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It's about time to balance out those overpowered pots in PvP.

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#41 sweetlou



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Posted 21 March 2017 - 18:21

with strategy you mean you did not use any epic skills to consistently beat players who were using composing and epic buffs?

Unless Super pots are used against other Super pots it's disingenuous to claim it's challenging to battle an opponent in PvP.

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#42 Davros81



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Posted 21 March 2017 - 18:33

I'm not suggesting we do this, but one option for 'overpowered' skills would be to give them a diminishing return. This would allow the potions levels etc. to remain unchanged and ensure that the higher levels are still more powerful, but not crazily powerful if you know what I mean? It would also open up to possibility of even higher level buffs of some skills where it would have made them too powerful previously.


This is purely an example, but something along the lines of this:


Sample Skill: +1 per point to attack up to skill level 250. After 250, +0.1 per point to attack.

Massive no!! Sorry I did not spend countless amounts of resources to become a level 60 composer to have my reward ruined or taken away by some who simply cannot fathom out how to circumvent these skills. Composing was not the issue it was giving ridiculously high buffs in potions from global events, which was then exacerbated by the frequency of the global events which allowed people to stockpile high numbers of these overpowered global potions. I myself have well over 70 of these global chests... I would use more if there were more things to use them on, the lack of content and the effect of overpowered potions means there is a constant issue regarding  things to do in the game...

Edited by Davros81, 21 March 2017 - 18:33.

#43 Olef



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Posted 21 March 2017 - 18:54

Unless Super pots are used against other Super pots it's disingenuous to claim it's challenging to battle an opponent in PvP.

I agree and everyone who claims otherwise is not telling the truth, the op already said their reason


I know that some of you have become addicted to your win-button and you're not willing to let it go, after all buying our way through everything is part of the Fallensword culture imo, but let's be real here, those potions have absolutely wrecked pvp into oblivion!

they do not care that those epic skills are having a bad influence on pvp, they do not want to let go of their win-button and argue that they worked for it so they should keep their win-button


before I did not believe that anyone could compete with only cast able skills against players using epic skills but leos claims he consistently beat players who used composing and epic skills in seasons

his bio states that he had 266 wins (all in a row defending or attacking), honestly I do not believe anyone can do that without using epic skills himself but waiting for leos reply, if he really did not use any epic skills to consistently beat players who used composing and epic skills then he would be the first person to do so

I asked him if he used any epic skills but he vaguely replied that he used strategy against them, he did not say if he used epic skills or not against them

I asked leos a second time a more direct question if he used epic skills or not


I did say it takes thought to overcome someone using the pots. Meaning it's a challenge to beat someone who is using them. As far as seasons lots were using compos8ng and higher buffs, but I came up with a strategy to consistently beat their buffs ;)


with strategy you mean you did not use any epic skills to consistently beat players who were using composing and epic buffs?

leos, did you use epic skills or not?

#44 Pythia



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Posted 21 March 2017 - 19:18

No, Pardou,  my head is not in the clouds nor am I crazy in the comment I made. You see, I don't think there is really a viable way for the coders to cap those potions for PvP and leave the levelers potions intact.  I don't think there is a way to limit them to the ladder and even they could be limited to the ladder I can hear the screaming that would start if a player hit another player in a regular attack and that cap kicked in.


I also do not think it is right to cancel out any players hard work by caping potions. 


I remember a comment BigGrim made about just how good Brice is at what he does. Maybe he'd be willing to send some tips and pointers about his style to other players to help them become better, then they too could beat the uber potions and be happy.  I know there other players that are very good, like Brice is, perhaps a help guide created by them?

#45 sweetlou



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Posted 21 March 2017 - 22:10

Massive no!! Sorry I did not spend countless amounts of resources to become a level 60 composer to have my reward ruined or taken away by some who simply cannot fathom out how to circumvent these skills. Composing was not the issue it was giving ridiculously high buffs in potions from global events, which was then exacerbated by the frequency of the global events which allowed people to stockpile high numbers of these overpowered global potions. I myself have well over 70 of these global chests... I would use more if there were more things to use them on, the lack of content and the effect of overpowered potions means there is a constant issue regarding  things to do in the game...

I actually agree, this issue should have been addressed much sooner and will only be more shocking to some players. But hey I remember FI being nerfed and players didn't have much of a struggle with it.

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#46 Chooma123



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Posted 21 March 2017 - 23:00

Lets be honest anyone who claims there is a large amount of skill involved with pvp is an idiot

if you hit an offline target you win

if you hit an online target its whoever have more buffs, or rng


the levels should just be capped for player vs player combat, like how some buffs only work against monsters

#47 sweetlou



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Posted 22 March 2017 - 00:39

the levels should just be capped for player vs player combat, like how some buffs only work against monsters

The levels are already capped.


I can only attack a player for a maximum 10% of a level using 100 stam. Players can lose a maximum 5 levels total per bounty. A bounty may be placed for every attack including deflected or losing attacks.


Calling anyone an idiot requires a mirror.

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#48 mary4ever



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Posted 22 March 2017 - 03:19

Is there specific buffs you feel are overpowered at high levels? Could you give me some examples?


been trying for over 2+ years to get your attention on this subject but finally you are here wub.png


unfortunately OverPowered skills have crippled all kind of "PvP" (PvP Ladder, BB, GvG, relic battles) activities !!! sad.png


the most "damage" to PvP has been undoubtly done by Composing !!!

here are the Composing skills that are OP & IMO should be changed to only work in PvE !!! (they should not work in PvP)


as you can see I did not include any of the leveling skills like (LF, AM, .....) since I mostly care for the PvP aspect of the game, if the levelers are happy with the mindless hunting (1,2,3,R, ....) then who am I to get involved in their game-style, I hardly level, once or twice a year & only do that so that I can level into the range with the most players because of the measly -/+ 10 attack range !!!

I did not include Anti Deflect so it could counter Deflect192 !!!

I did not include Entrench mainly because the skill level (1 - 200) is only adjustable through Composing !!!


the number OP epic skills like donation chests, Global chests, .... are limited EXCEPT for COMPOSING !!!

the number of OP Composing skills are almost "unlimited" (as long as you have frags but frags are very easy to get incl that EVERY LE & GE rewards them !!!

there are players with millions of frags (I know of at least 10+ people) so we can create TONS of EPIC OP skills ourselves !!!


as mentioned before OP Composing has crippled PvP:

  • PvP Ladder: has become a joke, just look at the bands where players use them to constantly stay at the top, those of us who had to go against them fully know that to compete against OP skills you have to use OP skills yourself !!! I have helped many players (most were NON PvPers) get their Dominance medal in about 2 weeks since nobody (who only used buffs) could stop them while they were composed, only another OP composed player could compete against them !!!
  • BoutyBoard: have seen many bounties expire from players who used OP Composing pots, incl. me too ....
  • GvG: I used to be GF of a very good GvG guild (before OP Composing was introduced), we would go offline in PvP setups & when we were under attack we would buff to defend incoming attacks !!! BUT after OP Composing it hardly mattered anymore if you buffed the target with buffs since most attackers were using OP Composing & the difference in stats were simply too great, GvG guilds know exactly how OP Composing has negatively affected GvG !!! when I was doing GvG attacks I hit EVERYONE, did not matter if the target was buffed to the teeth or unbuffed, did not really matter since I was composed up & never lost a battle !!!
  • relic battles: those of us who have been in relic battles know that OP composing has a huge impact !!! you can achieve insane stats attacking / defending ......


@hoof: you do not have to listen to anything I or anyone says, since you are an admin & have access to see things "behind the scenes", you can observe how players use OP composing almost as a "WIN - button" on the (PvP Ladder, BB, GvG, relic battles) & "wiping out" any players who are not using OP composing themselves !!! access player logs, see for yourself the frag amount some players have (millions of frags to create TONS of EPIC OP Composing skills), the person you should trust the most should be yourself, trust what you see / observe smile.png


some great posts:

I know that some of you have become addicted to your win-button and you're not willing to let it go, after all buying our way through everything is part of the Fallensword culture imo, but let's be real here, those potions have absolutely wrecked pvp into oblivion!


My problem with this 'uber' buffs goes beyond their use in pvp, it comes down to the fundamental watering down of the game mechanics themselves. When you can mindlessly drink a few of this grossly overpowered potions and then blindly roflstomp anything and everything that comes your way, then you have lost some of the magic that used to make the game a good game.


We no longer need to work things out, taking the mathematics out of a maths based game is just illogical.


The OP had it right though, quite a lot of us have become so hopelessly dependant on our own private win buttons (make no mistake, that is precisely what these are, unless you are completely incompetent) that they will fight tooth and nail to keep them, and have come up with all kinds of justifications as to why it is okay to water the game down.


When I initially saw this thread I simply smiled to myself and thought, "I agree wholeheartedly, but nothing is going to change." Then I saw that you yourself had spoken up here and I thought, "What the hell, maybe it's not pointless after all."


So in essence my problem with these buffs, is that they make everything too easy and take away our need to think.

Unless Super pots are used against other Super pots it's disingenuous to claim it's challenging to battle an opponent in PvP.


& hoof, PLEASE do not "leave" before you have taken care of this "issue"(been over 2+ years), let's make the "1st step" & start moving away from watering down PvP !!!

3 players on iggy (1 troll & 2 players whose posts never make any sense)

#49 moneypants



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Posted 22 March 2017 - 03:36

you knw what the pots are op i had guy whacking me with 100 stam hits i buff up with 175 buffs he hit 5 times lost and then though on high ke 350 and sh 480. then laughs in my face that beats me. he was 1000 levels below me thats how op theses pots are. now theses pots vs 175 buffs make the 175 buffs look like a joke.

Edited by BigGrim, 22 March 2017 - 11:12.
No swearing please.

#50 Hoofmaster


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Posted 22 March 2017 - 09:28

Ok just want to reassure people that we're not going to start changing things randomly without some thought :)


However - I do want to understand what skills people do feel are OP and look for workable solutions to help improve the game. So I have few questions:


Is the main issue here with the skills in PvP? (I'm assuming yes but want to hear opinions).


Looking at mary4ever's post, am I right in assuming it is just skills which affect stats?


What do you think the best solution to this is? (Please try to be constructive ;) )

#51 TxLxS



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Posted 22 March 2017 - 10:17

Ok just a thought about these "OP" pots if your gonna remove them remove from all aspects why just pvp not that I like that idea but how about when someone is ex- level 1700 ish and 5 people decide to smash him on bounty board and they are all level 3200 how is that fair by any means I know it's s punishment system but it's ridiculous not being able to win unless your at eoc with best gear and the pots are only stronger when your stats are higher for the lower levels there not that bad it's just that they work at fixed percentages so better stats more increase you get from buffs

#52 yotwehc



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Posted 22 March 2017 - 12:03

Ok just want to reassure people that we're not going to start changing things randomly without some thought :)


However - I do want to understand what skills people do feel are OP and look for workable solutions to help improve the game. So I have few questions:


Is the main issue here with the skills in PvP? (I'm assuming yes but want to hear opinions).


Looking at mary4ever's post, am I right in assuming it is just skills which affect stats?


What do you think the best solution to this is? (Please try to be constructive ;) )

I think you have it backwards... Aside from some of the new seasonal titans, the pots could be considered "OP."

For PVP, the pots encourage players to be onlines (as it should?). You have to be online to pot up. If a player want to be super potted for 48 hours, more power to him/her. I'd rather lose 5 levels myself than to waste that many resources.

#53 kitobas



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Posted 22 March 2017 - 14:18

I agree and everyone who claims otherwise is not telling the truth, the op already said their reason


they do not care that those epic skills are having a bad influence on pvp, they do not want to let go of their win-button and argue that they worked for it so they should keep their win-button


before I did not believe that anyone could compete with only cast able skills against players using epic skills but leos claims he consistently beat players who used composing and epic skills in seasons

his bio states that he had 266 wins (all in a row defending or attacking), honestly I do not believe anyone can do that without using epic skills himself but waiting for leos reply, if he really did not use any epic skills to consistently beat players who used composing and epic skills then he would be the first person to do so

it impossible for anyone doing 266 wins (all in a row defending or attacking) in season if he not using crazy high composing against crazy high composing


I asked him if he used any epic skills but he vaguely replied that he used strategy against them, he did not say if he used epic skills or not against them

I asked leos a second time a more direct question if he used epic skills or not



leos, did you use epic skills or not?

of course leos3000 using epic skills, many players sawing him and here is posting where leos3000 saying


I used composing for the relic war, however as I said I did not in seasons. I used the chests we won from seasons and other global pots as they are better than composing pots.

luisspamer right with what he saying


Unless Super pots are used against other Super pots it's disingenuous to claim it's challenging to battle an opponent in PvP.



you knw what the pots are op i had guy whacking me with 100 stam hits i buff up with 175 buffs he hit 5 times lost and then though on high ke 350 and sh 480. then laughs in my face that beats me. he was 1000 levels below me thats how op theses pots are. now theses pots vs 175 buffs make the 175 buffs look like a joke.

sorry for hearing but this showing how crazy high composing is bad for pvp, but now hoofmaster is here and he will fixing, I trusting him


While these buffs do make leveling a much easier and almost mindless activity. IMO they do almost the opposite for PVP. It does take some actual thought to overcome someone who is using them in PVP. Which is why I think I lot complain about using them in pvp as they want an easy way to win..

you knowing that crazy high composing is bad for pvp

you was using more than 1 month crazy high composing all the time on ladder and you knowing how winning button it was, your old guild founder using for more than 3 months on ladder and he was getting first place, he was not pvper but everytime I looking at him in 3 months he having same set and always crazy high composing, nobody was beating him with buff level


my guild and your guild was in relic war, you staying for 1 month with crazy high composing other member from your guild was more than 3 months with crazy high composing, my guild was having trouble capturing relics but after we was forcing using crazy high composing we could competing easy because it was crazy high composing against crazy high composing

everyone in my guild and in your guild knowing about relic battles and knowing that without crazy high composing you can not competing, everyone knowing how you staying in crazy high composing for more than 1 month because you knowing it winning button

at this moment your guild member Misstep is on ladder, she not pvper and only using crazy high composing with only 1 setup, more than 3 weeks she getting first place, pvpers not having chance against her crazy high composing and sawing many bounties on her expiring because she using crazy high composing


leos3000 you knowing that crazy high composing is winning button, you and others not wanting losing winning button, you wanting having advantage against players who not using


leos3000, you saying it taking actual thought to overcoming someone who using epic skills but when you was doing ladder for 1 month or was having relic war or was in seasons you always using epic skills, this is hypocrisy, you saying one thing but doing opposite (you used epic skills because you knowing that what you saying not truth)

#54 kitobas



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Posted 22 March 2017 - 14:21



I agreeing


hoofmaster not listening to players who telling lie for them can keeping winning button, go see truth with your eyes, look now at highest pvp ladder or all pvp when players using crazy high composing


I know that some of you have become addicted to your win-button and you're not willing to let it go

this truth, thank you very much woot

#55 Chooma123



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Posted 22 March 2017 - 14:24

I don't have any problem with buffs from donation chests, or from events - I think the only problem is composing. The level of buffs you can get for such an irrelevant cost is disgusting

#56 Pythia



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Posted 22 March 2017 - 17:50

I don't care what you do the composing potions as long as it doesn't  mess with leveling.


I'm not online when I'm hit in  GvG or PvP, that's farming and what those two aspects of the game have fallen to.  Even when there were a lot more players here and I was getting hit a lot more it was still happening when I was offline.


And on that note, Hoof, whatever you decide to do with the so called  OP composing potions please make it so all participants have to be online when the action takes place. No hits at all on anyone that is OFFLINE.. That should help immensely.

Edited by Pythia, 22 March 2017 - 18:01.

#57 BigGrim


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Posted 22 March 2017 - 17:58

The level of buffs you can get for such an irrelevant cost is disgusting

Irrelevant cost? Have you leveled your Composing? It has a VAST cost to level up!

#58 Pardoux



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Posted 22 March 2017 - 20:07

Irrelevant cost? Have you leveled your Composing? It has a VAST cost to level up!


I suspect the point being made there is that once you HAVE levelled up, over-powered potions are available for peanuts

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#59 Chooma123



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Posted 22 March 2017 - 21:24

The levels are already capped.


I can only attack a player for a maximum 10% of a level using 100 stam. Players can lose a maximum 5 levels total per bounty. A bounty may be placed for every attack including deflected or losing attacks.


Calling anyone an idiot requires a mirror.

What are you even on about 

I thought this thread was about OP buff levels, not bounties

Please read the thread thanks :))

#60 Chooma123



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Posted 22 March 2017 - 21:25

I suspect the point being made there is that once you HAVE levelled up, over-powered potions are available for peanuts

Yes thats what I meant sorry if it wasnt clear

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