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please extend pvp attack range

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Poll: should the pvp range be extended (130 member(s) have cast votes)

should the pvp range be extended

  1. no (79 votes [60.77%])

    Percentage of vote: 60.77%

  2. yes (51 votes [39.23%])

    Percentage of vote: 39.23%


#41 sweetlou



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Posted 16 February 2015 - 22:42

I did initially agree with the idea, after thinking about it a little more I have changed my mind on the subject.

I believe it falls into the category of HCS giving the player base something and them getting used to it and eventually wanting more and more. If a player amasses a lot of prestige then they have obviously done a lot of pvp, but not a great deal of level regaining. (which is the actual point of prestige) They were well aware of how the system worked.

I believe the more important question is, why should the system be changed to better accommodate players who accrued more than the amount needed for maximum bonus?


I see it as just another instance of the 'more more more' mindset that seems to be endemic amongst the FS population these days.

I still don't understand how could I be asking for accommodation when I've EARNED it. It wasn't given to me. I'm not asking that the duration per point be extended nor the xp gain% be increased. I simply want to be able to use what is mine proportionately. The argument that we all knew the current rules has no bearing since rules can always be changed. We can start the Prestige rule change making all points from now on usable at will if it makes you happy. While I respect that you have changed your mind I plainly disagree.

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#42 Mister Doom

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Posted 16 February 2015 - 22:49

The argument that, "you knew the rules when you started." cannot be used because if you complain enough the rules can be changed?...


That's, an odd standpoint to make, and does fall squarely into the bracket of wanting more and more. (IMO)


Of course we are all welcome to our own viewpoints and I will not endeavour to try and change your mind. I have no interest in wasting my time. The endless circular arguments that are the FS forums, don't interest me these days. I have given you my perspective just as I know what yours is. That should be enough.


#43 yotwehc



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Posted 16 February 2015 - 23:01

I have a prime reason for not increasing the range of levels....I've heard of retaliation in the game for disagreeing with PvP'ers on the forum but just thought it was talk, now I know that's not the case. After not agreeing with some items in the PvP threads this happens..

Don't ever again try to tell me that PvP isn't about intimidation with this guild because it is. Luckily Xxxxxx is the only one in +/-10 levels of me otherwise I'd be getting more "love" taps from this guild. Well played, way to prove every non PvP'ers beliefs about you that bullies are alive and well in the PvP segment of the game. I know that the goal is to get me to hit back so they can drop me 5, nope not going to happen...but there it is folks PvP at it's finest. Y'all must be so proud.

Yep. Happened to me several times as well. One actually did have the courage to admit that he did it because of my forum participantion and wanted to see what I would do.

Edited by yotwehc, 17 February 2015 - 00:45.

#44 sweetlou



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Posted 16 February 2015 - 23:14

The argument that, "you knew the rules when you started." cannot be used because if you complain enough the rules can be changed?...

Only when I say it :P


Look, this is a small, fine tuning rule change I've asked for for a little while. It is not an integral component of game play like PvP itself. Does it have some bearing on other issues? Sure, I believe it does. Prestige was added and there was a short discussion when players complained about being hit hourly. So they added the 3 day cool down. Circumstances change. Will it have any bearing if we change the attack range? It sure will. We've had Prestige for a few years now and the topic has never been officially re-evaluated since. I only want available to me what I have earned. I'm not asking for more, I'm asking that my Prestige points be treated equally, whether it's in the first 50 points or after the 5000th point.

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#45 Teuchter



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Posted 16 February 2015 - 23:52

I have a prime reason for not increasing the range of levels....I've heard of retaliation in the game for disagreeing with PvP'ers on the forum but just thought it was talk, now I know that's not the case. After not agreeing with some items in the PvP threads this happens..

19:02 16/Feb/2015
Ignore ] You were defeated  by xxxxxx1972 in combat. [ View Combat ] [ Reply | Trade | ST | Buff ]
XP stolen:4,308,920 Gold lost:206,264 Gold stolen:154,698 Prestige gain:10
20:03 16/Feb/2015
Ignore ] You were defeated by xxxxxx 1972 in combat. [ View Combat ] [ Reply | Trade | ST | Buff ]
XP stolen:4,630,667 Gold lost:29,489 Gold stolen:22,117 
21:28 16/Feb/2015
Ignore ] You were attacked by xxxxxx 1972, but you deflected the attack. [ Reply | Trade | ST | Buff ]

Don't ever again try to tell me that PvP isn't about intimidation with this guild because it is. Luckily xxxxxx1972 is the only one in +/-10 levels of me otherwise I'd be getting more "love" taps from this guild. Well played, way to prove every non PvP'ers beliefs about you that bullies are alive and well in the PvP segment of the game. I know that the goal is to get me to hit back so they can drop me 5, nope not going to happen...but there it is folks PvP at it's finest. Y'all must be so proud.

Yep. Happened to me several times as well. One actually did have the courage to admit that he did it because of my forum participation and wanted to see what I would do. 


That is so Sad !!,   but also explains why so many players have left the game, The Bullyiung mentality is alive and well in FS, I still play  but  gave up on PvP when it became apparent that  you would lose" 5" on a whim ,  used to enjoy  PvP , but I was around level 600 when rules started changing and enforcing your will on others who did not agree became paramount.  "The  range should be kept as is !! " the biggest reason   so few players are left is because  of bullying in my opinion, to use an extreme case  one p[layer no longer here was taken for 500+ levels ,   No one plays  virtual; games for that  !!! , I do believe smasher   did not help ,  and neither does the inherent animosity between PvPer and leveller,   We are all here to have fun  but sometimes a bit of moderation is needed  , Wee  <_< .

Edited by Teuchter, 17 February 2015 - 00:36.

#46 Raku



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 00:16

Hey, darling, I level, just like everybody else.  It's slow at times, but not too much so, because for the most part, I've been visiting the mostly the same folks for prestige for some time now.  That PvPer's choose to remain in one level range is a fallacy.  Sure there are some that do, even some that became infamous for that, but they are the exception.  I, for one, am not one of those players and never was one, and the majority of my peers who PvP aren't either... PvP is part of the game, for PvPer and non PvPer alike.  It's an important part.  And who says they want to box with you anyway?  Maybe Player A is level 1510 and Player B is level 1522.  They want to trade licks, to test their buffs or equipment or just to do it for kicks.  As it stands now, they have to either A, participate in a dead ladder system, or B one has to get on the board.  With the PvP range expanded, they can box all day, every hour on the hour.   As for fairness for PvPer's, I have watched PvP get nerfed over and over again over the past 7 years, because we are in the minority.  Don't want to be a prestige target?   PvP protection protects your XP, and as such eliminates you from a prestige hit.  Only your gold can be taken, and if you wisely put that away, your only threat is your enemies, and that's another issue entirely, and should be handled in an entirely different way.  

Not saying you or other pvpers don't lvl simply pointing out that the choices you have made are why you are the level you are, and why you have the amount of targets you have. Same goes for your friend and part of those choices entail having fewer targets.  PvP is a part of the game for sure, and I don't think anyone is trying to change that. The importance of pvp however changes depending on who you ask. I could honestly care less if anyone wanted to box with me or not, this is not the point I am trying to make.


I have previously stated that I (and i'm sure many others) have no problem with you or anyone else wanting to be able to trade licks with like-minded players no matter what your level difference is


The problem is those pvpers (how ever few it may be) who would and do use it for the wrong reasons. Increasing the attack range increases the opportunity those players have to do so. I don't know why some fail to grasp this concept. Or is it they understand this just don't care. I fail to see a reason why a trade off of being able to opt out of pvp for increased attack range or even a completely open playing field in pvp would be a bad thing. This would allow pvpers to box all day to their hearts content without non-pvpers getting involved. An unfair update in the past doesn't justify and unfair update in the future.


So we are back to suggesting the opt-in PvP model? Remember you opted-in to PvP when you signed up to play a PvP game. We currently have an opt-out for 200,000 gold/24 hrs. Is that too expensive? There you can play in a vacuum where the only thing you can lose is gold, and you still have bounty power if attacked for gold but you remain free from losing xp. Why does it seem we are going backwards?

I sure am and will always be until something is done that allows pvpers and non-pvpers to play this game free from the malicious nature of some players. In my opinion this model is one of the easiest and fairest ways to help achieve this. 


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That was taken straight from the description done by HCS. PvP is a part of the game not the game itself. However yes I have played this game knowing pvp could be involved. This still doesn't mean I can't wish to see things changed.


200,000 gold/24hrs can be expensive for some, but why should a player be forced to pay for protection against a player with malicious intent? Why not just let those who want to pvp do so and leave those who don't out of it? What's so hard about keeping pvp interactions between like-minded players? What's so fun about attacking players who don't want to be attacked, and or don't/won't attack back? Is it the small amount of gold you get? Can that not be achieved by attacking like minded players? If you just want to attack non-pvpers for gold or prestige then why make them pay for pvp protection? Or are you against pvp protection to begin with? If you allow people to opt out how does this stop pvpers from doing the things they want to do? Or is it you just want to be able to attack non-pvpers?  I gave my reason of less criticism, complaints, no more unwanted attacks, and even helping to require players to "earn" prestige. If you don't like it fine. But, give some real reasons instead of just pointing to pvp protection.



edit: In all honesty I could even go for something along the lines of increasing the attack range but removing the xp loss from random attacks. this would help you earn prestige as well by limiting it to the bounty board. You can even adjust the amount per stam used and create a slider bar for all prestige earned in this manner.

Edited by Raku, 17 February 2015 - 01:02.

#47 BadPenny



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 02:41

My point is that that handful of PvPer's that you're speaking of should be dealt with, but the game shouldn't have to suffer because of them.  The nerfing of PvP has always been a bad thing for this game, in my honest and humble opinion.  I have watched many great PvPer's leave forever in disgust as more and more got watered down.  What I have always wanted was for things to return to as in the beginning.  The rules were simple.  Now we have it used as a weapon by a select few, and the rest of us have to be branded as some sort of monsters.  It's not right that we should be judged by this.




#End Rant

Just one old lady's opinion




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#48 Raku



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:06

My point is that that handful of PvPer's that you're speaking of should be dealt with, but the game shouldn't have to suffer because of them.  The nerfing of PvP has always been a bad thing for this game, in my honest and humble opinion.  I have watched many great PvPer's leave forever in disgust as more and more got watered down.  What I have always wanted was for things to return to as in the beginning.  The rules were simple.  Now we have it used as a weapon by a select few, and the rest of us have to be branded as some sort of monsters.  It's not right that we should be judged by this.




#End Rant

I agree, but the unwillingness to compromise to make both sides happy just doesn't work. You want a bigger attack range, then come up with a compromise. 

#49 yotwehc



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:13

My point is that that handful of PvPer's that you're speaking of should be dealt with, but the game shouldn't have to suffer because of them. The nerfing of PvP has always been a bad thing for this game, in my honest and humble opinion. I have watched many great PvPer's leave forever in disgust as more and more got watered down. What I have always wanted was for things to return to as in the beginning. The rules were simple. Now we have it used as a weapon by a select few, and the rest of us have to be branded as some sort of monsters. It's not right that we should be judged by this.

#End Rant

You could flip your statement (with some slight modification)and say the same on the levelers behalf, no? The treatment you faced when HCS considered changing the system and you were trying to help shape the new idea. Do you remeber that? Did you see jedi's post about the pm's he's getting? These actions just for discussing an idea... Seems to me the judgement and branding is coming from somewhere else. I guess short memories are good things.

#50 sweetlou



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 03:44

I agree, but the unwillingness to compromise to make both sides happy just doesn't work. You want a bigger attack range, then come up with a compromise. 

What else do you need besides PvP protection? A total leave me alone button - a win button just for players like you? Monsters are currently challenging enough pressing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and move? Ok, I have an idea.


I'll tell you what, I don't have a problem with you playing alone. You need more help. I understand. 200k gold is too much to pay for playing in a bubble to protect your xp, huh? I understand that as well. You paint every player that doesn't need protection from losing xp, that might attack another player, with a brush that says they are an affront to the game. "How dare anyone impede my xp progress!" is paraphrasing what I read of your disdain. Not all players are the same. You are playing perfectly the role with which you have assumed - the victim.


So I'd like to help you. I'll even help you argue to opt-out. Just opt out and earn ONE-HALF the xp of normal players who don't need the help while you are protected. Xp is only a number after all! If you are unhappy you can always re-enter the standard xp game by resetting your character fo 150 dots. Sound fair? You want to be left alone. Here's an idea served on a silver platter. What do you think?

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#51 Rocknoor



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 04:10

What else do you need besides PvP protection? A total leave me alone button - a win button just for players like you? Monsters are currently challenging enough pressing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and move?

Actually yes, that's actually more challenging then hitting someone off line in stam gear with no buffs while the brave and ferocious  PvP'er has buffs and an attack set on. Really you want to compare the two? Don't make me laugh..there is nothing challenging about hitting an off-line player who is defenseless so that you ( collective you) can get a PvP high. You want a bigger attack range fine give us a non-counter bounty Board so when we test your PvP skills we don't have to face your whole guild in a counter bounty. Problem is without the bully mentality and actions available to you (again collective you) in a counter bounty most of you PvP'ers would probably opt out of PvP, but unfortunately that's the one change that PvP'ers will never sit still for, a level playing field.  Probably going to get hit for this again...


#52 BadPenny



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 04:24

Rocknoor, I don't think you understand at all.  There has always been risk of counter bounty on the board.  This is not here to debate about that.   As an avid bounty hunter, I don't want that risk removed.  Again, this has no place here.  


OP, I am sorry, but some things cannot be left unsaid.

Just one old lady's opinion




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#53 Raku



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 05:53

What else do you need besides PvP protection? A total leave me alone button - a win button just for players like you? Monsters are currently challenging enough pressing 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and move? Ok, I have an idea.


I'll tell you what, I don't have a problem with you playing alone. You need more help. I understand. 200k gold is too much to pay for playing in a bubble to protect your xp, huh? I understand that as well. You paint every player that doesn't need protection from losing xp, that might attack another player, with a brush that says they are an affront to the game. "How dare anyone impede my xp progress!" is paraphrasing what I read of your disdain. Not all players are the same. You are playing perfectly the role with which you have assumed - the victim.


So I'd like to help you. I'll even help you argue to opt-out. Just opt out and earn ONE-HALF the xp of normal players who don't need the help while you are protected. Xp is only a number after all! If you are unhappy you can always re-enter the standard xp game by resetting your character fo 150 dots. Sound fair? You want to be left alone. Here's an idea served on a silver platter. What do you think?

If that is what you got out of what I said then I think you failed in comprehending it. If I'm playing the role of the victim perfectly then good, I want players to understand the problems the victim has to deal with. Do I want a total leave me alone button, absolutely, if that is what it takes to prevent the malicious intent of some players. I've said it time and time again that not all players have this intent (in other words not all players are the same) but I guess you missed that part. Do I want to make it easier or give more opportunities to this handful of players, absolutely not. If you don't have a problem with a player playing alone (not wanting to participate in pvp makes them play alone...roger...got it) then why oppose it? 


I'll tell you what. Your ideal served on a silver platter works perfect. I love it. That way pvpers(normal players) have no targets, and non-pvpers(not normal players?) have a slow time leveling. 


How about instead of sarcasm and false accusations you help fix the problem. Don't like my ideals, that's fine. Give some real reasons as to why, and or come up with something better. You think pvp protection is enough? then just give it to the players and let exp loss be done completely on the bounty board or ladder. Would this not fix the behavior problems of some players?

Edited by Raku, 17 February 2015 - 06:53.

#54 Teuchter



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 05:56

yes Penny I hear you , and of course I understand a select few are spoiling it  for every one ,  but counter  bounty does seem to be mo\e prevalent now  than it used to be ,  with less players I might add;.  and no I do not class PvPers under the one banner ,  :angry:

#55 hades8840



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 08:52

i dislike pvp its not my thing but i dont mind being smacked i do however dislike being hit over and over for no other reason then the person wanting to do it ..if you hit a person when they either cant nor want to defend or hit back then whats the point, if you hit someone unable to defend themselves in real life what would you be branded ,you guessed it a bully just cause this is a game doesnt change what a person is when they fit that profile..

now give me a buff (only works while offline because you cant defend offline) that has a 10% chance that the attacker will automatcically fail thier attack regardless of buffs etc and will be hit back with the equivalent of a 10k stam hit enough to knock them down several levels then you can call it pvp because then you face a risk that will cost you dearly.

#56 BigGrim


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 09:49

Your answer is one-sided since you've made it perfectly clear many times in the past that you dislike pvp.

What nonsense. It shows I know there are two sides to this argument. We have always tried to make PvP better and your personal bias to me is showing. Moderate your posting and keep the personal attacks and baseless speculation out of the forum.

#57 3JS



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 12:25

The on topic portion....


The game has, and will continue to evolve. EOC is 2450 now, and the smaller number of active players means that we are more spread out than ever. Keep the players under 1000 the same, and expand the range as your level gets higher. The same equipment is used, for the most part, for 2-300 levels now. No one should be able to claim that they have an equipment disadvantage. 


The off topic portion....


For as long as I've played the game, PvP has been changed almost yearly. Not 1 time, in my opinion, has it become more PvP friendly. The players who strictly level have not only the loudest voice, but also the most sympathy - for whatever reason. If anyone denies this, then they simply aren't being honest, or not paying attention.


Players who have trouble defending themselves complain long enough...changes come. Players who couldn't win in the arena complain long enough....changes come. I've seen it, time and time again. It happens, and I have evolved with the changes. It doesn't make it any less obvious who has the most influence, though.


"Levelers" have PvP protection, the bounty board, and support tickets. That, however, still isn't good enough. The real problem is that some of them want to be able to hold 20 million gold so they can play the marketplace, etc - and have no worries. Don't believe me? Hit a guy with a ton of gold and watch the show. You want to talk about insults? I've been called every name in the book because of gold hits. I hear all this noise about XP in the forums, but none of the nasty PM's I've ever gotten were about XP. It's all about the gold. That's why PvP protection isn't good enough for these particular players. It still doesn't protect the gold when you are carrying a large amount. 


Basically, don't roofie me and call it romance. Tell it like it really is, and go from there.

#58 sweetlou



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 13:06

"Levelers" have PvP protection, the bounty board, and support tickets. That, however, still isn't good enough. The real problem is that some of them want to be able to hold 20 million gold so they can play the marketplace, etc - and have no worries. Don't believe me? Hit a guy with a ton of gold and watch the show. You want to talk about insults? I've been called every name in the book because of gold hits. I hear all this noise about XP in the forums, but none of the nasty PM's I've ever gotten were about XP. It's all about the gold. That's why PvP protection isn't good enough for these particular players. It still doesn't protect the gold when you are carrying a large amount. 


Basically, don't roofie me and call it romance. Tell it like it really is, and go from there.

You nailed it!

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“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” -GRRM

#59 sweetlou



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 13:14

I'll tell you what. Your ideal served on a silver platter works perfect. I love it. That way pvpers(normal players) have no targets, and non-pvpers(not normal players?) have a slow time leveling.

So we have a mutual accord? Great! Players who don't need protection for free won't have any PvP targets since most of you will take free protection(And don't forget, we can expand the attack range, right?)! On the other hand the freely protected players can level unobstructed without attacks simply at a slower xp pace. Let's not forget, nothing is truly free. It is a WIN, WIN!! The devs can work out the fine details and we can all play in harmony. I think our discussion has been rather productive...


If that is what you got out of what I said then I think you failed in comprehending it. If I'm playing the role of the victim perfectly then good, I want players to understand the problems the victim has to deal with. Do I want a total leave me alone button, absolutely, if that is what it takes to prevent the malicious intent of some players. I've said it time and time again that not all players have this intent (in other words not all players are the same) but I guess you missed that part. Do I want to make it easier or give more opportunities to this handful of players, absolutely not. If you don't have a problem with a player playing alone (not wanting to participate in pvp makes them play alone...roger...got it) then why oppose it? 

Just for clarity, in the current environment I'm curious what constitutes a "malicious intended" player? What have the "handful of players" done to you? Just so we know how you have been hurt.


How about instead of sarcasm and false accusations you help fix the problem. Don't like my ideals, that's fine. Give some real reasons as to why, and or come up with something better. You think pvp protection is enough? then just give it to the players and let exp loss be done completely on the bounty board or ladder. Would this not fix the behavior problems of some players?

Now, now we all know that the BB and PvP Ladder are already opt-in mechanisms since our actions put us there. Don't attack another player and don't check that little box in preferences and your xp is safe.


But forget about all that. Nobody, like yourself, will have to worry about losing xp any longer. You can level killing monsters and earn gold unobstructed only earning at a slower rate. The players who are left will need the previous xp earning scale since they will all be attacking each other losing some of the xp earned. Didn't separate but equal work great before?

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#60 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 17 February 2015 - 13:49

All I see is people saying that they are against it because that will bring more PvPers for their PvP Ranges, using other words, plaer Y don't like the idea because will bring player X to his PvP Range.

What a non-sense argument, the problem is just a simple math problem, more levels you have, less players you'll be able to hit, if HCS don't want to see people getting stuck on low levels, just increase the PvP Range for higher you reach, simple and easy.

And guess what, if HCS don't allow you to spend stamina levelling up what can you do with your stamina? Yes, PvP, smashing people around.

A simple example would be:
Level 1000, 10 levels attack range, 10 targets.
Level 2000, 10 levels attack range, 5 targets.
Level 2000, 20 levels attack range, 10 target.

We know the numbers are not that easy, but the idea is!

If we had more possible targets, less people would complain about being hit so much, will be 1 attack on 10 players, not 5 attacks on 2 players.

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