

#48 rebtex



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Posted 14 July 2010 - 06:54

As a last horrific pain shot through his mind Rebtex thought, "Surely I am dead, there is no way I survived." But eventually he regained consciousness. Looking around bewildered he sees an an orc with stars in his chest and neck. As he thought through recent memory he of an outside voice during his mental fight with the shaman, he recognized it, but it made no sense. Marin. "Why would he save me", he thought, "He was convinced I was a traitor." As he rises to his wobbly knees he starts unleashing hellfire on the orcs. The anger pulsating through him. All the while making a vow to seek out and thank Marin.


#49 rebtex



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Posted 14 July 2010 - 07:04

As Rebtex finishes scorching a league of orcs he slumps over and grips the battlements for support. He had enough energy for one more psionic move. It would make the dwarfs minds frenzy and make them attack each other. It could win the battle. But it would take energy. It was not as if the spell took a lot of energy by itself but by a magnitude of more than a thousand it would be quite draining. But the human forces were dwindling and he had no choice. Alikai muthra entra mai, he chanted. Alikai muthra entra mai. Alikai muthra entra mai! The orcs frenzied. No longer able to tell friend from foe they killed everything in sight. As the human forces retreated they watched the show with intrigue. Whatever was happening would shift the tide of the battle. Meanwhile Rebtex lie unconscious on the verge of death for the umpteenth today. Hoping and praying for the gods to shine better luck upon him.


#50 fs_specter7

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Posted 14 July 2010 - 11:45

Although he too was an orc, specter was not harmed by rebtex’s spell. nor did he know the reason why his breathren were attacking each other. “chaaaaarge!” screamed the orc, and the defenders retaliated the attack. specter charged through the group, confident with his strength and the axes given to him. he swung the axes wildly, killing three orcs and disarming another. more orcs rushed at him. but being in this frenzied state, none could get near. the orcs wear retreating. it looked like it would be victory for specter and the humans. they chased the enemy orcs to the top of a hill and stopped dead in their tracks. ahead of them lay the forest. and on the edge of it, they saw them. the undead had come.

#51 fs_lichblader

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Posted 14 July 2010 - 14:07

Lader was still at the fort swinging madly at the sane orcs until he saw them retreat.

Due to the lack experience of some they thought they had the upper hand until they saw vast swarms of undead.

Being undead they were immune to any psychological attacks as they have no mind. They are just bodies without thought, and built only to ravage the lands and spread plague.

Hastily many of those adventurers who chased the orcs where instantly jumped and pulled apart by the undead. The rest who managed to escape for the meanwhile darted back to the fort with the undead not so far behind.

#52 fs_marinzeus

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Posted 14 July 2010 - 14:24

OOC: Oh, so now undead?

Marin, seeing the incoming undead army, quickly noticed the obvious-they were vastly outnumbered. The fort needed reinforcements. The human turned to Rebtex with a rather bizarre pledge.
"Control the orcs again, and make them fight for us against the undead attackers."

#53 rebtex



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Posted 14 July 2010 - 16:03

With barely enough energy to keep his hart beating he realizes he can't. Then thinking back to the first time he met Marin. He thought of the vial and remembered he hadn't drank it all. Being an elf he knew that only a drop from the fountains of Lothar would heal you. He reached for a hidden pocket and produced the vial. There was enough left. He drank it and returned to battle full strength. The orcs and undead never saw what was coming.


#54 rebtex



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Posted 14 July 2010 - 16:45

Quickly he went through the remaining of the orc crowd. He picked off the shamans and killed them. Then he took control of the orcs minds with ease. They were attacking the undead in their frenzied state and the undead were to slow to fight back. The undead's only advantage was sheer numbers and battalions organized by the Shadowlord. But having no mind of their own they were unable to use this advantage. Rebtex was watching the battle and suddenly something happened the undead were overwhelming the orcs and humans with a sudden fury. Then he sensed them. Hidden deep in the forest were necromancers controlling the undead. There minds had defenses so great that nothing could break through. Rebtex had to take them out but it might interrupt the link between his mind and the orcs. It was a risk he had to take. He started an elven chant. Lias fenu luara en. Lias fenu luara en. Lias fenu luara en! Lighting struck down the necromancers then realized the worst. The link had been broken. Quickly he salvaged the orcs he could still control and made them kill their brethren that had become immune. Then with only 250 or so left he faced the undead legions. He sent into the orcs minds a single message. Attack with all you have.


#55 fs_lichblader

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Posted 14 July 2010 - 16:57

A lone horseman upon a hill sounded a horn.

Several more horseman rounded behind him. The human banner waved gloriously as the sun began to break through the gloomy pale clouds.


And the lances fell ready to overrun the legions below.

Another horn sounded, and like an avalanche they came crashing down the hill, sweeping through the undead and the orcs.

With enough morale, Lader found himself less tired from the endless fighting and continued to cutdown everything in his path.

#56 rebtex



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Posted 14 July 2010 - 18:50

The orcs were all but gone with all but 50 left Rebtex realized he was better off using his powers in elemental attacks. The orcs had become targets of the undead and would be forced to fight them or die anyways. He started summoning attack after attack but nothing seemed to bother them. Then he though of Holy Fire. It would scourge them. But he would need a blessing, a sign from the gods. He chanted Eny amus linia ai. Eny amus linia ai. Eny amus linia ai. Eny amus linia ai. Eny amus linia ai. After the fifth time he felt a shudder as the fields of undead were covered in holy fire that reacted like chain lightening spreading from undead to undead. By the time the fires had cleared there were a handful of orcs and a few hundred undead left. Taking them out would be a simple matter. The gods had blessed them that day. And they all knew it.


#57 rebtex



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Posted 16 July 2010 - 01:56


Bumpidy bump bump.


#58 fs_specter7

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Posted 16 July 2010 - 06:45

the orc, for the first time that day, smiled. he thought that it was over. the shadow lord's assault had been defeated. as he and the rest of the soldiers cheered, over the horizon was a mass of black clouds closing in on them. it took a few minutes, but specter finally noticed it. shaking in terror, he screamed at the top of his lungs, "it's not yet finished! the shadow lord is coming! the shadow lord is coming!". and he backed away and ran to tell the others of what was to come.

#59 rebtex



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Posted 16 July 2010 - 06:54

Immediately Rebtex scanned the field with his mind. Instantly he felt a huge presence. Then as fast as he saw the presence with his mind it was gone. Then he realized he couldn't sense anything. Somehow the Shadowlord had obliterated his magic. He tries elemental attacks but to no avail. He pulls out his knives and heads for the battle field. It was time for some real fighting.


#60 fs_marinzeus

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Posted 16 July 2010 - 07:05

As Marin watched the incoming onslaught of pure evil, pure terror began to overpower him. He took a few steps back, and ran inside the fort. The human found a quiet place in a corner of the stronghold and sat down, with his face in the palms of his hands, thinking to himself.
"The horror. Its the Shadowlord, he's practically unbeatable. We have no chance."
But the young ninja soon controlled himself and stood up.
"We're going to die anyway, so we better do it fighting!"
Marin ran out of the stronghold, unarmed, with solely his hand-to-hand combat skills.

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