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Poll: Roadmap Poll (447 member(s) have cast votes)

Vote for which ideas you'd like to see implemented first.

  1. New Guild-based Medals (170 votes [4.24%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.24%

  2. *Create New Items for Chests (120 votes [2.99%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.99%

  3. Improve Secure Trade / Send Item Feature (73 votes [1.82%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.82%

  4. Add Useful Links to Message (57 votes [1.42%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.42%

  5. Improve Composing (237 votes [5.91%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.91%

  6. Guild Conflict Structure (86 votes [2.14%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.14%

  7. Wiki / Ultimate Fallen Sword Guide Link (74 votes [1.84%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.84%

  8. *Add New Unique Items and Medals to Guild Conflicts (120 votes [2.99%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.99%

  9. Make Map Footprints Persistent (75 votes [1.87%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.87%

  10. Arena Improvements (116 votes [2.89%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.89%

  11. Make Gold Upgrades Reset at Midnight (Server Time) (170 votes [4.24%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.24%

  12. Improve the Attack Player interface (48 votes [1.20%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.20%

  13. Improve the Backpack Interface (220 votes [5.48%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.48%

  14. Improve Quick Buff (118 votes [2.94%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.94%

  15. Improve Auto-Fragmenting (128 votes [3.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.19%

  16. Add Direct Link From Forum To Player Profile (54 votes [1.35%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.35%

  17. Add Top Rated Section for Titan Hunters and Super-Elite Slayer (94 votes [2.34%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.34%

  18. Increase Avatar Image Max Size and Character Bio Max Limit (107 votes [2.67%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.67%

  19. Improve Hellforging (200 votes [4.98%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.98%

  20. Add New Player List for Mentors (68 votes [1.69%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.69%

  21. Improve Guild Chat (119 votes [2.97%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.97%

  22. Re-design Diamond Medal Artwork (57 votes [1.42%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.42%

  23. Improve Quest Book (125 votes [3.11%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.11%

  24. Improve Marketplace (101 votes [2.52%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.52%

  25. *Improve the PvP Ladder (91 votes [2.27%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.27%

  26. Fallen Sword Point Vault (Bank) (110 votes [2.74%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.74%

  27. Improved Item Compare (90 votes [2.24%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.24%

  28. Invite to Guild Button (81 votes [2.02%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.02%

  29. Hide Perfect (62 votes [1.54%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.54%

  30. Change PvP Ladder hits to not be bountyable (112 votes [2.79%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.79%

  31. Improve Top Rated (89 votes [2.22%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.22%

  32. Buff Marketplace (196 votes [4.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.88%

  33. Make new players exempt from Guild Conflicts (102 votes [2.54%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.54%

  34. Extract All (102 votes [2.54%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.54%

  35. Improve Secure Trade (81 votes [2.02%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.02%

  36. Improve View Creature Popup (70 votes [1.74%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.74%

  37. Improve Auction Notification Messages (90 votes [2.24%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.24%


#41 Davros81



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 18:42

ANY 100 stamina PvP attack that takes XP should count towards the Smasher.. no matter if you can be placed on the bounty board or not... bring back Smasher hits for those attacking outside the Ladder/Bounty Board.. 

Here here I concur old sport ^_^

#42 wil72



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 18:44

" Make New Players exempt from Guild conflicts ".


Could I ask how you propose to do this? A cap or time period? I think it can really only be the latter. It's new players you are trying to protect as it says so in the above statement not all players at a certain level and below. If a cap is introduced at a certain level it protects all within it, are all of those going to be new players? Therefore I would hope you do the right thing and protect new players from GvG by way of protection for a set number of days, a month say, maybe two. wink.png





#43 gilby90813



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 18:50

i propose no pvp be allowed until level 100 :)

#44 Devilo



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 19:21

I don't know who else had the idea for Buff Marketplace, :huh:

but i mentioned that in world chat a few days ago.  :P

It's nice to see an idea of mine being worked on by hcs.  B)

(Even though someone else might've thought to put it up on forum)  :mellow:  :rolleyes:

#45 watagashi



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 19:40

A couple questions on some of these.


Guild medals,,, isnt achievements for guilds and medals for players???


Theres a lot of cool things proposed but all seem to be non retroactive,,,why??? When RP and loyalty tokens came out it was retroed back so everyone who had done so much before and those who asked for things long before the additions deserve it as much as those who start tomorrow,, on the gvg part you say there are a lot of things put in to discourage multis but this is a very big upgrade that encourages them.


then theres a couple things that are contradictory,,, a general vibe here is players who earned a ranking but go inactive still longer deserve that ranking but players who earned a place in a guild can go inactive and be storage thats protected from gvg??? And now we are considering protecting new players from both pvp and gvg??? Isnt it a pvp game still?? When will they learn? Ir will it simply be debate over raising the cap till nobody can hit anyone till level 1000??


Do you guys really get so many tickets a week of people who quit over a gvg hit that its a problem???


DO you get so many tickets a week of someone who clicked the wrong thing and in some cases confirmed that and want their FSP protected in a bank???


Improve creature view popup,,, a huge improvement would be make it so the game can tell if its look, attack or group because it confuses those very regularly especially when trying to view a creature it attacks it.



There are some good and some really bad ideas here, looking forward to seeing the short list of what the vote brings but to me one final thing,,, if you cant go back and credit the people who have been here for medals people have been asking for now for years I dont see it as much of an improvement now

#46 RebornJedi



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 19:44

so because some medals and achievements aren't retroactive they aren't much of an improvement? better late than never.. 

Edited by RebornJedi, 08 October 2013 - 19:51.


#47 Hic242


Posted 08 October 2013 - 19:53

Improve Top Rated
Hide inactive players from all the top rated pages. Also add two new top rated lists for Composing which has the potions created and items fragmented (note this would not be retroactive). Note for guilds it would only include the contributed experience from active players when calculating the lists.
Estimated Time to Add: 3 days


A rising stars top rated for guilds would be nice too :)

'Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.'

#48 Egami



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 20:00

My most relevant question at this point is: Can we edit our vote? ie., add and take out selections later. I'm a patient guy but figure excitement "might" get the best of some. I'm assuming we can't... so I'm waiting.


I'm avoiding the whiny off-topic "why isn't X on the list?" because I might never get the reply done if I did, lol. And besides... I guess there was room enough for input earlier.


Once again suggesting that the following poll options be added: 1. I don't know. 2. I don't care. 3. Other(s).

This suggestion does not necessarily reflect my personal opinion. However, these are key feedback questions in any poll.


I think this info "might" have been relevant to add to info thread:


According to my eye-balling and chicken-scratching, the time involved is the following:


19 1/2 weeks plus 46 days. (with "days", I'm assuming 5 work days a week and with "weeks", 7 working days... would be great if that meant 5 working days, lmao).


The reason I'm mentioning this is because I've already seen some comments about "well, if it only takes that long". I'm not really sure (and, yeah, I kind of doubt) that clarification would really do away with that kind of thinking. However, I'm pretty big on communication.


EDIT ON THIS PORTION: I also think it would be in HCS' PR interest to expand on the "content" comment that Hoof made. HAS BEEN DONE HERE: http://forums.hunted...showtopic=58948


In any case, no matter how you calc the time mentioned in this post, we're talking well over half a year just on the current suggestions, without taking into account any day-to-day, seasonal or, in fact, anything-at-all else. No new ideas, no nothing. I think that's detrimental to HCS' rep and probably something that is (one of) the worst parasites to the game. Just food for thought.


In that context, I "liked" RJ's tongue-in-mouth comment to get rid of FS Helper and then see what people really think. Remember quick kill? Fast walk? All those things that gave "unfair" advantages to players in the know.


I honestly do NOT know anymore what advantages FS Helper has to the game... simply because I am rarely without it. If I did know, I'd vote for all those things (even those I don't use), get rid of it entirely and hire all the people involved. Then I'd consider everything else.


So I guess, I'll just end my typically long diatribe with a request to implement a voting choice that is "Implement FS Helper options into the game". As it stands, it's hard to see people voting to "get" what they already have. Not like being altruistic is a typically human trait... and so it goes....


Anyway, hope this is taken for what it's mean: Thanks HCS... I applaud the increased effort to get player feedback and am hoping it goes somewhere.


Prosperous smacking everybody,


E (o0


PS... you didn't really think I'd end this without asking how long it would take to get the word "Global" placed in front of the link for "Chat" in the Actions' drop-down menu, now did you? ,oP

Edited by Egami, 09 October 2013 - 18:15.

#49 watagashi



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 20:35

" Make New Players exempt from Guild conflicts ".


Could I ask how you propose to do this? A cap or time period? I think it can really only be the latter. It's new players you are trying to protect as it says so in the above statement not all players at a certain level and below. If a cap is introduced at a certain level it protects all within it, are all of those going to be new players? Therefore I would hope you do the right thing and protect new players from GvG by way of protection for a set number of days, a month say, maybe two. wink.png





I been advocating against it for many years now every time gvg protection comes up,,, whats needed is more tutorial on what its about than protecting players from the game. All you get is the same complaints you had from the lvl1 when you protect till 25, 50 100 etc. You also get that, once you start handing out protection they want more and more. 

Id also like to challenge anyone to find me one person just one who actually quit over a gvg hit. Id like to ask them if gvg wasnt here would they still stick around when the creatures get a little harder than the first 50 levels, when you have to start thinking about gear as well as more than the standard leveling buffs to be able to hunt? When they get their first pvp hit? I heard someone rage quit over losing a kill streak once,, will we give a safety net for that now?

Theres litteraly a MILLION MMOs out there right now, to me one part of FS that stands out is the gvg system as many dont have it at all and most are just a lame extension to pvp that caters to the wallet warriors,,,now theres a place that people quit over gvg from!! FS is a place people stuck around because of GvG,, how many other places can a gearless and pennyless noob support themself with work?

The previous changed to gvg have neither encourages players to stay nor has it discouraged multis the only thing more restrictions and obstacles will do is discourage more older players  and encourage more multis,,, if I have to start from scratch on a gvg medal whats the point in doing it now? Why not simply make a new char and do it at 50??


i propose no pvp be allowed until level 100 :)

I propose the first tutorial teaches pvp basics and encourages a hit on another player to advance, if you protect till 100 you will simply get asked to make it 200 then 300 and etc because nobody learned about it and how to protect or discourage it. 

Again this change would only discourage old players

#50 Pardoux



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 20:43

i propose no pvp be allowed until level 100 :)



I propose the first tutorial teaches pvp basics and encourages a hit on another player to advance, if you protect till 100 you will simply get asked to make it 200 then 300 and etc because nobody learned about it and how to protect or discourage it. 


New players are the lifeblood of the game - without new players, the game dies, it's as simple as that.


So, "something" needs to change to protect/nurture/educate them to stick around.


Now, that could be "immunity" from PvP up to a certain level (as per gilby90813) or it could be from a specific tutorial quest that teaches them the pros and cons of PvP and how to either participate or make yourself as "small" a target as possible (as you suggest).  Maybe a solution involving both could be introduced ? - No PvP until Level 50 where a compulsory tutorial quest is triggered, not allowing futher game progression until completed ? (or something similar)


At the moment, neither the cap or the tutorial is in place and a lot of new players simply don't stick around. Is that purely down to PvP ? - I doubt it - but even if part of them don't stay because of it, then it's an area that needs addressing.

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#51 cyrus7



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 21:04

We could make it a preference if you'd like the potions design/color randomised or not :)

Glad you've said that, because I wrote this out before reading the whole thread. I'll post it anyway, so you know there are others who feel the same way. :)
"Randomize the default potion bottle/potion color when creating a new potion."
If this were to be implemented, could it please be as a preference? I always do my potions the same bottle and color, and know how many clicks of each arrow I need to do in order to get the desired ones. With the slight variances in colors available, it would be hard to pick the right one if they weren't in order.

#52 Jonathan69


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Posted 08 October 2013 - 21:06

I don't know who else had the idea for Buff Marketplace, :huh:

but i mentioned that in world chat a few days ago.  :P

It's nice to see an idea of mine being worked on by hcs.  B)

(Even though someone else might've thought to put it up on forum)  :mellow:  :rolleyes:

i posted that all ready like day 1 , i'd also like the option of to sale when off line .. if it will be like the ah listings you should be able to !

#53 wil72



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 21:43

I been advocating against it for many years now every time gvg protection comes up,,, whats needed is more tutorial on what its about than protecting players from the game. All you get is the same complaints you had from the lvl1 when you protect till 25, 50 100 etc. You also get that, once you start handing out protection they want more and more. 

Id also like to challenge anyone to find me one person just one who actually quit over a gvg hit. Id like to ask them if gvg wasnt here would they still stick around when the creatures get a little harder than the first 50 levels, when you have to start thinking about gear as well as more than the standard leveling buffs to be able to hunt? When they get their first pvp hit? I heard someone rage quit over losing a kill streak once,, will we give a safety net for that now?

Theres litteraly a MILLION MMOs out there right now, to me one part of FS that stands out is the gvg system as many dont have it at all and most are just a lame extension to pvp that caters to the wallet warriors,,,now theres a place that people quit over gvg from!! FS is a place people stuck around because of GvG,, how many other places can a gearless and pennyless noob support themself with work?

The previous changed to gvg have neither encourages players to stay nor has it discouraged multis the only thing more restrictions and obstacles will do is discourage more older players  and encourage more multis,,, if I have to start from scratch on a gvg medal whats the point in doing it now? Why not simply make a new char and do it at 50??



I am against a cap, always have been, as it will do far more than just protect new players. And we're interested in new player retention.....right? As for the figures on new players leaving due to GvG attacks only the cows are privy to that info I'd imagine. I do however think a time period exemption for new players from GvG is not a bad thing. Applying a time framed exemption should have no effect on GvG as it will only protect those that are truly new to the game. Existing targets wont disappear. You could also add that if a new player attacks someone in GvG while still under protection that protection is then terminated and they're free to GvG their little heart out, attack and be hit.





Edited by wil72, 08 October 2013 - 21:57.

#54 Hoofmaster


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Posted 08 October 2013 - 22:04

i know its mentioned, but i would like to see that items in mailbox doesnt disappear in 24h. make it last longer, like 48 hours at least. why is that a problem to be changed ? 


I think if we did this, it would be more likely that it would be used as extra backpack space which isn't the idea behind the mailbox :)

#55 PXT



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 22:06

I voted for several things but my top picks are Buff Marketplace, Improved Hellforge, Improved Back Pack (thanks Urck for the good fight here), Increase AVI Image size....the 1st 3 are sorely needed the last one is pure self indulgence alone, and I freely admit to it. I want a 400x400 avi BRING IT ON !! :D   Please consider upgrading our Guild AVI size as well, please please purty please!  ;)


#56 PXT



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 22:11

In response to the mailbox and 24 hour thing..Would you consider 24 hours free...and then you could recover items for an additional 24 hours for 100,000 gold per item? That would stop players from using the mailbox as a back pack, and allow players, I'll not mention any names to protect the guilty, to reclaim items that was lost, due to unforeseen circumstances.


Like global potions, cough cough...that were lost...to the mailbox monster.....from the Global Thingy.... :blink: ...


#57 Hoofmaster


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Posted 08 October 2013 - 22:15

Guild medals,,, isnt achievements for guilds and medals for players???

Yeah - these are player medals that are awarded for doing stuff within a guild though :)


Theres a lot of cool things proposed but all seem to be non retroactive,,,why??? When RP and loyalty tokens came out it was retroed back so everyone who had done so much before and those who asked for things long before the additions deserve it as much as those who start tomorrow,, on the gvg part you say there are a lot of things put in to discourage multis but this is a very big upgrade that encourages them.


If we have the data to make them retroactive we will - for Composing however, we don't track the total number of potions you have created, but this is something we'll add when we create a medal for it.


then theres a couple things that are contradictory,,, a general vibe here is players who earned a ranking but go inactive still longer deserve that ranking but players who earned a place in a guild can go inactive and be storage thats protected from gvg??? And now we are considering protecting new players from both pvp and gvg??? Isnt it a pvp game still?? When will they learn? Ir will it simply be debate over raising the cap till nobody can hit anyone till level 1000??


It's not to much to 'protect' them from GvG, but I think it may be quite discouraging when you are new to the game, join a guild then get a load of GvG attacks in your log. I'm thinking just for 'x' days after joining the game you can't be attacked or participate in GvG.



DO you get so many tickets a week of someone who clicked the wrong thing and in some cases confirmed that and want their FSP protected in a bank???


Not really, but it was suggested and liked on the previous thread. :)

#58 watagashi



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 23:45

thanks Hoof!!

Yes please if you can go back especially on some older systems do so,,, composing isnt really old enough to worry about but things like GvGs and SE (for top rated that was mentioned) or pvp and gold theft they really should if you can even if that takes a bit longer to do.


For the GvG thing,,, I totally agree and see exactly what people are saying about it and a short time of protection would not hurt anything I am just worried seeing some posts like extend pvp to lvl100 thats what will happen and we will just get debate every month about why you need to raise the safe zone more.

Also on the topic of keeping new players,, we talked about that a bit before and in the last 2 months 2 games I played shut down and 1 other had a huge day of crash and I took the time to suggest FS to the groups. I did my bronze recruiter medal in a similar way long ago and wasnt far into silver,,im 16% now however many those are they are recent,,,,the vast majority quit before level 2 and nobody had a lot to say other than "its not my kind of game" for the reason to leave. NOBODY stated a pvp or gvg hit was the reason so if a lot of effort is going to go to trying to keep new players I think it would go better into a bit of flash and bang in the tutorial and starting areas as well as making them more appealing,,,it seems to be the only reason anyone gave me for not staying. 

To me I got in trouble for jumping into the first gvg I got to see, drawn in by a guy who thought it was funny to do so and almost quit over that,, a tutorial and maybe even a walkthrough or quest that kicks in during a players first gvg would be pretty cool and a lot of help,,, you never know the guy who the game took the time to teach this to might be the next grendeldog :)


The FSP bank isnt a bad idea I guess I mentioned it sort of like if we had another poll,, which ones dont you like or think we should put at the top of the to do list :)


OH!!!! one last thing id love to add as consideration for something to be added to roadmap,,,composing only pots!!! 

Edited by watagashi, 08 October 2013 - 23:49.

#59 Tastria



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 23:49


Improve the Attack Player interface
This would include showing active players within your range and their gold in-hand.
Estimated Time to Add: 3 days

might as well add a top rated for most gold stolen just a suggestion haha


While I can see why the pvp addicts would like this, it's more than a trifle unfair.  Anyway, you can go to find player and find everyone who's on in your range.  Letting them know how much gold you're carrying takes away any incentive to stalk targets, and makes it much too easy to attack someone during or right after a hunt.

     It's been said many times that this is a pvp game. I'd hate to see it get turned into a primarily pvp game.

#60 watagashi



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Posted 08 October 2013 - 23:52

While I can see why the pvp addicts would like this, it's more than a trifle unfair.  Anyway, you can go to find player and find everyone who's on in your range.  Letting them know how much gold you're carrying takes away any incentive to stalk targets, and makes it much too easy to attack someone during or right after a hunt.

     It's been said many times that this is a pvp game. I'd hate to see it get turned into a primarily pvp game.

its went hand in hand with the FSH one hit guide for levelers. If this is removed that should not be added either and creatures should have stat ranges so its never a sure thing to beat them too. 

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