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Open letter to the Cows

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#41 kimbo



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 13:30

Very well said Dradin..Hoping against hope that HCS will see the thoughts and validity of your comments and suggestion :)

#42 Mongo



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 14:22

How about a second type of stamina gain? Can use your current stamina for anything you want, pve, pvp etc. Now add a new base stamina gain of 50 per hour.


This stamina can ONLY be used for pvp, now you can play each day while waiting for your pve stam... let's get everyone smashing!  :P

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#43 BigGrim


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Posted 30 July 2014 - 14:23

I will personally testify that i have actually called the cows regarding things and have not only been treated GREAT and my needs met and taken care of, BUT also some nice little conversations to boot!!  (even taught me how to send something thru a support ticket!! with patience and kindness)

Thank you! And I think remember that phone call. It was pretty lively and I felt pretty darned good after helping you with that. It was how to take an image attach it to the ticket, right

#44 Mongo



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 14:29

I will personally testify that i have actually called the cows regarding things and have not only been treated GREAT and my needs met and taken care of, BUT also some nice little conversations to boot!!  (even taught me how to send something thru a support ticket!! with patience and kindness)


Sounds good, how much per minute?  :D


Support have always replied and been helpful when I contacted them. Sometimes it takes a while when they are busy but that is to be expected when they have such a small team.

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#45 BadPenny



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 14:55

I feel I have a decent relationship with the Holy Bovines, and I can tell you that the few times I have had to submit a ticket, they were all dealt with promptly and with courtesy.... I love this game, and will continue to support it, in part because of the way HCS staff have always treated me...


Thanks ya'll

Just one old lady's opinion




~Love, Penny


Have you hugged your Quango lately?

#46 Mzzery



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 15:00

I agree with the original post.


Just a few comments about other comments in the thread:


Someone said something about boosting stam gains, and pumping out more content at a faster rate. I might be alone in my view that having even more content faster would just make the game less interesting to new players, but to be honest, I don't think that I personally would have felt very eager to start playing if there had been 2000+ levels to go thru when I started. Also, having so much max stam that you feel you never get to play, that's really up to each individual I'd think. Just don't get it so high that it "never" refills? I have a serious issues refilling mine too at times, but that's my own fault.


I think maybe this big level gap could be less intimidating, if people below lvl 1k for example, would get triple xp insead of double xp, during double xp events? That's just a thought, can't say I've thought that one through very well.

Edited by Mzzery, 30 July 2014 - 15:03.


#47 DeadParrot



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 15:31

I agree with the original post.


Just a few comments about other comments in the thread:


Someone said something about boosting stam gains, and pumping out more content at a faster rate. I might be alone in my view that having even more content faster would just make the game less interesting to new players, but to be honest, I don't think that I personally would have felt very eager to start playing if there had been 2000+ levels to go thru when I started. Also, having so much max stam that you feel you never get to play, that's really up to each individual I'd think. Just don't get it so high that it "never" refills? I have a serious issues refilling mine too at times, but that's my own fault.


WE ALL DON'T LEVEL (SEE MY LAST POST), or feel the need to race against the unseen wind.


I think maybe this big level gap could be less intimidating, if people below lvl 1k for example, would get triple xp insead of double xp, during double xp events? That's just a thought, can't say I've thought that one through very well.


You are correct about the game and the difference in level between newbie and EOCer.  Other games have solved this by roll-overs or ascensions, with secret content, or aesthetic enhancements, or as mentioned in another post, a dark side (A hard-core mode, or pvp hook).  This game desperately NEEDS this to end the endless, repetitive content adds.  It would permit the COWS to add more interesting content to the Ascensions rather than keep pumping out x levels, y commons, z rares, a quests, b realms, etc...



Edited by DeadParrot, 30 July 2014 - 15:32.

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#48 Belaric



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 15:34

Going back to Yotekiller's original post for a moment...


I agree that having the numbers of players posted is a disincentive - 900K registered 700 playing is not a good advert.


The players online graphs when you click on a game from the HCS homepage don't seem a good idea. The Eldevin one has a max range of 150, which makes it a minutely multiplayer online game, FS has a max of what 600 or so - moderately multiplayer - these features allow potential new customers to look at the online numbers for both of these games, see low activity and say no thanks.


Unless these counters are a statutory requirement I would think about getting rid of them - you are simply advertising the lack of players online.


Maybe keep the online counters in game once signed up - but even then it is used as a slow drip drip drip of morale depression for long time players as they see the numbers slowly drop. Ignorance may be bliss.


Now I'm guessing that once upon a time Gothador had more online numbers than FS did, but still HCS dedicated resources to FS, so I have to see the wisdom of HCS, for the future of their company, putting resources into Eldevin. They still need an AH and a Guild system instituted over there, apparently, and those are core functions of an MMO. More dedicated support to FS would be much appreciated, but I suppose that needs to be balanced by an assessment of how much income FS now generates. HCS has the numbers, we don't. Indeed if we have the online numbers removed we will become, as players, more ignorant of how the game is going and will have to judge by 'feel' what the online numbers are. LOL! Maybe we want to keep the counters after all!


The stamina arguments - if this thread just becomes "Give us more stuff." Then it fails, in my opinion.


However. Changes to the stamina system might be good. I liked the sliding scale suggested. Something equitable for all, that allowed everyone to play more often would be good. The designers did not expect stam banks of 100K, or even 40K! (And as Mzz stated above - it was a player's choice to grow such gigantic banks - a bit rich to then complain about them never filling.... but human nature being what it is....) I once suggested unlimited stam to 300 to get folk started! LOL! Having more stam will mean more people gaining levels faster, and if people choose to get to EOC and sit, that is their choice. IF having more stam (or an altered XP gain) allowed people to advance through the lower levels faster and get more deeply entwined in the game I don't think it would be a bad thing - we want to keep and grow our numbers, just because we walked uphill both ways to school doesn't mean everyone else has to! As long as new content is generated regularly, I'm cool, it does not necessarily have to be faster just because there is more stam gain. We will have the option of using our stam in other areas of the game.


Blah blah, I've gone on again. Sorry DP.

Edited by Belaric, 30 July 2014 - 15:39.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#49 DeadParrot



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 15:50



Blah blah, I've gone on again. Sorry DP.

I almost clicked report, hehe.


Belaric, I wonder why players are so adverse to a level cap and a more interesting ascension content system, such as different choices at ascension to replay their character.  It is avoided like the plague by EOCers.  Why?  Back to my definition of insanity, it just makes sense.





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#50 Belaric



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 16:19

It depends how an ascension system could work in FS. I've not seen one that remotely interested me - I think Shardoom had a thread with ideas a while ago. I don't recall being thrilled. (sorry Shar) If you have one that would work and would not be a huge coding load for HCS - fire away. And again if it is an ascended content system - it is still new content, (likely with new rules and skills - all new coding issues and this is a game that does not have a lot of code hours available to it - if it did we'd see the roadmap dealt with much faster, no?) so why vary from the system that exists now and is relatively easy for the cows to produce within the framework of their limited resources?


I don't think your definition (or Einstein's) applies to levelling, to be honest. As well apply it to growing older, or going to the gym. Some things can be repeated for a lifetime (breathing) and not be insane. Some things just are. In a level based game, levelling just is. It is the core. All the other game activities are branches sprouting from that central trunk. For some strange people gaining thousands of levels is just fun. Even if to others it appears mindbogglingly dull. Horses for courses. Metaphors for mixing.


There are a few of my thoughts. There are others.


EDIT: Here your definition of insanity does make sense - if I had to play the SAME content over in an ascended version? Why? Why would that be interesting to me? At least extension of the current content remains new! If we'd had an ascended version of the game kick in after defeating the Dreadlord at 1000 I could have gone through all 1000 levels another two times by now probably - how is that less boring than having had new content? Depends on the mechanics of the ascended character, and  I did not find any options appealing...

Edited by Belaric, 30 July 2014 - 16:28.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#51 DeadParrot



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 16:42

Is it REALLY new though, in a deeper sense?  I do believe EOCers ARE expecting something truly new to happen.  Why else would anyone go through motions that are NOT automatic, like breathing, but make a concerted effort with no outcome, pay off, etc....even life has a payoff...death.



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#52 Belaric



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 17:02

LOL! "In a deeper sense?" Should we wade into such philosophical waters?


There are fun new things every so often - *SPOILER ALERT IF YOU ARE UNDER level 1500* Crestoun and the cycle that led us to the Terror titan was awesome, and tricky if you were in the first wave, at least! The revisited Xindy and Morbidstein that led to the new SE's and the Eater of Time. Every so often special content arrives that is a lot of fun and is challenging. Most of the time the new levels are fairly rote but you look for diamonds in the rough - a useful champ or elite set etc. There is always something new, something evolving, even with standard content.


In other online games I think ascended characters work because so many character builds exist in those games' fundamental structure. Ascending characters, or getting them to epic levels or whatever opens up new ways of playing and putting together future builds. Variation in build strategy is much more diverse and interesting. And in the game I am specifically thinking of and with which you are familiar - people can play the same content over and over - but with radically different characters. Even then, they can play through their characters' levels, without playing the same world areas, there are enough different world areas to level up in entirely new places 2 or 3 times.


Fallen Sword does not have that fundamental structure to allow radically different builds of the same character. There are no character classes to play with. So ascending is less interesting. And the existing linear content is less interesting to run through a second time too - at least in other games you can roam around an open world and have choices as to where you earn your lower levels. Suitably ascended characters don't even have to bother with low levels at all and can start at a mid level as a bonus! I have a hard time seeing how FS can match that kind of flexibility and game play in an ascended format.


Erm, have we strayed off topic a tad???

Edited by Belaric, 30 July 2014 - 17:09.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#53 Davros81



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 19:10

some of the maps do look awfully similar but then again after 2150 levels that is to be expected to be honest. People dreaming something mystically different will occur in a new batch of content are living in a fantasy land, in my humble opinion.

#54 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 20:37

I don't if that is a very crazy idea, but here I go.

What I want to see is a Fallen Sword II, a new game where everybody start at level 1 again, but with all the game issues fixed, Ladder, GvG, Bounties, all new buffs, Arena, FSH implemented, everything that we're needing now. And also solve the problem with the lvl 1-100 maps, everybody who I invite to play don't keep playing because the lower lvl maps are too confusing.

Of course we will hear people compleining about the money/time they invested in the game, but maybe we can create a system to recall your upgrades/items to use in the new game.

With all that done, do a massive spam on the internet, Facebook Ads, soem game sites, don't know, just promote the a lot to bring new players.

Like I said, it's a crazy idea, cn be good or very bad to the game, but we really need to stop the infinite loop of leveling. Maybe create a Dark Side at level 2.500, a Final Quest againstXinderoth/Dreadlord where you lose all your levels and LUP points, don't know, but something needs to be done.

Going for EOC everytime just means that you will face less players, have the same amount of buffs, have the same amount of gear to use, and will contribute with GXP, what doesn't means much.

#55 BigGrim


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Posted 30 July 2014 - 21:35

Solve the problem with the lvl 1-100 maps, everybody who I invite to play don't keep playing because the lower lvl maps are too confusing.

I did that with the first 15 to 30 odd levels. It's still on my To Do List to straighten out the rest. But I am well aware it needs doing because it's just a rats nest down there.

#56 mary4ever



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 21:52

I had to guide some new players step by step during the lower maps because they were really confusing, even for me


to be honest I am not surprised that many new players leave after seeing the "labyrinth" lower maps :(

3 players on iggy (1 troll & 2 players whose posts never make any sense)

#57 DeadParrot



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Posted 30 July 2014 - 22:30

I don't if that is a very crazy idea, but here I go.

What I want to see is a Fallen Sword II, a new game where everybody start at level 1 again, but with all the game issues fixed, Ladder, GvG, Bounties, all new buffs, Arena, FSH implemented, everything that we're needing now. And also solve the problem with the lvl 1-100 maps, everybody who I invite to play don't keep playing because the lower lvl maps are too confusing.

Of course we will hear people compleining about the money/time they invested in the game, but maybe we can create a system to recall your upgrades/items to use in the new game.

With all that done, do a massive spam on the internet, Facebook Ads, soem game sites, don't know, just promote the a lot to bring new players.

Like I said, it's a crazy idea, cn be good or very bad to the game, but we really need to stop the infinite loop of leveling. Maybe create a Dark Side at level 2.500, a Final Quest againstXinderoth/Dreadlord where you lose all your levels and LUP points, don't know, but something needs to be done.

Going for EOC everytime just means that you will face less players, have the same amount of buffs, have the same amount of gear to use, and will contribute with GXP, what doesn't means much.


No, this is NOT a crazy idea.  (Most) Many other games do it, Guild Wars, Borderlands, Diablo, to varying degrees.  Some do major resets, some new game editions, etc....


No, NOT a crazy idea at all, except to the perchers.



Edited by DeadParrot, 30 July 2014 - 22:31.

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#58 Tastria



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Posted 31 July 2014 - 01:17

Utter nonsense. Support bends over backwards to help people. Generally, the ones who feel they don't get help from Support are the troublemakers who do not see why rules should apply to them.

A huge amount of feedback we get from players is that they actually love just how much we do for them through Support.

    Absolutely true Grim!


    I have had great service from support.  Admittedly, I only need it a few times a year, but when I do, it amazes me how quick and easily my problems are solved.  (at some time I gotta contact you about getting a new wooden sword, so I can get that @#$%^ icon off my page...)


    Now, about stamina:  I've maxed out my gain, so with two epics (+2) and the guild gain, I have 91 an hour.  

    Since I have limited time to play (my neat and sweet refers to herself as a "Fallen Sword widow")  That gives me around 2000 stamina, perhaps a bit more when I log on.  I don't feel the need for an obscenely high doubler, so I get to actively hunt for about 30 minutes.  Which is almost perfect for me.  There's the next half hour I spend at the AH spending my ill gotten gains, and maybe wistfully looking at the arena.  My point is that I don't need a lot more stamina.  I'll be getting more epics to up my gain, mostly so I can give out a few extra buffs.

      Now I fully realize that there are folk out there with the max stamina in the upper five figures.  And I know it takes them a gawdawful time to recharge.  BUT  they had to realize that  as they were slowly (and expensively) raising it.

     Since FS is the only online game I play, I'm not much of an expert on how the others do it.  So I'll accept the fact that FS seems to have encountered an energy crisis.

    That being said, how about a compromise?  Perhaps some way of winning/getting reserve stamina?  If you don't want to use it, it just sits there waiting for a global event, just the right titan, or being able to buff during a real vicious GvG.  This would enable the community to see what the effects of a +15 stamina gain would be, without the necessity of making it permanent.   That would be the equivalent of 360 stamina a day going into an account, without the permanency stam gain would be.  I'm probably not presenting the idea well, but at this time it's sort of stream of consciousness.

     A side benefit might be to convince lower level players to try and raise their gain, as this would be a "temporary" gain, and after a few weeks it would vanish.

     I'm not sure why so many players want to speed through the content at the fastest possible speed anyways.  I'm in it for the trip, NOT the destination :)

#59 BraveKath



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Posted 31 July 2014 - 01:37

People have genuine dislike for support here and the lack of it they receive.

Compared to other games, I find the level of support in FS to be "boutique" like in that is very attentive, personal and helpful. There have been just a couple tiimes I would have wished for a different response with an issue, but I understood the logic of the response. There have been more times, however, that I've been blown away with the generosity of the response; for example, getting things back that had expired in my mailbox.

There's another game I'm playing right now. They did a major revamp of the game. For over a month they blocked the Bugs & Issues Forum Thread and would accept no Support Tickets that were about the upgrade. There's a warring system in it that is a bit like our GvG system; however, much more vital to your game and you can't "declare victory" thus you have some "guilds" at war for well over a month and they have to hit 50% of the targets every day to keep the war active, so they're slogging away wasting stam and the Developer's response has been we "fixed it" and it's coming out in a future update and the players don't know when that update will occur.

I've had other games respond to a problem where I couldn't play a month after I submitted the ticket!

I did something stupid one weekend and locked myself out of my account. ON THE WEEKEND!! -- I got a response and a fix from Hoof! That level of support is RARE!

So in my opinion, we are living in the lap of luxury Support here in FS/HCS. Support is a time consuming and tedious task no matter your industry and I'm grateful for the level of awesome support we get here.

Sorry -- but just felt that comment was unfair, at least in my experience, but then again I always try to be respectful. I'm sure that's not the case with everyone.

Sincerely, Kath

#60 BraveKath



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Posted 31 July 2014 - 01:40

I don't if that is a very crazy idea, but here I go.

What I want to see is a Fallen Sword II, a new game where everybody start at level 1 again, but with all the game issues fixed, Ladder, GvG, Bounties, all new buffs, Arena, FSH implemented, everything that we're needing now. And also solve the problem with the lvl 1-100 maps, everybody who I invite to play don't keep playing because the lower lvl maps are too confusing.

Of course we will hear people compleining about the money/time they invested in the game, but maybe we can create a system to recall your upgrades/items to use in the new game.

With all that done, do a massive spam on the internet, Facebook Ads, soem game sites, don't know, just promote the a lot to bring new players.

Like I said, it's a crazy idea, cn be good or very bad to the game, but we really need to stop the infinite loop of leveling. Maybe create a Dark Side at level 2.500, a Final Quest againstXinderoth/Dreadlord where you lose all your levels and LUP points, don't know, but something needs to be done.

Going for EOC everytime just means that you will face less players, have the same amount of buffs, have the same amount of gear to use, and will contribute with GXP, what doesn't means much.

I know NOTHING about programming/coding, but I understand FS is written in an older code or something. I've often wondered if an old style FS couldn't be rolled out, but one written in modern codes (or whatever the right word is) that is totally condusive to mobile play as the heart of the game is great and it would be fun to see this happen.

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