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Code Update 2.705

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#41 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 28 May 2015 - 08:55

FSH shows the gold on hand for years, finnally HCS codes it on the game and you guys hate it? C'mon...

There is two options here:

1 - Keep it on the game.
2 - Keep it on FSH only.

The first option is a plain field where everyone can use it, plus, more of the FSH implemented on the game, less needed it is, and in the future HCS will be able to ban FSH once for all. 

The game will not change, things will stay just like before, mostly of the Gold Hitters have FSH, so why do you think you'll be hitted more often? 

#42 BigGrim


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 10:34

Could hidden coffer or come other buff hide player all together from target list? Or have PvP protection hiding you from list? :)


No, Hidden Coffer hides your gold as intended and PvP Protection is designed to protect Xp from PvP. Neither should remove you from the list. I honestly don't see us providing a means to do so. It's really not hard to protect gold. I myself make multiple deposits throughout a hunt. That and a gold thief can only hit me once an hour.

#43 onray24



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Posted 28 May 2015 - 10:46

im not a pvper so kinda sucks for me but a great move for pvpers nice job on the update

#44 yotwehc



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Posted 28 May 2015 - 13:12

I have just been told by a player that they are going to hit me every time I hunt. Fantastic huh?

It's best not to post in forums. I hold no gold and I get hit because of stuff I post in forums. Most are good folk welcoming the discussion but the bad apples ruin it for all and there is nothing you can do about it. Sorry.

#45 BigGrim


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 13:39

I have just been told by a player that they are going to hit me every time I hunt. Fantastic huh?


Report such messages please. 

#46 moonfrost



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Posted 28 May 2015 - 13:49

Like I've said numerous times before, I scan my find player list quite regularly and see the same names day after day and even without using FSHinderer it's pretty easy to figure out than a new name popping up is a potential target as they're either unaware that the weather has suddenly become chilly and are not used to watching their onhand gold...or they think they can sneak through my winter wonderland unscathed holding all their gold from their hunt. Most players in this game don't change their playstyles over time and are pretty predictable in what they do on a daily basis.


That being said, most of the time the ones you need to worry about in pvp are the ones who don't say anything to you about it. They're also, if past posts are any indication, the same vicious pvpers who also give loads of advice on how not to become a target. As such when I see hidden coffer, thats an invitation to roll the dice and see whats being covered up.

#47 EpicPiety



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Posted 28 May 2015 - 13:54

Report such messages please. 

I don't see the problem there? Must be missing something, or something idk.

Edited by EpicPiety, 28 May 2015 - 13:55.

#48 BigGrim


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Posted 28 May 2015 - 14:00

You don't see a problem with intimidation?

#49 EpicPiety



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Posted 28 May 2015 - 14:05

Oh i guess so...Just wasn't sure if that was against the rules. My forum name used to be "intimidation" so i guess i'm all for it? haha

Edited by EpicPiety, 28 May 2015 - 14:06.

#50 Windbattle



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Posted 28 May 2015 - 14:06

Oh i guess so...Just wasn't sure if that was against the rules.


Threatening pvp to harass or intimidate someone into eventually quitting .. is against TOC and bad for business.  That is why they were toying with the idea of removing Xp loss from pvp ... to avoid the drama

Edited by Windbattle, 28 May 2015 - 14:07.

#51 EpicPiety



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Posted 28 May 2015 - 14:11

Threatening pvp to harass or intimidate someone into eventually quitting .. is against TOC and bad for business.  That is why they were toying with the idea of removing Xp loss from pvp ... to avoid the drama

I guess, i always put myself in their shoes...I personally can care less if someone said that to me, but i see why it is now. If you quit because of pvp i guess your playing the wrong game haha. This is a PVP game afterall, some people forget that or neglect to recognize it.

Edited by EpicPiety, 28 May 2015 - 14:13.

#52 Tastria



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Posted 28 May 2015 - 14:43

All this talk about FSH.  How many players actually used it?

I know I don't and haven't. 

A rough estimate would be nice, as for all we know, players who used FSH could be in the minority. 


In my opinion, PvP game or not, desired piece of FSH or not,  it's just dumbing down the game.

#53 Egami



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Posted 28 May 2015 - 14:56

All this talk about FSH.  How many players actually used it?

I know I don't and haven't. 

A rough estimate would be nice, as for all we know, players who used FSH could be in the minority. 

I don't think this is relevant. At least as I see it, the discussion on hand is NOT about PvP vs leveling. Or perhaps better said: It shouldn't be. 


It's about getting FSH features into the game. So anyway... here are some of the FSH features that were talked about being ported:



Here is how the feature line up by popularity is looking so far  :)




By 'advanced feature' I mean that it should be something isn't on by default. Zorg had an idea to make a new 'advanced features' option you turn on in settings so new players aren't overwhelmed with features that tend to only be used by experienced players.

I have my own "preferences" on what I'd like to see moved over, but those will not be shared by everyone because everyone plays differently. 


I'm just happy that HCS is continuing to implement some of those features. *applauds* 


Keep up the great work cows. Looking forward to eventually seeing the next batch (o0

#54 Mister Doom

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Posted 28 May 2015 - 17:42

In my opinion, PvP game or not, desired piece of FSH or not,  it's just dumbing down the game.


This IS definitely relevant however.


#55 insaner6



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Posted 28 May 2015 - 18:01

Can you please put a "attack player" button on
the find player list, so it is possible to fast
attack someone without going to the profile of the player?

#56 Tastria



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Posted 28 May 2015 - 18:58

I don't think this is relevant. At least as I see it, the discussion on hand is NOT about PvP vs leveling. Or perhaps better said: It shouldn't be. 


I think you misunderstood me Egami, it was not my intention to do a PvP vs. leveling post.  And I agree with you there.


My query was directed at how many players actually  DO/DID use FSH.  Yes, I remember the poll, and like you, voted in it.  Really poor turn out in numbers too, but that isn't the fault of the calves in the pasture, just a simple fact. Apparently the majority of players in the poll used FSH, hence the results.


   I do still stand by my statement of the dumbing of the game however.  Even if the FSH did show the amount of gold a player was carrying, porting it over to the game proper is making it just too easy to find folk with large amounts of gold. (Incidentally Grim, what's the refresh rate on the listings?) I stress "easy",  anyone who's looking for a target, already has ways to find them.

#57 Egami



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Posted 28 May 2015 - 21:46

My query was directed at how many players actually  DO/DID use FSH.  


Maybe I misspoke. What I meant to say was this: I find the whole point about how many people use or do not use FS Helper to be irrelevant. 


Does that make it clearer? 


I do get the idea of the PvP vs leveler "dumbing" the game. I almost liked Shar's post (#54) pointing that out... 


I've spoken out against FS Helper on many occasions though I do see one "caveat" to that. 


The point is that it has a lot of great features that I believe should be implemented in game. Of course, that's an entirely personal opinion. 


But I see time and time again, people ranting about when FSH goes screwy. A lot of people do things in game that I don't, but I do listen to them. And if I hear those "complaints", then there could be a huge population that would really like the same thing. 


This forum is little more than a sounding board. You're here a lot... I appear when I'm in the mood. People should not be required to use it. How many respond or do not is not a measure of things that are important to FS players as a whole. 


I still 100% support getting rid of FSH all together and evaluating player responses then. 


I'd hope that the development roadmap would be revisited in that light. I can't say whether you're right or not that there was a "poor showing". But then you really have to wonder why somebody would bother to take the time to deal with something they already have. 


Now personally I figure HCS started here because of whatever it is they are planning with PvP. We'll see how that goes.


Regardless, the point of this thread, again, is an update. It's about porting FSH features to the game. I believe that's important. Indeed, maybe there is some stuff outside FSH that is "more important". 


My question continues to be: does anybody know? 

#58 gilby90813



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Posted 29 May 2015 - 04:45

here the good thing about being able to see who has gold on them can work the other way too guys dont sweat if u see someone that will attack u on be careful, going to show u who u can attack and therefore who can attack you....

#59 BigGrim


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Posted 29 May 2015 - 10:37

Can you please put a "attack player" button on
the find player list, so it is possible to fast
attack someone without going to the profile of the player?


I really do not see that happening.

#60 Pythia



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Posted 29 May 2015 - 19:22

I normally don't kill people. Not in games and not in the real world, there are enough other people doing that now.

To many as a matter of fact.


I reserve the right to kill when my life, or the lives of my loved ones are threatened. Then all bets are off and I hunt. I never give up.  Been there, done that.  (Real world bs)


Oh yes, I don't like the new look of the find player area.  It makes things WAY to EASY and it will not be long before the hews and cries of I'm Bored start again. Change this, change that, entertain me.

Edited by Pythia, 29 May 2015 - 19:29.

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