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Zombie Yeomen IV

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#41 Filletminion



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 02:17

Had an idea not sure how it would float....but if the event ended the moment it reached 17.5 m kills regardless of time left.


So instead of having players waiting to see what level we would qualify for and doing the minimum to get rewards for that level it would encourage players to be active in the event from the start?

Edited by katatonic, 17 January 2015 - 02:18.

#42 gilby90813



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 05:45

Had an idea not sure how it would float....but if the event ended the moment it reached 17.5 m kills regardless of time left.


So instead of having players waiting to see what level we would qualify for and doing the minimum to get rewards for that level it would encourage players to be active in the event from the start?

thats actually a great idea in my point of view

#43 TobiasRagg


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 06:09

So, you're basically saying, with this, that you're prepared to effectively 'punish' those, that due to work/school/life cannot make it online to hunt in the opening stages of the Events? Because it's not just those that decide to 'wait and see' that you'll be catching out, but those that have a legitimate reason. Only once, this has been me, admittedly, logging on to find the total already passed, but I'm sure there have been others that this has happened to.

Not all of us can get online to check up on things every day. Life intrudes.

I like the time-frame. It gives us, all of us, a real chance. . It even gives us a chance at Ruby II on the rare occasion that we impress the Cows. It's an interesting idea, but I don't think that this is the way to go about it, to encourage participation.

In my opinion, you'd be defeating the community spirit of the event, and making it more a every man for himself scenario.

Edited by TobiasRagg, 17 January 2015 - 06:15.

#44 Filletminion



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 07:34

So, you're basically saying, with this, that you're prepared to effectively 'punish' those, that due to work/school/life cannot make it online to hunt in the opening stages of the Events? Because it's not just those that decide to 'wait and see' that you'll be catching out, but those that have a legitimate reason. Only once, this has been me, admittedly, logging on to find the total already passed, but I'm sure there have been others that this has happened to.

Not all of us can get online to check up on things every day. Life intrudes.

I like the time-frame. It gives us, all of us, a real chance. . It even gives us a chance at Ruby II on the rare occasion that we impress the Cows. It's an interesting idea, but I don't think that this is the way to go about it, to encourage participation.

In my opinion, you'd be defeating the community spirit of the event, and making it more a every man for himself scenario.

The community event is to get 17.5 m kills, why should you get rewarded if that is reached before the time limit expires?


Further to that it would take 3 days minimum to get kills in the first place... even when I am super busy with work and family life I can login every day.

Edited by katatonic, 17 January 2015 - 07:42.

#45 rowbeth



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 08:18

The community event is to get 17.5 m kills, why should you get rewarded if that is reached before the time limit expires?

 If you are really going to argue that it is a community event and so should stop when the community target is achieved, then it should also be giving a community reward, and not individual rewards.


I have to agree with Tobias. The idea that only the early birds can participate and get rewarded is one that is better not implemented. With a defined time-frame one can fit the FS event around RL commitments, one can plan around one's stam refill ...

#46 hades8840



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 09:37

Had an idea not sure how it would float....but if the event ended the moment it reached 17.5 m kills regardless of time left.


So instead of having players waiting to see what level we would qualify for and doing the minimum to get rewards for that level it would encourage players to be active in the event from the start?

unfair to ppl who wait till last day for max stam

#47 hades8840



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 09:57

Is there any chance of ever trying out the previously suggested idea - locking the top 100 qualifications 24 hours before the event ends? Just so that, as discussed earlier, finally we could have an event where "all the little grubs with low max stam" like myself readily engage in an all-out war against the critters AND the odds, instead of so many of such players simply not participating at all - mistaking even the last-minute status of ALL the recent ingame events for generally low participation rates and impossible goals instead of seeing that every little DOES help, and the low kills are only due to the last-moment explosion of high-stam players only aiming at personal top100 gains instead of getting off on an early start, and thus setting a good example for morale to participate? With the top100 locked 24 hours before the end, those who plan on pursuing that aim can still do the same thing they would a few hours later - while those who would only participate if they knew we can hit ruby can FINALLY feel confident enough, seeing the results of pre-top100-lock as a guarantee of success.


On a side note, I have participated in every potion-rewarding event last year, up to ruby personal (and didn't fall for the false indications of our TRUE power) - only to fall short of the best potions by 100-200 players (or more precisely, the 100-200 players means a monster total of so many participants completing minimal personal goals, so essentially, even fewer higher-stam players could do the trick). I will participate in this event, as well - and I will burn all I have as soon as my stam fills up. 


Shortly: I will burn all my stam on this event, too - not just the minimal requirements to hit ruby personal. What I want is to see the old discussion come to life, which can finally grant me what I feel quite a few of us would deserve during an event - something that was never denied by my own efforts-but by the actions of the few influencing the actions of the lazy-greedy. Everything I tried earlier failed. PM'ing the masses. Chat encouragement. Intraclan, and interclan positive reinforcement of participants and possible participants. Everything failed-while we were always so darn close.


I want to see this event finally get to ruby. Not just the fragment events-but FINALLY, after ages, a potion-yielding event getting to ruby again.

this event has only ever not reached ruby once and that was last year ..locking the list 24hrs would be unfair to those for many reasons dont do events till the last day ..the problem you have of those waiting till we are going to get ruby b4 they move has some merit but the truth is many of the lazy players who want the reward without the effort do it at the start and get there pathetic 5k kills. now someone with limited stam or max stam i fully get.. but thoses with 20-200k stam its just lazy expecting others to do the work while they reap the benefit...sadly there is many like this and its them that make us never reach the goal ..myself i always do the potions ones i always burn more then i need to ..this one however will have to wait till monday as christmas cleared most of my stam..we have never had this event so early in the year

#48 hades8840



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 09:58

i noticed from the dates grim its roughly 10 months between each yeomen event does that mean there is another in november as they have got two months earlier with each one

#49 Egami



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 10:54

That function is already available. Check the image.

On the auto-open... just wondering if there is a programming difference between the ones that can found by opening the chests (ie., with a key that we find in game) and these frag drops.

#50 Egami



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 12:05

Once again, I'd like to say thank you to HCS for the event. The frags were much needed for many players (including those that use global pots and don't make them).


Based on the Chest rewards, I'm interested to see if we make Ruby tier as I always thought the ruby leveling pot was the best... for levelers. 


To play the devil's advocate: 


Time and time again, I see these complaints about players that ONLY do the minimum kills in case the community makes the Ruby tier.


While I understand the frustration, I don't think these complaints are justified.


Stam is stam. How that is used is a personal decision. Who am I to say that someone that has gotten 100k stam should use that all on this event in the "interest" of the "community"? Who am I to "require" that someone use more than 5k stam on this event simply because I, selfish person that I am, really like the top pots? Time involved, costs involved... Are those irrelevant?


Those who "bother" to do the 5k are making a bet on the probability that the community will complete the maximum goal AND are making the evaluation that it's worth it for them as a player to "waste" their stam on it.


To put it in perspective: personally, I farm and sell frags, compose for my Guild and have zero interest in leveling. This event is theoretically completely against my "best" interests. I'd be "better off" using my 5k stam to continue with business as usual. 


In short, I think those complaining about those players that are "selfish" by only doing 5k kills should probably consider evaluating what they are "really" complaining about and try to be objective about their own "selfish ends". 


A quick guestimate by looking at the Pinata Frenzy III shows about 3.5 million kills came in from top 100. I fully expect that to be more based on the pots doled out this time (thanks HCS!). What I wonder (no, I do NOT think it would be a good idea for this info to become public) is what the total tally is from all the players doing between 5k and 5.5k kills. 




This is supposed to be an FS Community event.


Currently, I see no box messages for help on the event.


I see no advertising of an FS Forum that gives good advice on where to go or what buffs to use. 


I HAVE found in the Buff Market a cheap Conserve-Light Foot combo for 10k gold, but I'm not sure whether that was there prior to this particular GE.




Instead of the usual self-interested complaints about what other players do... I wonder what would happen if we saw some "true" community spirit. 


You reap what you sow...


Thanks again for the event HCS and prosperous smacking everybody! (o0

#51 NicramDuel



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 13:59

Had an idea not sure how it would float....but if the event ended the moment it reached 17.5 m kills regardless of time left.

Actually, I like this idea a lot. At first reading I thought it was ridiculous - on second thought though, I realized what this would mean, and I appologize for not understanding it immediately. Essentially, clearing the time-frame would mean shifting the benefit to those who don't employ a tactical wait untill the last 1-2 hours before the event closes. The only thing that should be somehow figured out, is how to make it still somewhat of a challenge to get to ruby. 



this event has only ever not reached ruby once and that was last year ..locking the list 24hrs would be unfair to those for many reasons dont do events till the last day ..the problem you have of those waiting till we are going to get ruby b4 they move has some merit but the truth is many of the lazy players who want the reward without the effort do it at the start and get there pathetic 5k kills. now someone with limited stam or max stam i fully get.. but thoses with 20-200k stam its just lazy expecting others to do the work while they reap the benefit...sadly there is many like this and its them that make us never reach the goal ..myself i always do the potions ones i always burn more then i need to ..this one however will have to wait till monday as christmas cleared most of my stam..we have never had this event so early in the year

True about this particular event's history. The same stands for the halloween event. Where I will NEVER forget Grim's initial statement - demonstrating and wrapping up perfectly the year 2014 in terms of FS "community" events: "The community never fell short of ruby during Halloween, it won't this time, either"(regarding initial fears in chat). Well, it did. As was so in any other potion-yielding event.

As for the 5k'er vs multik'er issue: that was not my point. My point was that many simply do not make the push even at the end, due to one sole reason. They deem ruby impossible - while actually, it would be a simple thing, if everyone just kicked on their afterburners.


So, you're basically saying, with this, that you're prepared to effectively 'punish' those, that due to work/school/life cannot make it online to hunt in the opening stages of the Events? Because it's not just those that decide to 'wait and see' that you'll be catching out, but those that have a legitimate reason. Only once, this has been me, admittedly, logging on to find the total already passed, but I'm sure there have been others that this has happened to.

Not all of us can get online to check up on things every day. Life intrudes.

I like the time-frame. It gives us, all of us, a real chance. . It even gives us a chance at Ruby II on the rare occasion that we impress the Cows. It's an interesting idea, but I don't think that this is the way to go about it, to encourage participation.

In my opinion, you'd be defeating the community spirit of the event, and making it more a every man for himself scenario.

The event lasts 5 days. This includes a full weekend, with 2 workdays before it, AND 1 after it. Although I do see the truth in SOME people not being able to check in every day - but if the first 4 days (2 weekdays(1 of which is a week-ender weekday), 2 weekend days(yes, I understand all too well that some of us have to take the kids here'n there, get the stew boiling for the family, etc) isn't enough for a massive stam-burn, then that last day shouldn't mean much. Generally. In very rare cases, it does. But the cases where the hunt could be done one day earlier in terms of technical issues outweighs the not-so case nearly 100 to 1, I believe. But if that last day is SOOOO important, then I could easily settle for another solution, too: let it be 5 days then, till top100-lock, and give the rest of the _COMMUNITY_, who had their reasons not to hunt just like anyone playing tactics till a few hours before the competition part ends have their chance to contribute, and get us all what we worked for.



Those who "bother" to do the 5k are making a bet on the probability that the community will complete the maximum goal AND are making the evaluation that it's worth it for them as a player to "waste" their stam on it.





This is supposed to be an FS Community event.


Currently, I see no box messages for help on the event.


I see no advertising of an FS Forum that gives good advice on where to go or what buffs to use. 




Everyone who does the 5k minimums is actually a good contribution. I know you weren't referring to me here, I just want to emphasize on this myself, too: anyone doing 5k IS doing a great contribution - and in the end, I'm sure they add about as much, if not more, to the event's total as do the high-stammers. We just need more of them - and if we want this, we need to find out how they would participate - given the fact that HCS did calculate with them when setting the 17.5M goal.


I also understand the second part of the statement doesn't completely relate to me. Last round I tried everything theat came to my mind (as I've stated) which does not involve using my fsp's (I make a grand total of 28-30 fsp's a week from hunting, have no adverts to generate 3-6 fsp's a day like when I was in the UK for 3 weeks). The results:

-about 10 people read my forum post.

-A very professional member of the moderator team pretty violently, nearly banning me, restricted my ability to post the link of _THIS FORUM_ (!!!!!!!!!!!) in chat OR my profile to give advice to the community on how to start, and how to do well with the pinatas(or whatever the event was, could have been the spooks of halloween, I think I'm confused here). So I just pasted the help in my bio, which probably no one read at all. 

-No one reacted from my guild to the call-to-arms (hardly any of them are active anymore, anyways.

-my pm's with suggestions and request for aid from random, fullstam players was mostly unreacted-to, or in two cases, I just recieved an iggy - with only one player saying thank-you, and actually started doing something.


Not all of us have FSP's to spend, and without those, we can't do much more. Raising community awareness to forums and help is one thing-but with so many uninterested, or simply, braindead modern players - mostly, only fsp-options work.

Edited by NicramDuel, 17 January 2015 - 14:02.

#52 barpen


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 14:29

There are currently (at 13:37 17/Jan/2015) 515 players on line.  The other day I saw 550 on line, that was one of the highest I had seen in a little while.


If we assume that the "community" represents total of about 600 active players then :


17,500,000  /  600  =  29,167 kills per player to reach the Ruby tier.  Obviously not every player in the game can reach this "community" based goal.  So, others pick up the slack, as has happened most other times before.  Except years ago when we had a bigger community base.  This current event has an added incentive for those that are into composing, like me, since the Zombie Yoemen drop a Frag Stash which by all accounts is rewarding.


Normally I would likely do the minimum required as as a personal goal (i.e. 5000 or so kills) hoping the community would pick up the slack to get "us" to the Ruby tier.  But this time the added incentive makes me want to exceed the persoanl goal.  However, I lack the stamina.


So, thanks HCS for this Global, I think it is one of the best yet, considering the last minute inclusion of the Yeomen dropping the Frag Stash.  I just wish I had more stamina right now.


One suggestion.  I think special events such as this should be sent out as a mass message to the community aside from the home page announcement.  Several mates I know were unaware that an event was taking place when they logged in yesterday. This is a problem with the announcements that currently broadcast only on the home page. Most of these  announcements are glossed over or ignored by some players, so it is possible special events get missed.  I am sure new players to the game and those who come back to the game coincidental to a Global Event, might stick around if they were aware of the event by way of a personal message.


Thanks again for the event.



#53 Egami



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 14:48

Open mouth, insert foot. Here's my poor attempt at helping the community with some GE smacking advice:




Anyway, hope it helps. It's in my bio as well... for what it's worth. 

#54 MrSiggs



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 16:49

It is Saturday 1500 - 1600 + hours..lag is just unreal ? why ? I thought the servers would be fine and more powerful..quite the opposite..I can't even play the game or do the event due to pages not loading properly and just a TON of lag..I cleared all cache browsers / deleted temp int and cookies..restarted computer..did everything known to man..same lag..it persist and worsens..a little disappointed seeing as 5 years ago with 5X the population we never experienced this kind of lag..since the intro to Eldevin..Fallenswords performance has worsened steadily..with 5 years of technological improvements I really can't understand why it will never work as good as before ???

#55 Egami



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 16:58


(...) Everyone who does the 5k minimums is actually a good contribution. I know you weren't referring to me here, I just want to emphasize on this myself, too: anyone doing 5k IS doing a great contribution - and in the end, I'm sure they add about as much, if not more, to the event's total as do the high-stammers. We just need more of them - and if we want this, we need to find out how they would participate - given the fact that HCS did calculate with them when setting the 17.5M goal.


Full on agree on first part as is evident from my own long-winded post...


On "We just need more of them", also completely agree.


The HUGE thing I would underline (btw... Nicram is a player I remember from way back and respect) and I believe it's exactly what we AGREE on is the "we need to find out how they would participate". 


I think I would 100% oppose any HCS "interference". This is an FS Community event. Either we do it, or no one does. That said, and it's just my opinion, I want to see some hardcore sweat coming out of the community to get the Ruby Tier. 



Not all of us have FSP's to spend, and without those, we can't do much more. Raising community awareness to forums and help is one thing-but with so many uninterested, or simply, braindead modern players - mostly, only fsp-options work.

The above quote is taken totally out of context... please read the full version in Nicram's own post before making any type of uninformed judgement upon what I have here quoted.


That said, I fully agree and it is something I reluctantly decided not to comment on in my post with regard to the boxes. 


Word of mouth is key.... "solutions" depend on the community.


Here, I would like to put out a huge thanks to the HCS team for posting:



(...) so we can put extra servers online this week-end during the world event (that has been rumoured!)


I applaud this with double-loud, octopus hand clapping. Far too much gets said/hinted at in the FS Forum and Global Chat by admins that is NOT communicated to the game community on an official level.


I'll stop there so as not to get off-topic (o0

#56 NicramDuel



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 21:26

Egami, I thought pretty much with a technical mindset, completely disregarding the human nature (and spirit) aspect that we can still play out as a trump card. And now that I read the other topic you created (Thank you from all of us!!!), I actually think that we might just be able to pull it off in this sense, too - I failed on multiple occasions, but I'm sure that's due to not having contact with even a margin of players that I once used to, anymore. I would be more than happy to assist in any way my character limitations allow me, and will hang in there with you, try to help any way I can!


I stated in the other topic that I'll try to do some active encouragement in the chatroom, and adjust my bio to be of a good guidance to anyone who reads it during the event - and try to get the info&motivation out to as many as can be reached!


Also, I'll actively keep checking in to the forum to see how we're doing here, and if there's any extension of our efforts that I can further assist in.


Thank you for everything you're doing here, Egami, once again!:D


Anyone else, who can join in - please do so!:)

#57 Morgwyn



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 21:48

GE = *thumbs up*

Adding Frag stashes = *thumbs up*

Chests = *thumbs up*

Frag stashes being bound = *thumbs down*

#58 pinkdude



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 22:29

On the note of getting more multiK'ers instead of 5K'ers. I am against the idea of it auto ending once 17.5 mil is achieved. But perhaps putting each players global contribution on their profile page. May inspire more people to hunt a little more.. Would be kinda embarrassing to have 50K stam and 5K kills

#59 Pardoux



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 22:50

On the note of getting more multiK'ers instead of 5K'ers. I am against the idea of it auto ending once 17.5 mil is achieved. But perhaps putting each players global contribution on their profile page. May inspire more people to hunt a little more.. Would be kinda embarrassing to have 50K stam and 5K kills


Not necessarily - they may well have had almost 0 stam at the time ..


The cows would never do that tho - 'cos there'd be too many folk protesting. Naming / Shaming folk in that way, just because they chose to play the game one way rather than another way would never fly ...

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#60 pinkdude



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Posted 17 January 2015 - 23:38

Not necessarily - they may well have had almost 0 stam at the time ..


The cows would never do that tho - 'cos there'd be too many folk protesting. Naming / Shaming folk in that way, just because they chose to play the game one way rather than another way would never fly ...

I meant 50K current stam  :P


But yeah, I see your point. Just trying to bounce around ideas. Maybe it will inspire another idea that has more merit. 

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