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Help Promote PvP and make Fallen Sword GREAT AGAIN !

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#41 sweetlou



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Posted 29 November 2016 - 18:39

If you want your Smasher, get it from your fellow PvPers on the Ladder.

Don't forget the all important other location, the Bounty Board!

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“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -GRRM

#42 Subject



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Posted 29 November 2016 - 19:13

+1 to expanding the level range in PvP and GvG

#43 wil72



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Posted 29 November 2016 - 19:19

2nd suggestion following on from Chazz's first; a PvP Global Event. HCS, you must have looked at how one could be implemented, right? And Hoof, way back when, said that this would happen but as yet NADA.


Just throw into the game, I dare you, no, I double dare you.





#44 rowbeth



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Posted 29 November 2016 - 20:43

-1 on expanding level ranges


(Just adding my view. But no need to run through the old arguments again - we've all heard them from both sides)

#45 Pardoux



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Posted 29 November 2016 - 20:49

2nd suggestion following on from Chazz's first; a PvP Global Event. HCS, you must have looked at how one could be implemented, right? And Hoof, way back when, said that this would happen but as yet NADA.


Just throw into the game, I dare you, no, I double dare you.






Pretty sure that the talk of a PvP event was going to be PvP Seasons, revamped - and, given the slamming they got for it from a very vocal bunch of players, I very much doubt anything further has been done with it ...

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#46 EpicPiety



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Posted 29 November 2016 - 21:23

Not that i partake in PvP really... I wouldn't be against widening the ranges seeing that the player rate is decreasing. Only makes sense to counterbalance that with increasing range. 

#47 wil72



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Posted 29 November 2016 - 23:08

Pretty sure that the talk of a PvP event was going to be PvP Seasons, revamped - and, given the slamming they got for it from a very vocal bunch of players, I very much doubt anything further has been done with it ...


PvP Seasons was "slammed" as it was to be a permanent replacement to the PvP Ladder and Bounty Board. This would not be the case if it was an Event.


And when Hoof intimated that PvP Seasons would return as a Global Event it was met with mostly favourable views in the  PvP Seasons Poll result Thread. So in my opinion there is no reason why HCS haven't got a PvP Event ready to go even if it is a revamp of the original Seasons.





Edited by wil72, 29 November 2016 - 23:09.

#48 MSCruz



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Posted 30 November 2016 - 01:33

-1 on expanding level ranges; the way it is.


But, I have another suggestion:

One checkbox to not get into PvP for non-PvP players. To the others, no level restriction. Everybody happy, I think.




"There's no such thing as constructive criticism" by Tony Schwartz for Harvard Business Review

#49 yotwehc



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Posted 30 November 2016 - 01:58

-1 from me as well but everyone knew that ;-p

Opt out won't work. Look at pvp ladders ;-p

#50 Necra



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Posted 30 November 2016 - 02:18

-1 on expanding level ranges; the way it is.


But, I have another suggestion:

One checkbox to not get into PvP for non-PvP players. To the others, no level restriction. Everybody happy, I think.



like toggle open pvp and no pvp, then players who attack (no pvp) can gain infamy and bounty board, infamy to high what punishment would be implemented jail? 24 hrs no stam gains? but can get gold and xp hourlies go guild ticks are not hurt?      pvp'er gaining infamy would be the "punishment" some are looking for

 - catching a high infamy player get extra gold rewards =D

Edited by Necra, 30 November 2016 - 02:27.

#51 yotwehc



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Posted 30 November 2016 - 03:12

like toggle open pvp and no pvp, then players who attack (no pvp) can gain infamy and bounty board, infamy to high what punishment would be implemented jail? 24 hrs no stam gains? but can get gold and xp hourlies go guild ticks are not hurt?      pvp'er gaining infamy would be the "punishment" some are looking for

 - catching a high infamy player get extra gold rewards =D

Not bad Necra... can you suss it out a bit more?

#52 Chazz224



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Posted 30 November 2016 - 03:13

-1 on expanding level ranges; the way it is.


But, I have another suggestion:

One checkbox to not get into PvP for non-PvP players. To the others, no level restriction. Everybody happy, I think.




We currently have a system in play for Players who do not wish to par - take in pvp it's called " PvP Protection" you can buy it for a day - a month - doesn't even cost a lot... We do not need a box to check - PvP is Part of THIS GAME !!!!!!!!! =)

#53 Necra



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Posted 30 November 2016 - 03:35

Not bad Necra... can you suss it out a bit more?

it was just a random idea i pulled from the air for an example  that would completely change pvp if implemented. every time pvp is changed FS looses a chunk of its players any idea would need to be thoroughly interrogated

#54 rowbeth



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Posted 30 November 2016 - 07:11

 We do not need a box to check - PvP is Part of THIS GAME !!!!!!!!! =)


Chazz, repeating this mantra really doesn't push your case forward.


Sure PVP is part of the game. But that doesn't mean its a big part of the game. That doesn't imply anything about whether it is dominated by, or should dominate over other aspects of the game. That doesn't mean it has to be a universal part of the game.


And most importantly for discussions like this, this is a mantra about the way the game *is*, and that is something that you are trying to change. That statement says absolutely nothing about needing to change, nor about whether such change should make PVP a bigger---or, indeed, a smaller---part of the game.


MSCruz was trying to find a way to free up PVP for those that enjoy it, without invoking the opposition of those who don't. PVP changes might get a lot further if they showed a similarly broad consideration for desires within the FS community.

#55 yotekiller



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Posted 30 November 2016 - 11:28

Increase pvp ranges to match current gvg ranges and double the gvg ranges over level 1000

Screenshot everything!

#56 Kbyte



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Posted 30 November 2016 - 12:12

Many players had posted in many different threads that at some levels they have few possible pvp targets, even sometimes only one possible pvp target.... let's say that target is an retired player, so the one "attacking" wouldn't be able to complete an Daily quest requiring to get wins in normal pvp (on active player) due having scarce amount of possible pvp targets on his/her range, so increasing the pvp range would help that player to also be able to complete an DQ like that (higher pvp range = more players to do pvp).


I can only see an clear progression in whatever level the player be with sth that we could compare to an type of "range" when we look to how frags are granted on breaking itens, which is 1~100 = 1 frag / 101~400 = 2 frags / 401~900 = 3 frags / 901~1600 = 4 frags / 1601~2500 = 5 frags / 2501~3600 = 6 frags / 3601~4900 = 7 frags / 4901~6400 = 8 frags / 6401~8100 = 9 frags / 8101~10000 = 10 frags ... we could keep following that logic on breaking itens up to whatever level EOC be at any day in the future it reaches.


Now returning to talk about pvp, EOC increases regularly but not all players level till EOC nor proportionally keep at least the exactaly "percentage"* from current level to EOC as he/she was before new content was relased ... even if all players were so dedicated on try to keep that "percentage"* the higher EOC the more likely the levels of players to become more sparsed in the "intermediate zone".


So an progression** to pvp attack ranges could be taken into consideration to reduce this natural tendency that comes with new content to make the pvp ranges with less possible players on range .... only really low level and EOC level ranges get more players because on low ranges there are players that don't want to level up + new players that comes to the game, while on EOC mainly remaning the old EOC players + new EOC players that managed to reach that current EOC level (mainly players that have an well upgraded character an may have donated to the game to improve his/her char in fsp upgrades), but that "accumulation" leaves even less players on the huge intermediate zone.


Just an extra here: *let's say, EOC was level 2800, and player was level 1400 so 50% of EOC content .... months later EOC level 3000 and that player leveling till level 1500 to stay at the very 50% progress toward EOC content


** this progression don't need to be exactaly worked on letting EOC ranges the highest as I mentioned before they "accumulate" old EOCer and new EOCers so that particular range has already many targets and even get more target within time.... so IMO hcs could follow a little the idea that had on arena like it bases the highest level player and reduce 20% to allow an max possible arena level to be randomly gerated but instead of 20% of actual max player level it could be:


0~10% of EOC player higherst level an specific pvp range (round up every 50 levels)

IMO: (+/-) 15 levels is good


10%~30% of EOC player higherst level another specific pvp range (round up every 50 levels) [higher than previous]

IMO: (+/-) 20 levels is good


30%~70% of EOC player higherst level another specific pvp range (round up every 50 levels)[higher than previous]

IMO: (+/-) 25 levels is good


70%~90% of EOC player higherst level another specific pvp range (round up every 50 levels)

[same as 10%~30%]

IMO: (+/-) 20 levels is good


90%~100% of EOC player higherst level another specific pvp range (round up every 50 levels)

[same as 0~10%]

IMO: (+/-) 15 levels is good


>>>Value of pvp level ranges up to discussion<<<


I know it look complicated but it would follow EOC at what ever level it be so it would not need so much to again later in the future to look again on increasing the ranges if for example EOC be level 10k and higher pvp ranges be needed again.... an Note could be added on attack player page about this to make it easier to understand -> 30%~70% may would get an good proportion of players with that new pvp range so whoever lower or higher would have the range limited just a little in comparision to others on that mentioned range as it is more normal to get more player on the extremes (low or high level).


***if by chance sb with an higher pvp range attack sb with an lower pvp range, it could also be allowed this player attacked to be able to hit that player during 7 days from the first hit [enough time even if the target gone offline for about a week] following the other player range just against him/her [so if the difference in levels get higher it would go out of reach in this case].... equal chances to both this way even with this flexible pvp range based on the highest EOC level.

Edited by Kbyte, 30 November 2016 - 14:17.

#57 Kbyte



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Posted 30 November 2016 - 15:06

Another suggestion would be "transcending" the idea of pvp set level ranges (where player are limited directly by player level against opponent level).


Here how it could be:

all player could be able to attack the very firsts 25 players above and bellow his current level [an total of 50 possible targets would work this way to over 99% of fallensword players_ if it do not count the players on the same guild]


let's say an player level 1300 would be able to hit an player level 1337 if that one is within the 25 players above this player level.... this idea would be an easy solution to allow almost all player to have exactaly the same amount of players in range


the only bad thing is that players above rank 25th would only be able to hit 25 bellow and the amount up [first ranked would have nobody to hit up, only 25 to hit down], and brand new player would have nobody down, only 25 players to be able to hit that are above him/her level.

Edited by Kbyte, 30 November 2016 - 15:28.

#58 MSCruz



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Posted 30 November 2016 - 15:09

We currently have a system in play for Players who do not wish to par - take in pvp it's called " PvP Protection" you can buy it for a day - a month - doesn't even cost a lot... We do not need a box to check - PvP is Part of THIS GAME !!!!!!!!! =)

Hi Chazz224. I know there is PvP Protection but, if burning my full stamina gives me approximately 400k gold each day and a half, am I supposed to spend more than 50% of what I got just to not be attacked? It is a lot expensive. Maybe for high level players is not expensive, but not all of us can afford it. In the end we have two options: give gold back to the game or be a target. An additional bank deposit protects 31.25% instead of 50%. We need gold to level up, to craft, to buy FSP and so on. There is no real protection, even buffs are not guaranteed.


I would like a PvP system good for PvPers and non-PvPers.



Edited by MSCruz, 30 November 2016 - 15:13.


"There's no such thing as constructive criticism" by Tony Schwartz for Harvard Business Review

#59 Chazz224



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Posted 30 November 2016 - 17:41

Chazz, repeating this mantra really doesn't push your case forward.


Sure PVP is part of the game. But that doesn't mean its a big part of the game. That doesn't imply anything about whether it is dominated by, or should dominate over other aspects of the game. That doesn't mean it has to be a universal part of the game.


And most importantly for discussions like this, this is a mantra about the way the game *is*, and that is something that you are trying to change. That statement says absolutely nothing about needing to change, nor about whether such change should make PVP a bigger---or, indeed, a smaller---part of the game.


MSCruz was trying to find a way to free up PVP for those that enjoy it, without invoking the opposition of those who don't. PVP changes might get a lot further if they showed a similarly broad consideration for desires within the FS community.

PvP is at the heart of this game the numbers are undeniable, you don't have to actually participate in PvP to acknowledge this neither. The core fabric of this game is based on mathematical numbers and this is the heart of PvP - PvE - SE hunting - Arena based players - The numbers are even consistent with Potion making + inventing. 


I'm not making an argument that "PvP is apart of the game" - I'm stating a fact, its not a mantra at all its just a game. Hoof should have enabled a warning upon the login - name/ email - pw login ----- BUT than the WARNING - THIS IS A PvP BASED GAME - LOGGING in - Creating an account that you intend to level up means you are authorizing the check box that you are agreeing to take part in PvP. 


PvP is the heart of this game - As are the mathematical numbers that the game runs on - without PvP - neither Hoof or Grim would have never got to the PvE aspect of the game. 


The Purpose of PvE - is to gain levels so you can use Higher level gear to PvP or .... Re-gain the levels you have lost in PvP. 


This game demands attention - people should log on and socialize - and when your character is PvP'd you and your friends can decide how you wish to handle it - BB - single attack - PvP Protection (which is made cheaply available now), but make no mistake - when you log in this is a PvP Game.

#60 Chazz224



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Posted 30 November 2016 - 17:51

Hi Chazz224. I know there is PvP Protection but, if burning my full stamina gives me approximately 400k gold each day and a half, am I supposed to spend more than 50% of what I got just to not be attacked? It is a lot expensive. Maybe for high level players is not expensive, but not all of us can afford it. In the end we have two options: give gold back to the game or be a target. An additional bank deposit protects 31.25% instead of 50%. We need gold to level up, to craft, to buy FSP and so on. There is no real protection, even buffs are not guaranteed.


I would like a PvP system good for PvPers and non-PvPers.




This is derailing my topic here - However there are " many "  + " Different " ways to handle being attacked in this PvP game/ environment.  Join a guild - socialize create a network of friends to help educate you in PvP buffs also PvP Gear. If friends and guilds fail to help you solve your issue there is the BB  where friends can help cripple a player by taking five levels from them (while also earning them selves medals and reward money) - IF that doesn't work ... you can invest in PvP protention for a day or a week or more. If that is affordable you can attempt to talk to the attack (be nice while doing this and polite - people like having respect).  


So how to deal with PvP attackers?

1. Join a guild 

2. Create a social network of friends 

3. Help Educate your self in terms of PvP buffs + Gear 

4. Use the Bounty Board and help those friends you made get some medals while they help drop that person that was attacking you. 

5. Invest in PvP Protection. 

6. Communicate with the person attacking you (please be nice and show respect) 

7. Level out of the attackers range - Pvpers don't level all too often if they are going to the bb alot (friendly FYI)


Why bother with any of the above? You decided to login - You decided that there is something you like about this game and that you have fun while playing this game. You also found Friends in this game. Many of these reasons are why people take time to "Learn something or participate in something" 


Remember upon logging in... this is what? "A PvP BASED GAME so you are signing up to be possibly attacked as someone might be equally attacked by you one day. 

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