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Equipment and Composing

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#41 EpicPiety



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 00:19


Bottom line is, THIS IS A GAME ...


Anyone can play it the way THEY choose to play it ?


Slow, fast, efficient, non-efficient.


What does it matter as long as the player themself is enjoying it and abiding by the existing game rules ?

I guess we see in parallel for once.


I wouldn't consider memorizing 1-3 key words per buff rocket science. You shouldn't even have to try to make an effort to memorize if you indulge in the game at least half way you should have the buff descriptions memorized without even trying. If your just mindlessly logging in and asking for buffs *Yes buffs in general* and hitting 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 and logging out your hardly "playing" the game to begin with. I certainly don't have a problem with people "playing" like this if that's what they consider playing... do what you want. But remember this "You reap what you sow".

#42 Pythia



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 00:22

That sounds about right, now think how much more efficient  it is if you build in key shortcuts to the data, omitting the information you can go get.


I have things I do to help keep my mind limber and functioning at  a faster pace. 


I'm a puzzle person in my quiet time.  No not just jigsaw, although if it's 3-D I like it more.


I know the buffs I like to use, I'm always looking at gear and other things, game related.

#43 EpicPiety



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 00:34

That sounds about right, now think how much more efficient  it is if you build in key shortcuts to the data, omitting the information you can go get.


I have things I do to help keep my mind limber and functioning at  a faster pace. 


I'm a puzzle person in my quiet time.  No not just jigsaw, although if it's 3-D I like it more.


I know the buffs I like to use, I'm always looking at gear and other things, game related.

To his their own i guess... But as long as you memorized a way to pull up such information. Your on the right path. That's great :) you should always be theory crafting sets etc. I'm glad we can see parallel that overly high composing buffs aren't needed to do with hunting. So balancing them a tad bit won't be a problem. If you ever run into trouble in an area and can't figure it out PM me with the problem. I most likely have an answer for you and if not i'll pull out my handy calculator and get to work. Heck i'll even give you multiple options comparing price and recommend the most efficient way. I'll even let you know how i did it so you can figure it out yourself next time. Cutting out the middle man hehe. Of course you can still verify with me until you are totally confident in your ability. You might be surprised on how many things actually don't require composing pot's but we as a group collectively conditioned ourselves into mindlessly using due to the effortless convenience of composing :P.

Edited by EpicPiety, 09 March 2016 - 00:36.

#44 Pythia



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 03:27

Color me curious, EP/


Do you use those composed potions?


If so, what do  you use them for?

#45 EpicPiety



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 04:29

Color me curious, EP/


Do you use those composed potions?


If so, what do  you use them for?

Anything that strikes my fancy. Example of composing pot prices are in kalish's profile. I'm at a point in the game where i don't really need to hunt but twice a year in 2x events. I use the pride buff the most... Love the new update to it. Use buff enhancer as well to Buff my guild. Those buff's i quite like. The ratio's were very well thought out. I guess i farm sometimes in LE events? Not recently though... Mostly use the LL buff in scavenging cave. Scavenging is one of my favorite aspects :). Love inventing potions from the cave as well as try my luck in special events. 

#46 Pythia



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:11

I have often wondered why you want to change so much. now that you are at the top of your game.

#47 EpicPiety



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 05:44

I have often wondered why you want to change so much. now that you are at the top of your game.

You have a lot to learn if you think i'm at the top of my game. You mean to do with levels? Yes i'm EoC. Well right now i'm not but i can get there in the next 2x event. Curious if you are confused on how the overkill buff might work. You are only awarded a boost in experience if your damage is twice that of the creatures hp. You do not receive added experience bonuses for additional damage. It is no skin off anyone's back if buff's were balanced. You'd still be doing your thing paying the same price *Actually maybe lower* but the respective other aspects that composing effects will be fixed. Economy/inventing/PvP/GvG/Arena/etc... COMPOSING EFFECTS EVERY ASPECT IN THE GAME... Directly or indirectly. Frankly it's current state with a few over powered buffs isn't doing any aspect any good except for profit in composer's pocket i guess. Pythia i'm going to be quite frank here do you ever post anything of worth? All that you do is come here and play the "devil's advocate" quote on quote and question people who are actually trying to indulge in intellectual debate. Don't get me wrong i encourage people to question me. But come at me with something relevant that has some supporting evidence. Honestly i feel like i'm talking to a wall. Go look back at your posts. Show me something very thought out that has any worth in this thread... Or various other threads. Every time you get cornered, which is every time *because you never have any legitimate supporting details anyway* you come with the cop out excuse. I'm a casual player blah blah blah i barely take this game slightly seriously.  Honestly that doesn't support your argument...Confused on how you think that helps your case? Whatever your argument ever even is. You reap what you sow Pythia. That's the unfortunate reality of FS and Life frankly. Of course unless you have money. But that still eventually come's full circle and stab's you right in the back. Oh yea and for the record I've been an active forumer since i was below level 1000. My level has nothing to do with wanting to change things? Typical response, your very repetitious too. Of course you can argue that i am repetitious or anyone else is repetitious...Well yes you are right but the difference between other people and you is for the most part they back things up with legitimate sources and evidence. God how many times have i seen you post something to that degree. If i were to go back through various threads i'd hypothesize at least a dozen. Way too many... I'm not the only one that feels this way either.

#48 Pythia



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 06:03

Yes, I meant levels, because this game is a work in progress and there is always something new to learn.


Yes, sometimes I have something worth saying but for the last while I have been to disappointed in all the attempts at dismantling to feel all that positive.


I know what Grim and Hoof have said about things working the way they should and not having any plans to change anything, but I know that if there is enough noise made about it, they will do something that might very well cause more damage than good. 


I do like this game and it is fun to play.


As for coming at you with something relevant, I did with the GvG,  and  it was factual.  For more than a few posts you thought that the information was about me and my guild. 


I think you finally got the point and understood but I did not think you would because it took longer than it should.


There is much I do not know, but I am learning too and sometimes the squeaky wheel makes so much noise it worries me.

#49 rowbeth



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 06:55

Yes, sometimes I have something worth saying but for the last while I have been to disappointed in all the attempts at dismantling to feel all that positive.


A great deal worth saying. Its just a shame that not everyone manages to understand where you are coming from.

#50 EpicPiety



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 07:03

A great deal worth saying. Its just a shame that not everyone manages to understand where you are coming from.

I understand where she is coming from trust me. I am every bit willing to help her and just about anyone else. What i don't understand is how she can lobby for things if she claims to not know much about the game and most of the time the specific topic she's talking about? She will say one thing and hardcore fight it then admit she knows nothing about the game then rinse and repeat... Go back and read her posts, the proof is in the pudding.

Edited by EpicPiety, 09 March 2016 - 21:13.

#51 Filletminion



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 22:19

Sadly when people offer "advice" on buffs to new players and tell them they do things they do not I for one find it Silly that these people are able to mentor and influence, not to mention how many people they drive away with their False knowledge.. yesterday in global chat was a prime example Someone said you should always hunt with lady luck because it gives you a chance of getting perfect drops I just lolled and bit my tongue..

#52 yotwehc



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 23:11

At least you corrected them politely and set the record straight. Mad respect. There are others that won't help and just ridicule them. Probably those folks are worse for the game IMHO.

#53 EpicPiety



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Posted 09 March 2016 - 23:48

Sadly when people offer "advice" on buffs to new players and tell them they do things they do not I for one find it Silly that these people are able to mentor and influence, not to mention how many people they drive away with their False knowledge.. yesterday in global chat was a prime example Someone said you should always hunt with lady luck because it gives you a chance of getting perfect drops I just lolled and bit my tongue..

If you corrected them did they argue you were wrong? Even though you were absolutely right and presented sources etc? Imagine they might have whoever it was. I wouldn't know i haven't even looked at global chat in at-least a year. I bet that new player was so confused at the end of the whole ordeal he got frustrated or quit because he couldn't get a concise and factual answer. He didn't know what was right and what was wrong. Thankfully the forum is a place where you get concise and factual answers right? Maybe refer them here. Often when this is happening i refer them to a reputable guild that takes in lower levels and i personally know will steer them in the right direction. It's the best course as it stands now. Debatably it's been the best course throughout the whole game. Heck sometime's if i like their attitude and maturity i invite them to my own guild.

Edited by EpicPiety, 09 March 2016 - 23:56.

#54 Pythia



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Posted 10 March 2016 - 00:18

I missed the description on the lady luck but it goes hand in hand with four leaf if you want a chance of a perfect drop.


I won't make that mistake again.


I was taught to be nice,  to be polite and I always try.   Pity the same is not true of everyone. 

#55 EpicPiety



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Posted 10 March 2016 - 00:22

I missed the description on the lady luck but it goes hand in hand with four leaf if you want a chance of a perfect drop.


I won't make that mistake again.


I was taught to be nice,  to be polite and I always try.   Pity the same is not true of everyone. 

Oh it was you? Something i like to do is open a new tab and type in whatever i'm curious about so for example lady luck... I'd type lady luck fallensword into the search bar and UFSG and Wiki will come up. Can pretty much do that for anything and everything 9 times outta 10 there will be a link there :).

#56 yotwehc



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Posted 10 March 2016 - 00:26

At least she tried to be helpful. Better then not trying at all ;)
No offense mr. Not using global chat for many years. Lol

#57 EpicPiety



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Posted 10 March 2016 - 00:28

At least she tried to be helpful. Better then not trying at all ;)
No offense mr. Not using global chat for many years. Lol

Well i actually beg to differ TBH. It's very toxic and harmful to help new players and feed them false information. But at least she was in good spirits about it. Have you seen what global chat is? Obviously not or your feigning ignorance for enjoyment here but... There is a reason why most of the FS community stays away from it. I actually recommend new players to stay away from it and cut out the middle man and look for an individual that's willing to help them outside of it.

Edited by EpicPiety, 10 March 2016 - 00:29.

#58 Pythia



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Posted 10 March 2016 - 00:42

I wish you luck, maybe you will win yet.

#59 yotwehc



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Posted 10 March 2016 - 00:46

Well i actually beg to differ TBH. It's very toxic and harmful to help new players and feed them false information. But at least she was in good spirits about it. Have you seen what global chat is? Obviously not or your feigning ignorance for enjoyment here but... There is a reason why most of the FS community stays away from it. I actually recommend new players to stay away from it and cut out the middle man and look for an individual that's willing to help them outside of it.

I'm in global chat all of the time and aside from tumbleweeds blowing by a few times, it's relatively mild. Occasionally Juvi is saying incomprehensible things other then that it is new players being ignored. I try to say "hi" but usually it's too late and they are gone for good. This is a social game and even if wrong info is shared, hopefully someone steps in to correct but interaction is the greatest part of this game. How harmful was the advice about Lady Luck? Pfft minimal. How is a new player going to have access to a compose eoc pot. And in the particular example, the player was looking for an item so although incorrectly stated, the advice would have helped the player (if by some miracle they had access to that pot).

Anyway, give chat a try again. Believe me. It's usually just tumbleweeds.

#60 EpicPiety



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Posted 10 March 2016 - 00:59

I'm in global chat all of the time and aside from tumbleweeds blowing by a few times, it's relatively mild. Occasionally Juvi is saying incomprehensible things other then that it is new players being ignored. I try to say "hi" but usually it's too late and they are gone for good. This is a social game and even if wrong info is shared, hopefully someone steps in to correct but interaction is the greatest part of this game. How harmful was the advice about Lady Luck? Pfft minimal. How is a new player going to have access to a compose eoc pot. And in the particular example, the player was looking for an item so although incorrectly stated, the advice would have helped the player (if by some miracle they had access to that pot).

Anyway, give chat a try again. Believe me. It's usually just tumbleweeds.

Your absolutely right it's minimal but the bigger problem here is it it happening all over FS and quite often. That's the problem thing's slowly add up :). Your not looking at the bigger picture but focusing too hard on this individual incident. I speak of the bigger picture... I generally always look at the bigger picture to do with everything. It's important not to get too caught up on one individual thing. Yup i'll quote someone that was talking to me in pm today... " the biggest downfall of this game is having to wait so long for stamina to be able to do anything much. but then again this is what I call a \'people\'s game\' where when you\'re not actually actively doing anything you can be chatting away with friends (and/or even enemies!). "... I love this game because of this... A social game. I'm always conversing and chatting away with friends, enemies...Everyone... But being the person i am one of the founding fathers of the most successful guild in the game debatably. it's really not enjoyable for me to frequent global chat. There are a lot of bitter people here and throughout the whole game. Maybe i am a tad bitter now a days? But do you blame me i deal with it on a daily basis. But at least i'm actually wholeheartedly trying to fix thing's that are actually broken or try to better the game and continue to try to help the newer players of the game.


Oh yea and thankfully those travelling composers have been coming down in price as of late so everyone truly does have equal opportunity to experience all these buffs. Maybe even people will get to witness first hand just how overpoweringly broken SOME of these buffs are.

Edited by EpicPiety, 10 March 2016 - 01:03.

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