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Brewing Custom Potions (Composing)

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Poll: Do you like this idea? (401 member(s) have cast votes)

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#41 ZeroLove


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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:28

I like this idea and I agree it should be bound, other there would just be a multitude of potions floating around. Or you could make it so the potion has to meet certain criteria in-order to be tradable.

#42 suderlon



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:28

I like this idea...

#43 Jashan


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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:28

I like the idea but am a bit concerned that this could interfere with current pots. Please make them pots that are bound and do not devalue the current pots we have on the market.

Also - I would like to throw out the idea of creating guild pots. Kind of like RP packs but something that is a pot that affects the whole guild. Then you get the benefit of everyone working together as well. Players have to be online when the pot it activated or it does not work for them.

Overall - I am excited about the prospects.

#44 oucho



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:29

This idea gets a 'Thumbs Up' from me IF the potions are Bound.

To have the opportunity to brew potions which compliment my gear and level-up point allocations does kinda excite me :oops:

Launch this idea as unbound potions and you are making a mockery of the term 'Custom', in my opinion.

This should be something that a character can customise for personal use only, that way it diversifies individual characters which in turn changes the dynamics of gameplay in an interesting way. Allow 'Merchants/Inventors' to mass produce & trade such potions equates to just another 'run of the mill' aspect that upgraded characters can further profit from at the expense of new players and becomes boring very quickly.

Lovely idea Hoof, I have my fingers crossed that you make the right decision.

Sounds good except for common items part, and how it plays in here. We wouldn't want to put the above mentioned inventors out of business would we. There are a lot of potion makers and farmers that this could hurt if it is cheaper or better to make your own lib,dc,, furys, etc...... Food for thought :)

#45 Bnarfsnap


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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:32

I like the idea of crafting.
I like the idea of components.
Not so much the idea of special buffs (the other guy was right about we have so many already)
Why not make craftable bound Items and sets?
You could even through in a need for PvP tokens, Arena won items, or PvP prestige for good measure.
And remember the noobs: a walkthrough would be nice. :D

#46 Lupp0



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:33

I realy love the concept of this idea, LOVE IT ! :)
And PLEASE keep these potions bound.. like a few others already stated.
If they are not bound, there will be a total economy shift which is not good at all.

And for the EOC players that are (or will) complain about them not having the edge with buffs all i have to say is: people have you not benifited from this long enough?
The whole reason why most of you are EOC is because eigther you have been playing this game from the start (or atleast very long) and sold your buffs for loads of fsp, then turn them into max stamina and big leveling potions when events occur, to then start it over again.
There is a few people ofcourse that have spend alot of money on it, and from their point of view i can understand it would get them mad.

This will give the people that do not have the money to spend a way to get EOC.
The need of high level buffs will still be there since these potions should cost alot to make, but when you put time and effort (stamina) in it should be available even for a level 1 player.
Also keep in mind, after you introduce this, you should be ready to add new content on a much more frequent base then you are doing right now :)

Overall, with a little more thought, i seriously love this idea.
Don't make a "brew level" that you can increase overtime, and don't put a timer on it, just make it instant.
For sure it will improve my activity in the game again! :)




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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:33

like this! especially if I can turn a bunch of tagged up crap into "torches bind o' lax" and sell my unbinding potion @ AH :)

#48 Ramen


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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:37

I think custom potions is a very good idea, speaking as a casual player this interests me, i also agree that potions should be bound, or else there would be no piratical point in the potions taking periods of time to make. One could just create separate accounts and use those to manufacture potion after potion. Also I think that these potions should help new players or players like me who would take forever to level up to be more interested (this is due to my loss of interest because of the slow leveling process).

Also with this type of composing maybe there would finally be more variety in the AH.

#49 fs_evilix

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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:40

I like the idea if the potions are "bound" and dislike the idea if the potions are "un-bound".

Make sure that these new potions aren't in any way equal to the loyalty potions as well.(No lightfoot pots either!!You want them,then donate like the rest of us did!!) :twisted:

Having the potions un-bound will give the higher lvl,wealthy players a chance to corner the market of various items and make it unfair to the players that do not have the same means as them.

This will defeat the purpose of giving players(Low and high lvls) the same opportunity to benefit from this new idea.

#50 Kildek



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:41


As a third option to unbound / bound potions:
Make the potions automatically guild tagged + they can not get untagged.
This has the advantage that it will limit the effect on AH prices.


#51 Gutie



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:42

Regardless of whether they end up being bound, I think leveling ones MUST be bound in particular. Though as far as Conserve and Librarian potions above the typical (CON 175 buff and LIB 225 potion) go... usage are rare for a huge plurality of players (I haven't seen any real demand for the LIB 300 or CON 250, aside from possibly the top or soon to be top players in FS) apart from the FSP event 500/750 pots, so anyone saying not having a mid ranged option for the key hunting buffs (NOT named Adept Learner) that is accessible is game breaking isn't being honest with what is going on in game as we speak.

I think that LIB, CON and AM would be three good ones to have bound with a cap around oh say 250/300. Just saying that if this is added, that we should have leveling ones bound to keep a lid on massive fluctuation in market for mainstays/buffers selling hunting buff packs. These ones would be a solidly more expensive group to make though to be worthwhile though.

I'd strongly discourage having anti-deflect, deflect, DC, BER, or Reckoning in this new update to be honest. The latter three would really cramp down on potion makers whom are already ambivalent as of late.

Umm, I'd discourage making extend or SES an option in any way shape or form as well. It's a way for lower level people to earn decent payouts when buffing... I don't buff much, but I think those are two that are solid ones not to add. Making SE slayer more potent beyond 175 also devalues the effort people put into SE hunting and getting the gear needed to kill them reliably over the years be it for medals or drops/both, and I'm not even an SE hunter and can see that'd be a bit improper.

As to comments about EOC players "having nowhere to go with new potions" if they were to be bound... why should these kinds of updates (not always, but) generally have to benefit the highest level players exponentially more due to having excess resources they merely compound upon by having it unbound? Some EOC people will quickly spam the brewmaster skill with excess gold/FSP to max level regardless of it being bound or not and then drown out the rest of us (mid/low level who wont have the skill maxed for a good while after (near)EOC players <- fact ) out of the market with anyhow?

Also I don't think most EOC players have an issue giving newer players a tool to work their way up the ranks, along with a possible interesting feature in FS that doesn't rely on your revenue base to use.

Some EOC people will say that's a crap argument and having them bound makes this not benefit them at all (or in part at least) vocally or think it to themselves at least, but that's just a king of the rock mindset, and not caring how this would effect potion makers along with the people who buff for earning FSPs, (which in some cases is the (near)EOC people anyhow) is worrisome. I think if you had a side panel in the game polling of level 1200+ players for a few weeks you'd have a 60-75% say it should be bound anyhow for the sake of stability.

Having these bound prevents screwing up the market, while still having a goldsink that also will indirectly drop FSP prices, which I think are the cows two most desired in-game economy objectives given recent moves.

Anyhow, I went on far too long (tl;dr much?), but I figured I'd chime in on this update concept in entirety, which I like a lot.

#52 LadyMo


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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:44

I like the idea...but what good would a bound potion be for someone at EOC?

#53 Roan



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:44



#54 GoHalos



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:45

More potions???? Idk guys.. =/

#55 fs_kidlatskie

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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:46

Good idea, since a lot of non sellable are not useful anymore.
might as well give this a shot.

it is also encouraging to see if there will be a medal for this.

#56 realking


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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:47

I too have considered this idea before,and i like it ...I would like to make some suggestions on the potions as well ;

i would like to see a combination of buff potions say with the basic hunting need similar to the ones you have already introduced before but player creations possibly;;;;

HUNTING pack --->( librarian , adept , conserve , animal magnitism , and doubler ) <---a 5 buff potion ...

pvper / GVGer pack <--> ( 5 buff pot )

titan pot <--> ( at least a 3 pack pot )

advanced hunter pack <--> ( 5 powerful destroy pack )

also some speacialty buff potions <---ectractor , lvl 1 invent , lvl. 2 invent ,and even an advanced invent buff

also maybe introduce some other cool buffs maybe freak buff potions / accidents instead of total fails and losses ;;;

i wonder if some new potion to enhance enhancements might make the game more intresting as well,,,
say maybe a thieving potion buff or a double experince potion buff ...

I like the idea about experience lvl. gain in the potion makeing,gaining an higher potion making experience giving the potion maker better quality potions,,,higher buff lvl.s <--possibly maybe greater than 200 lvl....that would be cool ....

This topic has me happily excited for the gameing...thank you

#57 wallywmbat


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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:48

its a great idea, but i feel there is enough bound items already without adding more, it was also suggested as a way of making gold in the introduction, so if it is bound how will it make gold? Unless you can choose the exact potion you want, you could end up with a potion just to drop as being useless :P

#58 hades8840



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:49

more complicated then the original idea but anything is better then what we have now but they SHOULDNT BE BOUND .there is always gonna be ppl who do better at making pots then others and alot who generally cant be bothered so where is the harm in letting someone sell what they make after all doesnt that just mean less crap junk items in the game and thats the whole point.. for example if they was bound and i made what i needed for myself i would only do this once every couple months now if they wasnt bound i might do it as a income stream..there will be loads in the game who for what ever reason wont use many pots themselfs so making them bound all you do is bottle neck the whole idea

#59 murabane



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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:50

This is a great idea, my thoughts...

1. I don't feel many skills should be left out especially level based and pvp based skills(But i would rather it be something eased into so introduce a few skills at a time), and as such every skill should have leveled tier. Say a level 125 potion is common, 150 unique, 175 rare, level 200 legendary, 225 epic.

2. I understand the reasons for being bound and unbound, so lets say legendary and above are bound everything under can be auctioned off. I do understand that some players don't know most the available potions, but it is the same with skills. Players either need to learn to further themselves or their guild need to start teaching a little more.

3. You can even add a level 1600 skill, that if buffed with and you brew a potion you have a certain percent chance to brew the potion unbound if legendary or epic.

4. Just an idea but i think instead of failing the invention process, either brew a lower level of that skill potion or alternately brew a whole different potion withing the same skill tree

Just my thoughts don't know exactly what you guys had in mind or even the specifics on the levels of potions, but i hope it helps :D

#60 sparrow666


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Posted 08 January 2013 - 01:52

amazing idea :)

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