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Should the PvP Smasher Medal Be changed Back?

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Poll: Should the Smasher Medal be changed to include ALL PvP 100 stam hits? (222 member(s) have cast votes)

Should the Smasher Medal be changed to include ALL PvP 100 stam hits?

  1. Voted yes (107 votes [48.20%])

    Percentage of vote: 48.20%

  2. Voted no (115 votes [51.80%])

    Percentage of vote: 51.80%

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#41 JBKing89



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 14:52

we need to be concerned with getting new players and retaining current ones. Not reacting to every thread with a major change to the game.

Then possibly you could make a thread with suggestions for improvement to the game and how to retain/gain new players. As this thread is not about that subject. :)

yes, that would be a different topic, and has been done many times by posters.

But I stand by my point, hoping the cows don't overreact to this thread and make a major change to the smasher medal once again, as proposed in this thread. I only bring up keeping players, as I believe changing the smasher medal will chase more off. IMHO, of course.

#42 Undjuvion



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 15:07

i think the cows need to say one way or the other which way they want the game to go, flip flopping everytime there is pressure does more harm than good and if a decision was made and stood by there would be a lot less unhappy people as everyone would know where they stood, i think the flip flopping makes more people leave than a definitive answer and action.

for me personally i havent voted, i like the idea of it but would not like to aid a decision that would lead to taking enjoyment from others, maybe thats how the cows feel on this topic, whatever ends up of this debate i hope a definitive answer is given so everyone can go about their business and end the constant struggle we get with this topic.

#43 3JS



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 15:44

yes - the bounty board is a great way to get back at someone attacking you and causing you to lose XP and gold...... let's see, you pay gold to buy bounty tickets, offer gold/fsp for the bounty, and then frequently get to see a person take a bounty on their friend. Only to see that same person attack you again in 7 days.

Let's think about new players joining, getting hit with 100 stamina, losing gold and xp, and their option is the above "retribution", or they can buy pvp protection (once the initial wears off), live with it, or maybe think "what's the point of playing this game anyway".

My whole point in responding to this thread was to get here.... This issue has already been addressed, and yes, there has been "a few" changes to PvP since the smasher medal was introduced, but we need to be concerned with getting new players and retaining current ones. Not reacting to every thread with a major change to the game.

That is my fear with HCS - they see a thread, with some very vocal posters, and they make a major change to FS that the majority of players disagree with.

Once again it's obvious that you hate PvP. Well, I hate leveling. I didn't always feel this way, but I do now. Once upon a time I hated PvP, too. That was until I realized that it's a part of this game, and like it or not - your subjected to it 24/7. Once I got that into my head, I decided to try it out, and I liked it. If more people weren't afraid to play the game the way it was intended (and PvP was intended, no matter what you believe), then more people would enjoy the ENTIRE game. I can't imagine it's fun to log on and stare at the screen waiting for stam to fill up, just so you can press 1-9 a thousand times. If it is, then congrats - you're winning.

As for your point about new players - they get 2 weeks protection from the start. If you can't figure out in 2 weeks that this is a game involving PvP, then it's your own fault. When I started, I got hit all the time, and even though I hated it, I stayed. I didn't get 2 free weeks of immunity like they do now. That was before a medal was even a thought, and PvP was in a much better state.

Not a single PvP'er is trying to stop people from leveling, so why are the levelers trying to stop players from PvP'ing?

#44 hbklives



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 16:49

I voted yes. The Smasher Medal was when I started dabbling in PvP. I got it eighth that first day and was extremely proud of it and the levels lost to earn it.. :)

Also, on the note of new players hating PvP.. What about the people who joined before the free PvP protection, before the ladders? I remember when I joined I would get hit constantly, did I decide to quit? No, because its more fun to grab your gear, suit up and hit back. I only had 500 stamina back in 2007, yet everytime I'd log on I'd have to at least attack someone. Its what made the game for me. Not this 12345678 hunting every few hours.. I mean, doing that everyday would get extremely boring..


#45 demon42693



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Posted 23 July 2012 - 19:05

100% YES! It is a PvP medal after all, and all PvP attacks with 100 stamina should count towards earning the medal. If players do not wish to be attacked as a result of the change, there is always the option to buy PvP Protection just as they have the option to opt out of the PvP Ladder and not attack other players and avoid a bounty being placed on them.

The reason I am bring up ways to avoid being attacked is because that seems to be the main if not, only point of contention when it comes to the changes to the PvP medal. If there are ways to protect yourself, there is no reason to not make the changes that Maehdros is proposing. If players choose not to protect themselves, then they have no grounds, that I can see, to complain about the changes.

Haven't gotten past this point yea but just need to reply. Not saying I don't think it should be changed back but it does irk me when people say that you can just pay for protection. In essence you are saying I should pay to enjoy the game the way I want because you enjoy it differently?

Simple. PvP is part of the game. Not as big a part as it used to be, but it will always be there. Saying that you want to play the game, but want to pick an choose what rules you follow is like playing checkers but not being allowed to jump your opponent's pieces because they have "protection" since they disagree with the "jumping" rule.

#46 Windbattle



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Posted 24 July 2012 - 00:25

YES, enough said.

What is really being asked is for the cows to STICK TO THEIR ORIGINAL IDEA. The CHANGE was what we have now ... remember that.

I would go a step further too. I would remove the opt in for pvp ladder and remove pvp protection from the game.

The developers stated that COMPLETE PROTECTION would NEVER be provided ... they completely flip flopped on that. Not surprisingly, they flip flopped on the pvp smasher medal as well.

#47 Windbattle



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Posted 24 July 2012 - 00:29

Make PvP protection free, and then that's a valid argument - but ..

1. That will never happen (although Hoof did promise sometime ago to dramatically reduce the costs)

Protection has already been drastically reduced from what it initially was.

Agreed - it was a ludicrous price when it was first introduced, but a lot of folk feel it's still too expensive.

I know you can make yourself less attractive as a target by keeping minimal gold on hand and not running inflammatory bio's (I never understand folk doing that - 'tis like waving a red rag at a bull) and that there are abuses possible with protection but ...

anyways, we're going off-topic - back to our scheduled programme ;)

Deflect can stop about 43.75% of incoming attacks ... that is pretty good protection right there. I fail to see why anyone should be given 100% protection in the first place ... horrible addition to the game.

#48 DragonLord



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Posted 24 July 2012 - 01:07

Deflect can stop about 43.75% of incoming attacks ... that is pretty good protection right there. I fail to see why anyone should be given 100% protection in the first place ... horrible addition to the game.

How is deflect protection ? - does it stop incoming attacks ? - no, all it does is make the attacker miss - it doesn't stop them trying again ...

#49 evilbry



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Posted 24 July 2012 - 01:17

Deflect can stop about 43.75% of incoming attacks ... that is pretty good protection right there. I fail to see why anyone should be given 100% protection in the first place ... horrible addition to the game.

How is deflect protection ? - does it stop incoming attacks ? - no, all it does is make the attacker miss - it doesn't stop them trying again ...

without being too pedantic.

it stops(deflects) ~44% incoming attacks. (before AD)
enhancements like first strike and dodge cause the attacker to miss.

#50 2good4u222



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Posted 24 July 2012 - 01:59

I think we as a community have two options. Find an agreeable point of equilibrium, or separate into two sub categories of game-play.

By two different sub categories of playing, I mean the obvious, levelling and PvP'ing. PvP can attack each other all they want, and leave levellers out of it. By the looks of it, the majority appears to be PvP'ers ( on the forum, anyways ) so I have no doubt that you will still have numerous targets to obliterate.

I have a proposal, but many may dislike it; if people wish to totally exclude themselves from anything involving PvP (ladder, arena, bounty board) the can opt out of PvP all together and never be disturbed again. But they must sacrifice a number of things in order to obtain this status.

- Standing tokens are removed.
- PvP medals are unable to be achieved.
- No arena participation.
- No bounty participation.

Leave them purely to their part of the game if that is what they wish. Levelling, inventing, scavenging etc are still a pursuit for amusement.

Whereas those who choose PvP opt in are automatically entered into the ladder, instantly able to be attacked and Arena participation is a possibility if it is your hobby. Also able to complete bounties. Anything is bounty(able). Let them live the risk of PvP on a daily basis.

Before the accusations begin, I am not bias of either faction. I enjoy both sides of the game and having the choice to participate in both at my own peril is great. But I believe it is unfair in many ways. Smasher medals most certainly should include any 100 stamina hit. The only reason so many people complained is because it was new and everyone wanted the medal. It will die down in a matter of weeks or days. If you don't like it, I suggest deflect and a decent set to protect yourself.

Of course, though, there will always be the fundamental complainers who complain about everything, even complaining about people who complain.

An agreeable equilibrium as stated can be achieved, but I believe in order for this to happen, some sort of live discussion with rational players from both side of the fence along with the Cows needs to occur.

#51 mimdala



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Posted 24 July 2012 - 02:01

I have a proposal, but many may dislike it; if people wish to totally exclude themselves from anything involving PvP (ladder, arena, bounty board) the can opt out of PvP all together and never be disturbed again. But they must sacrifice a number of things in order to obtain this status.

- Standing tokens are removed.
- PvP medals are unable to be achieved.
- No arena participation.
- No bounty participation.

Leave them purely to their part of the game if that is what they wish. Levelling, inventing, scavenging etc are still a pursuit for amusement.

Sounds good to me.


#52 evilbry



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Posted 24 July 2012 - 02:38

I think we as a community have two options. Find an agreeable point of equilibrium, or separate into two sub categories of game-play.

By two different sub categories of playing, I mean the obvious, levelling and PvP'ing. PvP can attack each other all they want, and leave levellers out of it. By the looks of it, the majority appears to be PvP'ers ( on the forum, anyways ) so I have no doubt that you will still have numerous targets to obliterate.

I have a proposal, but many may dislike it; if people wish to totally exclude themselves from anything involving PvP (ladder, arena, bounty board) the can opt out of PvP all together and never be disturbed again. But they must sacrifice a number of things in order to obtain this status.

- Standing tokens are removed.
- PvP medals are unable to be achieved.
- No arena participation.
- No bounty participation.

Leave them purely to their part of the game if that is what they wish. Levelling, inventing, scavenging etc are still a pursuit for amusement.

Whereas those who choose PvP opt in are automatically entered into the ladder, instantly able to be attacked and Arena participation is a possibility if it is your hobby. Also able to complete bounties. Anything is bounty(able). Let them live the risk of PvP on a daily basis.

Before the accusations begin, I am not bias of either faction. I enjoy both sides of the game and having the choice to participate in both at my own peril is great. But I believe it is unfair in many ways. Smasher medals most certainly should include any 100 stamina hit. The only reason so many people complained is because it was new and everyone wanted the medal. It will die down in a matter of weeks or days. If you don't like it, I suggest deflect and a decent set to protect yourself.

Of course, though, there will always be the fundamental complainers who complain about everything, even complaining about people who complain.

An agreeable equilibrium as stated can be achieved, but I believe in order for this to happen, some sort of live discussion with rational players from both side of the fence along with the Cows needs to occur.

It might be better to start this as a new thread and suggestion rather than deviate from what this thread is about.

There is one fundimental flaw to your idea. Gold. Players will never need to bank or cash in gold. The marketplace will not be used by many people at all. Gold will quickly lose any value it currently has.
If I have a player in my guild who is pvp less, we all send gold to them. PvPers with free gold protection.

#53 2good4u222



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Posted 24 July 2012 - 03:11

I think we as a community have two options. Find an agreeable point of equilibrium, or separate into two sub categories of game-play.

By two different sub categories of playing, I mean the obvious, levelling and PvP'ing. PvP can attack each other all they want, and leave levellers out of it. By the looks of it, the majority appears to be PvP'ers ( on the forum, anyways ) so I have no doubt that you will still have numerous targets to obliterate.

I have a proposal, but many may dislike it; if people wish to totally exclude themselves from anything involving PvP (ladder, arena, bounty board) the can opt out of PvP all together and never be disturbed again. But they must sacrifice a number of things in order to obtain this status.

- Standing tokens are removed.
- PvP medals are unable to be achieved.
- No arena participation.
- No bounty participation.

Leave them purely to their part of the game if that is what they wish. Levelling, inventing, scavenging etc are still a pursuit for amusement.

Whereas those who choose PvP opt in are automatically entered into the ladder, instantly able to be attacked and Arena participation is a possibility if it is your hobby. Also able to complete bounties. Anything is bounty(able). Let them live the risk of PvP on a daily basis.

Before the accusations begin, I am not bias of either faction. I enjoy both sides of the game and having the choice to participate in both at my own peril is great. But I believe it is unfair in many ways. Smasher medals most certainly should include any 100 stamina hit. The only reason so many people complained is because it was new and everyone wanted the medal. It will die down in a matter of weeks or days. If you don't like it, I suggest deflect and a decent set to protect yourself.

Of course, though, there will always be the fundamental complainers who complain about everything, even complaining about people who complain.

An agreeable equilibrium as stated can be achieved, but I believe in order for this to happen, some sort of live discussion with rational players from both side of the fence along with the Cows needs to occur.

It might be better to start this as a new thread and suggestion rather than deviate from what this thread is about.

There is one fundimental flaw to your idea. Gold. Players will never need to bank or cash in gold. The marketplace will not be used by many people at all. Gold will quickly lose any value it currently has.
If I have a player in my guild who is pvp less, we all send gold to them. PvPers with free gold protection.

Perhaps Anyone is hittable regarding gold. I think levellers primary complaint is that of losing experience more than gold. I absolutely hate losing experience from random hits (happened just ten minutes ago), the 100k gold really wasn't a concern to me.

#54 yotekiller



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Posted 24 July 2012 - 09:57

And gold is a huge flaw with the pvp system right now.
1) Whether or not a player has pvp/xp protection, their gold should never be protected. New players would be temporarily exempt but once that runs out, all gold is fair game. You want to protect a players XP? Fine, but leave the gold available.
2)Gold theft and Master Thief rates are horrible, that's all there is to it. Add in the fact that you can now be bountied for every hit and going after gold is a joke. The theft rates were lowered some while back and they should at least be restored to previous levels, if not raised even higher.
Make these 2 changes and you will see an increase in pvp, more BB activity and everything that goes with it. Right now, it's either not possible to hit for gold because of protection or it's not worth the risk of bounty because the theft rates are so low.

Screenshot everything!

#55 Filletminion



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Posted 24 July 2012 - 10:29

All Pvp protection is doing now is allow players to hide from a part of the game HCS said they would never allow.
And as a result of that we have players sitting with 9 mill gold on hand artificially raising the price of gold on the marketplace.

Gold theft rates also need to be addressed MT and thievery rates are woeful and are leading to players multi hitting a player until they get gold.(unless of course HCS intention is to kill PVP)

It is quite strange really that a group of players has been pandered to when that same group of players are getting the result as result of their own actions.

#56 IzzyDead



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Posted 24 July 2012 - 15:53

100% Yes! :twisted:

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#57 Bunnybee



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Posted 25 July 2012 - 04:24

Hahahaa :mrgreen:

#58 4gottn4ver



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Posted 25 July 2012 - 06:35

Yup i agree, did i :shock: some of you hehe, been havin a great time increasing my little walk up the smasher list and by the way i voted yes :D :twisted:

some don't really know this that she used to be nothing but a pure hardcore hunter/ LvL'er. an trust my word nobody can make her do anything she doesn't want to do if she doesn't want to. her doing PvP is all by her own choice on both straight up PvP and working BB. an since she started doing some PvP she has been having a blast of a fun/ time doing so an has been looking forward to doing more.

when she started everyone in our guild was like holly crap :shock: does this mean other hardcore hunters/ LvL'ers need to go same route? no, but coming from being from hardcore hunter/ LvL'er should say something.

#59 fs_scrogger

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Posted 25 July 2012 - 15:02

All Pvp protection is doing now is allow players to hide from a part of the game HCS said they would never allow.
And as a result of that we have players sitting with 9 mill gold on hand artificially raising the price of gold on the marketplace.

Gold theft rates also need to be addressed MT and thievery rates are woeful and are leading to players multi hitting a player until they get gold.(unless of course HCS intention is to kill PVP)

It is quite strange really that a group of players has been pandered to when that same group of players are getting the result as result of their own actions.

+1, this sums up the death of PvP quite well. Looking at the MP right now I found 3 players with listings in the 9-10 million mark with 50+ fsp listed at a time, all protected and 0 fear of being hit. All this does is artificially inflate the MP and destroy the best aspect of the game, the smasher medal, BB being broken and all other PvP issues go along this same line. Oh how I miss my old PvP.

on topic: smasher medal should return to all hits counting.

#60 Saxon



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Posted 26 July 2012 - 15:14

A 100 stam is a smash so yea make all hits count.


Stop bounties expiring after 48 hours, make sure they are cleared.

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