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Game Update v3.1.0

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#61 shindrak



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Posted 01 April 2021 - 21:08

Game unplayable .  Very slow loading images...  it takes forever to load items images

#62 tlthomasjr



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Posted 02 April 2021 - 11:33

Thanks for the update and fixes Cows, however:


I am NOT a fan of rolling back buff levels that have been available for YEARS based on the continuous complaints of a handful of players (the same few names complain about this relentlessly).... The silent majority appear to be happy with them (yes, I could be wrong, but if they were unhappy they probably wouldn't be so silent).... Please rollback these rollbacks as they just pander to handful of players that want the game to be built around what THEY want, not what the majority are happy enough with to not complain... 


PS - before anybody lays into me about pvp - I have spent plenty of time on the ladder and annoying as deflect/fumble 192 wee they were equally available to everyone... Rolling back is akin to starting on the path to a WIN button - how long before there are demands to nerf protective buffs entirely? *rolls eyes*

I saw a couple of players suggest a cap on buff levels, specifically SH being capped was mentioned. To which, HCS replied that things would be play tested a bit first, then (to paraphrase) to be possibly nerfed later. A single player responded, further saying that a cap should be placed on buffs like Fumble and SH. I actually agreed. But how did we get from a discussion about level caps caused by composing updates, to rolling back buffs that have existed at level 192 for years? Frankly, I don't care of you nerf Deflect, and Fumble, and a few others from the game entirely. What I don't like seeing is the pandering to a handful, or even one player's opinion. 

#63 EpicPiety



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Posted 02 April 2021 - 14:58

I saw a couple of players suggest a cap on buff levels, specifically SH being capped was mentioned. To which, HCS replied that things would be play tested a bit first, then (to paraphrase) to be possibly nerfed later. A single player responded, further saying that a cap should be placed on buffs like Fumble and SH. I actually agreed. But how did we get from a discussion about level caps caused by composing updates, to rolling back buffs that have existed at level 192 for years? Frankly, I don't care of you nerf Deflect, and Fumble, and a few others from the game entirely. What I don't like seeing is the pandering to a handful, or even one player's opinion. 

I'd place a little more trust in the new Cow's (There are lots of them now) to have critically thought about it and applied change to be tested. There surely was more to the process.


It's about time we started to work with them, they even took the initiative to invite us to. This is what we wanted for years.

Edited by EpicPiety, 02 April 2021 - 15:14.

#64 moneypants



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Posted 02 April 2021 - 15:50

I'd place a little more trust in the new Cow's (There are lots of them now) to have critically thought about it and applied change to be tested. There surely was more to the process.


It's about time we started to work with them, they even took the initiative to invite us to. This is what we wanted for years.

yea there so many that they gone away from the officer for four days. do we have to put up with the lag thats caused by the players who install a auto refresh go to old map hit the ge mob that gives most kills/frags set auto refresh to 2 or 3 seconds and it will auto refresh/kill the ge and nothing eles u need to do if you have a AM over 500. the only thing it does is cause big lag for you and the server. 

#65 Melissa3



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Posted 02 April 2021 - 17:46

I'd place a little more trust in the new Cow's (There are lots of them now) to have critically thought about it and applied change to be tested. There surely was more to the process.


It's about time we started to work with them, they even took the initiative to invite us to. This is what we wanted for years.

And what trust did  you  place in  the cows to make them overturn their original plans ?  It seems to  me that a very vocal few seem to control the game.

#66 EpicPiety



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Posted 02 April 2021 - 17:58

And what trust did  you  place in  the cows to make them overturn their original plans ?  It seems to  me that a very vocal few seem to control the game.

Can say the same thing about a composing update to increase levels. Was but a few people vocalizing it's necessity. Although rather pointless to go down this road.

#67 Melissa3



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Posted 02 April 2021 - 18:06

Can say the same thing about a composing update to increase levels. Was but a few people vocalizing it's necessity. Although rather pointless to go down this road.

It was the road the cows had chosen.

#68 EpicPiety



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Posted 02 April 2021 - 19:03

It was the road the cows had chosen.

As is with every change. Glad we can at least see eye to eye. Wish you luck in your travels and good profits.

#69 Melissa3



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Posted 02 April 2021 - 23:29

As is with every change. Glad we can at least see eye to eye. Wish you luck in your travels and good profits.

We dont see eye to eye. 


Like the majority  of players here I accept the game as it  was intended to be played by the creators  and  adjust my gameplay accordingly.


The vocal few expect that the game should be changed based on their decisions.


Furthermore those vocal few try  to convince us all that they are speaking on behalf of the whole community, which  of course is NOT the case.


Creators you should not be dictated to by a few vocal players and not flip flop on your  decisions.  Changes you  make to the game should be carefully analysed and researched and when introduced you should follow through with the decisions you make if you want  to maintain the respect of the players and hold our interest in your game.

#70 EpicPiety



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Posted 02 April 2021 - 23:57

Changes you  make to the game should be carefully analyzed and researched.

We could not agree more. Always great to be eye level on these extremely crucial points.

Edited by EpicPiety, 02 April 2021 - 23:59.

#71 Filletminion



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Posted 03 April 2021 - 00:22

We dont see eye to eye. 


Like the majority  of players here I accept the game as it  was intended to be played by the creators  and  adjust my gameplay accordingly.


The vocal few expect that the game should be changed based on their decisions.


Furthermore those vocal few try  to convince us all that they are speaking on behalf of the whole community, which  of course is NOT the case.


Creators you should not be dictated to by a few vocal players and not flip flop on your  decisions.  Changes you  make to the game should be carefully analysed and researched and when introduced you should follow through with the decisions you make if you want  to maintain the respect of the players and hold our interest in your game.

The Game admins coders Never change a single thing unless evidence is provided as to why.

I too play the game as intended I don't need smashing hammer to get over 1 million damage without counter attack.

I would expect the "Creators" have never been dictated to by any player group, and to insinuate that is just False and demeaning.

If Composing needed fixing so badly why have there consistently been players saying it is not needed for years.(From a diverse range of playing styles)



Arena has not seen an update since 2011, ladder same PvP continues to be nerfed, levelling is the same boring one dimensional play.

Edited by Filletminion, 03 April 2021 - 00:25.

#72 michael65



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Posted 03 April 2021 - 01:45

And what trust did  you  place in  the cows to make them overturn their original plans ?  It seems to  me that a very vocal few seem to control the game.

a. temple requiring fsp to pray for 20 fsp, changed.

b. mountain path reconfigured to save stam and be less confusing is a change.

c. beginner tutorial.

just some of the changes requested by players that were implemented. changes the "don't change" or "trust the cows original plan, no matter what" crowd should be aware.

if you like poster's position, then hit like.
say clearly what you are infavor/against.
if able, give examples, experiences, and scenarios to explain your concerns, needs, and wants.
why? bc that is what the other side is doing.

#73 sweetlou



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Posted 03 April 2021 - 01:52

Game unplayable .  Very slow loading images...  it takes forever to load items images

Brings back awful memories. We're screwed. We don't get anything new to play for years. Once new parts of the game are actually added, the game becomes unplayable. I didn't expect anything less. Someone please get on these playing issues, or you can repeat old habits and sweep the problems under the rug because it hurts some feelings.

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#74 Alisa



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Posted 03 April 2021 - 02:14

Brings back awful memories. We're screwed. We don't get anything new to play for years. Once new parts of the game are actually added, the game becomes unplayable. I didn't expect anything less. Someone please get on these playing issues, or you can repeat old habits and sweep the problems under the rug because it hurts some feelings.

just what i was saying in discord. after years of waiting for content(not counting new levels) and we finally get something and everything breaks. the current GE should be paused till all the lag is fixed.


#75 WandKing



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Posted 03 April 2021 - 04:11

I believe it is  player interference with new content that now makes the game unplayable at this posting.


We should have just rolled with the new stuff until everything was ironed out and then evaluated possible tweaks to new updates.


Instead, un-changes were being made to new changes while other areas needed to be dealt with first.


Now I cannot hunt season titan, do GE or even chat with guild *sigh*


And where the hell are the STF LEs? LOL 


That's my opinion and sticking to it!

Yours Truly


#76 tlthomasjr



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Posted 03 April 2021 - 05:48

I'd place a little more trust in the new Cow's (There are lots of them now) to have critically thought about it and applied change to be tested. There surely was more to the process.


It's about time we started to work with them, they even took the initiative to invite us to. This is what we wanted for years.

First, why quote my post connected to your reply? You neither supported, nor countered my point. Secondly, I, and many others did and do trust HCS (Cows) to both update and alter the game according to their design. Trust runs thin however when a few players voice concerns over the new updates, then HCS staff states that the new changes will be played for a while, then altered, adjusted, or nerfed as needed. Then, a single player's voice seems to rise above all other players, and even HCS staff's stated policy/objective, and we end up with that vision instead. Making a decision, watching that  decision, and making adjustments as needed according to collected data and feedback (i.e. employing the OODA loop, for those who are educated in such processes), is a wise, sound, and proven methodology. Pandering the whims of the few, or the one, is counter intuitive to what made this game great so long ago. This will be my last posted opinion on the matter. MY feedback, and yours, and everyone else's was invited and I hope it will be given and considered. I respect yours and everyone else's opinions on this and all matters which are game related. I support the original HCS policy of "let's test the changes, and see where to go from there." 

#77 Mzzery



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Posted 03 April 2021 - 12:57

I love that there's new composing levels. I had been level 60 since feb/march 2015, and now I am flying upwards again. It's the first time ever I got to test the double composing xp... that was introduced a while after I hit 60.


The new code not getting along with the old code is a common thing in many games when upgraded partially. I hope it will get solved asap, and that the events will be extended. Especially the global that  ends on the 6th, since a lot of players haven't been able to get any kills without lagging out.


As for the rest of this thread... I'll stay out off those discussions. I hope the cows will be fair and open minded, and also avoid overpowering the game, to the benefit of some and detriment of others. I've noted a few changes that I haven't seen anyone else even mention yet. Will be fun to see how the community will react when they notice those.  :lol:  :ph34r:  :P


#78 Grech


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Posted 03 April 2021 - 18:36

all of these changes are bad. it wasnt broken. now it is.

#79 Removed4427



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Posted 03 April 2021 - 19:00

However unfortunate the circumstances, how cool izzit to see some new faces in forum; not just the usual suspects

#80 Belaric



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Posted 04 April 2021 - 00:05

I haven't been able to play in Chrome or Firefox for a while - parts of the screen display, other areas black. I can play on the Microsoft Edge browser, (no extensions) but the lag has been awful, only stubbornness got me my kills in the GE, and that took hours of my life I could have spent re-watching Justice League.


Today I had a walking DQ. I had to key each step and wait for the mob list to load, or I got the walking too fast message and got no credit for the steps taken, though of course the stam burned in the unaccepted steps was still gone, a problem I've lived with for years, but remains irritating. So point and click walking is impossible. I had to walk 1000 steps. It took an hour I could have spent watching Doom Patrol.


It's bad when FS is less playable than SS2. Played that again recently, and it was fun! The mission storylines are so much better. Crazy times.

Edited by Belaric, 04 April 2021 - 00:18.

Good-bye and hello, as always.

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