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#41 fs_rockerion

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Posted 19 October 2007 - 04:49

Good call, Balk0th...here's my whole deal...I had a run-in with Fallen Alliance founder willie74(spelling?) where he was threatening me and my guild with this "destruction" and "war"...one member of his attacked me...was bountied, and I never heard from any of them again...

Got me to thinking, is all this macho bravado from the top guilds just talk...decided to find somebody and test this out...that's what lead me here...just wanted to see what would be done if I mouthed off a little...obviously neither of these people is interested in having somebody attack me...question answered.

Thank you all for being part of my test, you've performed wonderfully...no hard feelings I hope?

As I said,your "mouthing off" is not nearly enough for me to make me wanna spend my stamina on you.And if it really was a test,it was a very poor one.Any loser can talk all they want on forum.You can try your little test with any respectable guild in FS and none of them will attack because of your big mouth.Thats just not a good reason at all.

I suppose you would attack a lv 5 player if he calls you a moron and a drone on forum?It shows what kind of a player you are.If you can't keep it on the forum,don't argue at all.

If you wanna think that you proved something with taunting me and Spidey and not getting hit for it,be my guest.Have your illusions.I told you what you have to do for a real test.Until then,just shut up.Cos you got nothing.

#42 spidey101



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Posted 19 October 2007 - 06:04

Good call, Balk0th...here's my whole deal...I had a run-in with Fallen Alliance founder willie74(spelling?) where he was threatening me and my guild with this "destruction" and "war"...one member of his attacked me...was bountied, and I never heard from any of them again...

Got me to thinking, is all this macho bravado from the top guilds just talk...decided to find somebody and test this out...that's what lead me here...just wanted to see what would be done if I mouthed off a little...obviously neither of these people is interested in having somebody attack me...question answered.

Thank you all for being part of my test, you've performed wonderfully...no hard feelings I hope?

As I said,your "mouthing off" is not nearly enough for me to make me wanna spend my stamina on you.And if it really was a test,it was a very poor one.Any loser can talk all they want on forum.You can try your little test with any respectable guild in FS and none of them will attack because of your big mouth.Thats just not a good reason at all.

I suppose you would attack a lv 5 player if he calls you a moron and a drone on forum?It shows what kind of a player you are.If you can't keep it on the forum,don't argue at all.

If you wanna think that you proved something with taunting me and Spidey and not getting hit for it,be my guest.Have your illusions.I told you what you have to do for a real test.Until then,just shut up.Cos you got nothing.

Agreed Rock, IF and WHEN he attacks an ally of mine he will be dealt with other than that why bother with him.

#43 fs_cerjaeger

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Posted 26 October 2007 - 22:41

I see this to be a unique endeavor. The potential for profitability is great. However, if being able to attack at various levels (i.e. lower than 25) was the main point, then guilds with a larger membership count are able to make better offers. As a group they can communally craft/hellforge items, their strength will come not only from their equipment, but also from the structures (with which by their size would cost them less individually in upkeep payment). In fact they could create a non-leveling account, tweak it to have insane stats, then let it do the dirty work.

One thing remarkable about lower level currency is that it's loose. Most lower level players do not have enough experience to judge the value of an item vs. the stats and enhancements, hence if you check the auction house, you'd see lower level items with crazy prices. Follow their spending habits, and along the trail you'd see how appealing it is to them to pay guilds for attacks of retribution.

How would you handle retribution if it was directed at you? If that alone is your trade you make enemies everyday with a huge chance of the person belonging to a high-membership close-knit guild. You wake up everyday with a slew of butchers at your breakfast table. You would find the names of your members on the bounty board everyday as PVP rating fodder for the high level players.

I'd like to praise you for your idea - how long you wish to last and how long your members would stay is totally beyond me. Have your credit card and paypal account ready, or at least have somebody do the free fsp offer. This is going to cost you a lot and will take away the fun out of the gameplay. You'll just be one angry low level player with a sense of justice based on your client's payment. I don't see the feasibility of you being able to have alliances with other guilds except the ones that share your operating principles. Ok, that sounded cool. But to each, their own.

I wish you luck. My level of understanding is low and this is only how far it got me. I don't need you to prove your venture would come contrary to my bleak opinion - because when you know it works, everyone would too.

#44 fs_spenser

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Posted 27 October 2007 - 14:11

Hey Balk0th, can I join this thing? We'll split 50-50, lol.


#45 fs_faebie

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Posted 30 October 2007 - 20:57

... bother them. So just think, I've only been playing this for like 4 months,...

you've been playing for 4 months and you;re only lvl 25


so who's yer main?

#46 EJames2100



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Posted 30 October 2007 - 21:05

... bother them. So just think, I've only been playing this for like 4 months,...

you've been playing for 4 months and you;re only lvl 25


so who's yer main?

lolza, 3 months and a bit and lvl 102, go up like 35 lvls a month

#47 fs_thrender

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Posted 30 October 2007 - 21:35

you've been playing for 4 months and you;re only lvl 25


so who's yer main?

You've been playing 8 months and are only level 121...you aren't too much better... :oops:

#48 EJames2100



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Posted 30 October 2007 - 21:40

lol what a comeback :lol:

#49 fs_thrender

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Posted 30 October 2007 - 21:43

Not really a comeback, since she wasn't talking to me...but thanks anyways...

#50 fs_cerjaeger

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Posted 30 October 2007 - 22:13

eh well, whoever said you can't play FS while having a life to live.

#51 fs_raglan

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 07:49

this man will be attacked as soon as my appropriate lvl gets on. We will attack him for a bit and then to prove it you will recieve a message from him saying sorry.

Ok, he officially is never going to say sorry.

If you haven't already given up, then pm me ingame for payment, and the reward was 7000 gold right?

#52 fs_rockerion

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 13:36

I am sorry to inform all of you that you are not inteligent simply because you are not seeing the geniality of my idea.

Oh wait,that was Balkhots line.My bad. :lol:

#53 fs_faebie

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 13:59

you've been playing for 4 months and you;re only lvl 25


so who's yer main?

You've been playing 8 months and are only level 121...you aren't too much better... :oops:

really? cuz when i started there weren't things to make the game super easy like doubler and AM ... hardly anyone had plague sets.. it was like ancient times. we had to really work for the lvls back then (sorta)

#54 fs_thrender

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Posted 31 October 2007 - 14:18

Fantastic...I was afraid I would go a day without hearing somebody whine about how hard they have it...many people that joined about the time you did don't seem to have any problems leveling...

#55 fs_raglan

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Posted 01 November 2007 - 04:49

really? cuz when i started there weren't things to make the game super easy like doubler and AM ... hardly anyone had plague sets.. it was like ancient times. we had to really work for the lvls back then (sorta)

Hmm.... someone sounds like they should be in the old folks home....

Or shouting at little kids to get off their front lawn :lol:

But you do have to admit, back then the market would've been all but empty for items, the high lvl's were barly 10 lvl's above the low lvl people eh? So no hand-me-downs there lol

#56 fs_cerjaeger

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Posted 01 November 2007 - 18:23

The xp yield per kill might have been different back then, as well as the disparity in its numbers each level you go up. Then again, same as with the others who joined FS later than the elders, I have none to prove this.

The Hellforge process was made differently from what we get to enjoy now. These factors were probably positive in some ways but who knows. I hear they were able to go 3 levels up per day.

In conclusion I say this has nothing to do whatfreakingever with Alliances and Wars.

#57 fs_balk0th

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Posted 01 November 2007 - 20:48

hey raglan you don't have to pay me... I didn't know he would be so stubborn though... Anyway, I'd just like to say I've been trying my hardest to lvl up fast, but I'm 15, its winter, so, uh, what else would be important... Lets see... maybe... duuuuuuuuuuuuuh school.... (Some of us want to attend college) Aside from that this is about the only game I play but I also write and draw and other stuff so yeah it doesn't "keep me up at night" that some people might be lvling a little faster then me. If you want to see me lvl faster, send me a bunch of fsp then I promise I'll play 3 hours a day all week!!!

#58 fs_cerjaeger

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Posted 01 November 2007 - 21:46

Ok, which part did it say anything about Alliances again? I'm not reading it right.

#59 fs_spenser

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 09:20


You guys need a time out.

*sprays water on everyone*

#60 fs_raglan

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Posted 07 November 2007 - 05:14

hey raglan you don't have to pay me... I didn't know he would be so stubborn though... Anyway, I'd just like to say I've been trying my hardest to lvl up fast, but I'm 15, its winter, so, uh, what else would be important... Lets see... maybe... duuuuuuuuuuuuuh school.... (Some of us want to attend college) Aside from that this is about the only game I play but I also write and draw and other stuff so yeah it doesn't "keep me up at night" that some people might be lvling a little faster then me. If you want to see me lvl faster, send me a bunch of fsp then I promise I'll play 3 hours a day all week!!!

I have 2 FSP.

Do not beg the poor, even if you're poorer

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