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Night Of the RedMoon

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#41 fs_tyurru1217

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 14:12

ooc) can i have a quick review of whats going on i dont know whats happening sorry... lol :?:

#42 fs_spenser

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 14:20

OOC: Read the whole story and you shall find out, my young padawan. :wink:

#43 fs_tyurru1217

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 14:29

ooc: kk ill roll with it but say something my character can be included in..
please :oops:

#44 fs_spenser

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 14:39

Maybe be like a bounty hunter or something.. or treasure hunter.

Whatever suits you.

Try to think of a job, something you do in that story.

Or something related to your past, your character background, give us a name.

Well, that's about it to start your story.

And besides, make a smashing and logical entrance.

Example :

"Arggh!! I'm never going to be able to get the hell outta this place!"
shouted Tyruru.

Suddenly she heard fighting......

Something like that.

Okay, now 10k gold for my teachings.

Just kidding. Good Luck and God Bless. May you be a great Role Player in the Role Playing section. :wink:

#45 fs_tyurru1217

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 14:43

my character is the last one in rp characters if you want to check it out...
but other wise ill start after i see something happen

#46 fs_titsue

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Posted 28 October 2007 - 22:16

OOC: *Clears throat* So who's post is it? o_O

#47 fs_spenser

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Posted 29 October 2007 - 08:58

OOC: Tyruru is going off topic!!! Yuki, what took you so long?

"Hey, lets help fight...not unless you want to leave it to these girls?" Titsue said.

"Of course I'm gonna help them, I'm quite the gentlemen you know" Raven said with a smirk on his face.

"Looks like that Raven boy got what he deserved; a good ol' fashion butt whoopen." Yuki said, and gave a snicker.

"On the other hand, maybe I won't lend them a hand." Raven said.

"We will meet again," the Trupracobla growled.

Raven looked at Meow and Yuki and gave a sigh, he was still confused about what was happening.

Okay, first things first, let's go through this, first, the cat and the girl and the hu-man were screaming at each other for no apparent reason, then a dragon appeared and a oldman as well, now a girl just appeared.

What the heck was going on around here?
he thought. He gave a bewildered look and asked Titsue a question.

"Dude, I'm gonna have to ask you why you all are here, of all places." said Raven.

I've done my part... C'mon, answer me.

#48 fs_titsue

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Posted 29 October 2007 - 14:37

Night of the RedMoon

OOC: ok ok, I was just a little confused by the posts Tyruu did XD

The elder wasn't even seen anymore because of how far he was, but he just watched from that distance, as the Trupracobla king jumped away. The elder smiled when he seen the Trupracobla king run off, but he knew there was going to be more in this journey then that type of monster there. Looking into his crystal ball "Oh thank you for saving us mighty gods, but now I shall ask a question, a question about these folks future" The Elder said to the Crystal ball, the crystal ball showed nothing at first, but then it showed a picture as the colors changed "I knew it, they would all work together, I shall tell them what they must seek!" The elder was still talking to himself, but he wanted them to know so they all wouldn't do the wrong thing. He knew someday there planet and all the people on it would be saved someday, and at this time it was going to be.

Titsue looked towards Raven as he had heard his reply, then what he said "...I have no idea, I was walking into the forest when I seen that cat girl and her cat, then after that I met you when you stole my berries". Titsue looked away from Raven and to Yuki, he was still a little surprised from that girl, and the other girl who appeared out of no where kind of confused him. "I'm a traveler...that's the only reason why I was in this forest, but why were you in this forest?" He asked, narrowing his eyes a little still looking at Yuki but talking to Raven.

#49 fs_spenser

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Posted 30 October 2007 - 08:53

Yuki looked towards Raven and let a soft smile slide up the side of her maw. "Oh yeah! you two are safe!" She said swaying her neko like tail. She skipped towards them and smiled catishly. Meow stood up straight and sheathed her sword as she looked towards Raven and Titsue.

"Meow is my sensei, she taught everything i know, Like an older sister. My brother..which is no where to be found; His name is SootheOma and he's a Ninja! He went off to do something that he didn't want me to know, he told me to always stay with Meow..Meow and I thought that we should go off to find SooTheOma cause he took to long to show up back home and here we are!" Yuki said in one breathe, she regained her breathe and smiled softly.

Meow nodded again and looked towards raven. "Are you headed anywhere?" She asked, Curiously and simply waited for him to answer her.

SooTheOma.. :shock:

I was thinking this..

Oma = Korean word for Mother

#50 fs_spenser

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Posted 30 October 2007 - 08:59

"Meow is my sensei, she taught everything i know, Like an older sister. My brother..which is no where to be found; His name is SootheOma and he's a Ninja! He went off to do something that he didn't want me to know, he told me to always stay with Meow..Meow and I thought that we should go off to find SooTheOma cause he took to long to show up back home and here we are!" Yuki said.

"Are you head anywhere?" Meow asked.

"Not really.. I practically live in this forest" Raven said with a smile.

The threesome looked at him in surprise.

"I was born here in this forest by my mother that was killed by the Trupracobla's, the Trupracobla's decided to raise me, and then eat me. But as time went by I became stronger than them, and learnt of their plan to eat me." Raven said.

Raven's eyes seemed to look back into the past and seemed suddenly wet.

"Well, there's nothing for me here now... I suppose I'm going wherever you guys are going, if that's fine." said Raven.

#51 fs_titsue

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Posted 30 October 2007 - 20:47

Night of the RedMoon

OOC: rofl :D

Titsue looked at Yuki as she spoken, but then hearing what Raven had said when he answered he paused a little surprised. He wasn't expecting him to be really living in this dark forest, this forest had been forrbiden and lots of demons lived here, even the Trupracoblas, but hearing that Raven had problems with the Trupracoblas as he grew up he looked away from him. Thinking to himself ~SO that's why them darn creatures were after him, they took care of him, and made some type of plot to eat him when he gets strong enough, for his blood and power I see...~. While thinking about this, his eyes narrowed. Standing up straight he looked straight ahead at the path he was headed before all the mis understanding. He didn't know why they all met up like this in the first place, be he relizes that it was destined to be this way. Titsue sighed "Ok, this doesn't make sense" He looked towards the elder and took two steps towards him "What's going on old man?" he asked, sounding very rude, he felt as though he had no time for talk but wanted to know what was going on.

The elder looked at Titsue from a distance as he yelled at him. Running over there the Elder stopped as soon as he made it close enough "Oh yes you finaly ask me" said the elder. Clearing his throat the elder looked around for a few then back at them "You three have to work together as allies and or as a team...You all have an important mision on your hands, and it has to deal with the planet" The elder began to look serious as he looked at all of them "Now, this news isn't simple, it's very dangerious, and I hope you all take this journey most likely seriouse, Raven...The Trupracoblas are not done, Yuki...Your past isn't over from these samurai, Titsue...Control your powers, don't kill your allies[color]" the elder sighed as he began to sit down on nothing, as he began to sit a tree stomp appears out of nowhere under him and he sits on it "[color=green]Listen young ones, you will soon find out enough, but I want you all to follow that path, That path with show what you all would need to do and go, as soon as you kids make it to a village then yall will seek your next stops" The elder smiled before standing up and walking away, he pointed to the path just once as he dissappeared in a foggy way.

Titsue paused as the elder left, looking back at Raven and Yuki and wondered what they would say, waiting for a response from what the elder said.

#52 fs_spenser

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 04:07

OOC: I know right? :wink:

"So, where do we start?" Meow asked. ( Sorry if it was suppose to be Yuki )

"Why don't we start by getting the hell outta this forest, shall we?" said Raven.

"C'mon, follow me." said Raven

They seemed to walk for hours, and encountered many dangerous monsters. But Raven and the others managed to work as a team and defeated those monsters.

"Something's not right, we should've been out of the forest by now..."
said Raven.

He sniffed at the air and thought to himself..

Sorcery? But who could possible do this?

#53 fs_titsue

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 13:26

Night of the RedMoon

Titsue was silent from the reply Yuki had said, L\He looked at Raven and nodded as they followed. Walking for hours and hours and seemed as if they haven't made it anywhere, it was like walking on a straight like that really is a circle. Narrowing his eyes slightly he looked at Raven from the corner of his eye "....You mean to tell me, we're lost?" he asked. Titsue was a little angry at the moment because of how long they where walking and they didn't make it anywhere. It was red with a slight orange in the sky, night was about to fall, and yet they still wasn't at a village?.

Titsue growled a little, but calming down remembering what the old man had said, he didn't want to end up killing his allies. His eyes, Dark red colored with 7 pupils in it was yet still the Rajinn, and that can kill anyone when he's mad if they look him in the eyes. He had a lot of that in his days by accident, which is the reason why he didn't want friends or allies at all, if it was destined to have friends even with the curse of the Rajinn, then this must be a test. Titsue just waited for Raven's reply before he got pissed. ~If that's the case then looks like we're going to have to camp tonight~ he thoughts. Knowing that he brought some food with him maybe they would be able to split it.

#54 fs_spenser

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Posted 03 November 2007 - 13:11

OOC: After I post, Yuki has to post, ok?

Night Of The RedMoon

"....You mean to tell me, we're lost?" Titsue said.

"No, we aren't," Raven insisted. "I am sure of where I am going in this forest, after all, I have been living here for 10 years haven't I?"

"There is some sort of sorcery going on here," Raven continued, "And it is preventing us from exiting this forest.

Raven became silent for a moment, to let his words sink in to their brains.
After he thought that they understood, he let out a sigh and said,

"Oh well, let's set up camp here then.."

#55 fs_tyurru1217

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Posted 03 November 2007 - 13:39

ooc: can i join in now its perfect

#56 fs_spenser

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 08:16

Sure, but wait for Yuki to post.

#57 fs_spenser

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Posted 06 November 2007 - 09:04

OOC: After I post, Yuki has to post, ok?

Night Of The RedMoon

"....You mean to tell me, we're lost?" Titsue said.

"No, we aren't," Raven insisted. "I am sure of where I am going in this forest, after all, I have been living here for 10 years haven't I?"

"There is some sort of sorcery going on here," Raven continued, "And it is preventing us from exiting this forest.

Raven became silent for a moment, to let his words sink in to their brains.
After he thought that they understood, he let out a sigh and said,

"Oh well, let's set up camp here then.."

Titsue or either Yuki, please post, Tyruru is probably dying to join this thread.

#58 fs_titsue

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Posted 07 November 2007 - 00:27

OOC: Go ahead now Tyruu, Yuki stop taking that long to post, next time...we'll skip you! :twisted: XP

#59 fs_spenser

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Posted 07 November 2007 - 11:14

Isn't Yuki your sister? :shock:

#60 fs_titsue

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Posted 07 November 2007 - 16:04

OOC: Yes >_>' I was just kidding :D

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