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Community's thought on another potion composing slot?

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#41 JustChris


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Posted 30 March 2015 - 13:41

A whole slew off off-topic and flaming posts removed.

Thank you.


It is interesting to see others' ideas on this topic.

To everyone who's suggested adding a slot at level 5 instead of level one, that's a good middle ground between those that want two at level one and those who don't I like it! 

#42 Belaric



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Posted 30 March 2015 - 13:59

My gut reaction is no.


It just seems like players wanting more free stuff.


And wanting something slow and boring made easier/quicker.


The usual.



Of course if an extra slot was introduced at 5 and I received it I'd not be sorry to have the extra slot and to compose that little bit faster. Human nature, LOL!

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#43 Kbyte



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Posted 30 March 2015 - 14:28

As composing really takes a long time to progress I totally understand above the majority would like more slots (I would not find it any bad if it increases) but as composing is already for a long time with this amount of slots increasing every 10 levels, the players which already are composers +40 would feel bad for making such an efford to go that high and than after so much months their efford to log to create exp pots will be less valued (if it was already with more slots in the few months after it was reliesed all ok, but looking at this way, they would be level +50 by now, making an comparision if it was done close to the beginning). In the other hand, above 75% of high level composers are within level 45~55 range and would feel more fair it if an extra slot be added it were on level 50 instead (so all players, will get that advantage in time).


As I said above (I would not find it any bad if it increases) when talking about the amount of slots to compose pots, but also said this  the players which already are composers +40 would feel bad for making such an efford to go that high and than after so much months their efford to log to create exp pots will be less valued (if it was already with more slots in the few months after it was reliesed all ok, but looking at this way, they would be level +50 by now, making an comparision if it was done close to the beginning), so to make it an "fair-field" it would also be good to also reflect that change as it were made when it was first released (retroacting the efford players already spent logging on the game taking in consideration this proposed change if it happens). So higher level composer would not have their efford to log to create exp pots to be less valued this way.


I'll make an rough calc [and it still would not really reflect the reallity under that circustances] to try to explain how to come up with that (if an extra slot be added at composing level 5 already)


Level 1 till Level 5 => 4000 xp total


Level 5 till Level 10 => 20250 xp total - 4000 xp (previous line) = 16250 xp X 2 / 1 (if another slot added, 2 slots intead of 1) = 32500 exp [as we can see 16250 extra xp would be already in another making 3 pots per time and not only 2 pots per time, but I would consider that in this rough calc, so really already not reflecting the reallity under this retroactive situation]


Level 10 till Level 20 => 90250 xp toltal - 20250 (previous line) = 70000 xp X 3 / 2 (if another slot added, 3 slots intead of 2) = 105000 exp


Level 20 till Level 30 => 210250 xp total - 90250 (previous line) = 120000 xp X 4 / 3 (if another slot added, 4 slots instead of 3) = 160000 exp


Level 30 till Level 40 => 380250 xp total - 210250 (previous line) = 170000 xp X 5 / 4 (if another slot added, 5 slots instead of 4) = 212500 exp


Level 40 till level 50 => 600250 xp total - 380250 (previous line) = 220000 xp X 6 / 5 (if another slot added, 6 slots instead of 5) = 264000 exp


[I will stop here because by now on level 50 we do not again an extra slot]


So an player composing level level 50 for example that has 600250 exp would intead have 778000 exp which would put that player on composing level 56 pretty close to level 57 (on this rough calc, making the efford of these players also rewarded like it would be to all players - this way leaving everybody on the same condition. On my opinion an fair solution if an extra slot on level 5 be added).


The difference between this rough calc to what would probably had been the reality if it was that way before [like said on the comment on level 5 ~ level 10 range, which would stays and increases even more the higher the composer level is] would consider as paying off the frags that would of needed to be farmed than in fact was not.


That idea (if accepted by hcs) would apply for all players with any progress on composing. Maybe would also need to let fallensword offline for some time to make that change in all accounts.


And the other possibility is to keep the way it is now already.

Edited by Kbyte, 30 March 2015 - 20:19.

#44 Subject



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Posted 30 March 2015 - 15:45

Im seeing here is most want an extra slot to '' start '' with .... Give an extra slot till level 10 then make it so you dont get your 3rd slot till level 20... Win / Win ... Would help lower levels get to level 10 faster ... But wouldnt upset the players that busted there butt to get to level 50 - 60

Edited by BigGrim, 30 March 2015 - 16:05.
No swearing please.

#45 Subject



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Posted 30 March 2015 - 15:48

Im level 14 and am content with 2 slots would 3 be nice... Of course... But unnecessary

#46 yotwehc



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Posted 30 March 2015 - 19:25

I say no because if the premise in OP is to help new players, but this does not help them. It could help them make more money selling frags but most likely what will happen is people will come into forums begging for more events as they don't have enough resources to level composing with the extra slots. This suggestion is an "easier" button.
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#47 JustChris


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Posted 30 March 2015 - 19:51

I say no because if the premise in OP is to help new players, but this does not help them. It could help them make more money selling frags but most likely what will happen is people will come into forums begging for more events as they don't have enough resources to level composing with the extra slots. This suggestion is an "easier" button.

I can see what you're saying, however my response is that of anyone who uses the "easier button" cliche: Does easier necessarily have to be negative? If so, Why?


I'm not being critical, I just want to hear a further explanation of your point.  

#48 yotwehc



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Posted 30 March 2015 - 20:46

I can see what you're saying, however my response is that of anyone who uses the "easier button" cliche: Does easier necessarily have to be negative? If so, Why?


I'm not being critical, I just want to hear a further explanation of your point.  

To me, the negative is most areas require time, effort and/or donations and we are asking for a freebie in this case for incredibly powerful rewards. The justification being that it would help new players which I don't think it does. Reducing the frequency of frag events or frag event rewards would have far greater benefits for new players and non composing interested players alike.


The fastest players have already reached composing EOC in less then a year and a half. The rewards are super powerful potions which can outdo most buffs now. Takes you way longer to get to lvl 175 buffs then to make a lvl 180 composed pot now. It's definitely "easier" then leveling.


The other negative is it's another distraction. Composing is working well enough and not really hurting anyone including new players. Let's stay focused on the other pressing issues.

#49 Removed4427



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Posted 01 May 2015 - 22:26

I've been toying with the idea a bit about posting in regards to adding an additional composing slot


Thank you, JustChris, for making this happen; via the champions pack


sorry I doubted you



Edited by duktayp, 01 May 2015 - 22:30.

#50 Windbattle



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Posted 02 May 2015 - 14:33

yep, nice to see a suggestion get implemented.

#51 JustChris


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Posted 03 May 2015 - 23:04

Thank you to HCS and to those that kept this thread alive. 

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