There are already players on level 1800, so I though of some good level 1800 buffs that HCS could analyse to see if they are good to implement on the game.
Heavy Sword => 0,15% per point of attack transferred to damage [this would be an skill similar to barricade but it increases dmg instead and reduce attack so the player can get an little boost in dmg losing some attack] => another dmg improving (PvE only, there are already many dmg improving that makes armor setup not so good for PVP at certain levels)
(you can set the skill level on preference)
Light Armor => 0,15% per point of armor transferred to attack [almost the same from above ] => another attack improving (by now there is only keen edge and rage which increase attack)
(you can set the skill level on preference) (Recommend being PvE too, so defense setup would still worth for PvP, there is already dark curse to reduce defense from opponent)
Reverse Trap => 0,05% per point chance that an random nerf (only the nerf, not the advantage the skill may also give) that take effect during the battle on your char will take effect on the opponent instead. (PvP and PvE)
Maybe it can be created two skills from the one above for enviroment and another to pvp (with some tiny differences)
if two skills:
- The one for PvE (Hunters Trap) can be 0,05% per point chance to happen with only the disadvantage from that skill with an nerf effect on the player (one random skill). => any skill which transfer one stat to another or reduce one stat to zero could be even more usefull when hunting.
Could work with skills with some nerf on the game, some examples: barricade, nightmare visage, severe condition, shield strike, armor strike, distraction, counter attack (when it activate on this skill there will be no stm expenditure increase on the battle, or simply don't add CA to work with it)
- And the one for pvp (Mirror Trap) will only work with skill on the opponent that has an nerf effect on your char (the skill will take effect on the opponet instead of the player), this skill could have an 0,04% per point chance to happen choosing an random nerf skill from opponet. => pvp will be a little more challenging (due to this small protection against these commonly used buffs on pvp)
Could work with nerf skills on the game, some examples: dark curse, flinch, wither, shatter armor, spell leech, terrorize, spelll breaker.
Hidden Power => 0,25% per point chance to double all basic stats of an char [this would be an skill similar to golden shield but it can increase all base status of an player, since it is base status I thought 0,25% per point chance would be an good value] or it could be => 0,15% (or 0,2%) per point increase in all basic stats of an char.
Theft Mastery => 0,07% per point chance to be able to get up to two drops from an creature (do not affect drop rate only allow the player to get upto two drops at once from an creature) (I think the percentage per point is fine if it were 0,1% per point it would be too high and 0,05% per point it would be too low). => an skill to help composing.
(or it can even be added as an enhancement with lower rate if you think that would be better to give an chance to every player to be able to get more equips for composing and on this case the skill would increase the max percentage of this enhancement, I recommend 0,2% per point , and this enhancement could give 1% of that to happen for every 10% on this enhancement)
Edited by Kbyte, 06 November 2013 - 21:09.