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Closed Private rp [BellaFrye and HASEOTOD1 ONLY]

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#41 fs_haseotod1

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 05:38

Skeith walks over and hugs her before jumping back into the Alchemy Gate. Haseo rolled out, passed out and with a stomach full look on his face.

#42 fs_bellafrye

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 05:43

Seeing that Haseo was nocked out again, once again I kissed him,after that I teleported both of us back to the church when I kissed him for a second time. I did not stop to think twice about what I did, I just did it.

#43 fs_haseotod1

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Posted 22 October 2009 - 22:07

Haseo woke up several hours later with the strange taste of having eaten chicken. He remembered her kissing him twice and went to kiss 2 more times.

#44 fs_bellafrye

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 02:04

Phoenix was taken by surprise when Haseo kissed her twice. She stammered ,"Something is happening to me, I have never experienced anything like this." She continues, " This emotion is relatively new to me, I'm really confused."

#45 fs_haseotod1

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 02:10

Haseo took her hand softly. "Maybe I can help with that. There's still I've to experience and understand, together I feel we can take on anything." He said as he leaned and gave her a third kiss filled with love.

#46 fs_bellafrye

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 02:17

With a deep sigh she says," Perhaps you are right Haseo. Maybe together we can go through this." She kisses him again, lovingly.

#47 fs_haseotod1

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 02:22

Haseo gently pulls her into his lap and holds onto her lovingly and protectively. He laid out on the pew and hoped she would join him. He knew what she feeling because he felt the same way about her, like this was fate giving him a chance to live a happy life.

#48 fs_bellafrye

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 03:29

Phoenix walks over to the pew, and lays down next to Haseo and falls asleep for a couple of hours.

Hours pass... Phoenix hears a strange sound coming from outside, and without waking Haseo goes out to investigate it with both blades out.

As Phoenix rounds the corner quietly, some ghouls catch her by surprise and attempt to force feed her a dangerous potion. Phoenix spits out the first drops of the potion and screams out," Haseo, help!"

Just then, even more ghouls show up to make her drink the rest of the potion. Immediately, she is knocked out, and taken hostage.

The ghouls made one fatal mistake however, they let Phoenix leave a dimly lit sparkling trail for Haseo to follow.

#49 fs_haseotod1

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 03:46

A new power surges Through Haseo as he hears his name. Suddenly he wakes up and burst into flames with the flames changes changing his appearance into a dragonoid.http://tinyurl.com/dracoHaseo and he rushes out of the church and flies above the buildings following the glittering trail she had left him.

#50 fs_bellafrye

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 04:02

Phoenix is still unconscious, but is coming to slowly. As she opens her eyes slowly she realized that the ghouls that trapped her were not alone. A necromancer was their leader. Phoenix remained quiet as she floated towards the cemetery just outside the city, and on the opposite side of the forest where she and Haseo had fought the dragons.

As soon as the Necromancer realized that Phoenix had woken up, cast a terrible spell on her.
The spell rendered her unconscious. When the necromancer turned around again to go to the cemetery, Foxes, Phoenix' guardian spirit came out, without being noticed by the ghouls and the necromancer it flies of to find Haseo.

(Foxes is able to emerge out of Phoenix, only when she is unconscious and this makes her weak. Foxes is able to telepathically communicate with whoever Pheonix has touched.)

Foxes flies off to find Haseo and tells Haseo of the grave dangers that await Phoenix and him.

#51 fs_haseotod1

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 04:12

Haseo sees a phoenix flying directly at him, something about this bird seemed familiar. "Who are you?" he asked as they reached each other.

#52 fs_bellafrye

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 04:16

"I am Foxes, Phoenix' guardian spirit. I can come out of her only when she is unconscious." replied the airborne Pheonix. "We have very little time left, you must hurry to save Phoenix from the vile necromancer that swore revenge on her long ago. The necromancer is headed with Phoenix to the cemetery just outside of this city. I must return to her, she is weak and frail without me. "

Foxes, flies of to reunite with Phoenix.

#53 fs_haseotod1

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 04:18

Haseo follows Foxes close behind while planning how to take down the necromancer, Skeith was begging for a chance to devour the ingrate for hurting their companion.

#54 fs_bellafrye

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 04:35

Foxes continues to fly towards Phoenix, as it does it can hear the echo's of Phoenix' frail thoughts.
Foxes is able to link its mind to Haseo as well so he can hear his companions frail thoughts.

#55 fs_haseotod1

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 04:45

Haseo read her mind and became even more pissed, a flaming aura engulfed him and his speed increased 10 fold like a pissed off bat out of hell. "Burst bullet!" he said as he impacted the ground below him that just inside the cemetery walls. His landing shook and scroched the earth around him like pure hellfire.

#56 fs_bellafrye

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 04:49

Foxes at long last has reunited with Phoenix. As soon as it does,flames sprout of her body,sorround her and free her from the heavy chains the ghouls and the necromancer put her in.

Unfortunately, this got the Necromancers attention and he immediately made her fall onto an empty grave.

As Phoenix falls onto the open grave she thinks, 'The only reason I was thrown in here is for the Necromancer to kill me, and then revive me!"

#57 fs_haseotod1

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 04:58

Haseo encounter the army of ghouls and he began inflame yet again only in pure white flames. "Celestial flames!" he shouted as he charged through, the flames chained off the touched ones and spread to the nearest ghouls and so on. This flame consumed all the ghouls in seconds reducing them beyond dust into scorch marks where they barely stood.

All that stood between him and the only woman he has ever loved was the necromancer.

#58 fs_bellafrye

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 05:04

As soon as Phoenix hits the empty grave she gets trapped into an anti-magic bubble, so now she can't use her magic to free herself.

Phoenix smiles upon hearing Haseo's thoughts about her.

#59 fs_haseotod1

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 05:16

Haseo sends her mental message," I'm about to unleash skeith at his full power, if he goes beserk only you can knock him ok?"

""Mortal flesh give way to flames of Majin rage, let loose Skeith unhindered power!" He shouted then the Alchemy Gate appeared as before and the dragon form Haseo flew in hoping Skeith would save his only love. Out pops a Skeith but he is different, not the wild savage animal like before but like an angelic spirit the knew only combat and its power fueled by pure mortal love. http://tinyurl.com/Skeithtrueform

#60 fs_bellafrye

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Posted 23 October 2009 - 05:23

Phoenix remains trapped in the anti-magic bubble, but she then remembers that she still has the dragon dagger in her thigh holster.

Phoenix replies back to Haseo," Ok, Ill come out of this bubble to control Skeith once the Necromancer has been taken care of. I love you, no one has ever gone through so much to save me"

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