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Reminisce of the old times

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#41 Belaric



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 10:21

There is no accomplishment or teamwork early in the game anymore.

Oh... come... on! Yes back then there was difficulty getting those items. But the game has subsequently been saturated with gear. It is now impossible for new players to have that experience. This is not bad. The new players now know what has been done, and see the stars that must be reached for. I personally reject the idea that only in the way back when were new players able to appreciate how good they had it, or earned their stripes and loved it.. most of those players are not here anymore!.

New players now have zero history, but do have a current (possibly brief) interest in the game.

I agree that it is hard to establish accomplishment or teamwork early in the game, but within a good guild it can still be done. The individual does what he or she always did, and wants to gain levels and rock the next lot of horny gear. There are now more choices as to what that horny gear is. I still push folk towards plague, then cockatrice/deep. They still get excited. To write off everyone new is to kill this game from the root. You do not want that, surely? What we need are more guilds that can build players from 1 to 1000. Most guilds won't touch the sub 100's, or 200's, the biggest sub 300, or sub 420. They expect other guilds to do their dirty work for them. Sorry boys and girls, you cannot complain about no teamwork at the bottom levels if you do not participate in the bottom levels, and help them grow. Instead everyone complains about multi guilds and GvG farmers - some of those 'multis' are just new players who have not had any help!

This is a simple game - gain levels - be happy. Wrinkles happen later. Help the new players be happy. My reminiscence? Being in a crap guild for 20 of my first 44 levels, struggling, thinking the Blood Demon set was awesome, until it was not, being able to only buy the worst version of Girath with what gold I could get, and then deciding maybe this game was not for me and being about to give up. I saw an advertisement in the FS box and talked to the guy who placed it, and found my first real guild, (the only guild I had before founding my own) and the game became amazing. At level 44, one worthless guild that I carried gone. A whole new experience of helpful people within a guild began. Most of them are still here.

#42 Arnagast



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 13:57

Back when there was no guild tagging and thieves were part of the game, much as pvp is part of the game.

When you owned your own set of armour and payed 100's of fsp's for it and then an event came along and you could buy the hole set for a few measely fsp's...Grr!.

When i could afford a few buffs from ECOFROG.

When new buffs were something to look forward to.
When upgrading armour/weapons were something to look forward to.

Paying 140ish fsp for the rune of decay and being proud to own one and even lending it out to trusted people praying they weren't going to steal it... it was a risk to take but only your own fault if it did go missing. (luckly mine was safe).

#43 ScarletTestAce



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 14:56

Remember fire and frost dragons

Remember lichblader one of the best graphics makers in the game

Remember The Darkstalkers ruling all of FS before its gradual fall

Remember Ewoks becoming the best guild before falling in turn as well

Remember Deemer the forum spammer

Remember the massive guild wars that would cost guilds member, gold, and levels beyond imgagination

#44 hbklives



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 15:28

I have followed this thread extensively & believe that some of the old times need revitalized.

As such, I think we need these changes:
1. A team to greet the new players.
A heartfelt welcome, pats on the back when they accomplish something or even just a push in the right direction will help retain players. That's what we need, a new breed of player that is for everyone instead of want, want, want. There is more satisfaction in working your way up, then using others as a steeping stone. I feel like they could learn this easily.

2. Forum Mods.
I believe the forum has died in popularity due to all the flaming & trolling going on here. I see newer players post ideas for the game, just trying to help everyone out, but they get flamed & trolled out of the game. I see it all the time. It's gets pretty sickening how rude people will get as well, especially when no one intervenes to help that player. I've seen players with thousands of posts only made up of troll, spam or flaming posts.. Nothing constructive there at all.

3. The guilds.
My guild I am currently in accepts level 1's and above. We don't discriminate on level. See, everyone has been a level 1 before. It's a hard path for the player if they have no idea what they are doing. Small guilds end up recruiting them without avail. They get no help, no push forward so they fade away into obscurity. We need more guilds to step up and help newer players to break the level barrier. What will happen to guilds when people reach say level 1,800? There will be no level 1's anymore because they feel like they will have no chance in the guilds to reach their level of qualification. Don't get me wrong. I can understand certain guilds want that level barrier and I'm not bashing them, but wouldn't it be better to see your friends rise with the game?

4. More tutorials.
I know HCS said they were working on these. But, new tutorials for PvP, GvG, Titan Hunting, SE hunting, Chest Hunting, Questing, Farming, etc. Will these be in effect? If so, how would they manage to implement these new tutorials into the game to give the new players the full experience?

5. Crack down on multi's.
If you suspect a multi account, REPORT IT. You can help kill off the multi guilds & players that everyone dreads/hates.

6. Loosen up on HCS.
They work so hard to help us all enjoy the game. They listen to our advice, even implement it. They have been very busy with the new UI, but will be working on other aspects of the game. Cut them some slack. Patience is a virtue. :) They'll get to you when they can.

7. More attention to new ideas.
Half of this game is made from player suggestions. It would be amazing to see more of the players voices heard. I have seen some amazing ideas from shindrak, RJEM, etc. But, no reply from HCS. If you are reading through the forum & see a wonderful idea, BUMP it. Put it at the top of the list for HCS to see for some feedback. :)

This is all I have so far, if you have anything to add. Feel free to PM me or add onto the bottom of the list. Also, give me feedback please. :)


#45 Jonah Tebaa

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 15:37

I do think it is the people who changed. plus, there is a big gap between EOC and new joiners. This splits the game into 3 classes like in real life. The upper, middle, and lower class. and the upper class are too classy to get in touch or even notice the lower class.

I miss when join date meant something.

I certainly miss hunting being a challenge where you had to worry about your SSimp refills.

HCS, everything grew up, from gear to buffs, but the creatures are still the same. Guys, just make a multiplier formula for the creature stats. Make 1 hit soooo hard and let the creatures give more XP.

#46 Egami



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 16:46

I miss when join date meant something.

I miss when nobody looked at join date ,oP

Zero has changed in FS for me... despite all the changes. Still a noob and proud to be one.

Prosperous smacking! (o0

#47 PeterOwnz



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 16:51

I would like to see the monsters made harder, I have getting all my kills in one shot for as long as I can remember! And for the guild as a stepping stone remark, those people frustrate me, my guild is full of some of the nicest players I know of, I would never leave!

#48 Bujon



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 16:54

I actually gave up on the game for 18 months, because I made it to level 150 and was already 1000 levels behind the top players...the game simply doesn't work anymore. What the game actually needs to survive is the following:-

A split into two or three leagues/worlds...players 0-500 in league 3 players 501-900 in league 2 and players 901 plus in league 1. It needs to be an immediate split. Then the game continues exactly the in the same format. You can not trade with/be attacked by/or buffed by players in different worlds. Once a player in league three gets to a level which is higher than the bottom 10% ranked player in league two they are automatically promoted into league/world 2. and so on and so forth. You then have a 5 day period to sell your equipment in your current world before moving up to the new world. Once in the new world you are granted a period of 30 days protection while you get equipped etc! Players can't be relegated, and in-actives simply stay as such.

I think the Guild system should be across all three worlds. i.e. you can have players from each of the leagues/worlds in the same guild, and they all work together to defend their guild structure. Items can be held by all players irrespective of the world/league they relate to but can't be equipped or sold. The 25 lvl attacking range is nonsense and for players under level 100 at the moment should be limited to 5 lvls, and players under 50 should be limited to levels within 2! this prevents those 2nd accounts which are simply created for GvG purposes and carrying massive guild stats.

I also believe that medium level players should have access to quests which can produce rewards that are only use-able to higher level players. This would act as an incentive for players to get to say level 50, rather than giving up at level 10...also it would prevent duplicate accounts being made, because the effort of getting to level 50 would be fairly time consuming.

#49 fs_liuskoj

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Posted 12 February 2012 - 17:02

I have getting all my kills in one shot for as long as I can remember!

Seriously, for all the 13 days? :lol: sorry, no offence, just too funny

#50 Snowy900



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 17:09

I dont think the game is broken, i think a lot of the problem is greed and envy,, some people are only interested in themselves and how much they can make for themselves.
one of the problems is that new players see guilds offering fsp to gvg for them,, so they naturally presume they are gonna get everything on a plate for them.
another problem is multis,, you never know if you let a low level player into your guild whether they are a multi, and when you look at some of the low level players they seem to have a lot of knowledge for someone who has not been playing that long

#51 Bujon



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 17:17

I dont think the game is broken, i think a lot of the problem is greed and envy,, some people are only interested in themselves and how much they can make for themselves.
one of the problems is that new players see guilds offering fsp to gvg for them,, so they naturally presume they are gonna get everything on a plate for them.
another problem is multis,, you never know if you let a low level player into your guild whether they are a multi, and when you look at some of the low level players they seem to have a lot of knowledge for someone who has not been playing that long

The problem with the multi's is that they simply say they lost their original account etc!, and hence they are suggesting they are restarting the game.

#52 Removed94



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 22:17

I remember when people looked to the future instead of the past :(

#53 Zukira



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 23:11

I dont think the game is broken, i think a lot of the problem is greed and envy,, some people are only interested in themselves and how much they can make for themselves.
one of the problems is that new players see guilds offering fsp to gvg for them,, so they naturally presume they are gonna get everything on a plate for them.
another problem is multis,, you never know if you let a low level player into your guild whether they are a multi, and when you look at some of the low level players they seem to have a lot of knowledge for someone who has not been playing that long

The problem with the multi's is that they simply say they lost their original account etc!, and hence they are suggesting they are restarting the game.

You -can- compensate for this. If you ask the player if they have played before and they say yes, ask what the old account name was, or might have been. Look it up, note the last login time or time inactive etc. If they have forgotten the login info for the old account and no longer have access to the email address that they signed up with, or if they just want a fresh start tell them that they should contact HCS, give them the support link, and suggest they either ask if they can get the old account back, or that the old account be terminated if they can prove it was theirs. Help them word the request. Give them a heads up on what they might be asked for by way of verification of ownership of the old account. Personally, if someone has not been gone over a year on their 'old' account when they say they want a fresh start I tell them to forget that idea. There is nothing that can't be fixed in game.

If they do this properly, HCS is apt to work with them rather than ban them somewhere down the road. Stress that it is for their own protection for their new/current account. Ask for their ticket reference number. Let them know that you are going to also submit a ticket about it to help them avoid what could be a critical issue somewhere down the line. How they respond is going to possibly tell you -a lot- about the person.

THEN -you- follow through with a ticket. Simply say that you have a new guild member, or a potential member, or a newbie you are helping who has said 'such and such' (include a screen cap of the conversation or a log possibly to help) and share that you told them to submit a ticket regarding it. If your newbie was willing to give the ticket number for their ticket, include that to reference. If not, mention that you did ask, and the player was reluctant to give one so you are not sure if they followed your advice.

I think there is nothing wrong with someone coming back and starting over because they can't remember their old account info, or starting over because they want to IF they do it properly after a span of time has passed. I do however think there is something wrong with someone starting over because they decide they messed up their account and just want a fresh start. The devil is in the details on these types of 'new' players.

I've had mixed results with this through the years. Some players are going to lie, some will be honest. Don't make a player unwelcome just because the game 'didn't fit' the first time they tried it and they decide to try again. Welcome them back instead, and help them smooth the road to account security so they don't get burnt after they've gotten hooked. In the end these players -might- just prove to be the most loyal to you or your guild. Don't just write them off.


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#54 etrigan778



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Posted 13 February 2012 - 02:15

Remember looking at people with inferno hammers like they were gods, and then making my own and thinking i would use it for the rest of my existence in FS

#55 RD1542



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Posted 22 March 2012 - 22:44

there are so many things i miss about the old days, i am not sure where to start.

i miss some of the action that was around, like back when it was deemed ok for EX Military to openly threaten players lives with a sniper rifle, but was not ok when a player got upset about it, i mean that was real fun, huh?

i miss players finding out new rules, like the 3 Strykes rule.

i miss the old UI

i miss being able to use a fast operating system to play FS on

i miss being able to write a CD or encode a movie while playing FS

i miss waking up in the morning to see if i was one of 10 or more players being banned that day

i miss when there were more players than multis.

i miss buying $20.00 of potions and buffs to play on the bounty board gvg and pvp without worrying that a 12 cent buff would render them worthless.

i miss when Fallen Sword was the pride and number 1 priority of HCS and it showed.

i miss having a positive outlook at the game, the community, the developers, and HCS as a whole. but most of all i miss my involvement, and my desire to help try to push for changes that i feel will help the game as a whole.

i had started this reply 2 months ago, and thought maybe i would not post it, but somethings are unavoidable, as the kick in the pants of last week bragging about tank battle, while many players are begging for a decent interface to use on their phones, as playing it via phone as it is currently is much like watching a monkey mate with a football..

i watched what can only be described as a coorprate intentional demise of SS2 and dont feel like watching another. and i do still wish success to HCS on their their future and current endeavors.

with this, hoof if you are reading, i no longer feel like i have anything positive left to contribute to these forums as a whole, i am requesting a suspension on my forum privliges as i do not want to jeapordise my account as i may use it from time to time, and will sell buffs to friends and other players..

and to the 3,000 plus players i have talked with and interacted with in the past 4 years, you have been some of the best 500 people i have met on the internet....

take care


ps if a dev does not read this, will check to see if my forum privalidges still stand, will submit a ticket

#56 Mister Doom

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Posted 23 March 2012 - 19:10

I miss the old days when 'special' events were special. Be it 15%/20% offers to LE events.. It seems like every couple of weeks we either have some new beasty to whack or some new sparkly juice box that comes along with donations..

I think the frequency of these things has conspired against them to remove their status as 'special' and desired. Right now, well, they're just expected.. :(


#57 fs_treeline

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Posted 21 April 2012 - 10:51

Some of the old faces; Phool, Kageushi (who was Hasslehoof when he started playing and joined Anno but got his name changed when he started working for HCS) and a few others who have retired who were in my guild I do miss dearly - too many to name really. Also TT, willy74 and Faebie. Obamageden (though he's definitely within recent history to me) and his always changing ever informative and entertaining bio. Treeline, Ryjara and DavidJames who were my fellow forum moderators back in the day. Crace and Meepers, DocSooty -- BG if you see this will you tell him I said hello? Though I doubt he'll remember me. Darkarchon knocking our socks off in graphics.

I also miss the days when more than just one of the HCS staff was idling in irc on a regular basis. I'm glad to see we have a persistent presence again though.

While the mechanics have changed, and the values of digital bits of 1's and 0's have come and gone the one thing that has always driven, defined and endeared the game has been the community, and the people. And I hope that continues to be the case. The people are what make the game what it is now, what it was then, and what it will be tomorrow.

:shock: :twisted:

#58 avvakum



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Posted 21 April 2012 - 10:54

Some of the old faces; Phool, Kageushi (who was Hasslehoof when he started playing and joined Anno but got his name changed when he started working for HCS) and a few others who have retired who were in my guild I do miss dearly - too many to name really. Also TT, willy74 and Faebie. Obamageden (though he's definitely within recent history to me) and his always changing ever informative and entertaining bio. Treeline, Ryjara and DavidJames who were my fellow forum moderators back in the day. Crace and Meepers, DocSooty -- BG if you see this will you tell him I said hello? Though I doubt he'll remember me. Darkarchon knocking our socks off in graphics.

I also miss the days when more than just one of the HCS staff was idling in irc on a regular basis. I'm glad to see we have a persistent presence again though.

While the mechanics have changed, and the values of digital bits of 1's and 0's have come and gone the one thing that has always driven, defined and endeared the game has been the community, and the people. And I hope that continues to be the case. The people are what make the game what it is now, what it was then, and what it will be tomorrow.

:shock: :twisted:

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

#59 DarthViper



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Posted 21 April 2012 - 19:45

I miss this game being something I loved and looked forward to after a hard day of work and or school, not something to kill time.

Did you know that there are likely over 2000 rouge black holes in our galaxy alone. Each of them can reach very high speeds, even in space terms, are each capable of destroying anything in their path, and are invisible. Well, goodnight!

#60 Werd64



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Posted 21 April 2012 - 20:50

I remember firewall31 and klyxan telling me the 170's were gunna be hard and I'd most likely 2-hit or 3-hit the creatures, well thanks to KKH, Oggy gloves and elemental air jav (that have been introduced that wouldn't have been there had I continued the game and not quit) I just breezed through the 170's.


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