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Making Titan Hunting more Popular

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Poll: Time to Titan hunt (80 member(s) have cast votes)

Would you titan hunt more often if it took less time?

  1. Yes (35 votes [43.75%])

    Percentage of vote: 43.75%

  2. No, I have no desire to Titan hunt at all (4 votes [5.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.00%

  3. Time is not an issue to me (41 votes [51.25%])

    Percentage of vote: 51.25%


#41 BigGrim


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Posted 20 November 2014 - 10:48

please read stuff before you make an uneducated post.


Uncalled for. Do not do this again.

#42 BadPenny



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Posted 20 November 2014 - 12:22


Just one old lady's opinion




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#43 hittokiri



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Posted 20 November 2014 - 21:54

I have to agree with players saying:

  • solo secure = longer hunt, if you want a faster secure then get a group / guild mates to help !!!!
  • AM & doubler working on titan is a double-edge sword, it does not make the titan hunt faster for the average player BUT for the "magic" hunters too !!!!
  • GET RID OF THE CHEATERS => I think the best idea is to ban ALL scripts, including the FSH (after announcment + adding some helpful FSH features like guild => "report" where you can recall many items without having to reload the page after each recalled item + a few other helpful features !!!
  • decreasing the time, stamina & effort => epics are easy & fast to get => more titan spawns => more epics in the game => epic prices drop (not so epic anymore tongue.png)

from my experience:

I hunted against these "magic" hunters many times in the past, me and my guild mates managed to beat them a few times with a lot of members helping out !!!

we went a few times against a certain "magic" hunter, it was 7 players VS 1 "magic" hunter !!!

all 7 of us usually solo secure many titans in 3h - 3,5h BUT we 7 were HELPLESS against 1 single "magic" hunter !!!!

he was teleporting all over the map and getting to the titan in only 1 second !!!!

seriously he was teleporting, not moving, getting from right-upper corner to left-buttom corner in only 1 second and it looked like he was playing "ping-pong" with the titan (titan = ball in this expample)!!!!

a few times the titan spawned only 1 square next to me and the "magic" hunter was on the other end of the map BUT he got to the titan before me eventhough I only had to move 1 single square !!!!

it is not normal for 1 single player to beat 7 players !!!!


with that said I liked one thing the most that was posted in this forum:


make titan hunting a level-playing field for everybody in terms of movement speed and attack speed


as HCS said: titan hunting is and was designed to be a group / guild activity (like gvg, if you want it faster then get a group) so why not make the movement speed of everyone the same (meaning nobody has an advantage / disadvantage in terms of movement speed) and this will make an even-playing-field for everyone + get rid of "magic" hunters (expose them if they are "faster" than "allowed") + promote titan hunting in GROUPS which was the original idea of titan hunting if I am not mistaken :) !!!

I was one of those 7 titan hunters against this magic hunter

hunted a lot in the past against magic hunters but stood no chance even with groups support against 1 magic hunter

I have a very fast connection but against magic hunters that does not work


we can only give everyone an equal chance if make titan hunting a level-playing field for everybody in terms of movement speed and attack speed

Edited by BigGrim, 21 November 2014 - 10:36.

#44 maxdragon



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 06:05

there should be no short-cuts to titan hunting, if you want to titan hunt faster then hunt with your guild mates together


titan hunting gets faster if you hunt in a group and titan hunting is a group activity


if you hunt solo then it is your own fault if it takes you longer


against magic hunters we need ban all scripts or better like some said:

make titan hunting a level-playing field for everybody in terms of movement speed and attack speed

really like the idea of everyone having the same chance / speed and the more members you have in your titan hunting group the faster the hunt and the higher chance to secure the titan if you are hunting against others

#45 johnagod



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 15:10

Cheating isn't a huge issue in titan hunting. My connection isn't even that good and I've solo secured many titans, including a tommy aches. 2,000 kills on statue of gurgriss, twice! And 800+ solo kills on wickerman with a whole load of other hunters there. Most people just don't have the patience to go out and hunt it. There probably are a couple of people using scripts but I've never seen anything too drastic.


What I would like to see is shorter hunts. An average of about 6600 THP for level 500+ titans??? Why is it that the titans that have LESS people to hunt them, have way MORE THP than lower level titans that most of the player base can hunt? This is the reason I don't hunt level 500+ titans. Maps are too big, too much THP, takes about 4 hours just to get 3k kills (since there aren't many high levels in my guild and the others don't titan hunt often).


And there's something wrong if I need to sit there and click for 4 hours. Reduce the amount of HP of higher level titans. 3,300 kills is ridiculous. 1.6k for lestus/kraken is plenty. Takes about a couple of hours of solo hunting to secure. 


The titan buffs are an interesting idea. Not sure if titan doubler is a good idea though. Maybe make a buff that gives a 0.2% chance per point to inflict a double kill on a titan when attacking. Peak it at level 200 or something. (and no raising this in the future like all buffs!!) I think this is a reasonable idea.


Lastly, reduce the amount of TKP required for the titan items. Let's take for example, the Tsukiyaomo titan. The helm is worth about 165-175 fsps. Now it costs 12,000 TKP. If the titan is secured, then the best case scenario is to get 3 second places with about 3000 kills each time. 3000 kills using a, say LF 690, would cost about 10-12k stamina (probably more). This is 30+k stamina just to get this epic. Not to mention about 12 hours of sitting there clicking. In my opinion there is NO incentive to hunt specifically for TKP, unless it's a low level titan, and even that isn't worth much :/

#46 Pardoux



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 20:37

Lastly, reduce the amount of TKP required for the titan items. Let's take for example, the Tsukiyaomo titan. The helm is worth about 165-175 fsps. Now it costs 12,000 TKP. If the titan is secured, then the best case scenario is to get 3 second places with about 3000 kills each time. 3000 kills using a, say LF 690, would cost about 10-12k stamina (probably more). This is 30+k stamina just to get this epic. Not to mention about 12 hours of sitting there clicking. In my opinion there is NO incentive to hunt specifically for TKP, unless it's a low level titan, and even that isn't worth much :/


I did a post about a year ago regarding the number of TKP's required to get an item this way and how they are out of whack with each other ...



That being said, 30K stamina investment (plus the time, of course) for an item that fetches 150+ fsp is a good return - it's more than I would get from hunting that amount anyway.


But, perhaps the time has come to lower the TKP requirements given that hunting is less popular than it once was - I think the fall in popularity is more down to certain teleporting players personally tho.

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Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#47 Altiger



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 20:55

TKP is fine and does not need to be changed


problem is players getting lazy and want it easy


how many times players here need to tell you, if you want the titan hunt to be faster then get a group, titan hunting is a group activity, if you want to solo it then that is your choice so deal with the longer hunt


the same is with gvg, gvg can be finished faster with more guild mates, alone you need longer

Edited by Altiger, 21 November 2014 - 20:55.

#48 Removed18058



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 21:28

hey altiger have you ever hunted guardian of elements? if not i'd like to challenge you to go after it ^^ loads of fun to clean up! 

Fastest asv healer
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Gotta go fast :P

#49 Altiger



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 22:07

hey crippla have you ever hunted against a magic hunter? if not i'd like to challenge you to go after him ^^ loads of fun to clean up!


what is your point?

#50 BadPenny



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 22:17

Gentlemen, can we at least be civil to each other?


Carry on.....

Just one old lady's opinion




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#51 Altiger



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 22:40

if you mean that the guardian of elements is in a dark map and needs longer to hunt then I will tell you the same thing too:

if you want the titan hunt to be faster then get a group, titan hunting is a group activity, if you want to solo it then that is your choice so deal with the longer hunt

#52 johnagod



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Posted 21 November 2014 - 23:57

Not all guilds can avail of group hunting, why can't people see this? If smaller guilds have an equal opportunity in GvG as bigger guilds do, then why not the same in titan hunting? Simply not fair to be told to 'get a group' when your guild isn't very big and lacks many higher levels. Easy for you to say in your top 50 guilds...

#53 yotwehc



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Posted 22 November 2014 - 00:10

Not all guilds can avail of group hunting, why can't people see this? If smaller guilds have an equal opportunity in GvG as bigger guilds do, then why not the same in titan hunting? Simply not fair to be told to 'get a group' when your guild isn't very big and lacks many higher levels. Easy for you to say in your top 50 guilds...

I'm not in top 50 and I say get a group. Even 2 players make a huge difference. How many Titans have I solo'd? 1. Why? Because it is way more efficient and quicker with another guildmate. Look at 1hustler. He's a titan hunting boss all by his lonesome and he isn't asking for an easy button. Although I love magic,the magic has to go before any other titan changes.

#54 johnagod



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Posted 22 November 2014 - 00:19

Not easy to get a group when there's rarely 2 higher levels on at the same time here. And especially when some of them don't hunt titans. Sorry we can't all be like 1hustler and we don't all have hours upon hours to kill titans on our lonesome 

#55 johnagod



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Posted 22 November 2014 - 00:24


That being said, 30K stamina investment (plus the time, of course) for an item that fetches 150+ fsp is a good return - it's more than I would get from hunting that amount anyway.




With 20k stamina I gain about 40-50 fsps worth of fsps while hunting. And the 30k stamina is best case scenario. Not to mention the costs of LF 690 for each hunt too. This reduces the profit further. The hours upon hours of hunting a titan along with all of this just makes titan hunting not worth the skill it takes to hunt them anymore

#56 BadPenny



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Posted 22 November 2014 - 00:42

I'm not a titan hunter, not really... I dabble... I'm watching you guys debate this issue. Recently, my guild did the seasonals, like everybody else.  The competition was fierce, they're seasonals... The first time, I hunted Tommy by myself.  I didn't have massive stam, I had used mine for the event, but I used lightfoot that my guildie composed with my own BM and a ZB.  I managed to keep up, until my laptop overheated and shut down.  I let it cool a few minutes, then obsession took over, and I began again.  By myself, with all that competition, including some of the top titan hunting guilds, I managed to place 4th. If I can do that, with my limited experience, anybody can


~ Just my 2 Pennys

Edited by BadPenny, 22 November 2014 - 00:43.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#57 Altiger



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Posted 22 November 2014 - 00:55

john, you want to decrease TKP of the titans to hunt faster because of profit:

With 20k stamina I gain about 40-50 fsps worth of fsps while hunting. And the 30k stamina is best case scenario. Not to mention the costs of LF 690 for each hunt too. This reduces the profit further. The hours upon hours of hunting a titan along with all of this just makes titan hunting not worth the skill it takes to hunt them anymore

copy & paste from mary4ever post:

decreasing the time, stamina & effort => epics are easy & fast to get => more titan spawns => more epics in the game => epic prices drop (not so epic anymore tongue.png)


what happens after decreasing TKP and the epic prices drop? it will be again not worth it for you to hunt the titan so are we going to decrease TKP again?

we are back to square one

#58 drakos333



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Posted 22 November 2014 - 01:09

I would have to agree that most titan hunts are way too time consuming... i used to love to titan hunt but can rarely find the time now to dedicate 2-3 straight hours of chasing and clicking to get even close to securing or cleaning up tkp lol... i would also agree that the bugs and cheaters need to be fixed before anymore drastic changes happen... i also like the idea brought up that if we got some new titan potions/buffs that they would only work after a titan has been secured because not everyone will have access to these potions/buffs and i think it would be super unfair to be allowed to use them on a freshly spawned titan.. yes it would make things quicker.. but i also think it would be unfair...


im interested to see where this topic goes... 

#59 Pardoux



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Posted 22 November 2014 - 01:25

With 20k stamina I gain about 40-50 fsps worth of fsps while hunting. And the 30k stamina is best case scenario. Not to mention the costs of LF 690 for each hunt too. This reduces the profit further. The hours upon hours of hunting a titan along with all of this just makes titan hunting not worth the skill it takes to hunt them anymore


The simple solution then, if you don't feel them to be profitable enough any longer is to stop hunting them and let others have a go. 150+ fsp is still a GOOD return for 30K stamina. It's not a GREAT return as it used to be, but it's probably still the most profitable return on that stamina ..

(LF600 is 4 or 5 fsp these days - hardly a factor in profitabilty)

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#60 Gutie



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Posted 22 November 2014 - 02:41

 I live 12000 miles from the games servers.on the opposite side of my continent from the game so  all internet traffic passes through 4 cities before it goes to the west coast of the USA...

I think you meant 1200 miles, right?


As to other things.... To be blunt I think after a titan has spawned for 3 days there should be an accumulated ramping up with how much TKP AFTER A SECURE is sped up.


Example. After say 24/36/48 hours HP/Kills are doubled in rate of acquisition. after 3 days 3x. 5 days 4x, a Week 5x. This ensures that within the timeframe of a cooldown titans are cleared faster, givng more people an opporotunity to hunt, and also shielding smaller guilds from bigger guilds who are notorious for having "magic hunters" ....


Side comment....Being beat out to a GOE spawn that is one square away from you is literally impossible if the last spawn was halfway across the map and it's the same hunter. My friend has a really nice internet connection.... so yeah people are blatanatly cheating. Let's just say it.


Having a system that encourages clears of secured titans within the cooldown timeframe enables more people to have a shot at it.

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