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#41 Hitch



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Posted 22 July 2007 - 03:17

Ahaahha, congrats on finding a new font. Now you can do everything you already did in a different font.

Dude, dont u see u're just showing ur ignorance with that kinda of sentences?!

#42 fs_devinegod

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Posted 22 July 2007 - 05:33

Nope I don't. But you've been showing ignorance about my photoshop skills, which you don't have. Let me break this to you very harshly, all you do with your work is put text on the same picture over and over. Same effects and everything. Maybe in another pic you alternate between fonts and perhaps maybe just move the text a bit, but your work is too identical and boring. I'd have to be desperate and out of my mind to pay for work such as yours, even then I can do it myself(probly even on paint).

Yet you say yours is the best work. Listen to JimmyJoe, he's as close to the best there is on this forum in PS. I suggest you ask him for tips so you can actually prove yours would be the best work, but even w/e he says probably won't help you. I can find anyone I know and they can tell me that what I do, and what DJ does is 100x better than what you do - the same style. If you want customers, do what they want, use a different style, do stuff a different way and your work will be a lot more appealing to others, including me.

So just think twice about claiming that your work is the best, and I also suggest you trust the poll in the "Who's Better?" thread. In your work, I suggest you start to use filters, as they're very important and can be pretty much vital sometimes to make some very nice work. Lighting effect, many layers and some color balances really help(also a c4d is nice for abstract work). I know a few beginner tutorial sites if you need, just pm me in game.

ps. you killed that eagle render...I hope you're happy.

#43 Hitch



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Posted 22 July 2007 - 14:48

...all you do with your work is put text on the same picture over and over. Same effects and everything. Maybe in another pic you alternate between fonts and perhaps maybe just move the text a bit, but your work is too identical...

As I said you're just showing ignorance and I know what i'm saying because my statements are based on expert opinions... and more than one!!!
So, as this is leading us to a no end, from now on I'll just ignore you! I suggest you do the same.

ps: and do me also a favour: stop disfiguring my words!

#44 fs_devinegod

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Posted 22 July 2007 - 19:46

K, getting random opinions from friends who know nothing about Graphic Art is not an expert opinion and even if a pro said that, they were probably laughing their ass off at their computer. I said the truth and you just can't realize it, must I make a list of all the people who think your stuff is crap?

Go ahead and ignore me, you just know I'm right.

#45 fs_deemer

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Posted 22 July 2007 - 22:00

i have a feeling this will get ugly :?

#46 Hitch



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Posted 23 July 2007 - 06:33

No Deemer, it wont! I have more important things to do! ;)

#47 fs_devinegod

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Posted 23 July 2007 - 12:15

Like crying in a corner. :P

#48 Hitch



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Posted 23 July 2007 - 20:56

lol yeah... or bumping all the forum topics like an unleashed child! :P

#49 fs_devinegod

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Posted 23 July 2007 - 21:03

lol yeah... or bumping all the forum topics like an unleashed child! :P

Aren't you supposed to be creating "art" or crying(and ignoring me)? Also unleashed children don't bump, they make garbage and ask people to pay FSP for it.

#50 Hitch



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Posted 24 July 2007 - 04:43

Posted Image

#51 fs_dxrulez123

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Posted 24 July 2007 - 05:37

what a weirdo :?

#52 Hitch



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Posted 24 July 2007 - 15:02

"... and the maid, always so grieved and solicitous, comes to the help of... "
- extracted from the great novel "Brushes are my everything".

#53 fs_devinegod

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Posted 24 July 2007 - 18:43

"... and the maid, always so grieved and solicitous, comes to the help of... "
- extracted from the great novel "Brushes are my everything".

Seems you don't use brushes. :P lol @ you and this thread.

#54 Hitch



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Posted 24 July 2007 - 19:10

What do you care if i use them or not? I'm just saying they're not My Everything.
Besides, if you were so good as you auto-claim, you should know if I use them or not, right? Big bust, ha?! ;)

ps: btw, thank's for helping me bumping this. You're good on that! Bizz never was so good as now! :P

#55 fs_devinegod

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Posted 24 July 2007 - 20:16

What do you care if i use them or not? I'm just saying they're not My Everything.
Besides, if you were so good as you auto-claim, you should know if I use them or not, right? Big bust, ha?! ;)

ps: btw, thank's for helping me bumping this. You're good on that! Bizz never was so good as now! :P

They're not my everything either, but they can make an added and nice effect. Although I would be able to tell, I don't have every brush in the world so I can't always tell. But it looks like you don't use brushes(maybe it's better off...), so no big bust for you(and please don't claim that you do to try and make me look bad because I will know).

ps. I don't care about your "bizz", I just care about the truth.

#56 fs_davidjames

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Posted 24 July 2007 - 21:28

we all have different styles. DG likes his brushes, i like to use filters in the background and hitch likes to fade an eagle into everything he does. :)

#57 fs_krypkill

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Posted 24 July 2007 - 22:37

I just care about the truth.


Seriously though, the truth is that all this petty bickering is making the whole lot of you look like morons.

Remove heads from asses and move on.

#58 fs_naromaru

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Posted 24 July 2007 - 22:53

sweet avares i want free ones!!!!!!!!!!!!

#59 fs_krypkill

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Posted 24 July 2007 - 23:01


Oooooooooh! Handbags!

QFT, have the courage of your convictions ya wuss.

#60 fs_naromaru

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Posted 24 July 2007 - 23:07

i dint say that :? :? :? :? :? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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