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FFS and TWP at war - why?

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#41 fs_phyrstormz

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 15:47

I find it rather interesting how a game ( yes, it is a game, as shocking as it may come to some people ) is being compared to real war, and players are being compared to terrorists.

in all honesty, if you don't want to fight, stop attacking, slap your defense set on, keep yourself buffed, and it wont be worth anyone's time to keep attacking you

don't react, and eventually the other side will get bored and move it

all this is, is a bunch of ego's who are not willing to budge an inch, and take this game far too seriously

#42 fs_hugemedic

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 15:51

actually our guild has been trying to find a solution amicable to both sides...it's how peace if found and not just dictated

#43 fs_hugemedic

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 15:57

In regards to the deleveling arguement, on the BB we delevel someone 5 levels in less than 8 minutes....not hard to delevel someone 5 levels in 24 hours...

#44 maxdamage



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Posted 02 January 2009 - 15:57

The rest is mostly generals, safe in their ivory towers watching the little soldiers spill blood over thier slighted pride.

I have 2 open bounties, I have been on the board for the last 26 hours. I have lost 4 levels on God knows how many total bounties. I make myself VERY available.

I'm not so stupid as to not realise that the bounties are there purely to tempt us into attacking and losing 5 levels on the BB lol.

Am I the only one that sees the inconsistency here?


#45 fs_jarlaxle27

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 16:03

In regards to the deleveling arguement, on the BB we delevel someone 5 levels in less than 8 minutes....not hard to delevel someone 5 levels in 24 hours...

On the BB you can attack every 2 minutes, and any one can attack. GeordieS was attacked by someone within 5 levels of his level. He started at 368, so do the math. Unfortunately it is all assumptions, as anyone could have attacked him, especially if they wanted FFS to be blamed for it. I honestly hope HC can somehow find a way to see who has attacked him, because I would like to clear my name.

#46 fs_hugemedic

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 16:22

One could also argue that the guy who originally tried to get mercs to hit a guild may just have been coward who orcastrated the attacks on GordieS. Mind you we can't see your FSP or trade logs so who can say for sure...just a theory

#47 Calista



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Posted 02 January 2009 - 16:27

On the BB you can attack every 2 minutes, and any one can attack. GeordieS was attacked by someone within 5 levels of his level. He started at 368, so do the math. Unfortunately it is all assumptions, as anyone could have attacked him, especially if they wanted FFS to be blamed for it. I honestly hope HC can somehow find a way to see who has attacked him, because I would like to clear my name.

Off the BB, you can attack every hour. If I can take 2 levels off someone on my own, in about 5-6 attacks, wouldn't take much for a few more levels, and a few more people to do what was done to GeordieS. Since FFS has made it obvious that fsp is not an issue for many of them (( I had one offering me a LARGE fsp reward just last night)), it is not hard to believe that Mercs and/or stam could be bought in order to do this. Funny how people are more willing to do nasty deeds when they know they won't be caught red handed.


#48 fs_jarlaxle27

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 16:36

I am not saying FFS did not attack GeordieS, I just dont know of any. I also know all the evidence would point to us, but nothing can be proven, which does make me mad, because I would at least like to clear my name as well as know who attacked him. To continue to accuse us is pointless and until you get evidence is boarding on slander. I have said before that I will admit to what I have done and take responsibility for it. I would ask my guild and TWP to do the same. No one is innocent in this war, both sides are to blame.

To note, I have asked TDA and MaxDamage what needs to be done to end this war. MaxDamage directed me to Chilon. It is difficult to talk to a banned player :)

#49 fs_jarlaxle27

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 16:46

I am finding it interesting the PoLC say they are trying to end this war, yet 2 of their players continue to argue over a moot point. Why not direct your energy into ending this conflict. I am using this forum to clear up the confusion of why this war started and is being continued. Obviously if GeordieS continues to lose levels, that is terrible, but unless HC can help prove who is attacking, we need to let it go.

#50 fs_hugemedic

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 17:02

go to your corner and put on your conical hat...do you think there was a reason YOU were not invited to peace talks ;)

#51 maxdamage



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Posted 02 January 2009 - 17:06

I see lots of various viewpoints in this thread. The reality is that there can be legitimacy in arguments from both sides , even in a conflict.

The wicked players have pretty set viewpoints on things. We recruit players that share these viewpoints and once they are in, we "corrupt" them. That means we teach them all our viewpoint and if they feel our views and their views match, they can chose to stay. They can also go if it doesn't match up. We also have let players go because they never seemed to "get it" A couple of the many tenets of TWP:

1) A guild is more than a social network and commune for buffs. If you are a citizen of a guild. You have the rights and protection of the guild. You also have the responsibilities and accountability of the guild. You in essence ARE the guild. If YOUR GUILD has a war, YOU have a war. If YOU are a person of poor character, YOUR GUILD carries that shame. Do you see? If I am a citizen of a country, I expect the rights guaranteed by my Nation. I also am ready to serve in time of crisis (not just those crisis I believe in). Everyday you stay in a guild is a recommitment to its reputation, alliances, conflicts, policies and other citizens.

2) A leader has the obligation to lead. His actions and the guilds actions are the same. If I condone for example trashtalk in the forums by the wicked. I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSEQUENCES OF ANY TRASHTALK BY MY MEMBERS.

So therefore, any behavior by a member of a guild that is SUPPORTED by their leadership, either through inaction to correct it or outright support of it, can lead to guildwide consequences.

3) I can never support public insults either toward or from the wicked. Talk is cheap and costs no stam. Whether you feel it is petty to war over public insults or not is up for debate. Whether TWP will war over them or not, is not up for debate. Within our walls that discussion has been resoundingly put to rest. Take our gold and we'll protect it better next time we have some, take our levels and we'll fight the same monsters a second time. But what honorable recourse do we have to a bio? We will NEVER insult you in public without internal repercussions. We ask the same of you. We will buy our dignity back when we can't get it for free. But we won't pay gold or FSP. We will pay with stamina.

4) Thieves assume their own risks. EddyD hit twice. Jarlaxe27 is saying that EddyD hit for "no reason". He had a reason...............Gold. If Eddy got put on the board and 5 levels taken by the ample FFS Staff, NO RETALIATION would have been made. EddyD actually would be openly mocked in Guild Chat for getting caught in a gorilla cage. EddyD is accountable for his actions and must accept his consequences. Accountability is THE wicked trait. Eddy would be responsible for the consequences of his stealing, just as Jarlaxe needs to be accountable for his public UNCORRECTED insults.

Just for the record though. The "war" over the original insult is long over. This war is about a co-founder looking to hire a mercenary guild to kill us DURING a cease fire. It's intensity and duration is due to difficulty negotiating due to FFS' use of our dead guild founder in a way that insults him. TWP has many more "deal breaker" agenda items then normal as a result.

POP QUIZ: Based on the above. Which is worse to the wicked? That our Dead Guild Founder was hit by an enemy or that his avatar was altered and used by an enemy?

Maxwell Tiberius Damage III

I have so much more to say, but this is not the place for it. Those that want to flame our viewpoint, please send me a PM, I will try to return it with commentary.

#52 Calista



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Posted 02 January 2009 - 17:09

I am finding it interesting the PoLC say they are trying to end this war, yet 2 of their players continue to argue over a moot point. Why not direct your energy into ending this conflict. I am using this forum to clear up the confusion of why this war started and is being continued. Obviously if GeordieS continues to lose levels, that is terrible, but unless HC can help prove who is attacking, we need to let it go.

I have spoken to your guild leadership, my own guilds leadership, and TWP's leadership over this issue. Diplomacy is what I do within my guild, and my services as a negotiator have been offered. Problem is, diplomacy was already used in this, and YOU destroyed any level of trust and honor between the sides. I am not arguing what you call a 'moot' point. If you read what I have posted here, I have not even accused FFS of hitting GeordieS. You guys are the ones trying to prove it couldn't possibly be done. All I am doing is showing where it could have been done.

PoLC has backed TWP's in this because YOU tried to hire mercs to do your dirty work for you. You have admitted as much, though now you claim 'but it was only one person, whats the big deal'. As a cofounder of your guild, your actions put your guild in danger, and yet all you can do is say that TWP's are to blame for these actions? There was a truce in place. Did you think hiring mercs would serve that truce well?

BTW, I never said what I was offered FSP for. I simply said that fsp is obviously not an issue for you guys, since I was just offered a reward last night. Too bad I'm not for sale.


#53 maxdamage



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Posted 02 January 2009 - 17:11

To note, I have asked TDA and MaxDamage what needs to be done to end this war. MaxDamage directed me to Chilon. It is difficult to talk to a banned player :)

I have given his MSN address to you in the past and you failed to follow through. That obviously pushed back any timeline for peace for your guild.

#54 fs_crace

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 17:20

To note, I have asked TDA and MaxDamage what needs to be done to end this war. MaxDamage directed me to Chilon/Granta. It is difficult to talk to a banned player :)

I have given his MSN address to you in the past and you failed to follow through. That obviously pushed back any timeline for peace for your guild.

Kind of hard to negotiate with a player that isn't even in the guild and doesn't play the game any more .

Ooops - me bad. :shock:

#55 hadom



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Posted 02 January 2009 - 17:21

I am finding it interesting the PoLC say they are trying to end this war, yet 2 of their players continue to argue over a moot point. Why not direct your energy into ending this conflict. I am using this forum to clear up the confusion of why this war started and is being continued. Obviously if GeordieS continues to lose levels, that is terrible, but unless HC can help prove who is attacking, we need to let it go.

Just for the record Jarlaxle, PoLC is not trying to end this war for your sorry hide... All wars must come to an end at some point... The sooner the better for your guild I might add...

Despite all your efforts to antagonize TWP and make yourself out to be some kind of innocent martyr, your actions have been dishonourable and you're still the #1 reason why your guildmates have taken a beating, regardless of whether or not you or your FFS members attacked GeordieS... In Imperial Japan, you'd be a defeated General and expected to fall on your own sword for such a failure, then to simply become a footnote on the pages of history...

Fortunately for you, this isn't Imperial Japan, and you are entitled to live, have your opinion and use your voice, but for the sake of your guildmates, please remain silent and stop impeding any progress towards a peaceful resolution by antagonizing your enemies further...

#56 fs_hugemedic

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 17:21

Selfish leaders...spending guild funds when it is obvious the recompense requested. Your entire guild suffers because YOU choose to continually inflame rather than make ammends and we're talking real mending not your empty words.

Do your guild a favour and retire Jaraxle27

#57 fs_jarlaxle27

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 17:28

Why would I talked to a banned player? It is a violation of HC policy, I believe. Chilon should have no say in what happens in TWP or Fallen Sword. I tried to talk to you Max and you direct me else where, what else can I do.

I have already stated my beliefs about the avatar. Using it was wrong, defacing it is beyond wrong. These things were done in response to your guild 100 stamming us because of my bio. Both sides need to admit their part in this and get over it. FFS has, and will again if TWP wants, apologize for using the Avatar. If you want more than that, stop attacking us and talk to us.

As for me hiring people to hit you. I will say again. I talked to ohmaster, a level 200. My initial plan was to get TWP on the BB so FFS could hit them. Looking back at the screen shot TWP has, ohmaster was talking to Badpenny who was telling him to try and get me to commit. Fair enough, you wanted confirmation. But I never carried through on my plan, if I had gotten ohmaster to commit, I would have talked to my leadership and explained my plan. If they said no, i would have tried something else I am sure. Obvioulsy I wanted revenge against you. You attacked my entire guild because my bio called one of you players an idiot. In your guild this is unacceptable, so fine you are better than us. You dont have the right to enforce your guild rules on FFS. I ask HC if I could call him an idiot, they said yes. So apparently it is not that terrible of a thing to be called. But we are going in circles.

I have admitted I was wrong to break the truce. TWP just wants us to give them everything they want. Not gonna happen. Both sides are responsible for this, both sides need to agree to disagree I guess. you have your opinion, I have mine, but I guess i am not allowed to express it in my bio. stop trying to control me and play the game. Before this, I have never done anything to anyone. Go and try to dig up some dirt on me, you wont find much. I play this game to have fun, improve my character, make friends, same as almost everyone else. I do not look for ways to make people mad or break guilds apart.

#58 fs_jarlaxle27

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 17:30

I am finding it interesting the PoLC say they are trying to end this war, yet 2 of their players continue to argue over a moot point. Why not direct your energy into ending this conflict. I am using this forum to clear up the confusion of why this war started and is being continued. Obviously if GeordieS continues to lose levels, that is terrible, but unless HC can help prove who is attacking, we need to let it go.

Just for the record Jarlaxle, PoLC is not trying to end this war for your sorry hide... All wars must come to an end at some point... The sooner the better for your guild I might add...

Despite all your efforts to antagonize TWP and make yourself out to be some kind of innocent martyr, your actions have been dishonourable and you're still the #1 reason why your guildmates have taken a beating, regardless of whether or not you or your FFS members attacked GeordieS... In Imperial Japan, you'd be a defeated General and expected to fall on your own sword for such a failure, then to simply become a footnote on the pages of history...

Fortunately for you, this isn't Imperial Japan, and you are entitled to live, have your opinion and use your voice, but for the sake of your guildmates, please remain silent and stop impeding any progress towards a peaceful resolution by antagonizing your enemies further...

I have admitted what I did, so my efforts are not to make me look like an innocent martyr. I am only speaking the truth to the best of my ability and knowledge.

#59 fs_jarlaxle27

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Posted 02 January 2009 - 17:33

Selfish leaders...spending guild funds when it is obvious the recompense requested. Your entire guild suffers because YOU choose to continually inflame rather than make ammends and we're talking real mending not your empty words.

Do your guild a favour and retire Jaraxle27

Then what would you have me do? I have continued to ask and got no definite answer. I have heard TWP wants me to leave the guild? Not really fair considering my actions. I "tried" to hire some mercs. How many in FS have actually hired mercs? I have been demoted in my guild. Is this not enough?

Lets say I get booted, or leave. Will TWP "allow" me to play this game or am I forever to endure their attacks, all guilds that would harbor someone as terrible as me will suffer their wrath?

Just wondering, maybe I should ask Chilon :)

*edit* http://tinyurl.com/7856h5

#60 avvakum



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Posted 02 January 2009 - 17:51

Selfish leaders...spending guild funds when it is obvious the recompense requested. Your entire guild suffers because YOU choose to continually inflame rather than make ammends and we're talking real mending not your empty words.

Do your guild a favour and retire Jaraxle27

Then what would you have me do? I have continued to ask and got no definite answer. I have heard TWP wants me to leave the guild? Not really fair considering my actions. I "tried" to hire some mercs. How many in FS have actually hired mercs? I have been demoted in my guild. Is this not enough?

Lets say I get booted, or leave. Will TWP "allow" me to play this game or am I forever to endure their attacks, all guilds that would harbor someone as terrible as me will suffer their wrath?

Just wondering, maybe I should ask Chilon :)


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