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Increasing unhappines in the game? Let us fix it together.

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#41 evilbry



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 03:28

Cant remember to who said it, but maybe give new players infinite stamina to get to level 400 or so, by that time they are somewhat hooked. to often I think that stamina gained per hour is 2 little, and what has drove so many people away. when the same new players can play 50+ free MMORPG all day if he or she wants to level/pvp what ever. sure we can play arena if you have the gold, but not everybody does. and that could be a large problem, Why stay when i can level/pvp for 10 mins when I can do it in other games all I want. As far as multi's go, I dont really care, as a company if he or she watches say 2 videos or donates either way they are getting paid. and last I checked, business is about getting money. another thought so many other micro transaction based games you can buy certain items directly from the company to get a head start on the game if you wish, most times some of those item are bound 2 that player, and there is unbound versions of that same item as well. more costly than the bound stuff.

as far as submitting tickets go, they seem to get answered mostly by one person. at least in my experience. and most of those answers have been sorry I cant or wont help, only 2 people that answer them seem to actually care.

LOL! That was me!! Across a few threads! Infinite stam to 50 I would go for now, so there is no kraken abuse!!!

you would need to limit it lower than this, to stop people creating a multi to sweep for SE's in the low level realms with unlimited stamina.

You also need to be careful, low level account with unlimited stamina using it for GvG/PvP purposes and remaining at a low level. Same could be said with nuisance buffing.

I can see the idea working if hunting creatures didn't use stamina (global quest/LE/SE/Titan/plant/(game) creatures excluded) such as a uber high conserve being always active. up to a certain level.

Of course then there's all the gold that would flood into the game, but that's another kettle of fish :)

#42 vamunre



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 04:32

Didnt really think about the gold part, but I am not totally against it. forging items even at my level is horrible, I can only imagine how horrible it is at EOC, but that would make it tougher for some to trade gold for fsps

#43 evilbry



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 04:38

Didnt really think about the gold part, but I am not totally against it. forging items even at my level is horrible, I can only imagine how horrible it is at EOC, but that would make it tougher for some to trade gold for fsps

at least the lower level muggers would like this idea ;) plenty of gold for them to steal, and with 'free' stamina, people shouldn't complain about lost xp ;)

#44 MummRa



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 13:24

I know it's already been said a couple different ways but I think 2 related things would go a long way.

(1) Forum Control- way to often does a forum get sidetracked by irrelevant comments that are far from constructive. Not everything needs to be a fight between pvp and leveling or a complaint that donators are given an advantage.

A problem is brought up on the forum there will be 10 pages of back and forth and far to often does a good idea get lost because either there is to much going on or the Cows see the discussion is going no where and feel they addressed all the issues so they lock it.

Which brings me to (2) Administrative Participation on the forums- I have found that, far to often, they do not respond to threads where thier input would be greatly beneficial. This thread being one of them.

#45 JBKing89



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 15:22

kudos to belaric for starting this thread.

Yes, the forums are a big problem. I hear from a lot of people who won't participate because dissenting opinion is often ridiculed and attempted to be silenced with more noise than productive thought. Moderation from HCS, or even appointed moderators would help immensely. I quit reading threads after a few pages, and I'm sure HCS does the same, or only skims through at best. Why read pages of regurgitation about how unfair something is, or how much someone thinks HCS sucks? We as a community need to be more constructive, rather than destructive.

The low stamina gain per hour is a frustrating part of FS, but I'm not sure giving out unlimited stamina to level 500, 100, or even 50 would be the answer. I played Runescape before FS, and it was a time waster. People get caught up having to do SOMETHING every waking second, or at least I felt the urge to do that, as have others I know. I've been playing WoW the last week or so, and I feel those same urges to be on all the time. That was one thing that drew me to FS, you didn't HAVE to stay on 24/7. But the good thing is, that as you learn more about the game, there are other things to do, other than use your limited stamina, such as inventing, arena, etc. And more importantly, building a community, be it a guild, or the much larger total base of players.

Giving out a huge amount of stamina to new players will be met with the inevitable whining of players who did not receive that when they started, and how unfair it is to let someone level (pvp, etc) so fast. We hear it all the time about the "unfair" high powered potions given out with donations of $60 or more.

FS advertising needs to be increased (started?), as it seems a sizeable percentage of new players are multis. Where is the new blood?

Multis need to be either allowed, or eliminated. We have far too many abusing the game. It's amazing how many players ask to join our guild at level 5 and under, who apparently know as much about FS as I do. But when asked, it's always a friend, brother, sister, etc that taught them how to play. How can a guild leader argue or prove otherwise?

I don't have a problem with HCS introducing new aspects to the game, while continuing to work on problems. But a little more thought and beta testing needs to take place before implementing a new aspect, or change. We lose players with each foul up.

As many have said, I have the feeling that FS is being squeezed for all the money HCS can get out of it, to fund other projects. The Tank Battle mobile game was a decent game that I played for several days, but I'm not sure a lot of effort should be put into "disposable" games that bring in $1.99, when you have a devoted base of players who spend hundreds, and even thousands of dollars in a current game. Let's make sure FS doesn't wither on the vine and die, while we devote too much time and resources to other games.

And to be blunt, Eldevin has been a recurring joke to many FS players. That game has been talked about for years, and we are given occasional progress reports with hopes that we are getting close to a release date, but after years of promises, we aren't convinced. I'm all for a new HCS game that has graphics, but empty promises will not build a player base. And FS, the game that brought HCS success, can not be left behind.

I hope this all doesn't sound negative, but I have spent way too much time and money playing FS to see it die.

I haven't found an online game I like as much as FS. To be honest, the basic gameplay is out dated, mostly text-based with pictures, but the basic principles are just what I am looking for in a game. Finding new players may be difficult, as people want graphics and action, something they can see and do. Maybe that is HCS's belief also, and why there is the apparent attempt to milk FS for all they can, while someday getting Eldevin online. It will be a shame to see FS die though. The best part of FS is the community. Without the great players I have meet along the way, I wouldn't still be here. We can't let this community die.

HCS, we are trying to help. I hope you are listening, and respond.

#46 Bleltch



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 15:40

I haven't found an online game I like as much as FS. To be honest, the basic gameplay is out dated, mostly text-based with pictures, but the basic principles are just what I am looking for in a game. Finding new players may be difficult, as people want graphics and action, something they can see and do. Maybe that is HCS's belief also, and why there is the apparent attempt to milk FS for all they can, while someday getting Eldevin online. It will be a shame to see FS die though. The best part of FS is the community. Without the great players I have meet along the way, I wouldn't still be here. We can't let this community die.

I think the community/chat aspect of the game is the only thing holding it together at this point. Games go downhill fast once they loose their integrity by giving a huge advantage to those willing to pay $$$ for it. I'm not saying the cows shouldn't make money, but it can be done in a way that makes the game fair to everyone. Sadly they dont seem to concerned about it, but i think they'll learn more disposable games like ss2 aren't the way to go. At least i hope so for their sake. I really dont think there's any way to turn fs around at this point, the damage is done.

#47 lordthade



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 16:05

I have attempted recruiting numerous friends, family, and people I work with to this game, and overwhelmingly their opinions are that the game DOES seem outdated. They want graphics. They want interaction.

The teenagers I've attempted to turn on to this game give it a week or so and then move on.

Attach this game to their social media sites, though, and they'd be more likely to stay.

Honestly, I don't think the game is "dying", any more than every other game. There needs to be more new players, more activity at the lower levels, and more enjoyment for the bottom end (not the top). Advertising, structuring the game around social media, and bringing in those social aspects like chat, avatars, pics, and sharing... THAT is what people want these days. The gameplay itself is fine. Honestly, I like most of the latest improvements, I just think we're seeing the game get topheavy with the totally addicted, and not enough coming in at the lowest levels.

It's not "PvP" or "leveling" or "arena" or "titans" or anything else that turns people away. It's those limited profiles. Bring up the profiles and make that more immersive. Please. I don't really DO the social media thing, but so many I know DO, and that's what they want.

#48 Xakano



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 16:12

Over and over again it has been pointed out that this game is stagnating and/or dying. I am bored of sticking my head in the sand. If this game was vital I would still be donating to catch EOC - as it is I can sleep my way there. Once the game loses donators trying to climb the mountain, there is zero left, in my estimation.

Would you have any suggestion with regards to how to make it better, more exciting for you? Perhaps not new implementation to be made, but any tips that can be passed along to the team who create the content.

We need to look after our new players and eliminate multis who profit from the new whilst simultaneously killing the game. Other games online either kill multies, or allow multiple accounts and make folk PAY to swap items between accounts - is this impossible in FS?

We are not able to talk about how we detect or methods used for catching multies, but if you are aware of any that we have not caught then please do report them to me via support.

What does this mean? Talk to your guildies. Find out what is actually making game play irritating - find out the buff and enhancement activations that make a joke of faith in mathematics in this game. Ask for RJEM to be made a staff member - christ knows they need a committed play tester.

As awesome as his threads are, we cannot employ players ;)

The forum is limited - you guys who read this, and if you agree that we need to work together to save this game - go back to your guildies and talk. Put ideas and polls in the forum as representations of the silent majority, and when we get ideas that all of us, whatever play style we inhabit, agree on - a) talk about it on the forum - B) get those silent guildies to send in tickets to HCS. Tickets are the way of the future. They may be ignored - but you cannot refute that they were sent. Threads on this forum can be ignored. Read, but ignored. Sent tickets have a history that support cannot refute. I am NOT advocating spam. I am advocating consistent, reasoned requests for action on issues that would make existing players happy, and new players an enhanced experience. My goal is always the game's health here. I want to play it into retirement.

As good an idea as this is, it is really hard to collate opinions via tickets, we need and want players to use the Forums, I understand that players are reluctant to though. With regards to the reasons players do not wish to comment on the forum, PLEASE send us in a ticket with any abuse you have witnessed, or use the forum report function (the ! on Forum posts) and we can deal with this.

Will be interesting just how many players attend the HCS hosted DEV chat upcoming soon. ;)

Will also be interesting just how many of those attending can converse like adults with one another and help come to a concensus on improving fallensword for everyone.

We really hope that players want to get involved here, we understand the issues that players had with accessing the IRC, so that is why we are moving it out of there. We have high hopes :)

Beforehand, let me say that I'm not trying to turn this into a flaming topic, or a topic where the original subject is forgotten and the discussion turns into something completely different.

Yes, HCS has made mistakes. Yes, they sometimes forget to think things through before updating the game. Their ticket responses is often nonexistent, their activity is lacking and there have been more then a few bad choices in the past.

We do always try and ensure that any mistakes are fixed as soon as possible, things slip through the net or are not properly checked on occasion, we are humans (contrary to popular belief). Tickets are replied to mostly within a 48 hour window (99% of the time less than that), and the ones that have to be passed onto the dev support section do take a while for a response due to the developers schedules.

But in the three months that I'm back playing this game, I have seen nothing but criticism, raging and downright insults from the community. I sometimes have to look through several pages before finally finding a reply containing constructive criticism. Everything HCS does to update this game, whether it's abysmal, average or good, is always met with heavy resistance from the public, and yes, often unfairly. I don't know for how long that's been going on, but if I were a developer I would've given up long ago.

It is par for the course sometimes, but most of the negative comments that bear absolutley no constructive content are either ignored or removed.

Cant remember to who said it, but maybe give new players infinite stamina to get to level 400 or so, by that time they are somewhat hooked. to often I think that stamina gained per hour is 2 little, and what has drove so many people away.

Issuing unlimited stamina will almost never happen. It would cause complete mayhem for a start, it would be entirely unfair to the current player base.

as far as submitting tickets go, they seem to get answered mostly by one person. at least in my experience. and most of those answers have been sorry I cant or wont help, only 2 people that answer them seem to actually care.

That would be me there, as I am the only full time member of staff on Support. I have looked through your ticket history and can only see 1 ticket that was not dealt with to the resolution you were hoping for. We try and help all players when we can, occasionally we cannot. I take comments of this kind seriously, and your comment there is certainly not based on your support history.

Giving out a huge amount of stamina to new players will be met with the inevitable whining of players who did not receive that when they started, and how unfair it is to let someone level (pvp, etc) so fast. We hear it all the time about the "unfair" high powered potions given out with donations of $60 or more.


As many have said, I have the feeling that FS is being squeezed for all the money HCS can get out of it, to fund other projects. The Tank Battle mobile game was a decent game that I played for several days, but I'm not sure a lot of effort should be put into "disposable" games that bring in $1.99, when you have a devoted base of players who spend hundreds, and even thousands of dollars in a current game. Let's make sure FS doesn't wither on the vine and die, while we devote too much time and resources to other games.

Well, with all due respect, we are expanding another part of our company and we do not intend to do so at the expense of Fallen Sword. This is not really something that we ask for player feedback on, we hope you understand :).

I hope that I have answered for the team here as best as I can on some of the issues. If there are any concerns that you would like to put forward to us in a private way, you are always welcome to PM or send in a ticket.

There are so many of you here that have mentioned the issue with Multi accounts, if you are aware of them REPORT THEM to us and we shall deal with them accordingly. Thank you :)

#49 donalde



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 16:52

Here are few comments from me.

From what I see, PvP versus leveling is constant PitA. I've been thinking about it, and I think the reason PvP'r are bullies and levelers are whiner is individuals, who have abused loopholes of games too many times thus creating bad name for entire whining and bullying community. Thus any suggestion on either side is either whining or chance to get bully more. There is no medicine for individuals. Bounty Board is broken both because how it has been abused, and both because of it's 'fixes'. PvP'rs know this things better, but having friend slowly clearing bounty, and meanwhile hitting safely from BB is abuse. But that is one broken thing that should be fixed.

In this and other treads I've seen lot of comments about new UI / Map and how it is broken. I am not sure if it is new Map or what, but previously I spend like 2 to 3h hunting my 20k+ stamina, but recently I have hunted my full 30k+ stamina less than 1h20m. New Map is really improvement, but just fix things that have been pointed in there.

MP seems to be issue, but I cannot really complain about it. I have looked it, and I rarely see gold price going over 200k in there (excluding events / that full stamina mistake), mostrly it stays between 185k and 195k, occasionally dropping to 120k-. (I've seen empty MP once) :) So it seems to work ok, so no reason to fix it. What should be fixed is amount of gold players are getting from hunt, I hunt easily 10M gold, I just wonder how much near EOC players hunt with 100k+ stamina.

Crystaline gear and UB should be fixed once and for all, and then leave it alone. But it also should be noted that any upcoming buff and potion should be double checked against crystaline gear.

But like said before and even more on forums, testing is biggest issue. Before implementing anything, everything should be checked by players who actually play game, and listen their feedback. And those players should be those who can see the greater good over their own greed. (Thus ruling me out :) ) So test groups should be 2 levelers / Titan Hunters / SE hunters / mercants / PvP'rs / GvG'rs / Scavangers, some kind of enlarged dirty dozen. :)

Also, multi's should be fixed. Just remove send items outside guild, instead allow only ST's between players in different guilds / guildless. That will also solve problem where players fill inactive players BP with junk.

#50 Maehdros



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 17:57


Introduce new rewards and potions to bring life back to the arena

Introduce arenas as far as End of current content ;)

PvP :

Introduce new ladder gear/ potions

Leave the current *opt in* ladder system as it is. It's fine.

Fix the issue with * free* hits from the bounty board( ie: hit again? get bounties AGAIN ;) )

Make EVERY off the board hit bountyable

Each acceptance of a bounty = bountyable

ENCOURAGE gold hits, ie: eliminate gold protection.. protect buffs, protect xp, fine.. but not gold.

Cheapen xp lock and *protection*


Introduce new gvg rewards ( the bound multi potion idea grim is working on)

Introduce the new conflict system which was proposed a few weeks ago

Engage the community more with HCS hosted Dev chats, be it weekly, or every second week. Even if it's just to chat with gamers, ask how things are, and get feedback ;)

My Two~

Edit: FIX the new map system, then make it the *only* MAP

#51 Lahona



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 19:24


Introduce new rewards and potions to bring life back to the arena
I have no real experience of the arena, so no comment here

Introduce arenas as far as End of current content ;)
Perhaps every 100 levels of added content?

PvP :

Introduce new ladder gear/ potions can't comment, as before

Leave the current *opt in* ladder system as it is. It's fine. Yes

Fix the issue with * free* hits from the bounty board( ie: hit again? get bounties AGAIN ;) ) YES

Make EVERY off the board hit bountyable and/OR add the retaliation hit idea proposed by KitiaraLi and yourself

Each acceptance of a bounty = bountyable yes

ENCOURAGE gold hits, ie: eliminate gold protection.. protect buffs, protect xp, fine.. but not gold. Ok - provided the below happens at the same time.

Cheapen xp lock and *protection* Yes, if all hits can take gold then 'xp protection' needs to be affordable to protect buffs and xp while hunting. Those that prefer to level and not pvp can spend a lot of gold / fsp on buffs and pots. There are now far too many buffs available to the attacker that can just ruin a leveling hunt for their target.


Introduce new gvg rewards ( the bound multi potion idea grim is working on)

Introduce the new conflict system which was proposed a few weeks ago
I can't understand why this hasn't happened :( Surely the changes needed aren't so complicated (compared to the present system) that it takes weeks to code? [This is a perfect example of what dissatisfies a lot of the FS community. Many have waited a very long time for GvG to be 'repaired'. They were given hope a few weeks ago .... and still nothing :(

Engage the community more with HCS hosted Dev chats, be it weekly, or every second week. Even if it's just to chat with gamers, ask how things are, and get feedback ;)
Yes -- the more often the better. Even if there is nothing current to discuss, the more opportunities there are for the community to get involved and talk to the devs, the more likely all will find a time they can join in.

My Two~

Edit: FIX the new map system, then make it the *only* MAP
Arhh! Nooooo -- I hate the new map. Ok - I have my reasons and if they are ever addressed for the new map (perhaps by the FS Helper) then I might change my mind. I'll never like the new map while I cannot see even a brief summary of the combat WHILE still able to quick kill. Without that ability I may as well just pay for the %age xp to next level, as hunting is blind otherwise.

#52 avvakum



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 19:56

PvP'rs know this things better, but having friend slowly clearing bounty, and meanwhile hitting safely from BB is abuse.

It's like offering Pick Axe as Titan reward and complaining about slow slaying. Bounty Offerer can speed up the process by either offering good reward (~ 100 FSPs ;) ) or asking their guildmates to clear the bounty. I don't know if you remember such thing as The Bounty Champion Pot, which was an incentive offered to players for completing bounties, but, for some reasons, the cows removed it from the game... Each time a player completed a bounty, they had a small chance of winning the Champion Pot on top of the bounty they earned. If someone won the Champion Pot it reseted and started building again. Someone should pay for the speed, ether a Bounty Offerer or HCS.

#53 donalde



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 20:09

PvP'rs know this things better, but having friend slowly clearing bounty, and meanwhile hitting safely from BB is abuse.

It's like offering Pick Axe as Titan reward and complaining about slow slaying. Bounty Offerer can speed up the process by either offering good reward (~ 100 FSPs ;) ) or asking their guildmates to clear the bounty. I don't know if you remember such thing as The Bounty Champion Pot, which was an incentive offered to players for completing bounties, but, for some reasons, the cows removed it from the game... Each time a player completed a bounty, they had a small chance of winning the Champion Pot on top of the bounty they earned. If someone won the Champion Pot it reseted and started building again. Someone should pay for the speed, ether a Bounty Offerer or HCS.

I don't remember such thing, I have never done PvP. But what comes to good reward.. so current reward system in BB reward system isn't good enough? Then it should be fixed. How? No idea.

I don't go to topic about guildies clearing bounties, that turns too easily to flame war as my guild is leveling oriented.

And like Maehdros said, make every attack boyntyable, that should make difference.

#54 avvakum



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 20:45

PvP'rs know this things better, but having friend slowly clearing bounty, and meanwhile hitting safely from BB is abuse.

It's like offering Pick Axe as Titan reward and complaining about slow slaying. Bounty Offerer can speed up the process by either offering good reward (~ 100 FSPs ;) ) or asking their guildmates to clear the bounty. I don't know if you remember such thing as The Bounty Champion Pot, which was an incentive offered to players for completing bounties, but, for some reasons, the cows removed it from the game... Each time a player completed a bounty, they had a small chance of winning the Champion Pot on top of the bounty they earned. If someone won the Champion Pot it reseted and started building again. Someone should pay for the speed, ether a Bounty Offerer or HCS.

I don't remember such thing, I have never done PvP. But what comes to good reward.. so current reward system in BB reward system isn't good enough? Then it should be fixed. How? No idea.

I don't go to topic about guildies clearing bounties, that turns too easily to flame war as my guild is leveling oriented.

And like Maehdros said, make every attack boyntyable, that should make difference.

Ok, let's add exclusive Skill Tree to Bounty Hunting, and move all important leveling Skills there, removing them from the current reward system for leveling.

What difference do you expect to see ? Some pvp'ers did hit over 100 different players in the first hours of Smasher medal, earning themselves over 100 potential bounties each. Making every attack bountyable won't make any difference unless guildies are involved.

#55 donalde



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 20:52

Making every attack bountyable won't make any difference unless guildies are involved.

It will make if reward system is changed. But just like I said, I am no PvP nor BB expert. But I know lot of players don't wanna PvP even to punish some1 in BB. So there must be way to make bounties more attractive so other players take them. I don't wanna cause flame war, I just say ideas I feel good for community. Many PvP'rs say BB is broken, so it should be fixed. That is the whole point. Fix things that are broken.

#56 avvakum



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 21:08

Many PvP'rs say BB is broken, so it should be fixed. That is the whole point. Fix things that are broken.

They fixed the BB for 2 days, but levelers didn't like it that much....

#57 DragonLord



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 21:18

"LOVE" how this thread has gotten derailed back into the old "pvp'rs vs levellers" again, despite the OP's hope/wish/request that it wouldn't.

If we can't all work together on saving the game we all play, then why should the cows ?

#58 MummRa



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 22:38

"LOVE" how this thread has gotten derailed back into the old "pvp'rs vs levellers" again, despite the OP's hope/wish/request that it wouldn't.

If we can't all work together on saving the game we all play, then why should the cows ?


please people not arguments not this or that for me, but what are things that can be done overall to improve everyone not just your style of play.

one thing I'll say i think the Global Quests have been a lot of fun and encouraged everyone to play. This time around there were choices between two different potions that were useful for two different styles. why not more? next global event there could also be a potion that includes RF, LF, AM. Or Extractor, Inventor

#59 fs_scrogger

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Posted 10 April 2012 - 22:41

"LOVE" how this thread has gotten derailed back into the old "pvp'rs vs levellers" again, despite the OP's hope/wish/request that it wouldn't.

If we can't all work together on saving the game we all play, then why should the cows ?


A cow took the time and responded to many comments on this thread, partly I believe due to the lack of flaming, anger, and bickering. If we descend into the typical bickering and arguing based on what side of the spectrum we fall this topic is dead.

There are so many of you here that have mentioned the issue with Multi accounts, if you are aware of them REPORT THEM to us and we shall deal with them accordingly. Thank you :)

The problem so many of us have is 2 parts, one, why should we have to constantly report if you actually have a mechanism to catch them?

And 2, when they are reported little is done about it! You only ban the multies and not the main character, that's a slap on the wrist in virtually every players eyes and does nothing to deter the practice. I have seen time and time again players who have been banned in the past return or players who have bragged just how many and how long they have had multies! I think the system is broken personally and this fix would go a long way in making me happier with the game.

#60 evilbry



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Posted 10 April 2012 - 23:06

There are so many of you here that have mentioned the issue with Multi accounts, if you are aware of them REPORT THEM to us and we shall deal with them accordingly. Thank you :)

The problem so many of us have is 2 parts, one, why should we have to constantly report if you actually have a mechanism to catch them?

And 2, when they are reported little is done about it! You only ban the multies and not the main character, that's a slap on the wrist in virtually every players eyes and does nothing to deter the practice. I have seen time and time again players who have been banned in the past return or players who have bragged just how many and how long they have had multies! I think the system is broken personally and this fix would go a long way in making me happier with the game.

I've approached HCS with a solution which could be used in conjunction with existing methods to curb the majority of multi issues. Initial response was 'our existing system is fine'. After pressing the matter further and pointing out existing systems clearly aren't working the ticket was closed with the comment 'I'll pass this to the coders'.

Upon asking the coders if this had been passed on, they confirmed it had just been closed with no correspondence to coders. Hopefully now with the ticket in the queue hoof responds to, some serious consideration will be given to the 'multi' issue, granted it's obvious existing systems in place are far from sufficient.

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