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Composing Update (v3.0.0)

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#41 EpicPiety



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Posted 23 March 2021 - 14:07

There are a very vocal few who make their opinions known in the forums.


Why is it you yield to them?


You made a decision to increase Smashing Hammer to 500 and I am sure  you would have  decided this after much research and consultation. 


Dont cave and change your decision based on the very  vocal few who strongly express their opinion here.


Please stick to your guns and leave it the way  you planned at 500.


Also can I thank you for extending our ability to increase our composing levels again.  After nearly 6 years at max composing  levels it gives me  a greater enthusiasm in the game to be able to develop this aspect of the game again. 


I look forward to finally having the ability to participate in a double composing event as I reached max before these events were introduced into the game.

Clearly this is coming with no bias based on the fact that you purely made a living selling composing for years. Why is increasing the level of SH in composing good for the game? increasing the access to higher level SH will only further dilute content and armor setups in pvp. I don't see a benefit other than traveling composers being more in demand in the coming early days of 60-80 grind.


Epic SH is 525 but composing should beable to create 500?


Same argument can be made for BE500 going to further dilute many aspects of the game by allowing access to 204 buffs (Cow math so it's actually 204 not 203). Although this can be fixed by merely capping the already OP buffs at 192.


Please don't try to overshadow the voices of those here that have been looking out for the games best interest for years on end. All that just so you can make a ton extra Fsp selling composing pots.

Edited by EpicPiety, 23 March 2021 - 14:16.

#42 EpicPiety



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Posted 23 March 2021 - 14:13

Lol if you need smashing hammer to get damage, you all clearly have no concept how buffs really work.

There is another way at eoc it is currently possible to get near 2 mill damage on a normal attack.

The highest Elites Super elites all can be 1 hit every single time.

The myopic focus on damage sets and buffs does not give the highest damage numbers.

Although it does allow easy access to damage without having to even rack your brain even slightly.

#43 EpicPiety



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Posted 23 March 2021 - 14:35

Hello Cows,


I am proposing one last change to composing to do with buff enhancer before it is too late. I understand that there was a ton of stuff packed into 1-60 so you were working with very little to incentivize 60-80. Below are my suggested buffs to be capped at level 192 (honestly some of them 175 but that's alot to ask for).


Super Elite Slayer - Why should it be easier to kill Super elites we already have access to mass damage no need to make it even easier


Reign of Terror - This buff really shouldn't be in the game to begin with, there are already too many advantages to relic offense i don't think we need more by buffing this more.


Critical Strike - We already have easy access to damage and this will only further hurt armor setups which are already unuseable in PvP. 


Sharpen - See above Crit Strike argument


Deflect - Deflect is already incredibly powerful and punishing there shouldn't be a higher level deflect available.


Fumble - Objectively the most broken buff in the game when it comes to defense sets and pvp. An even higher fumble coupled with insanely high Flinch you can obtain will only further buff defense sets. I believe you can get flinch 790+ maybe even 800+ although epic pots aside even flinch 460 + fumble 204 is still incredibly strong.


Extractor 2 - Don't think we need a higher extractor 2 level, please take a look how increasing inventor 2 levels negatively impacted the economy.


Titan Doubler - we do not need a 5x doubler. 4x is already incredibly high.


Unbreakable - by allowing unbreakable 204 to be cast this will entirely devalue UB loyalty and Potion of resilience from caves.


I hope the cows can take this post and look it over very carefully. If I missed anything please add it below.



Edited by EpicPiety, 23 March 2021 - 14:44.

#44 Tilley10



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Posted 23 March 2021 - 16:03

Point taken about SH - we've capped it at level 480 now.


Also will look to see if we can increase the message limit to 512 as well :)

Thank you for looking into this and changing this so quickly, I appreciate it! :D


As for Buff Enhancer making some buffs 204: Please look into this as well. Deflect is ridiculous at 175 and even worse at 192. I cannot imagine hitting into someone that has it at 204. The same goes for Fumble - defense is already too strong and this just makes it even more strong.


I look forward to future changes!

#45 Zue


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Posted 23 March 2021 - 17:23

Hi all!
Just a quick update to let you know that some fixes have been made to the game:
The Shards values update correctly now.
The last login time is fixed. 
We're  also reviewing all of your feedback on the composing buffs & working on the slow down issues this week.
~The Fallen Sword Team

#46 michael65



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Posted 23 March 2021 - 18:45

invented items go to bp instead of mail box?

items from chests go to bp instead of mailbox?

could above be an option in preference with default being bp. maybe?

the notification, combat, buffs (nice), and guild log buttons don't seperate logs as describd.
could there be an item log button?
move guild mass messages to messages with guild012 button? (may be problematic/controversial)

as mentioned before, changes don't work with my default browser. the bar at top with blacksmith and drop item links do not work but the pull down menus do work. again, no link bar problem in firefox.


dear new cows and new players,

update problems have happened in the past they are usually fixed in a few days. and the game is better for it. pls, be patient. ty

#47 insaner6



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Posted 23 March 2021 - 18:53

Ageless and Doubler and Severe Conditions could easily get upgraded higher 50-100 points..

#48 EpicPiety



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Posted 23 March 2021 - 19:14

invented items go to bp instead of mail box?

I would hope they still go to mailbox

#49 mary4ever



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Posted 23 March 2021 - 19:54

Point taken about SH - we've capped it at level 480 now.


Also will look to see if we can increase the message limit to 512 as well :)

hi Hoof!


it's very rare to see you around but when you are here then stuff quickly gets done so .....



MXDmuuv.png  this "pop up" stopped appearing a long time ago


8QFEHeV.png  this "pop up" stopped appearing a long time ago


H0Kmilg.png this "pop up" stopped appearing at all whether you get buffed, send items, ST, get items in Mailbox, ...


FeOFo14.png this "pop up" stopped appearing when a Titan spawned / the PvP Ladder reset / new medals achieved


JT14OlX.png this "pop up" started appearing when you get a private message

problem is that you will need to have the "Character - Tab" open 24/7 to know when you will receive a message

I think you should introduce a new "pop up" for private messages too because what we currently have is really bad sad.png


some of these BUGS have been reported to Support & in Forum years ago & are still reported until now by numerous players & everytime we get the same reply >>> will forward & will be fixed in the next game update <<<


other BUGS that appeared

  • NO "pop up" for Mass Messages or any kind that we usually got before the Update (Composing, sold items, .....)
  • many experienced extreme lag immediately after the Update, apparently hoof was online & saw it, he "fixed" it for the majority but few still have trouble
  • Invented items are now directly transferred to BackPack instead like usual to Mailbox !!!
  • try opening a potion from a chest and see what happens ....
  • others

Hoof, please fix them ASAP !!!


the missing "pop ups" (look at screen shots) have unfortunately really made FallenSword almost unplayable sad.png


the UI is not "user friendly" anymore, for years we do not know when a new chat / leader message appears which lead to less communication / logins .....



 a "selfish" request that is very quick to implement + sure that will increase activity (like I have seen in other various successful games)


while we are waiting for HCS, they can implement this awesome feature:


the amount you enter will be transfered (substracted) from your FSP account to your "FSP chest" that will appear in your Mailbox !!!

(EXAMPLE: if your account has 1000 FSPs and you input 200 FSPs, then your account will have 800 FSPs & the "FSP chest" a value of 200 FSPs !!!)

then this "FSP Chest" (hope HCS will give it a cool design) can be gifted to players, this will generate activity especially during events, occasions, holidays, ...... 

this is much better than just receiving fsps (proven in other games & sure many saw it in other games, I â™¥ it)

hope we will see it very soon & at the same time HCS can observe the activity during that day  :D

we should do EVERYTHING we can to increase game activity so PLEASE Hoof let's do that !!!

Edited by mary4ever, 23 March 2021 - 19:55.

3 players on iggy (1 troll & 2 players whose posts never make any sense)

#50 Mzzery



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Posted 23 March 2021 - 20:38

I honestly think we went from the 21st century back to the 19th... like, why move messages away from the logs? it's really not helpful in any way, and just another annoying step to try to do what we need to in FS. For me, it feels like sending snailmail, and most don't even know how to find the messages yet. Why this change? What's the logic behind ripping parts of the logs away from the rest of them?


If I sound grumpy, it's just because I am... I don't like changes that seem to be backwards and not steps towards new nicer stuff, like this one change... I really dislike it! I'll start ranting soon.. lol

Edited by Mzzery, 23 March 2021 - 20:42.


#51 Grumpy Grey

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Posted 23 March 2021 - 21:02


What exactly is broken? I will look into the guild recall issue, but what are the other issues that you are having, will look into those too.




Tickets have been put in and closed previously with replies like HCS are already aware of it or its on the list of things to fix. Has also been statements in chat and here in various threads by numerous players highlighting things that are broken,
They usually meet with the  reply to put a ticket in.
 So if the system is working they should be on a list somewhere or you guys are aware of them.
It does appear to some who used to report issues  that we  have been going in circles and we are wasting our breath reporting  them . Most of my disappointments are in regard to the full site which continually seems to be getting broken and left that way for the sake of the app.
I could use the  non existent  notifications for leader chat as an example that has been spoken of here in the forums , Pretty sure I ticketed it at one stage long long ago. I know others definitely have but its not working in the full site still.
Perhaps related generally notifications of messages and logs around GVG PVP and other game aspects are quite delayed or not working at all I would refer to

mary4ever's post #49 as another attempt by a player to have this issue resolved. I am guessing this is being worked on in the current update but then again I have heard that before so I should really assume nothing.

Edited by Grumpy Grey, 23 March 2021 - 21:19.

#52 Hoofmaster


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Posted 23 March 2021 - 21:47

Going to take a look at improving the notifications this week :)

#53 WandKing



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Posted 24 March 2021 - 17:55

I noticed a lot of talk about the BE buff being overpowering...making deflect lvl 204 and such. 

I think it is great to be able to buff players with higher skills than lvl 192.


Why not expand the Special Section of AH and add potions that counter the new overpowering buffs?

For example a zombied lvl 300 anti-deflect does ok against a lvl 192 deflect buff...will it work against lvl 204 deflect? maybe


Same goes with other overpowering 204 buffs...just make a counter skill potion and sell it in special section of AH.


I pretty sure that only a handful of players will make lvl 80 in the next 3 months so that give time to hash out the changes :)


Love the updates! Thank HCS :D

#54 wazzimoto



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Posted 24 March 2021 - 18:07

Arena all messed up now.....lol

Edited by wazzimoto, 24 March 2021 - 18:08.

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#55 blackmorth


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Posted 24 March 2021 - 18:51

So long we got top composing level, which was the fastest and low cost to upgrade,? Levelling guide very confused, if any one can tell glad to hear ure suggestions:)

#56 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 24 March 2021 - 18:55

Didn't read everything, but what I noticed it's broken/bugged so far:

- Can't open chests (At least that happened with my Darksun Chest), tried browser and app.

- It's showing my Gloves is broken, eventho I already repaired it, and doesn't matter if I change combat sets or not.

- Not getting 'New logs' or 'New messages' notifications.

- Arena is all messed up.

- While hitting people sometimes I get "INFORMATION Tried to add layer outwith a transaction".

#57 disavow



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Posted 24 March 2021 - 22:04

Although it's been posted already and seemed needless to verify that the change to SH wasnt needed, in my opinion. There is also a dissenting opinion about the increase. Therefore I wish to add my confirmation that increasing SH isn't needed. Im sure that some have read the forum and felt they didnt need to add their weight to the argument since the issue seems decided. However when a dissenting opinion comes out, I think it's important for others to speak up and support their point of view. 


Also, Please, Im begging you. Read mary4ever's post in it's entirety. Every single point in that post is valid and well brought forward. 

#58 stormfish



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Posted 25 March 2021 - 06:36

Thank you very much for the update Cows. Nice to compose with high goal again.
About the levels, i don't see (personally) the need of more levels in SH. LF, Shield Wall, Global Booster, Armor Boost, Brute Strength, imo are not breakers so let them rise.
Personally i don't have problem with Frag Finder. Some players think it will impact the fragments balance. Only from last "fragment" GE (Rise of the Wraiths XXI) you have 3xGlobal Ruby Frag Stash II (if in top 100 5xGlobal Ruby Frag Stash II) which mean 9540 common, 1890 rare, 1665 unique etc. How many chest you have to open with 1/3 chance to obtain their max frags to achieve this numbers? And that is in the case we have max Frag Finder level (300). And even if it work with the creature chests in GE's it will not be an breaker. I usually make top 100 and do ~ 6k commons from creatures, so ~ 30% more is 1800 common fragments with max Frag Finder. This math of course is wrong, but still, is some approximation.  And of course i know that the effect of all frag sources is cumulative, but my point is that the game is so saturated with frags, that Frag Finder will not be the game changer.
And the last one, Buff Enhancer, i don't have problem with 204 lvl casting buffs, if some of them will be capped to 192, or better 175 (like Teleport for example).
I am very excited to see all of the new skills.


Jeez, it's been so long - what were the best options for speed-composing ? LOL


I don't know for the best speed-composing option, but can recall you the best gold-to-XP-ratio option:

potion with two buffs one lvl 40 another lvl 14, duration 54 min. Give you 20 XP, cost 5k gold. Look at wiki for other options, but this is cheapest, and best ratio gold-XP option.

Edited by stormfish, 25 March 2021 - 08:54.

#59 kitobas



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Posted 27 March 2021 - 10:05

sorry hcs, but composing update is one of last place community want and that could helping game, everyone was knowing you would adding smashing hammer increasing, it is worst option but players with little breain in head crying everytime they wanting increasing composing max level and not caring if it bad for game, this really sad


this update making me sad and with many bugs it catastrophe


hoofmaster, please coming back, only you can fixing bugs fast and helping game become very good that we knowing 

#60 michael65



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Posted 27 March 2021 - 15:04

sorry hcs, but composing update is one of last place community want and that could helping game, everyone was knowing you would adding smashing hammer increasing, it is worst option but players with little breain in head crying everytime they wanting increasing composing max level and not caring if it bad for game, this really sad

this update making me sad and with many bugs it catastrophe

hoofmaster, please coming back, only you can fixing bugs fast and helping game become very good that we knowing

i think the complaint was for more challenges. i proposed composing tier2 fragging quest items.

-can't access guild store from any link but link to put items in guild store works.
-can't use certain links:logout, bp and blacksmith in horizontal bar
-can't open containers
-log buttons don't work: notification, combat, buffs (nice), guild
-no log or message pop-up notice in side bar

some of these issues seem unrelated to the update. yet, they happened.]

Edited by michael65, 27 March 2021 - 22:22.

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