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Suggestion: Slaughterfest Changes

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#41 centurion



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Posted 27 December 2010 - 21:05

One alternative :

is removal of moving cost within SF, but keep the energy cost of attacking. it cost 10 energy /kill, so if you do that, it may be a decent compromise. (instead of fixed energy)

#42 ss_badlands1

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Posted 27 December 2010 - 22:03


#43 centurion



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Posted 27 December 2010 - 22:39

i cant say yes or no ,need 3rd option maybe ?
If you remove it all together would be waste of your time having it in the first place ,wasnt it introduced to get people to use there energy while waiting .
To all those who have spent alot of energy getting there medals ,well done ,but just cause you have them now dosn't mean we cant change ,but i can feel where you are coming from .
If there was a happy median we could come up with maybe the cows will impliment it into the fests and we can all get back to having fun

ps remove acc stim from fest if you make it free

rem its meant to be a game

is arena in FS waste of time? not really. it allows those with lower amout of energy something to do and act as cr sink. I want to see it busy with 10-20 player at all time or more. it is funny but the current SF is becoming busier already just from the threat of this happening. want easy tokens

I really would like to see unique gears in SF. pvp gears, but also with unique enhancement as well as unique stims.

#44 ss_badlands1

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Posted 27 December 2010 - 23:09


#45 ss_kopfjager

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Posted 27 December 2010 - 23:15

Great idea, this will keep the game rom gettting stale as i've been seeing it. most people go in for the one kill then quit to conserve engery for the main game. Another thing is to make the prizes more benefiial to the winners. On a side note will there be more PVP medals to come out to draw those that have the crystal medals already?

#46 Gorland



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Posted 27 December 2010 - 23:19

Yes, energy usage have to be removed. Now the strategy is get one hit and stay inactive due to low activity and it's hardest to find the only enemy that rest in the store. No energy usage will make them more exciting and probably more players will enter. That's my opinion.


#47 TomT



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Posted 27 December 2010 - 23:32

8-) in SF as I write... waste of 25K.. no1 in...
Tried to run into walls to stab myself with my sword but that doesnt work..... Maybe seeing we going to get rid of Energy use we can get a new Skill? just for SF, call it Suicide? :lol:

#48 ss_badlands1

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Posted 27 December 2010 - 23:37


#49 RD1542



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Posted 28 December 2010 - 00:30

One alternative :

is removal of moving cost within SF, but keep the energy cost of attacking. it cost 10 energy /kill, so if you do that, it may be a decent compromise. (instead of fixed energy)

i would have thought that energy per kill would still be there, if it is proposed that it is not, then i would have to agree that energy for kills needs to stay as is.. 10 energy per kill.

and i can see where some are coming from, i never wanted to see pvp kills in the SF count towards class kill medals, i had 2 in silver when they came out, and took a lot of work, and days and days on end sitting at the elite maps hunting the elite hunters... but in the name pf progression my once hard earned medals are a walk in the park now.

i know we can;t say that energy cost is the deterrent from most players wanting to play in the SF's, we can;t say that undesirable rewards are a deterrent from most people playing in the SF's, we can't say that lack of other people joining is the deterrent that is keeping most players from entering the SF's, but i do know for a fact that no one can say that any one of the above mentioned problems doesn't have an impact on the current inactive fests in even a small sense, the more SF issues we can solve the more activity there will be, the more fun we can all have in them.
for me i could care less about the SF medals, there was only a challenge to them for the first few weeks, could care less about the rewards, as none have ever really interested me that much.. but i do care about having as many people as possible that i can walk around and smash up on, or be smashed up on.. is what makes them fun...

and if you are that upset about the reduced costs of other players getting their medals, ask the cows to sacrifice your own, and rejoin when there is actually player activity inside them and try earning them when there is an actual challenge to them...

we have always had plenty of ways in this game to sink our energy into, the fests are a fun idea, they have potential to be even better, it seems hoof is looking to get some more activity into them, i don;t know abut everyone else, but i don;t want to spend 2500 energy on one fest just for a few kills in just walking around, i want to spend my 2500 energy claiming 250 heads instead.. so, what's the issue again??

and yeah cent i agree, would like to see defensive wins, maybe not in the free for all's because of the vast level difference, but in sudden death matches we should as the level and equipment differences are minimal..

and while we are looking at revamping fests, how about faction verses faction capture the flag or something of the sort ?

#50 ss_poderoso10

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Posted 28 December 2010 - 01:14

+1 Great idea remove Energy Cost From SF,as always,maybe a fee of 100stam for enter in the tournament would be decent.

#51 boeffie



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Posted 28 December 2010 - 01:51

i cant say yes or no ,need 3rd option maybe ?
If you remove it all together would be waste of your time having it in the first place ,wasnt it introduced to get people to use there energy while waiting .

Waiting for what? Not energy, obviously, as it defeated that object, and content now comes fast enough not to have to wait for that anymore either, so that should help you form an opinion :)

Point about defensive wins counting might make me try again, as it is now there's not much point in me joining any fest (not interested in arranged wins) as connection speed just makes me not get hits in at all, unless someone will not hit me for the secs it takes for my hit to get to the server.

Faction battles sound like fun as well, and really, that's what I'd be looking for, some kind of fun, not medals, tokens, rewards, and all the rest of it.

Right now, I go in there, and see the hosp, is about it. Remove energy loss, and I'd mind that a bit less, but add some fun, and make defensive wins count, and I'd be happy to try again.

#52 BigGrim


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Posted 28 December 2010 - 01:53

I really would like to see unique gears in SF. pvp gears, but also with unique enhancement as well as unique stims.

The gear in the SF is unique. It is also much more powerful than random Rares. Plus it has a unique enhancement.

#53 ss_jhilax

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Posted 28 December 2010 - 03:09

Leave the energy cost the same, or possibly auto-buff a high level traverse upon entering, but create a new behemoth that only spawns in the slaughterfest maps...A bunch will enter to kill the behemoth and others will enter to kill the hunters...or both :twisted:

#54 ss_badlands1

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Posted 28 December 2010 - 03:17


#55 centurion



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Posted 28 December 2010 - 03:37

hey badland :D I thought your new motto was "kill the scripters" LOL

#56 EdTheHead



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Posted 28 December 2010 - 03:41

NO, NO, NO and again NO. i have lost well over 10000 energy in SF arena to get this medal and now you are trying to make even easier to get? with a risk of a new warning, HELL NO.

WOW So you think we should let the SF remain mostly dead and boring finding 2 people to kill (if that) because a few of you think your medal has more value than an option to make this game more exciting by using the SF to give players something to do and stick around to boost the player numbers, All i can say is shameful, selfishness will be the death of this game you should welcome the opportunity to bring some life back into the SF and Sigmastorm 2. :roll:

#57 ecolitan



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Posted 28 December 2010 - 03:45

As long as there are medals and rewards this should have energy costs. Allowing a SF use only high Traverse stim for a significant chunk of points would be more appropriate.

#58 EdTheHead



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Posted 28 December 2010 - 04:03

As long as there are medals and rewards this should have energy costs

Yeah great idea if players were actually spending energy :?:

#59 ss_youmaylose

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Posted 28 December 2010 - 04:10

Energy isn't the biggest issue IMO.. the reward is.. I did vote yes but if the reward were say.. FC's then SF would be much more useful... or if you could sell SF tokens for FC's then it would make SF more active IMO.. as that would allow even the lower lvl's to want to play it so they can upgrade...(not every 1 has the ability to spend cash) and if they can manage to reach a certain number of FC's.. but need just a few more for the upgrade they want it might entice them to ask mom and pop for the CC to use cash :-p

#60 ss_badlands1

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Posted 28 December 2010 - 04:30


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