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Fight the supression!! UNDEAD PRIDE!!!!!!

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#41 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 24 April 2005 - 05:05

*Chaotix stares at Dark Dragon for a second without responding then turn and walks through the door. The human scrambles behind him.*

He begins to speak very slowly, "A drow's true name is held sacred to him. Any person who knows a drow's true name can have a great amount of control over him. In my life, only 3 people have known it. Both my parents, who are now dead... and my lovely mate. However, you may call me Chaotix and my mate's name is Songwoven. Now come, we have business to attend to."

*Chaotix walks briskly as the human attempts to keep up. As they walk it begins to rain. First it begins as a slow drizzle but then builds to a steady pitter patter. As they walk the rain seems to fall normally onto Chaotix but never seem to touch him. He soon notices that Dark Dragon is slowly getting drenched. Stopping he pulls a small cloak out of his pack.*

"Try this on. It is elven made and should keep you warm," he says.

*As Dark Dragon tries on the cloak a slow warmth seems to spread through his body. He stops shivering and begins to walk again.

Eventually the two of them reach the dragon's tower. Chaotix whistles a tune and in a moment Tiamat descends from the sky. The dragon circles down and lands near Chaotix. She slowly rubs her head against his chest purring. She then eyes Dark Dragon and Chaotix laughs.*

"Yes Tia, he's with us. I know, he's not much to look at but I think he has potential."

*Tia snorts at Chaotix and turns away.*

"Now don't be like that girl. I'm sure a strong dragon like you can carry a small extra burden."

*Slowly the dragon turns back and against rubs her head against his chest but more slowly this time. Chaotix strokes the dragon's head and then procedes to mount her. Holding out his hand to Dark Dragon he swings the human up onto Tiamat. Whistling the dragon slowly ascends into the air and flies away from the town. As they reach the outskirts they approach what seems to be a veil of light and enter it.*

#42 gothador_toulip

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Posted 25 April 2005 - 00:12

Falling for what seems to be an hour, the blackness of the tunnle starts to fade as the tunnle grows larger eventually ending into a large underground cavern. As he raises himself upright rapid footsteps could be heard all around him. Barking and howling can be heard echoing around him. A hundreds or thousands of shimmering lights are scatered around the shadows around him. Eyes.... flickering like candels as one directly infrount of xanthor slowly nears him. A wolf steps out of the shadows. Its fur soaked with driping blood, half its scull and other bones show through the rotted away flesh.

"My babys..." Xanthor approaches the alpha wolf and begins slowly caressing its fur, running his fingers through the bloody mess. "I've come to free you" Xanthor looks into the eyes of the alpha wolf... "Well...not you.." With those words Xanthors black hand glows with white hot fire. He plunges his hand deep into the undead wolfs chest, pulling out a black ever beating heart. The wolf falls lifeless to the ground as he brings the heart to his lips. Xanthor devoures the heart greededly. His blood boils and his skin twitchesas Xanthors body molds and transforms into that of the wolfs.

The rest of the bleeding wolves step forward houling an morbid song at the assention of the new alpha wolf. As the wolves howl, a blood red portial opens leading back to the aera of gothador.

#43 gothador_toulip

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Posted 25 April 2005 - 00:23

Not too far from the eastern warp gate a portal opens, about a hundred of wolves emerge, lead by an alpha male the size of an olden day bull. The wolves run and scatter about, tearing at any liveing thing that crosses their path. The wolves show a mercyless bloodlust unmatched by any creature in gothador. In the short time of a few minutes the wolves take over the eastern aera. The alpha howls loudly, signaling them to follow as he makes his way to the eastern warp.

In a series of barks and growls the alpha dirests the pack. About 20 of them turn back and continue to ravage the lands of gothador, killing anything that breaths and eats. 20 others are given the sent of the drow Songwoven and are instructed to search the lands and hunt her down. The rest come to the dark forest with the alpha, searching for the one called chaotix.

#44 Songwoven



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Posted 25 April 2005 - 02:17

*As she swirls her cloak around her, Song's ears prick... somewhere... a sound like cold wind... A cold chill runs down her spine. She shakes her head, her hair flashing like cold silver. Checking that her blade is still in place, she makes her way out of the bar. So intent is she on her destination, that she is unaware of the dully shining red eyes that slowly blink into existent as she walks.*

#45 mamori



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Posted 25 April 2005 - 05:20

resting in the upper branches of a tree deep within the dark forest, mamori awakes to find the scent of several wolves approuching. his first thought was N'gight, but these were different, they were rotting, and the chaos lord would know better than to reanimate unreliable dead flesh. Leaping down from his branch, he analyzed the aura of the undead pack. "pathetic, they don't even come close."

mamori waited for the pack to get closer, rolling a yellowed crystalline sphere in his hand. "this will be a good a time as any to test it."

#46 gothador_krissaegrim

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Posted 25 April 2005 - 05:41

emerging from one of the few forests of gothador, krissaegrim looked about. something was amiss this evening, a strange force coming from the east. fallowing a trail of blood and chaos, krissaegrim finally caught up with the 20 or so wolves which had been ravaging the land. "it's been a while since ive had a decent fight, this might be fun."

#47 Songwoven



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Posted 25 April 2005 - 06:16

*Song paused as the feeling of wrongness escalated. Her moonlit eyes widen as she pricks her ears to listen for any out of place sound. Suddenly she hears the sound of a cracking twig on the path. With a snarl she whirls, drawing her glistening blade to face her enemy.*

"Dammit!" *She swears as she sees a score of shadowy forms with flickering eyes* "It's going to be a very long night"

#48 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 25 April 2005 - 06:21

*Chaotix's ears stand on end as he flies on Tiamat. He can sense two dangers, one to himself and one to his love. His initial impulse is to head back to the city to protect his love as no wolf or sorcerer can find him in the forest but he thinks better of it. Song can handle herself. I don't know the last time a wolf was able to touch her.

As he flies over the treetops he notices a single transcendant perched in a tree. He seems to be holding a glowing yellow sphere of some sort. He is watching a pack of wolves slowly coming towards her. What He does not notice however, is the lone ravager who is slowly advancing to her back.*

"Hold on Dark, we're about to do something drastic."

*Chaotix whistles and Tiamat starts diving towards the ground. At the last second we straightens, the sinews in her wings tightening. Chaotix grabs ahold of his yvew carver and slices the ravager across the back. It lets out a yell and the transcendant whips around to look at Chaotix.*

#49 mamori



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Posted 25 April 2005 - 07:12

mamori turns to see a strange dragon, on its back a dark elf and some human. the ravager that has attempted to sneek up behind him nearly slayn by the elf's attack. he had not intended to the kill the creature, it was no match for his speed, but now there was no choice but to put it out of it's misery.

mamori watched the largest of the undead wolves came into view.

#50 gothador_castamir

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Posted 25 April 2005 - 13:00

The first sign that Mamori wasn't alone was the unmistakeable hiss of drawn steel, as his head whipped around Castamir stepped out of the shadows his people used so well to conceal their passing.

Castamir was living proof that the Enchanted Firecircle was indeed a force for balance, and accepted members from every spectrum, and not just those with an altruistic need to do good. He did however obey their rules, and so moderated his behaviour accordingly. It didn't stop him enjoying his work however - some might say a little too much..

He lowered the hood of his cloak and nodded in greeting to his cult mate, a grin showing white teeth and murderous intent.

"I hope you weren't planning to keep the slaughter all to yourself?" he asked quietly..

#51 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 25 April 2005 - 17:11

*Chaotix stared back and forth between the Dark Elf and the Transcendant. Both looked well equipped and capable of handling themselves. However he was never one to sit out of a nice fight. *

"Stay here," he said to Dark, "Tia, take care of him."

*Although the human was adept, he did not know what he was capable of currently and did not wish him hurt.*

"May I be of assistance?" he asked the transcendant and dark elf.

*As he approached the undead wolves he caught a whiff of magic. They were being controlled. The magic has a familiar feel to it.... Xanthor! That same tinge of magic radiated from the wolves as had cursed Tiamat.*

"Well any enemies of these wolves are a friend of mine."

*As he joined the two others his ears pricked up as he saw another pack of wolves approach from behind him. Their enemies had now doubled in numbers.*

"This looks like it could be a fun fight," he said with a grin on his face.

#52 Songwoven



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Posted 25 April 2005 - 19:34

*Finally, one of the shadowy forms steps into the light*
"A zombie wolf??" *Song chokes out in disbelief* "You have got to be kidding me..." *With a snarl, the first of her attackers launches itself at her. Song calmly sidesteps the attacking creature and then flicks her blade out to sever it's head. As the body tumbles to the ground the unholy light in it's eyes slowly dims. The remainder of the pack sends out an eery howl... the sound corrupted in their rotting throats. The trace of magic is unmistakable... Xanthor.* Foolish of him... *Song thinks* The only advantage he has is in numbers, and even that won't save this undead pack...

#53 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 25 April 2005 - 19:55

*Sheathing his yvew cleaver Chaotix grins at the wolves. As the nearest one lunges at him he dodges and wrestles it to the ground.*

"Wolves?" he asks incredulously, "he sent wolves after me? I mean he couldn't have given me something challenging like a kraken or something? Oh no he sent wolves after me."

*Laughing he twists the wolf's head around 180 and the wolf collapses at his feet... where it promptly rises again as an undead wolf.*

"Ha, guess I spoke too soon. Well this takes some of the fun out of it."

*The wolf lunges at him and he deftly draws his carver and severs its head where the hellfire in its eyes burns out. Quickly he springs up into a tree and starts throwing daggers from a belt at the wolves. Dozens of the sharp objects rain down to spear the wolves slicing them to ribbons.

He looks over his shoulder for a second and sees the other dark elf and transcendant fairing more than well although he has not watched most of their battle.

He smiles and flicks a knife right down the throat of another wolf. However, the smile soon disappears from his face as a huge wolf appears in front of the survivors. This one glows with an almost dark aura. There is nothing light or good left in it. Chaotix can almost feel the strength radiating from it.

Drawing his carver again he slowly jumps from the tree and faces the large wolf. It is about twice the size of Chaotix. He concentrates and senses the creature. Making some quick calculations he deftly slips an amulet around his neck. Suddenly his skin seems to harden creating an impressive barrier.

Putting himself in a defensive stance he awaits the wolf's first move.*

OOC: Ammy is the ammy of stop =0)p

#54 gothador_dafadil

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Posted 25 April 2005 - 20:00

i watch the fight of xanthors pack as it engages song, the smile on my face were there flesh left to have one felt nice.

i knew that the pack would be brought low soon and could not stand to see such noble beast as these humbled by the living.

"bob... my darling undead lord... drop the trogs head its meat is long gone... go there now, and lend a hand. fear not you will rise again if needed, but if your taking down trogs she should be no problem for you at all"

and out of the shadows srouded in mist went bob... songwoven knew this was not good, the trogs head droped only when close enough to attack!

#55 mamori



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Posted 25 April 2005 - 21:55

growing tired of this battle, mamori finally jumps back from the wolves leaving Castamir to fend them off long enough for his newest weapon to take effect. letting the kinetic energy blade which he had formed around his hand fade away, he removed the yellow stone once more. the shaman then began to chant a spell he had recently created for this very circumstance. as the stone began to glow in its yellowish shades, the undead wolvees went ridged, their own bodies beginning to match the color of the stone. in a moment, the energies which kept the wolves sustained was drained away and absorbed into the sphere.

Overlooking the fallen wolven corpses, mamori and Castamir noticed only the largest wolf remained, coming down onto the other dark elf.

#56 gothador_castamir

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Posted 25 April 2005 - 22:34

As the last wolf ceased to be, Castamir wiped his blade on one of the corpses, a look of slight annoyance on his face as he turned to his comrade in arms.

"I don't know about you, but I'm a little dissapointed..."

He turned to follow Mamori's gaze, and noted the large creature approaching the other Dark Elf. His grin returned.

"Would it be terribly rude if we were to join in that fight uninvited?"

#57 gothador_toulip

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Posted 25 April 2005 - 22:42

In the Dark Forest:

The bloodwolf watches as the weakest of his pack are seemingly slain. The fools have no idea do they Xanthor thought to himself. Xanthor was not as dumb as they thought. Studying them... knowing their strengths and weaknesses. He is sure of his victory.

Then something strange happens.... The remaining bloodwolves just...drop. Odd Xanthor in his beast form steps forward out of the shadows. His glowing red eyes stare up at Chaotix. Watching his as he readies himself for battle.

The bloodwolf leaps into the air, heading right at chaotix. Olny, not quite. The wolf leaps over the drow warrior and lands direstly behind the unknown angel and with a movement as quick as lightning he lunges, burrying his fangs deep into his arm, causeing him to drop the strange orb. Shakeing the angel violently he releaces his deathgrip, causeing the angel to crash into a nearby tree.

Mad with bloodlust, Xanthors mind is corrupted by his wolf form, not even minding the other adversarys, the bloodwolf runs as fast as he can to the angel mamori, leaping from the ground as he lunges for his throat.

#58 Songwoven



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Posted 26 April 2005 - 04:50

*With an exasperated grunt and a cry of "ENOUGH", Song raises her palm. With a blinding flash, blazing balls of fire shoot out to meet the pack, engulfing nearly half of them in flames. In a blindingly fast motion she quickly finishes the remainder of the pack with her blade. Relieved, she stands panting as she wipes the blood off of her blade. Suddenly she tenses, she notices a sudden stench of undead magic, different from that marking the wolves... something large approaches and the rotting head of a trogladyte rolls onto the path... it was going to be a long night indeed...*

(OOC: Hey Daf, two things babe, I'll go with it this time, but please let me decide on Song's reactions rather than deciding them for me. Also, can ya give me a clue as to what bob is so I can better play along?)

#59 mamori



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Posted 26 April 2005 - 06:06

dodging the bloodwolf's death blow, it's head smaching into the giant tree, mamori picked up the yellow stone with his left hand. His right arm was dripping with blood, pooling next him feet. "that all you got?" mamori jeered.

with a pulse of energy, the sorcerer's ears became that of a gray fox, a matching tail swinging playfully from behind. with the trasnformation to his hybrid form, his wound became partially healed, stopping the blood from flowing.

as the dazed bloodwolf turned to continue it's rageful assault of the shaman, it found itself surrouned in a thick mist. seemingly far off into the fog, he could hear a voice. "don't always trust what you see in the mists...."

#60 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 26 April 2005 - 06:21

*Chaotix is slightly startled by the wolf's reactions. He sees it sink it's fangs into the transcendants arm but notes that in reality it is just a small flesh wound. More surprisingly he sees the angel change into a sleek grey fox. He smiles and ventures over to the other dark elf.*

"Would it be forward for me to intrude? She seems quite capable of handling herself."

*He smiles for a moment, until he feels an imminent sense of danger again. Song was in possible trouble. However, he wasn't too worried. Song could probably more than handle the danger and if she got in a little over his head he had two trump cards to be exact.

Chaotix may look like a prankster but he never left anything unplanned. He could see that the lead wolf had watched his movements as he had watched the movements of the wolves he had been fighting. He cleared all thoughts from his head then and stood to watch the fox and the wolf battle.*

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