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The Sky is falling... and other odd happenings

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#61 gothador_edynol

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Posted 23 February 2006 - 22:15

After traveling through Darkwater, I find a clearing in the distance. Me and my companion had ventured into the Braskin plains. Upon several hour of walking, we come upon 2 travelers. They m3t4lch1k and Gotweed. The monkey seemed happy to see them.

#62 gothador_gotweed

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Posted 23 February 2006 - 22:36

The monkeys took us to a spot in the Barskin Plains, where the sky did not seem to be falling, the oldest looked at us and said this is the location, remember this spot, now follow me, as it is time for u to know ur ture path

we followed the monkeys a short distance accross the barskin plains to the bonding temple, the oldest monkey informed us that in order to insure success that we must bond

System 22:22 23/02/06
You have created an eternal bond with 'm3t4lch1k'.

congrats, u have been blessed with the Symbol of the Incommendatus, Those without protection, without a lord, you follow only ur own footsteps

System 22:23 23/02/06
You have created the 'Incommendatus'.

the oldest of the monkeys walks directly infrount of me, looking me directly in the eye, and i see something i know there, the old monkey looks at the rest, and says "it's time brothers, time to go home. we have helped the young one here, he knows his desteny"

the monkeys then begin to walk back to the spot that the poo still lays and begins dissapper, before walking off the eldest of the monkeys tell me to "stay at that spot, others that have been marked will gather" he turns and walks back to the spot himself and dissapers in a wall of light

metalchick and myself walk to the spot to awate those that would gather with us and call this spot home

#63 Karmh72



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Posted 26 February 2006 - 00:35

As the midnight hour slanted over the Kingdom of Ulth'ran the shadows found Karmh curled up around her Demon in their chamber. Shades and shadows danced and nimbly crossed the chamber. A dark finger traced the word hidden between her wings,, a powerful word she learned as a monk and had bound to her in ink and blood between her shoulder blades as a testament to her choices and her past.
As the last letter was traced Karmh awoke in sudden agony as her sleep was shattered by liquid fire racing down her spine and through her veins. In a far off realm a dark cloud brewed and above the CS lightning and thunder broke loose from a ragged sky.
She arched from her curled position into a crouch and looked in panic to her mate,, in the unnatural light she saw a Necromancer in his stead.
The pain abated and she heard a voice from the shadows. It spoke to her of a move, of another pair like she and Narf, of her responsibility to the power in the word she claimed and wore on her body.

She suddenly understood,,, The knowledge and directions he passed in those quiet seconds between flashes of light carried such depth and weight they seem to last for hours.
With the next flash of light the shadows dissipated and her eyes searched out her mate. He lay illuminated, her demon once more.

She drew her knees up and curled her arms around her legs, resting her chin on her knees,, she could feel the spot on her back still warm with power.
The power.... The word,
Spoken in a dead language it had served as a warning to slaves and women who left their people and their owners… its meaning? Without a lord. Without a protector.
You where free but stood alone....

She thought about her strange hording the last few months,, keeping every platinum and gold piece that she ran across.
She loved WoA,, and it would always hold a corner of her heart. But whomever stood at 15,50 would become her new family,, and there she would be responsible for setting up their new home..
She laid her head to the side and lovingly watched her bondmate knowing that now that the magic has dissipated he would be allowed to awaken soon.
She needed his comfort now more than ever.

#64 gothador_narf

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Posted 26 February 2006 - 01:56

As the midnight hour slanted over the Kingdom of Ulth'ran the shadows found Karmh curled up around her Demon in their chamber. Shades and shadows danced and nimbly crossed the chamber. A dark finger traced the word hidden between her wings,, a powerful word she learned as a monk and had bound to her in ink and blood between her shoulder blades as a testament to her choices and her past.
As the last letter was traced Karmh awoke in sudden agony as her sleep was shattered by liquid fire racing down her spine and through her veins. In a far off realm a dark cloud brewed and above the CS lightning and thunder broke loose from a ragged sky.
She arched from her curled position into a crouch and looked in panic to her mate,, in the unnatural light she saw a Necromancer in his stead.
The pain abated and she heard a voice from the shadows. It spoke to her of a move, of another pair like she and Narf, of her responsibility to the power in the word she claimed and wore on her body.

She suddenly understood,,, The knowledge and directions he passed in those quiet seconds between flashes of light carried such depth and weight they seem to last for hours.
With the next flash of light the shadows dissipated and her eyes searched out her mate. He lay illuminated, her demon once more.

She drew her knees up and curled her arms around her legs, resting her chin on her knees,, she could feel the spot on her back still warm with power.
The power.... The word,
Spoken in a dead language it had served as a warning to slaves and women who left their people and their owners… its meaning? Without a lord. Without a protector.
You where free but stood alone....

She thought about her strange hording the last few months,, keeping every platinum and gold piece that she ran across.
She loved WoA,, and it would always hold a corner of her heart. But whomever stood at 15,50 would become her new family,, and there she would be responsible for setting up their new home..
She laid her head to the side and lovingly watched her bondmate knowing that now that the magic has dissipated he would be allowed to awaken soon.
She needed his comfort now more than ever.

Narf awoke with his tounge hanging out the side of his mouth, drool on his pillow, dreaming of fish dancing on his plate again. "Too much beer" he mumbled, but then remembered there is no such thing. Then Narf scratched his furry butt and looked at his beloved, who was looking at him with those sad puppy dog eyes that he just can't resist. Rolling over, Narf wrapped around his beloved in a big furry ball, licking the side of her face tenderly. Tucking her head under his chin, Narf wrapped his head around Karmh like a furry cloak, as only bears can do, and Karmh wrapped her arms around his big paw like a teddy bear. Snuggled, safe, and warm she fell back asleep. All the troubles rolling away, knowing everything would be all right again.

"We will leave soon my Angel" Narf thought to himself. "And we will be happy too."

#65 gothador_edynol

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Posted 26 February 2006 - 02:21

Amist his journey's end, Edynol awaited the arrival of the others his two new friends told him about. Not expecting much more than their grattitude and thanks, he was happy that he had made some new friends and that were actually some good people left in this world. He then walks up to Gotweed.

"I thank you for letting me accompany you on your journey stranger. It had been long a years since I have traveled from my homeland in the Dark Forest and it feels good to know that there are still some good people out here in this world."

This was the first actual conversation he had since meeting the couple. Edynol had been silent for much of the journey, studying his two companions.

"My name is Edynol. If there is anything you and yours may need, I will happy to assist you in any way I can."

The demon then extends his hand in lou of a lasting friendship.

#66 gothador_gotweed

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Posted 26 February 2006 - 02:22

For many days we have wated with Edynol, he is a very interesting traveler, and has a wonderful companion imp that gathers Ballanced Atk Gems. He has kept metalchick and myself intertained for 3 days now. At one point the Imp tried to pick up the poo that still lay on the ground, and could not he looked back at his master head kind cocked to the side, Edynol looked back and said to him "Sorry little buddy, but not all of us have Monkey in us".

Travelers approach from the east, it is our good friends Narf and Karmh, we great them mearly.

with in mins of the Arivel of Narf and Karmh , we see a bright light start to forum in the sky. Monkeys start to exit from the light bringing with them something big.

As the monkeys decend upon us we see that they bare with them a mighty fortress. the oldest steps forward and to all five of us says "I have called unto you chosen ones, u have been bestoed with a great honer, and have been marked with the symbol of the monkey, (OOC coment: our cults symbol is the chinese symbol for monkey) and blessed by "Incommendatus". You now hold a major responsability, your ways should be honerable, trustworty, brave and strong, chose wisely those u wish to share ur blessings with and forget us not, for we will always be here if u need us"

one of the monkeys walks forward and says "We have brought u a Gift, we have found u a home, it should have everything u need, it is our gift to u" he then picks up the poo and throws it accross the Braskin Plains, hitting The Darks fortress and the poo shatters/

the monkeys begin to fade.....

and thus the cult of Incommendatus at 15,51 Braskin Plains has begun.

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