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"Titan Event"

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#41 BadPenny



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Posted 11 July 2017 - 20:22

If the quest took 5000 kills to complete it would actually take more kills per drop/item. Since there would be no bonuses applied for place, thus slightly less drops per season.

That would decrease the number of people who could hunt them....


As I said before, I could go forever without hunting one more titan, the elementals were more than enough for me.  But many of my friends and guildmates do.  I care what's best for them and the game. 


Maybe some of you don't remember or weren't here yet when 2-3 guilds monopolized titan hunting.  Many were terminated during this period.  Imho, and it is only my opinion, making titans of any kind outside the existing quest titans  personal rather than guild secured is a step backwards into those dark times. This won't benefit anyone, including the OP and her guild, many of whom I love dearly.... 

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


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#42 EpicPiety



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Posted 11 July 2017 - 23:33

Everyone always opposed to titan content. Everyone can't be winners. Although everyone has equal opportunity to participate. This is a game remember there will be those who have and those who have not when it comes to certain things.


I myself look forward to some sort of competitive scene again when it comes to FS.

Edited by EpicPiety, 11 July 2017 - 23:33.

#43 kitobas



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Posted 11 July 2017 - 23:35

So can you hunt for 1 minute or not? Don't contradict yourself.

no, I not contradicting myself, you have quoting 2 different posting from me that I replying to 2 different persons, in one posting I talking about seasonal titans and other posting I talking about not-seasonal titans


I liking this very much and I agreing :)


last year I could not hunting 1 titan from many seasonal titans in titan events but player who alone or in very small guild hunting every seasonal titan and getting 2 epics from every seasonal titan, one year and I could not hunting for one minute

in this posting you quoting from me I replying to mary4ever about seasonal titans, you can finding posting here https://forums.hunte...551#entry982408


I have hunting against ffs, mom and ted, they having only very few players who fast, rest of their many members I beating many times easy

in this posting you quoting from me I replying to pardoux about titan hunting speed in general and I telling him that I beating many members from ffs, mom and tedc (this posting about not-seasonal titans)

you can finding posting here https://forums.hunte...e=2#entry982437


if not believing that I could not hunting 1 titan from many seasonal titans in titan events then going and asking my guild, they will telling you I not hunting seasonal titan last year


If she doesn't want these things discussed here, why mention them in the first place? It irks me when somebody brings up a subject, then get bent out of shape when others comment on it.  

I knowing you understanding english language, better than I, my english is not good but I understanding perfect and easy what her first posting in this topic meaning

it meaning if you wanting talking about composing for pvp then you posting in pvp topic

it easy understanding but you wanting making problem


I'm not saying I have a problem with her, I don't know her.

if what you saying truth that you not knowing mary4ever, then why you attacking her?

nobody normal in head attacking person he not knowing

mary4ever is creator of this topic that about

This thread is about SEASONAL Titans, NOT normal Titans

if you not liking her idea then saying it you not liking it but not attacking her because you not liking idea she posting

Edited by kitobas, 11 July 2017 - 23:37.

#44 mary4ever



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Posted 12 July 2017 - 01:09

Personally opposed to this suggestion that Seasonal TKP be player based...all it will create is  players who collude with each other.

on the contrary, since you seem worried about "players colluding" then you will like my suggestion !!!

my suggestion will make it that everyone will be able to titan hunt !!!

if more players are able to titan hunt => then it will logically become more difficult to collude !!!



Im rather confused and below are a few quotes.

"Sends" is the word I'm having a problem with. How will that work, if its meant literally? 

Is permission needed to be sent out to hunt?

there is NO permission needed from the guild, actually the guild has ZERO influence !!!

Titan Events TKP will be Player based => Player decides when & which Titan he wants to hunt

if you have trouble understanding it then try comparing it to a Global Event:

the Global Kills a player does are player based, same as the Seasonal titan kills

when you quallify for the Global Event then you get the reward at the end in your Player Mailbox, same as with the Seasonal Titans, Seasonal Epics will go to the Player Mailbox !!!

the Guild does NOT get any Global Kills, same as Seasonal Titan Epic / TKP !!!

the Player gets the the Global Kills, same as Seasonal Titan Epic / TKP !!!


*it can and will fluctuate , you might get less tkp might get more however the average person will get 400-600 tkp

that means you'll have to hunt 1 titan 6-10 times for the item 

honestly it's hardly possible for anyone to give an estimate, there are many factors to consider (number of hunters, map size, each hunters individual speed, teleport cooldown, ....) BUT what I do know is that my suggestion will undoubtly increase Titan Hunting activity since there will be a lot more Titan Hunters smile.png


please take note stamina cost with be also multiplied by the number of times it will take you for the item

as well as time spent , note you will have to spend more time durning preparing and hunting .

yep, you are totally right about this & if you have read this thread then you might have noticed that some players are against my suggestion because they think it will greatly devalue Seasonal Epic prices which is not true at all !!!

you correctly said that the stamina usage will be multiplied by the number of titan hunts

the epic value might even increase since you will have to spend more stamina (put more effort due to more competition, ...) than before & it stands to reason that it won't devalue the epic price as in the current system we have (which requires less stamina, time, effort, ...) !!! smile.png




it is Everyone VS Everyone !!!

it does NOT matter if a guild sends 10 hunters because these 10 hunters will be hunting against each other !!!

This may cause internal conflicts amongst guild members which should be avoided.

WHY would it cause internal conflict? after all it is Everyone VS Everyone

for Example: when you do your Global Kills & a guild mate or friend is on the same map then do you get angry????

after all each Player is on his own !!!


Lets be honest at first everyone will partake then hold back and let other have a chance to collect tkp since the titan are dying faster than expected due to the more competitive nature having this function active.

EXACTLY the same as it is now so no changes !!!


Then personal messages get sent asking are you hunting or not can i get this one I'm so close to having enough tkp?

Already having used a potion to hunt it and already on the map you are stuck in a hard place pass on it to continue.

again the same as it is now PLUS my suggestion even makes colluding more difficult than in the current system !!! after all the more difficult it is for players to collude then the better, do not you agree (at least I think so) smile.png


Then you pass on it and the titan fails to spawn as active as it was and your left with 4-5000 tkp and the event is over and you thinking "what if i just hunted instead of this and what if that and you get the picture. 

again, EXACTLY the same as it is now so no changes !!!

We ride and die for our friends and families on here but you can't have any possibility of competing amongst each other

sorry, do not understand what you mean, do you mind explaining in detail please?


And if i leave with 1 thing you can take from this is that my TKP numbers are a bit more accurate.

I was asked to explain how it would work & I gave some EXAMPLES & tried to keep it simple & the numbers "easy" for everyone to understand !!!

3 players on iggy (1 troll & 2 players whose posts never make any sense)

#45 mary4ever



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Posted 12 July 2017 - 01:45

its an interesting idea!  my question is, as a founder, how will the epic be obtained, say from player getting over 50%? 

if a player gets over 50%, also gets the secure then the Epic will be transfered to the Player Mailbox !!!

Epics are always guild tagged, and go in that special GOLD store slot, until moved to regular guild store.  will they still be tagged? and have to be untagged?

there is NO guild tagging, the guild does NOT have any control of the Seasonal Epic, whether it was secured or obtained through TKP by the Player, the Player will have control of the Seasonal Epic !!!

also, instead of out right obtaining the epic from most kills, say player takes a year to get enough kills in...will game keep track of that so when the player DOES have enough TKP

I think it would be wise to track the Players TKP on the Players Profile, this way each player can view his current Seasonal TKP from his / her Profile & yes, the "leftover" TKP will stay !!!

, someone (not sure how this would work does person themselves purchase epic, or only those with permissions in the guild?) or does none of this show up in the guild but in a separate button on players own home page? 

as previously mentioned, the guild has ZERO influence, if a Player gets the secure then the item gets transfered to the Player Mailbox, if a Player has enough Seasonal TKP then he / she can purchase it from his Profile & then will be transfered to the Player Mailbox !!!

i think if all these were figured out, it would be nice to have it as a "TITAN EVENT" like composing and leveling and globals...and the one time PVP seasons.





you not can reading? mary4ever saying in first post here in topic if want talking about composing then go to pvp topic and she posting this link https://forums.hunte...showtopic=75252


why you keeping starting fighting with mary4ever, I remembering in other forum you starting attacking her again and biggrim then removing your postings

I not caring if you two not liking each other or having fight with her but keep your fight with her out of this forum, I liking this topic idea very much and wanting talking with other players about it, not reading your fight with her

thanks kitobas but I would rather appreciate it if you do not get involved when she "attacks" / tries to provoke me or whatever her endgame is, I have her on iggy so I can not read her posts at all + honestly, I do not even know her at all


this thread is about only Seasonal Titans TKP to be Player based !!!

EVERYONE is welcome to join the discussion in a civilized manner, to agree / disagree & I am more than happy to discuss in & answer any questions, thanks again smile.png

3 players on iggy (1 troll & 2 players whose posts never make any sense)

#46 Belaric



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Posted 12 July 2017 - 04:24

This is a bad idea.


People who are in large guilds suffer from not being able to hunt seasonal titans because other people also in those large guilds have already hunted them. And secured them. For the guild. Ok.


Create a rota system for the seasonal titans within your large guild. You guys are organised. I think you can work it out.


I believe a certain guild in the past forged its way to game domination based on shared titan profits. They worked out how to spread the wealth. Others followed that pattern and did very well. Not naming names. Large guilds can work out profit sharing systems if they are motivated enough - they have before.


Making it an individual TKP system (with or without bonuses for position) simply means that large numbers of players in large guilds can all hunt the seasonal titans in turn, and will thus dominate seasonal titan hunting. Individual cooldowns won't make a difference, as many other high powered players from the same high powered guilds will still be available to hunt the next spawn of the high value titan. Or any other titan, if that large guild decides they want to collect a bunch of drops and bet on an epic tiering system (like the Inferno hammer) happening in future by depriving anyone else of drops right now.


This system seems to me like an attempt to get around the guild cooldown protocol HCS instituted to give more guilds a chance at securing.


The fact that large guilds go on cooldown offers the rest of the game chances at some high value targets during seasonals. So what if some seasonals end up being claimed more slowly? That just means all the big boys have had their fill and a little guy, who never imagined this day would dawn, gets a shot at grabbing a titan drop they never thought they'd get! How cool is that for the game? Every guild can get there, if they have titan hunters looking for an opening, and lucky enough to chance upon a window when all the big guns are silent! That is awesome!


IF TKP for individuals were implemented and made separate from cooldown, large guilds could have members hunting high value seasonal titans a lot of the time. I hesitate to say 24/7. But the top end large guilds can be very organised when they want to be. We've all seen that in action, be it DXP events, Guild wars, or previous titan domination. They could probably organise rotas by time zone.


Large guilds with large numbers of members can also afford maxed temporal beacons, giving them a significant advantage over smaller guilds that cannot afford that expensive structure. Making the seasonal titans TKP based simply gives large guilds and their members another big advantage over small guild titan hunters. They really do not need another advantage.


Unless temporal beacon bonuses would not be active for individual TKP seasonal titan hunts?


(Even in that circumstance I would not support this idea - I just expect that large guilds would not want to give up this advantage, if it were offered as part of the exchange for individual TKP hunting for titans.)


I reiterate: this is a bad idea.


There is no way in which this does not end up with large guilds with maxed temporal beacons gobbling up most of the seasonal titans. If those items are unbound, this is a simple profit center for organised large membership upper end guilds. This may not be what the OP intends, but it is an end result.


Leos: the idea of making seasonal titan rewards bound is a good one. I doubt it would be popular if implemented, as it removes any chance of making profit, but I'm open to that being put to a game-wide poll. Also, it only really works on the elemental titans because they are available 24/7. Unlike seasonal titans. If seasonal titans are made part of a quest and each player can only get the drop once, that mechanism is still abusable by high level guilds who could do multiple secures if a cooldown was not applied, as high level guilds could simply win a ton, sell plenty, and share a few. (Until next year) If guild cooldown is applied to individuals capturing items from a quest, then we are back to status quo, so why bother with quest linked seasonal titans? (i.e. if a player in your guild completes the seasonal titan quest, the rest of the guild gets locked out - so we are where we are now, except with players waiting to finish their quest totals, instead of looking to get their less restrictive hits in. EDIT: Ah, but a guild could get a ton of players near the end of the quest requirement and then stop - taking up a ton of possible hits from other guilds in the small time frame. So given that I'm a firm no to seasonal quest linked titans, unless their drops are bound, and the titan does not unspawn.)


And yes, the issue of individual TKP wins being abused by multi accounts does exist. Don't give multis a chance for easy profit. I have 6 sleeper accounts just waiting to be activated if this horrible idea got the greenlight from HCS. Joke. But others won't be joking.


So, one last time. This is a terrible idea. It would unbalance titan hunting during seasonals, massively in favour of large guilds who are currently constrained by titan cooldown. Large guilds offer many benefits. Unlimited access to titans is not one of them. (Used to be! See how that went?) Let all individual members of large guilds weigh their options and decide what to do with regards to titan hunting according to existing criteria, rather than seek to have existing criteria changed.




Don't give this one the time of day, HCS.




P.S. A Titan global with globally available titans for all to hunt (given level constraints), continuously available for the length of the global would be A-ok on an individual TKP basis. But the rewards would vary according to top 100 status, and then ruby and down tier placings. I would imagine we'd be earning parts to make an item over multiple events, to be honest. And the titans would have to be global specific titans which appear in no other circumstance. With real titan apppropriate stats for their level. Like burn some sexy pots to 1 hit me, or kiss your stam goodbye stats. Then I'd be all in. And no high level players hitting lower level titans, unless for an approriate/punishing fraction of the value towards the global totals! (No farming) And big guilds could keep their beacon bonuses then, if the titans never despawn until the event is over. LOL!

Edited by Belaric, 12 July 2017 - 06:24.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#47 Pardoux



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Posted 12 July 2017 - 04:31

Thank you Belaric for wording it so much better (if more long-winded LOL) than I did :)

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#48 Belaric



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Posted 12 July 2017 - 04:47

Pardoux, I'm using my words just like my mother intended. I wanted to cover a lot of bases, and explain why. Or: long-winded! LOL!

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#49 BadPenny



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Posted 12 July 2017 - 06:47

Pardoux, I'm using my words just like my mother intended. I wanted to cover a lot of bases, and explain why. Or: long-winded! LOL!

Your mama taught you well, and like Pardoux I couldn't have said it better.... Eloquent as always, dear, you make perfect sense... I foresee you will be accused of attacking the lady....  

Just one old lady's opinion




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#50 activeh1



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Posted 12 July 2017 - 09:56

yep Belaric has said it all


#51 BigGrim


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 10:09

Asked for before and denied. Titans, normal and Seasonal, are for Guilds to hunt. Personal TKP is never going to happen. It is simply a way to attempt to circumvent cooldown.


Sorry, not happening.


~ Grim



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