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Next Wave of Composing Potions

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#41 sweetlou



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 15:44

I'm the guy wondering if HCS is done with composing for now.

Let's hope so. They can easily wait like they always do and spend their  resources on other more pressing issues that have been neglected for too long.

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#42 Bildor



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 15:49

This topic has the exact same demands as players at the leveling EOC. They moan for more, more, more! Only composing leveling doesn't NEED to be released for the game to continue and flourish.


The main argument against making more potions, and at even higher levels, is that it breaks the game. The game can't get any easier with higher and higher leveled skills. The game needs to be made harder to counter the ease with which these uber pots have altered the game. Other ancillary arguments against introducing new composing levels are that they will entice scripters to continue cheating and it will make the disparity between those that do script with their guilds and beneficiaries grow against the rest of us.


Before detection of those scripters can be improved AND the administrators will ENFORCE the existing rules a moratorium on new composing levels needs to be initiated. We need ZERO TOLERANCE! I want to know how a player can humanely continue composing 24hrs/day for weeks and months at a time? I question the players who are against ridding the game of these cheats.

You mentioned a moratorium on new composing levels. So perhaps you do know something about the topic after all. In order to have a moratorium, that would suggest there  is something else planned, since you are calling for a temporary composing level cessation. Do you have an answer to that question? Do you recall a post from HCS outlining their composing plans? 

#43 Mister Doom

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Posted 20 September 2015 - 16:29

Perhaps the people posting in this topic should stop and think for a moment.


Imagine you were an outsider looking in at this argument, what would your initial thoughts be?


I think we could all do to calm down. It's starting to get a little silly and childish now.


#44 EpicPiety



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 17:06

This topic has the exact same demands as players at the leveling EOC. They moan for more, more, more! Only composing leveling doesn't NEED to be released for the game to continue and flourish.

The main argument against making more potions, and at even higher levels, is that it breaks the game. The game can't get any easier with higher and higher leveled skills. The game needs to be made harder to counter the ease with which these uber pots have altered the game. Other ancillary arguments against introducing new composing levels are that they will entice scripters to continue cheating and it will make the disparity between those that do script with their guilds and beneficiaries grow against the rest of us.

Before detection of those scripters can be improved AND the administrators will ENFORCE the existing rules a moratorium on new composing levels needs to be initiated. We need ZERO TOLERANCE! I want to know how a player can humanely continue composing 24hrs/day for weeks and months at a time? I question the players who are against ridding the game of these cheats.

the people you think are super cheaters don't even compose lol, makes me question your judgement or "radar"... Log tickets if nothing comes of them don't continue to whine. This is hardly a valid reason to halt composing. People could be cheating at any aspect does that mean they should stop developing it? I personally find using multis for personal benefit a bigger crime ;).

Edited by EpicPiety, 20 September 2015 - 17:11.

#45 sweetlou



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 17:22

You mentioned a moratorium on new composing levels. So perhaps you do know something about the topic after all. In order to have a moratorium, that would suggest there  is something else planned, since you are calling for a temporary composing level cessation. Do you have an answer to that question? Do you recall a post from HCS outlining their composing plans? 

My arguments against any new composing levels are based solely on being a player concerned about the game because of the considerable amount of time and money I spend. That's it! I'm always worried about the integrity of the game. I don't want to have to compete against players who are cheating through nefarious piggy-backing Helper scripts IN ANY ASPECT OF THE GAME, including composing and the still profitable titan hunting. I think every player, except the cheaters, would agree with me. Substantive game development and stopping players who want to use an automated advantage are the preeminent challenges the game has today.


In this thread I haven't suggested anything beyond ceasing composing pots, maybe even reducing their power, and better detecting of the scripters. HCS knows scripters are there but publicly will continue to deny their existence. Until recently with Hoof's friendlier posting policy just mentioning this subject would have garnered discipline simply because they think it might hurt revenues. I believe in transparency in the 21st century. So how do my stances infer I have any other knowledge of a HCS plan? I think you are giving to much credit to HCS and their planning. HCS' game development has been reactionary with their extremely limited resources of the past and the game is playing catch up atm.

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#46 EpicPiety



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 17:36

My arguments against any new composing levels are based solely on being a player concerned about the game because of the considerable amount of time and money I spend. That's it! I'm always worried about the integrity of the game. I don't want to have to compete against players who are cheating through nefarious piggy-backing Helper scripts IN ANY ASPECT OF THE GAME, including composing and the still profitable titan hunting. I think every player, except the cheaters, would agree with me. Substantive game development and stopping players who want to use an automated advantage are the preeminent challenges the game has today.


In this thread I haven't suggested anything beyond ceasing composing pots, maybe even reducing their power, and better detecting of the scripters. HCS knows scripters are there but publicly will continue to deny their existence. Until recently with Hoof's friendlier posting policy just mentioning this subject would have garnered discipline simply because they think it might hurt revenues. I believe in transparency in the 21st century. So how do my stances infer I have any other knowledge of a HCS plan? I think you are giving to much credit to HCS and their planning. HCS' game development has been reactionary with their extremely limited resources of the past and the game is playing catch up atm.

I find it tiresome that you speak as if you know for a fact. If you have any hardcore evidence please do send it in to the FSH/HCS teams it would be very helpful. No your intuition isn't considered good enough evidence. Stop posting this junk on the forums.


Just because you won't use it and never will doesn't mean other people should have to be deprived of it. The cows do have control over it. A lot of work goes into it and it really is helpful especially to new players. I really recommend all new players use it. People who choose to misuse FSH and alter it are the problem  (Speculating this is even happening). Take a gun away from a gun murderer and they will just turn into a knife murderer. Where does the cycle stop? It doesn't they will continue to do it.

Edited by EpicPiety, 20 September 2015 - 17:44.

#47 sweetlou



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 17:50

the people you think are super cheaters don't even compose lol, makes me question your judgement or "radar"... Log tickets if nothing comes of them don't continue to whine. This is hardly a valid reason to halt composing. People could be cheating at any aspect does that mean they should stop developing it? I personally find using multis for personal benefit a bigger crime ;).

You must have some special insight to the super cheaters! ;) I think it's the perfect time to stop composing. It isn't NEEDED! You only want it. There are only a handful of players and their guilds who are at level 60 and in favor of this, including some scripters. The pots are over powered ruining the difficulty and challenges of the game already. Improving detection of the scripters and coming up with a better handling of keeping the game challenging while allowing players to compose is paramount. Adding composing levels is only asking for MORE, MORE, MORE and hurts the game if they just unleash more levels and stronger skills.


And thank you for reminding me of the equally egregious cheats who are ones that share passwords either while still playing or after retirement. Detection needs improvement there as well. What I'm after is HCS to acknowledge they are doing their very best at continuing to work hard to combat the disease that exists in gaming. It should be a priority. I feel it isn't and hasn't been. I've played this game too long to know.

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#48 sweetlou



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 17:51

I find it tiresome that you speak as if you know for a fact. If you have any hardcore evidence please do send it in to the FSH/HCS teams it would be very helpful. No your intuition isn't considered good enough evidence. Stop posting this junk on the forums.

Then leave the discussion.

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“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -GRRM

#49 EpicPiety



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 17:54

You must have some special insight to the super cheaters! ;) I think it's the perfect time to stop composing. It isn't NEEDED! You only want it. There are only a handful of players and their guilds who are at level 60 and in favor of this, including some scripters. The pots are over powered ruining the difficulty and challenges of the game already. Improving detection of the scripters and coming up with a better handling of keeping the game challenging while allowing players to compose is paramount. Adding composing levels is only asking for MORE, MORE, MORE and hurts the game if they just unleash more levels and stronger skills.


And thank you for reminding me of the equally egregious cheats who are ones that share passwords either while still playing or after retirement. Detection needs improvement there as well. What I'm after is HCS to acknowledge they are doing their very best at continuing to work hard to combat the disease that exists in gaming. It should be a priority. I feel it isn't and hasn't been. I've played this game too long to know.

I can only shed insight on myself. I'm not nieve enough to do it about other players...Publicly at-least. I prefer to speculate behind closed doors. It definitely is a very fun topic at the very least. I agree transparency and detection needs to be improved.

Edited by EpicPiety, 20 September 2015 - 17:59.

#50 sweetlou



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 18:36

I can only shed insight on myself. I'm not naive enough to do it about other players...Publicly at-least. I prefer to speculate behind closed doors. It definitely is a very fun topic at the very least. I agree transparency and detection needs to be improved.

So that's were we differ. I have nothing to hide. I have many experiences witnessing specific players absolutely cheating where they have been terminated and taken many stands against those players my entire FS career. I am not saying YOU are cheating. But more importantly, WHY would you be worried about chasing out the cheaters? I would think you would endorse ridding the game of these players. So maybe you benefit in some way? Is it an direct or indirect benefit? IF you do, fear not. You have time to correct your way. Again, I'm NOT labeling you a cheat but why do you have an issue with all of us playing on a level field? Would it be tiresome? ;)

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“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -GRRM

#51 EpicPiety



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 18:38

So that's were we differ. I have nothing to hide. I have many experiences witnessing specific players absolutely cheating where they have been terminated and taken many stands against those players my entire FS career. I am not saying YOU are cheating. But more importantly, WHY would you be worried about chasing out the cheaters? I would think you would endorse ridding the game of these players. So maybe you benefit in some way? Is it an direct or indirect benefit? IF you do, fear not. You have time to correct your way. Again, I'm NOT labeling you a cheat but why do you have an issue with all of us playing on a level field? Would it be tiresome? ;)

It's not your job to chase them. The way you "chase" them is borderline harassment which is also against ToS. Two wrongs don't make a right :). Like i said keep your intuition off the forums, if not don't treat it as fact. That's the only problem i have...

Edited by EpicPiety, 20 September 2015 - 18:38.

#52 yotwehc



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 18:59

I can vouch for the integrity police. He's always been consistent except when the bug suits him. ;)

#53 sweetlou



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 20:15

Edited by EpicPiety


I can vouch for the integrity police. He's always been consistent except when the bug suits him. ;)

Both of you start trolling. Sounds like a perfect marriage. Adios until someone has some logical arguments.

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“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -GRRM

#54 Undjuvion



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 22:44

Both of you start trolling. Sounds like a perfect marriage. Adios until someone has some logical arguments.


the logic is... there shouldnt be arguement... do away with any places cheating can exist then it wont take birth ;)


siding with luis, cheaters can burn.... if caught :)



edit: people need to be ready for and take a kick up the bum sometimes or avoid letting it happen ;)

Edited by Undjuvion, 20 September 2015 - 22:45.

#55 wil72



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 23:17

the logic is... there shouldnt be arguement... do away with any places cheating can exist then it wont take birth ;)


siding with luis, cheaters can burn.... if caught :)



edit: people need to be ready for and take a kick up the bum sometimes or avoid letting it happen ;)


Unfortunately, this appears to be far from the case. :(





Edited by wil72, 20 September 2015 - 23:18.

#56 Undjuvion



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Posted 20 September 2015 - 23:27

Unfortunately, this appears to be far from the case. :(






maybe, i wrote 'if caught' ... we cannot know unless we are informed, hcs needs to maintain, most players I WOULD ASSUME and maybe OBVIOUSLY just keep their mouth shut which kinda makes them accomplice BUT regardless if hcs isnt pulling rank why should the accomplices feel any reason to change their ways ;)

#57 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 21 September 2015 - 01:15

To resume all this argument:

1 - Does HCS' original plan on Composing finished? 

YES - Ok, people can start to think about how to proceed for now on.
NO - Ok, maybe ask players about what should or shouldn't be released and why.


All those arguments sounds like a fart while taking a dump, make some noise but means nothing at the end of the process.

#58 BigGrim


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 09:17

Let's stay on topic please.


On topic : 


As of this time, we have no further plans for composing. Will we in the future? Sure. Will we be raising any of the level caps? Not likely, as most of them are high enough. Would we introduce new buffs? Probably. It is not on the immediate future. We are looking at several other facets of the game.


~ Grim

#59 Bildor



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Posted 21 September 2015 - 13:50

Thanks for the update BG!

#60 Kedyn



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Posted 21 September 2015 - 18:59

Let's stay on topic please.


On topic : 


As of this time, we have no further plans for composing. Will we in the future? Sure. Will we be raising any of the level caps? Not likely, as most of them are high enough. Would we introduce new buffs? Probably. It is not on the immediate future. We are looking at several other facets of the game.


~ Grim



Thanks for the update here. I agree with you on this point. Most of the people still composing aren't 60 yet. It's just like EOC - players can choose to rush there, but that's their choice to rush. Everyone will get there sooner or later, and it's as the masses hit 60 that the update may be needed. As you said, there are more important places to update right now other than composing.



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