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Grand Graphics Tournament Round 1 Voting

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#61 SeductiveBeast



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 01:11

Group 1,
A - 9/10 Reminds me of a tarot card. I like the theme. Definitely gets my vote out of that group.
B - 7/10 I dislike the blue. Can fit the theme of a tarot card though.
C - 5/10 I dislike the image itself, and I do not see much relation to the card other than a demon to resemble the devil.


Group 2,
A - 4/10 Good picture, but it's too simple. At first glance I didn't notice any text until I searched for it. Also doesn't resemble a card.
B - 7/10 Resembles the card, and has some time and good work put into it. Not much, but it's enough to win a 7 ;)
C - 8/10 Has it's own style of death implemented into it (not the average image of "death").
Had to deduct two points although because it didn't resemble a "card". Does however resemble the meaning.

P.S, Picture C - Best thing I've seen since my favorite artist on fallensword left. I would definitely have to ask who the artist is, and even if he/she willing to sell that picture in particular as an avatars/signature. Great work indeed. I would have given a 10/10 but it doesn't fit the competitions theme exactly.


Group 3,
A - 7/10 Good work. To common on fallensword this style. Also doesn't fit the theme of a "card".
B - 8/10 Resembles a card and the tarot. It's also very nice work. Very slick and professional looking.
C - 6/10 Doesn't resemble a card, but it is decent work. Not digging it to much. Also lost me on the text.


Group 4
A - 9/10 All the way. Just topped off the others. Great style, good text.
B - 4/10 Seems really cheaply put together. Sorry for the harsh and crucial vote..
C - 6/10 Would have been better if it fit the "card" style more. Not digging the blue. Text is eh..


Group 5
A - 8/10 Fits the card, well put together. Nice border and text. Only 2 points off because I don't dig the color.
B - 8/10 Caught my eye, and good work. Not to sure about the idea of a "card" implemented into it.
C - 3/10 Sigh... Doesn't resemble a card. Also looks like it was just image after image put together. Also just slapped text on there, as it seems.


Group 6
A - 9/10 Fits the theme of a card. I like it a lot.
B - 7/10 I like it, but it doesn't work with the theme of a card.
C - 8/10 It's so simple, but it works. Would have been a 7 but extra point for actually having dead people on it.


Group 7
A - 9/10 Fits the theme of a card. Great work. Good text. (reminds me of eldevin haha)
B - 7/10 Good work. The style is to common on fallensword. Not a card...
C - 6/10 It lost me. Good work... But doesn't match a card - and.. Well it really just lost me.


I did my best to keep it professional, and of course opinionated. I know what it takes as I've tried doing graphics a LONG time ago. Real good work on here, and some stuff I could easily do better without even trying. Lots of stuff though...
Glad to see the graphics community is still living.

P.S, Group 2 and Picture C - WHO is this artist?! I would really like to know about this picture.

#62 TreeFrog



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 02:05

Man the scores I'm getting are so inconsistent lol. I dont know what to think about my piece.

#63 Godblade75



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 02:40

Same, in the beginning I was wrecking but people are hatin on me now. :lol:


#64 MyCurse



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 03:34

Tell me about it. :roll:

#65 zeder



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 04:29

LOL join the club

ZederGift_zpsa47e7c25.png by Chagryn

#66 mini100



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 04:45

I actually have been doing way better then i expected.... but round 2 is scaring the crap out of me

Sorry but Photobucket decided to take down my Signature.

#67 stormfury3



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 04:56

I actually have been doing way better then i expected.... but round 2 is scaring the crap out of me

ya, round 2 is causing me to rip my hair out in frustration...

#68 Noeni



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 06:20

If I was able to vote this is how I would vote.But..
First of all I want to say that I admire and respect all the effort and the hard work you all put into your work and everyone have done amazingly for some it’s their first experience and the ones that came up short should take the CnC they got as a fuel for the 2nd round and surprise everyone.

A.8/10 .like that the eyes are drawn to the focal, colors goes well could use a different font more depth
B.8/10. the font Is great the white border and the ring around the lovers very distracting.
C.4/10. I don’t like, too much going on in there and more like a demon

A.7/.10. Nice but a bit dull lighting is off both at top and bottom
B.5/.10. not liking the border not close to the tarot theme,the moon should be the focal
C.5/10..I don't know.. the colors and the hole in the stomach, comparing with the tarot card

A.5/10 looks more like marvel comic flash too much red focal is off
B.7/10.Although it's nicely done I would have liked to see this artist come out of his comfort zone. Create something ominous that causes the tower to erode..It would still have the tarot theme to it and add some creativeness
C.8/10. too bright a light at the head of the scepter and too dark by her feet, leg is kinda deformed.

A,4/10.more like an angry couple than lovers not feeling love.It doesn't pop
B.3/10. Too much lightening focal not well blended .I think you should read up on some tutorials
C.8/10 the colors not working not liking the white glaze kind of makes it hard to appreciate the piece.

A.8/10.Not liking the upper body part being ripped off. If his soul sucks out of his body be a perfect picture of death
B.6/10,Although it's nicely done, it’s more like a casino thing going on too much white at the bottom not close to the tarot theme
C.4/10. It’s more like marvel comic it has nothing to tarot in it I think you could do with some tutorial

A.6/10,Not liking the busy border, distracting and not liking the bleeding eyes. the colors matches well though
B.9/10.very nice except for the green in it and too dark at the bottom
C.8/10,I like it except for the dead bodies and the green cloud doesn’t match

A.8/10. I like the colors but the card by the side of the face hides his face and the sinister eye.it doesn't feel like a tarot magician ,
B.8/10.the arm with the sword is swallowed up into something not clear enough not liking the ghostly veil/glaze over the piece to me it doesn't make it pop.
C.5/.10. The color balance is off too much burn text placement don’t like.

Foot note I don't really like when an artist work is insulted, by calling their work pathetic or anything that's insulting,I know they all work hard on their piece.No offence meant by this just my sincere opinion. peace Y :)



#69 Godblade75



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 06:35

LMAO at "looks more like an angry couple than lovers" :lol:
Good work though.


#70 fs_j4ckoliver

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 09:00

here are my votes, if we are aloud to vote!

Group 1

A. 6/10 good use of the tarot card theme but text is average
B. 7/10 love the actual lovers theme, but the white exterior ruins it for me
C. 5/10 i see the devil theme, but its had to actually see the image for my eyes, sorry

Group 2
A. 4/10 too bright in the top right, had to move my screen back to see the #0, and not really a tarrat card
B. 8/10 I very good! But its very blue, just not my taste
C. 7/10 good contempory design for death, and love the green, but i don’t like the text in each corner and not enough of a tarot card
Group 3
A. 3/10 as someone has stated before, the longer you look at it, the more the render sticks out, good text though
B. 10/10 great work, simple but good!
C. 5/10 too bright in the top right, not enough of a tarot card, why not a border like a tarot card, contrast is overdone, could of done beter

Group 4
A. 5/10 i don’t like the opacity of the render, seems in the top left that you can dee the planet/moon? Through his head and they seem transparent
B. 1/10 mehhhh
C. 3/10 blue can just go away! Like the text which is the slightly redeeming feature!

Group 5
A. 5/10 looks like a tarot card but is too purple! And in my opion it looks like one leg, sorry
B. 6/10 nice work, could do with less white at the bottem and more of a tarot card theme
C. 1/10 meh

Group 6
A. 7/10 really nice work, except she scares me 
B. 4/10 too messy for me
C. 6/10 it looks good, but i find that i have to look a few times to see the body’s on the ground and i don’t like the flag at alll

Group 7
A. 9/10 really like it, (i have the same brushes!) well done
B. 5/10 don’t like the lighting, and seems too smudged in my opinion
C. 4/10 not our world for sure

#71 Noeni



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Posted 13 July 2012 - 14:07

LMAO at "looks more like an angry couple than lovers" :lol:
Good work though.

It does feel like he's a cheat trying to get out of being caught. lol it's suppose to be lovers right? hehe


#72 AttorraRu



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Posted 14 July 2012 - 16:49


Sig16avi703-Ru2_zps6167231b.png by Zeder


"Surrender is NOT an option" - Tamra Dragonstar - Lord Command of the Dnulian Army. (Queen)

#73 mimdala



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Posted 14 July 2012 - 18:42

Ok, so I don't really do graphics, so my opinions here are just from a consumer/spectator point of view! I'm also not qualified to give helpful CNC, so the reasons for my ratings are based on my gut reactions to each piece.

Group 1
A – 6/10 – cool, but doesn’t seem to fit a “magician” theme
B – 8/10 – lovely, underwater colors
C – 9/10 – scary! Best border of the three, and most exciting

Group 2
A – 7/10 – a little washed out, but a good representation of the theme
B – 8/10 – great composition and colors, only wish there was more of a focus point
C – 9/10 – everything is great except the text, not a fan of it for some reason

Group 3
A – 10/10 – nothing negative to say
B – 9/10 – looks like an actual card, border is perfect – lightning strike is a really nice touch
C – 8/10 –lovely, but could use a better border and text

Group 4
A – 8/10 – a little too blurred and washed out for my taste, but I really like the composition and render/stock
B – 5/10 – rather flat and bland unfortunately, but the lightening effects are really great
C – 6/10 – not enough color, and it is very washed out – could use a better border. Text is really nice though

Group 5
A – 9/10 – great border, text, colors
B – 8/10 – very creative take on the magician, not a fan of the border for some reason
C – 5/10 – very flat unfortunately, but I like the use of the Hulk :P

Group 6
A – 10/10 – love it. Border, text, everything
B – 9/10 – really great take on the devil. Wish it had more of card-like border
C - 8/10 – don’t like the text floating below the image, and the colors are a bit washed out, but really nice other than that

Group 7
A – 10/10 – love it, can’t find anything negative about it
B – 8/10 – she’s lovely, but I wish there was more of a border and the colors were more pronounced
C – 7/10 – don’t like the floating text, and it doesn’t have a much of a tarot card feel to it, but I love the sci-fi feel about it


#74 Gorland



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Posted 14 July 2012 - 21:49

First of all I would like to congratulate all the artists for the nice work they done. Now my votations:

Group 1
A. 5/10 I like the classic view but the letters are poor worked
B. 4/10 I don't really like it more attending the aspect of the border
C. 6/10 It's the best of this group but probably to shine for my eyes

Group 2
A. 5/10 It's difficult to see the words in the top right due to the extreme lightning
B. 6/10 Too Monochrome for my taste and the border is quite vulgar
C. 8/10 I really like that one but probably the artist should put more emphasis in try to convince with the letters and the borders

Group 3
A. 8/10 Good work with the light and the colour. The borde and the letters are great in my opinion
B. 6/10 Nice work but probably the picture used could be better
C. 7/10 Really like work on the contrast of the image but fail in the work done in the border, not a tarot card

Group 4
A. 7/10 very bold, probably the tarot cards of the future
B. 1/10 without comments, it's from another age
C. 5/10 Best letters use at the moment, but fails in the main, the picture, too bright in my opinion and not efforts has been done in try to convince about tarot card

Group 5
A. 5/10 good work in the external part but too monochrome for me
B. 8/10 nice work, probably the worst is the border that contrast with the cality of the picture
C. 2/10 The idea could be good but not the way use it to plasm the idea

Group 6
A. 9/10 really nice work, very well done
B. 7/10 I like the picture but I cannot find any border nor any effort to get the card effect
C. 7/10 Good but it could be better with some contrast in the image, it looks too tenuous

Group 7
A. 9/10 really like it, the best in my opinion
B. 5/10 too bright and not tarot card aspect
C. 6/10 Good approach of our actual crisis world

Good luck to the artists :)


#75 Roan



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Posted 14 July 2012 - 22:06

Group 1
A- 5/10 : Overall well done but nothing wow's me in that piece.
B- 7/10 : Really like the pentooling but misses overall contrast between colors.
C- 6/10 : Looks okay but is too crispy for my liking.

Group 2
A- 7/10 : Looks nice with the vectors but white spot in top right turns me off.
B- 7/10 : Like the feeling about it but not sure about how everything is put together.
C- 8/10 : Nice flow and colors but a bit too crispy again.

Group 3
A- 9/10 : Really love the background and text, render blends really well!
B- 7/10 : Like the concept but not dynamic enough for me.
C- 7/10 : Render doesn't come out enough, it fades in background too much.

Group 4
A- 5/10 : Don't really like how things come together in this piece.
B- 1/10 : No work done here.
C- 7/10 : Awesome text but not sure about how the render looks like.

Group 5
A- 6/10 : Really like the borders of the card but text and image ain't great.
B- 9/10 : Great looking, really love how it comes out.
C- 1/10 : No work in here.

Group 6
A- 9.5/10 : Great card borders and the feeling really makes me think about justice.
B- 9/10 : Great look, the guy looks bad ass!
C- 8.5/10 : Well executed concept but misses something, dunno what.

Group 7
A- 8/10 : Pretty well done, misses a wow factor.
B- 6/10 : Text could have been better, an effect around arm doesn't make me like the card.
C - 8/10 : Love the colors but it's a bit hard to get the concept.

I wanna congratulate everyone for those first works, good job! :)


#76 Kayesha



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Posted 14 July 2012 - 22:17

Voting ends Tomorrow.

#77 Scathian



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Posted 14 July 2012 - 23:24

Disclaimer, I have no experience with CnC, and I may or may not have an idea of what I am talking about, I also did not read the wiki page about the cards

Group 1
a 7/10 nice colors
b 4/10 main picture is neat, but that white border just wrecks the rest of the card for me
c 2/10 border doesn't match the picture IMO, and the picture is over lighted or over shadowed in places

Group 2
a 6/10 neat idea, much too bright in top right corner IMO
b 6/10 moon should be a bigger theme in the card IMO
c 5/10 a bit over lit behind his head, and over his eyes too

Group 3
a 5/10 I like the background, not a very evil devil though
b 7/10 i really like the border on this card. A tower in the midst of being destroyed though?
c 6/10 nice integration of render and background, your font is weird though with the 2 different E's

Group 4
a 4/10 nice placement of text, but just not working for me
b 1/10 lightning and high priestess don't work well together like has been done with this card
c 5/10 some color besides green symbols would be nice

Group 5
a 5/10 meh
b 8/10 love it, a bit bright at the bottom though
c 4/10 neat concept with Hulk, text and background don't fit though (unless I am missing something?)

Group 6
a 8/10 very nice :)
b 7/10 nicely done :) he's a bit off putting with that red hair...almost as if the hair was taken from another render altogether, which is pretty cool if it was but just not done perfectly. and I could be totally wrong as well lol
c 4/10 as sad as death is supposed to be, this is just too muted and blurry for me

Group 7
a 9/10 awesomesauce :)
b 6/10 looks okay, but it is not clear or something. whatever it is that stops me from seeing the subject clearly is rather annoying
c 4/10 eh, earth should be a bit more (okay, a lot more) blue and green IMO the idea of putting earth against the vastness of of the universe needs a bit more work as well. neat idea overall though

#78 zeder



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Posted 14 July 2012 - 23:27

Group 1
A) 5/10 Nice work but doesn't really fit as a tarot card
B) 6/10 good over all
C) 6/10 Character fits the card but,the colors seam a little off
Group 2
A) 4/10 Subject fits card but, font hard to read with light source
B) 6/10 Looks like a tarot card, blending done well.
C) 5/10 Just not feeling it
Group 3
A) 5/10 Good blending, but numbers in background hard to read
B) 10/10 Good subject matter, very good design,I'll buy this deck
C) 6/10 Subject washed out by light source.
Group 4
A) 5/10Blended too well, subjects heads blending into background
B) 3/10 not felling it & lightning brush/clone tool over used
C) 5/10 Right idea but, no depth, looks/feels flat.
Group 5
A) 3/10 Too dark & subject blended in the background
B) 9/10 Seams to have lost a little @ the bottom but, it fits the theme.
C)1/10 Render on stock, no blending. Went for humor, failed
Group 6
A) 10/10 this looks like a deck I would buy.
B) 6/10 Nice over all but, subject might have worked better as magician
C) 3/10 Card is flat, no depth at all
Group 7
A)10/10 This card has depth, I'd buy this deck
B) 6/10 Blended nicely, font hard to read tho
C) 5/10 Has depth, but not feeling the subject.

ZederGift_zpsa47e7c25.png by Chagryn

#79 colostomy


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Posted 15 July 2012 - 03:19

Group 1 - A
I disliked the Colors on entry C
Entry B looked washed out with too much blue.

Group 2 - A
I am voting for entry A because it captured the theme of the card.
The moon is only a minor element in entry B.
I don't like the coloration in entry C, it is almost monotone.

Group 3 - B
I am voting for entry B because the card appealed to me.
I have no real issues with the other two cards.

Group 4 - A
Entry A has the most color variation.
I did not like the text at the bottom of entry B
Entry C might look nice with a border.

Group 5 - B
Not enough colors in Entry A
Entry C the elements feel mashed together and only one has to do with strength

Group 6 - A
I think entry B needs some sort of border
Entry C is too washed out, not crisp enough.

Group 7 - A
Entry B reminds me of Loki, not an empress, this and it does not "pop for me"
Entry C - that looks like a lifeless planet and not a world.

#80 Noeni



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Posted 15 July 2012 - 04:57

Group 1 - A
I disliked the Colors on entry C
Entry B looked washed out with too much blue.

Group 2 - A
I am voting for entry A because it captured the theme of the card.
The moon is only a minor element in entry B.
I don't like the coloration in entry C, it is almost monotone.

Group 3 - B
I am voting for entry B because the card appealed to me.
I have no real issues with the other two cards.

Group 4 - A
Entry A has the most color variation.
I did not like the text at the bottom of entry B
Entry C might look nice with a border.

Group 5 - B
Not enough colors in Entry A
Entry C the elements feel mashed together and only one has to do with strength

Group 6 - A
I think entry B needs some sort of border
Entry C is too washed out, not crisp enough.

Group 7 - A
Entry B reminds me of Loki, not an empress, this and it does not "pop for me"
Entry C - that looks like a lifeless planet and not a world.

Were you trying to be funny or did you fall on your head?


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