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Midnight at the Temple

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#601 gothador_kyozakira

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Posted 16 March 2006 - 21:59

She looks down not knowing what too say then looks back up at him. "Im posative there is a way to bring your brother back when the seal is broken. If your able too im as sure as daylight bothers my Vampire half there is a way for him too live as well, but your brother would have too want too continue living. Its hard to make anything halpen if evey one invaled is unwilling of dautful. I care about you and seeing your brother and getting to know him more I care about his being too and I would want to help you in anyway posable." She looks down and mutters under her breath. "Even if it means resorting to my old dark magick." She looks back up and smiles holding him close. "I will do anything for you, I will fallow your and do anything with you to the ends of the world for better or for worse."

#602 gothador_kyrla

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Posted 17 March 2006 - 03:11

She pushed off the tree and started walking aimless keeping her eyes perked listening to for Ka-Ashi and Kyo

"We haven't even had any luck in finding a way for me to continue living once the seal is broken so there is a long road ahead to figure anything out for my brother so it's not going to come easy" He smiled a bit nodding "Thanks Kyo" He placed a hand on her cheek "But I'll be happy if my brother can at least pass on because then that means I can see him again as it stands now he will be completly destoryed, Now promise me that you will be careful and that you won't put yourself in too much danger"

#603 gothador_kyozakira

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Posted 17 March 2006 - 21:17

She looks down as his hand is on her cheek felling that inside that he wanted to cry but looks back up and smiles back. "Yes I will do my best to say out of danger but the danger that fallows you; if you go into danger i will fallow and be at your side always." She leans up and kisses him softly closing her eyes holding back tears.

#604 gothador_kyrla

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Posted 17 March 2006 - 22:42

She looked around till she spotted them then waited in the shadows until they were done talking, She leaned against a tree closing her eyes keeping a good distance

He smiled rubbing her cheek softly kissing her back gently running his hand though her hair slowly before slowly breaking the kiss and smiles "Sorry to have given you news like this so suddenly, but you did deserve to know" His smile grew "Now you'll most likely be lechored by my brother my only sujection is to nod and smile, He's talks can get very boring just a warning" He joked with a goofy grin on his face trying to lighten the mood

#605 gothador_kyozakira

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Posted 19 March 2006 - 23:41

She smiles giggling. "It can't be that bad well at lest as not as bad as a 100 million year old curch demon that has two heads and sounds like a old woman." She laughs more. "ok i would be glad to leasen to his talk." She smiles looking up at him.

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