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#41 fs_oshikuroo

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Posted 03 October 2008 - 20:01

Name OshiKuRoo

Apperance Tall Human woman of origins in the orient. Age 23. Raven haired with a her mother’s favorite Jade comb pulling it away from fair cheeks revealing deep emerald green eyes. Always wearing some sort of kimono.

Weapon of choice My father's Katana that has an emerald inlaid in the hilt because it reminded him of my green eyes.

History Here is an excerpt from one of my other RP's.......

“I'm not that much of a mystery, my young MeiMei.” She looks off a few feet away to make sure Lil Roo doesn't get into too much trouble as he flings the sticks he has in his hands like he's playing an imaginary instrument. “I loved my father dearly. He was a great warrior, a samurai warrior; the best in the orient. Brave men would come for miles to learn the ways of the samurai from Nakuroo. But I wasn't allowed to learn for my mother wouldn't have it. It wasn't proper for a lady to learn the ways of the sword. So I secretly watched and learned as my father taught. Secretly he knew I was learning and would give me tips and lessons behind my mothers back. For I was an only child, my father still wanted his legacy to live on through me. But mother was persistent and she always won.” Oshi picks up Lil Roo and gives him a loving tender hug and lets him back down to play. “Which it will, in my son here Roo, but I digress. One day war came to the lands and the Emperor called on Nakuroo and his warriors to fight in his Imperial army. But there was one in the army that didn't like my father, ShouChen. He was jealous of all the honor and glory Nakuroo had. ShouChen couldn't bear it. He secretly had his men raid our home while my father was away at battle. They brutally killed my mother and all our servants. I hid in my favorite cherry blossom tree for it had a hole in the stump big enough just for me. They never found me. Then in battle the Evil ShouChen came after my father. He didn't know what had happened for he thought that ShouChen came to help him, but he only came to slay him. Stripping him of his Honor by cutting off his long hair, for it is a sign of strength, before running him through. From that day forth I studied my father’s scrolls, and learned from the best of his students. I vowed that day that I will be the best Samurai Warrior there ever was!” Oshi pulls out her samurai sword with a shiny green emerald. With Fire and Passion in Oshi's eyes, as a small tear trickles down her face falling onto the glimmering emerald, she says. “This was my fathers. One day I will find ShouChen and pay him the same disrespect and bring honor back to my family!”

I welcome anyone who want to RP with me! PM me with a storyline..I'll reply back! :D

#42 fs_rulen

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Posted 15 November 2008 - 15:50


Age: 23

Physical Description: 6 ft, 185 pounds. Slightly above average build. Hair color and length change depending on whether he is in his normal form or his dark form.

History: Almost 13 years ago during a great war between the rival kingdoms of Raspin and Trostaria, rulen, a young Peasant of Raspin was ordered to be brought with the army. His family knew what would happen if he were to be sent to this war as they had already lost a son to this war. Unable to defy the king, rulen left for the battlefield. When he arrived he could see the horror of war, the blood drenched hair of men who lay on the ground dead or dying. The men crowded by the fire with scars showing their time in battle. Every one of them gave rulen the same stern far away glance, each of their eyes telling of the blood that they had spilt or the friend that they had lost. The next morning they would be preparing for another battle with Trostaria so rulen went off and found some food and got his armaments so that he may prepare for the battle the following day.

The following day, rulen awoke and threw on his gear, trembling as he stood on the front line with his rather dull blade and rusted armor that still smelled of blood from its last occupant's untimely death. Charging at his foe he struck hard and swift connecting with his opponent's sword knocking it from his hand, killing him he was going to move onto the next one, when a knight to his left passed out and drove a sword through rulen's shoulder. The pain of the blade piercing the young bone and separating the tendons caused rulen to pass out. Something happened then however that nobody expected. As rulen fell to the ground his attacker moved in for the kill when suddenly rulen's hair changed from a dark brown to an intense white and grew till it was as long as the sword he carried, then he stood up, reached behind him and pulled the sword from his shoulder. He then raised his hand in the air using magic he fired a single blast into the sky. From this flash of light came forth the great dragon known as Azulea. His cerulean scales shown bright against the smoke of the battlefield that he scorched with his great fire breath. Destroying both friend and foe the dragon left the field decimated. After the dragon had forced both sides to retreat it vanished just as quickly as it had appeared. All eyes turned to rulen whose hand gently rested back to his side.

From then on, rulen has been in hiding trying to forget what had happened. Every night he dreams it and feels the flames on his face, he remembers seeing the incident as though he were outside of his body watching it happen. Kings have hunted him searching to use his power, he has finally decided that it is time to learn to control it, before he again brings havoc into the world. This is when the great Angitius offered his help to the young rulen.

Favorite weapon: Katana

#43 fs_thunderval

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Posted 09 December 2008 - 17:34

Thunderval is a thunder cloud from ban ton - North Vietnam

As a bon ton nom nong, VC priest, he practiced the art of mashing potatoes on his many gun running escapades - thus earning himself the cupcake award in 1972

Due to much name calling by the French soldiers, this young bon tom tong gong moved to Thailand to become a sous chef, it is there that he studied under the teachings of pee wee herman. He learned many things in these days where he watched many old western movies such as John Wayne and Hugh Heffner.

Then a great travesty happened and his mentor disowned him, as a ninja must he parted and went to the United States. It was there that he spent years writing technical manuals for Casio watches, and in his lonely New York loft, began practicing magic. He met a man named Joanne Rowling and tought him the secrets of the autistic magi named Harry Potter, an idea he stumbled upon after he fell and hit his head on a deflated bumper in the bowling for comulbine event that was co sponsored by the Boston Red Sox.

At this time thunderval had grown very old. This bom bong bon gong had seen better days. It is then that he retired to fallensword and gave up his old VC ways...

Now you can message him and ask him for doubler but he will ignore you, citing his love for womens volleyball and tennis.

#44 fs_linkster12

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Posted 21 January 2009 - 03:03

used be a great man, but was constantly robbed and lost his riches, when he was rich he bought and sold items. He used to buy things when the auctions were slow, and sell them when they were fast. He is actually a pretty good swordsman about 6' 1'' but he depends on his finely crafted blade too much. he was robbed and gave up on making money, now he is training till he becomes the greatest swordsman. Only then will he reopen his business.

#45 fs_astear

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Posted 08 February 2009 - 21:38

Name: Astear

Age: unknown

Race: Has none

With any story there are details but with time details fade away and so does the story.

Astear was once known as a god under another name that is long forgotten he was cursed by his fellow god's for seeking to overthrow them his spirit was shackled in a suit of armor now bound to walk Erildath in a confining form he identify s with nothing learning to increase his power beyond his armor he has fashioned cloak's to hide his form though he considers humans beneath him he has entered tavern's to hear the drunk tale's of others, knowing that the god's seek a way to destroy him and seeing the progress they have made thus far Astear is obsessed with death and the human emotions concerning it.

Weapon: Astear is bound in physical form by using a common blade and subjecting his will allowing his powers to enhance the weapon the blade fluxes between the physical and the ethereal no substance can withstand it.

Astear has the habit of driving his sword through his victim's while watching the pain on their face, It is rumored that Astear has been on a quest to find a sacred gem said to unlock his armor.

#46 fs_crusader77

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Posted 15 February 2009 - 19:24

Real Name: Ryve Stunakutsy

Age: 21

Apperance:Long hair that is spiky on the back, red eyes.
Equiped with a glowing black armor over a black shirt with wide sleeves, he has a spear with a poisoned blade and a shield on his back for when he needs protecion

Fighting Style:He is Batlemage soo he also uses magic to assist him like summon spells, he only uses hes shield when he cant defend him self, he uses a spell to teleport hes shield from his back to in front of him, this spell seems to be automatic, he is also very fast, hes most powerfull attack is a spell creats a glow to his hand, when this hand contacts with fleash it will burn in a black flame until there the enemie is dead, this attacks makes Ryve very tired and makes him unable to do other attacks for a short period of time.
His spear can become longer has Ryve wants

#47 fs_dracokage

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Posted 04 May 2009 - 16:11

Full name:Kevimaru Hyuchiha


Physical Description: Kevimaru is a thin man with a blue arrow on his right hand and a brown circle on his left palm. His eyes are brown, except when he activates his dracosight, then they turn yellow with red pupils. His hair is black like his past. He tends to wear a grey ninja suit with a tan trenchcoat covering it. Wears a dragon forehead protector with a cowboy hat.

Weapons: Two katanas, and two greatswords, as well as the normal ninja weaponry.

fightning style: Dragon fist, can be used in three different forms but the main form he uses is good for offence and defence. Developed when he was only four to combat his own father who tried to kill him.

#48 fs_specter7

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Posted 31 May 2009 - 13:54

(you are weary from your travels and sit under an old oak tree. Suddenly a man covered entirely with red paint and wearing a red horned helmet asks if you have any news about SPECTER7. Curious you ask the man about him.)

So you want to know more about the horrific creature called SPECTER7? Come closer. I have heard many tales and legends about him. Let me share to you my knowledge...

Real name: unknown
Age: unknown

history: legends have spoken of a young devil who fought for the shadow lord. He was taught to fight by his father, the most feared of all devils, together they ravaged villages and helped in the siege of the kingdom of man. But one day, the young devil met a young woman. They both fell in love and the devil decided to end his life of killing and start a new one with his love. The older devil, however, did not like what the young one planned and personally ate the soul of the young woman. Enraged by the actions of his father, the young one burst into flames so bright it burned through all the evil souls around it. His flesh was torn off and the heat was replaced with cold. He ravaged the forces he once fought with, and ran after his father seeking revenge. Alas, vengeance was not his for on that day, the sword protecting the good has fallen and the shadow lord along with his father vanished. Now he searches the land destroying anything in his path that was associated with his father...

description: those who have seen it. Only see a black cloak. Some say it has horns. Some say that he was made up of bones. Nobody has ever actually given a good description for those that saw it have gone mad.

weapons: heart stopping aura, stare of the devil, flameburst, hands of death, demonic strength and my unholy scythe.
Those are only based from stories, however, his true powers remain to be unseen.

Fighting style: he charges towards his enemies bringing all his anger and sadness, leaving nothing in his wake. Nobody has yet to survive his attacks...

Weakness: so you want to know how to stop this creature of darkness? Alas, i can not give you that information. But he is always mourning for his loved one and rage has clouded his vision. If i were you, i will leave him alone... I am still waiting for him to find me...

(the man vanishes leaving a trail of black smoke and the smell of flesh burning. You hear demonic laughter all around. Suddenly you realize that was not paint and he was not wearing a helmet.)

#49 hadom



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Posted 30 June 2009 - 09:59

Name: Hadom
pronounced "HA'dom" - def: an acronym derived from the AC/DC song "Have A Drink On Me" which pretty much describes Hadom's outlook on life.

Age: appears to be in his mid 40's, suspected to be much older

Physical Description: Human badass warrior. Hadom has long white hair (usually in a ponytail), blue eyes, and a deep scar down his right brow & cheek. Hadom is 6 feet, 6 inches (around 2 metres) tall, and of average build. Oftentimes, working as a simple bartender, Hadom dresses in worn leather armor and boots.

Weapons: 2 ivory & silk handled katanas (presented to Hadom by Russo-Chin Empress - Ivana Humpalot, for 'services rendered'), as well as several throwing knives (sold to him by a street vendor named Chuck) which he uses often in his bartending duties.

Fighting styles:
Trained in swordsmanship by Wong Fei-hung - a drunken samurai, hand to hand combat by a dwarven buddhist monk named Mickey, and bartending by a man only known as Coughlin in an Eagosian brothel owned by the infamous Heffner (who also oversaw Hadom's philandering ways), Hadom uses various techniques depending on the situation and the prey.

History: Hadom, the illegitimate, less interesting son and heir to the throne of Dos Equis, spent his youth traveling throughout the world of Erildath with his step-father Angus, a minstrel and healer. Yet, Hadom yearned for more than the life of a simple bard, soon becoming a veteran bounty hunter, revered casanova and master margarita maker.

Eventually, the love-child prince returned home to take his rightful place as leader of his people, only to find his land laid waste by nefarious forces of the Shadow Lord. The harlot leader of the horde, a demonic winged creature, called Tyn Querbel was eventually hunted down & slain by Hadom but not before she inflicted a vicious wound, leaving Hadom with his infamous scar.

Little Known Facts: Hadom can balance a bottle of wine on his tongue while he plays the piano

Favorite Quote: Stay thirsty, my disemboweled friends

#50 hadom



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Posted 03 July 2009 - 18:54

Just to add to Hadom's bio, it's just been announced that a movie of his life is being made... See the poster below:

Posted Image

#51 fs_vitz

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Posted 03 July 2009 - 19:37

Holy crap, Megan Fox and Jessica Biel in the same movie... oh the possibilities!!! Hubba hubba!! (O_O)

#52 spidey101



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Posted 04 July 2009 - 23:27

Holy crap, Megan Fox and Jessica Biel in the same movie... oh the possibilities!!! Hubba hubba!! (O_O)

Add Beyonce Knowles and we have a winning movie for sure. :D

#53 hadom



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Posted 05 July 2009 - 02:36

Holy crap, Megan Fox and Jessica Biel in the same movie... oh the possibilities!!! Hubba hubba!! (O_O)

Add Beyonce Knowles and we have a winning movie for sure. :D

Hmmm... Can mere mortal men handle all three of those ladies in one movie??? I fear not, but I'd be willing to risk it... lol

#54 fs_yggdrasial

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Posted 09 July 2009 - 23:31

yggdrasial likes to eat food, for whole minutes she can walk aimlessly round the corridors of her humble abode scowering for nibbles (no, not her pet hamster), until she realises that she'd looked several 100 times b4 and never found anything. ygg has no sort of special powers, though she does have an uncanny knack for saying things that make so little sense that while whoever is trying to attack her is trying to figure out wth she just said, she quickly slips away. sometimes ygg finds some1 to take her to the local shops and buys lots of tasties (once again, not a household pet), but only when her tummy starts rumbling. ygg never likes to fight, but when she feels she has to (or is told by the voices), she usually fails miserably thanks to having to experience, mwaha!. yggdrasial has rather fantasical leadership abilities, as in, makes every1 fear her and then laughs herself to sleep afterwards, rocking backwards and forwards.

if yggdrasial was an animal she would most definatly be a giant 7 headed transvestite chicken, for many reason i will not discus here ;D

#55 fs_balmaina

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Posted 25 July 2009 - 02:09

Name: BalmainA

Age: old

Weapon: A broken beer bottle and bad breath!

Description: Old, fat, hairy, grey, naked guy, who sits muttering into computer sreens!

History: Was once young and full of lfe.. until reality set in and he now just sits !

Weakness: Beer and crisps!

Fighting Style: King hit, liverpool kiss and burps !

Personality: None detected!

#56 fs_haseotod1

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Posted 09 October 2009 - 05:14

Name: Haseo Yamazaki
weapon: twin gorai daggers, a gorai heavy blade called Silad, a demonic but a prankster gorai scythe called "tickling Death", and a prototype pair of steam powered guns.


History: Haseo spent his whole life making weapons and armor and honing his combat skills. Through his study of arcane magic the slow progress of science known as Alchemy. Most of the time Haseo is a loner, rarely speaking to others, and never really trusting anyone.

fighting style:depending on the weapon except the steam guns, Haseo had developed 8 skills that combine the power of arcana and Alchemy into a deadly attack.

#57 fs_kaipo808

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Posted 14 October 2009 - 01:35

Name:Lord Yamamoto
Weapons:Short Katana,Long Katana
History:Before Lord Yamamoto became lord, he was exiled from the emperors family for trying to seize power to the throne.He then set out to become a mercanary and ended up killing the lord he was serving.He is now the cruel and ruthless lord of th province of Kai.
Physical Appearance:Samurai Helmet,Samurai Armor,Under the armor is a Silk Shirt And Silk Pants.On the his back he has a tattoo that has a Sword and a dragon circling it.He is Asian and Philipino.Tann
Fighting Style:Samurai type,Scorcery

#58 fs_kaipo808

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Posted 14 October 2009 - 01:47

Holy crap, Megan Fox and Jessica Biel in the same movie... oh the possibilities!!! Hubba hubba!! (O_O)

oooo...megan fox...lol jk.

#59 fs_bellafrye

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Posted 15 October 2009 - 23:31

Name: Phoenix

Age: Unknown, but appears 20.

History and Bio: Pheonix is a mercenary ready to be called upon at a moments notice to fight demons, dragon or whatever creature arises.A very prized fighter, using both weaponry and a combination of spells that render any foe on his knees. Years have passed and now only uses her deadly skills when the need arises. Her foes and rivals call her "Aphrodiate" for whatever place she leaves, she leaves behind a crowd of men that feel lust and love for her.

Fighting : A widely feared fighter that uses two blades to fight. Is also very skilled in casting spells that can render any foe on his knees.

#60 fs_haseotod1

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Posted 15 October 2009 - 23:32

:shock: hi honey. :lol: 8)

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