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PvP Season Update Completed

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#61 Bildor



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 16:12

Please someone explain to me the necessity for opt out. What are you losing for being opted in? XP no, durability no? I believe the only thing you can take away from pvp now is stamina usage. Opt out just lessens the playing field. I want to hear someones argument that's adamant about having opt in and opt out. Also add back xp loss/durability loss then... Believe its a fair trade.

I'm not sure of the durability loss changes, but I am only opposed to durability loss when PVP Protection is active. As for the op-out, sorry Epic, I like that feature. Want to be as far away as possible from PVP, unless I WANT to PVP.

#62 rowbeth



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 16:18

Please someone explain to me the necessity for opt out. What are you losing for being opted in? XP no, durability no? I believe the only thing you can take away from pvp now is stamina usage. Opt out just lessens the playing field. I want to hear someones argument that's adamant about having opt in and opt out. Also add back xp loss/durability loss then... Believe its a fair trade.


30-50 hits a day means one cannot hold any gold in hand, which means no gold auctions, little profit from hunting to get gold in the first place ...


You just had to look at the AH this morning to find that fury 350 potions were only selling for FSP (so 2-3 times increase in price), there were about 4  DC250 potions for gold (about 5x the price they were last weekend)


Basically, the large number of hits was completely negating the gold economy, and that messes up many aspects of the game.


And then think of what effect that will have on new players - the ones who need to save up gold from multiple hunts to be able to get the occasional FSP to upgrade... or who look to farm ingredients to sell for gold in the AH so they can upgrade ...

#63 DorkLord


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 16:18

You also realize it was the first day right? 

I'm not sure what difference it makes. PvP is just that - player vs. player. To me that means that both parties are aware of the conflict. This is player vs. sitting duck. If I'm hunting, I'm involved in gameplay and I know that gold thieves may be looking out for me. When I'm offline and in stam gear, I know that I'm taking a chance on a hit, so I hold no gold and I have PvP protection to make me a less juicy target (while there was still Prestige). Now - this is just drive-by shootings. It's random, or, depending on your level range, not at all random and the same players hit you over and over because you're their only target. The fact that there are not enough players in the game to support a rich, active PvP doesn't really justify pulling in inactives, naked players, and random innocents. Sure, hunt me down and smack me for gold if that's what you're into and it's allowed in the rules. I accept that. But this whole thing of just punching around everyone? It puts a bad taste in my mouth. I started smacking inactives who were missing gear and thought "Why am I doing this?"  "Because I can." was not a good enough answer.

#64 hittokiri



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 16:21

"You do not have permission to view this forum."


removing permission to read a forum, I think that is too much, can I please get some help?

#65 rowbeth



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 16:23

I was having so much fun now its gonna be the same 10 people beating each other over and over again remove the opt out dont destroy the new thing you just put in.


If to get more than 10 people playing you have to force it on everyone, then doesn't that tell you something?

#66 Hoofmaster


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 16:31

"You do not have permission to view this forum."


removing permission to read a forum, I think that is too much, can I please get some help?


We've not removed your permission to read the forum - it's likely one of the old topics you're trying to view that has since been removed to avoid any confusion.

#67 fusionj



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 16:43

Any discussion on winning defended attacks granting more wins/losses that an initiated one?


Currently, no thought has to be put into swinging. Put on buffs, swing away. If you lose occasionally, there's always a half dozen non-buffed/suited players to fill in the wins.


But if initiated combats that ended in a loss awarded double the reward(and carried twice the penalty), you'd have to put a little more thought into whether or not it was worth skipping a player(which I'm assuming eventually becomes very costly?...I don't know, I was only skipping guildmates when XP was being taken).


The same would go to the defending player, who should be doubly rewarded for wearing an offline suit, instead of just swinging 200 times, then throwing on stam gear and weathering the storm until they could go on another spree.

Edited by fusionj, 24 July 2015 - 16:44.

#68 raist007



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 16:45

I posted this in the 'removed' topic from yesterday...an attempt to compromise with the new pvp system woud be this:


Limit the number of rated attacks one can make.  This could be set to either a daily amount (say 50 or 100max).  OR, it coulld be a limited number of attacks for the season (ie, for a 2 week season, this would be 700 or 1400 attacks).  


Second, limit the number of times you can attack the same player in any given day - could be 3, 5, or 10, but no higher than 10.


Let the rank reflect the win % of the player (ie, 100% win for Titan League, 95-99% for crystal, etc. or something along these lines). Any ties at the end of the season could be broken with a sudden death round - first player to lose an initiated attack drops out of contention until there is one left (gladiator style).


The opt in/out is a great addition imho.  IF rated attacks are only against players that opt-in, then there should be xp/gold loss and not be bountiable.  Unrated attacks should only result in gold loss and be bountiable.


Curious that if one opts out, will they still be able to participate in bounties, or would this automatically opt them in?


Think that's it for now - thanks for listening cows!

#69 rowbeth



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 16:46

Please someone explain to me the necessity for opt out. What are you losing for being opted in? XP no, durability no? I believe the only thing you can take away from pvp now is stamina usage. Opt out just lessens the playing field. I want to hear someones argument that's adamant about having opt in and opt out. Also add back xp loss/durability loss then... Believe its a fair trade.


And on a more personal note...


I have always hated PVP, and hated the way it meant other people's desires were expected to be able to nullify the non-invasive way I liked to play the game.


I have been able to live with this where I felt I have some control over my risk - which largely amounted to controlling gold-in-hand carefully.


Being thumped (and being told I've been thumped) because my name happened to come up in a lottery leaves me with absolutely no control over being targeted in PVP - and even with minimal consequences, it still leaves me feeling an unpleasant combination of angry and depressed. (That may not sound very logical, but feelings often aren't.) Ultimately, I don't play games to get either angry or depressed. So if I am to remain in the game, I either need (some) control over the PVP risk I run, or I need an opt-out.


I might add (and I have said it in forums in the past), I really hated prestige for the same reason: it forced PVP on me with no ability for me to modify my risk of being targeted. I am glad to see it has gone in this update.

#70 bigchaos



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 17:02

I like to make a positive suggestion on the league to help players in it to figure out what or how you are being attacked.  I have noticed that it is hard to read the logs.  I was thinking what if the logs are color coded to help you out if your attack by player was for rating in pvp league or bb attack only. I know I have tons of notices but not easy to figure out what type of attack you are getting.  I like the notices when I am on bb and my team mates and raises in bounty is cool.  



I thought instead of focusing on what is the negative that is being sorted out as we go, how about the things you do like. I do like the idea to opt in and opt out.  If I opt out might because I need to gain some levels or do merchant business who knows. If I am in I am in with the knowledge and assumption you will be on bb and you will be getting hit attack and defend is foundation of this game.   I am stating this as reminder that originally this was a pvp game.  I like the idea of variety in strikes just got to twink up the parts not in sync yet.  Thanks for my thoughts take them or leave them.  :P

Edited by bigchaos, 24 July 2015 - 17:04.

#71 Grimwald



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 17:05

I am very happy to get out of this seasonal pvp thingie. I can finally play again :) Even without loosing xp an succesfull hit can be very costly during an hunt. First they take a big chunk of your gold and secondly I have seen a lot also stealing buffs too. Would be very costly if someone steals EW during an hunt .. :(


I still agree that there should be an timeout on pvp attacks, why not make it one OUTGOING  attack every 10 mins and that the same player doesn't come up again in a search for at least an half hour??

Edited by Grimwald, 24 July 2015 - 17:06.

#72 yghorbeviahn



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 17:26

I was attacked by the same player on the last 10 minutes, just notyfying.

Btw, that's NOT the PvP Seasons I've entered yesterday morning, I was the 2nd player to reach Crystal, which means a lot of stamina back then.

For those who want to opt-out, there is any chance for HCS to offer a refund of 50 stamina for each attack done on the Season? I'm not even asking for stamina used on buffs, levels of my bounties back or gold...I just REALLY regret the fact I used 10k+ stamina on that FsP'ers Season thing.

#73 Ringhal



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 17:32

I think we should give it some time for people to give it a try.

This is the same thing you (HCS) said when you released the leagues, and even before it was released. Yet, it was changed on the first day, only after a few hours, by removing XP loss and gear damage. On day two, you made another major change, by enabling opt-out. Had this been tested fully on a tested server, many of the issues would have been sorted before releasing it to the live server.


If you want players to opt-out, it should cost them (via PVP protection). Even, make it so that it protects XP, gold and gear. With this, players are getting free protection. Isn't that seriously wrong?




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Posted 24 July 2015 - 17:38

Well looks like the cows have all left the building for the weekend, and it appears that there will be no further tweaks or changes until monday at the earliest.  That is unfortunate, there are still many things that seem to need tweaking, fixing, or complete overhauling.  


For example, it would appear that the last tweak Zorg made to the randomization or selection of combat targets still needs some work.


log_3.gif 17:20 24/Jul/2015 You were defeated by player xxx in combat. [ ] (Rated Combat)


log_3.gif 17:07 24/Jul/2015 You were defeated by player xxx in combat. [  ] (Rated Combat)


two attacks from the same player in 13 minutes, that seems to suggest that the selection system is still flawed, or in need of further adjustment.  


it is now 7 attacks from the same player in rated combat in under an hour, and I guess I don't see how the update changed anything with the opponent selection ?


no, now it is 8 attacks in under an hour, lately they have been happening on 5 minute or less intervals.

Edited by DALECK, 24 July 2015 - 18:42.

#75 DorkLord


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Posted 24 July 2015 - 17:40

If you want players to opt-out, it should cost them (via PVP protection). Even, make it so that it protects XP, gold and gear. With this, players are getting free protection. Isn't that seriously wrong?

How is it seriously wrong? Do you not still have the option for unrated attacks? In real life, if I don't want to get mugged, I stay out of bad neighborhoods. I sleep in a secured building. I put away my valuables. With the system as it was, I could be mugged at any time, at random. I could be putting my pants on, and someone smacks me and takes my wallet. I'm not on the way to the bank with bags of treasure. I'm not in a bar looking to pick a fight. You can't see the difference? This is like Thunderdome or the Coliseum, and the gladiators want another handful of unarmed peasants thrown in to slaughter. I guess it doesn't occur to some that there are people who just don't want to be in the brawl. I've always paid for PvP protection for just that reason - it was the only way to avoid (most of) it.


Edit: My thought for a more effective PvP system would be that if there were those interested in being gold thieves, then make it more interesting and challenging. Hunt victims like SEs. Use stam to walk around your nearby levels and find other players on the combat list. Come and find us in the realms, check our stats and our gold, then smack us while we sleep if that's how you roll. The more honorable thing to do would be to find online players and issue a challenge for their gold and the battle is on or the player bribes you to just go away. Let a person draw a weapon. The whole idea of having a list of available rich players in the neighborhood to go after with a button push seems to take much of the challenge out of it - that's how it was before this. Having them served up at random is just silly. Those who really want to go toe-to-toe need something like the Arena or this Seasons system in some form, but I don't think you get to be the best fighter among fighters by slaughtering the townsfolk or robbing the unarmed.

Edited by DorkLord, 24 July 2015 - 17:49.

#76 bigchaos



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 17:46

I think most of the pvpers forget that players who opt out are not immune to be robbed for gold.  You can still hit unranked players for that like we used too.  I am not sure with new updates if gold protection and xp protection is working. I do not think in pvp you need to loose your xp but bounty you should.  I agree with the other statement I read on this thread if you are doing unrated strikes automatic bounty board should happen.  If you are pvping the bounty board should change a tad because you know of the risked and you are hitting rated people playing in the league. I do think suggestions by the community can sort the best in helping bounty board being a success. 


I really like seeing people on bounty board and I think for those adding gold and I will state I have added gold to bounties just to play keep away a bit  when I was winning gold and yes this was rated gold who know how it happens but it does.  I figured my logic to the game is this you win a lot of gold turn it into fsp if you can if not buy potions reduce it put in bank what ever.  If you are farming for gold then that is different because you are hitting unrated players or players not wanting to pvp.  The one size fits all situation bounties does not always work.  I hope some ideas to improve this bounty board will be suggested. 


I remember when I started that all players were part of the system and nobody was immune. You learned to take the risk while hunting and watch what you are doing by making deposits and exchange by player not by automated to fsp.  I play all aspects of the game and it does not matter what  part of the game you play attacking and defending is the game structure.  I stating if you are player, creature or guild this is a constant and there is no immunity even if you buy it only helps a part of the game. 


I will let hcs know I think no damage to defenders gear is good idea.  I think attacker should have to fix gear no matter the turn out. Level drops well I think that is bounty board and if pvp is included then the strikes need to be with other players that are willing to join the process and accept the risk.   I like to see all of the community having fun and playing so this I thought I would lay out and hopes we get some suggestions of how to improve the playing and not so much doom and gloom game ending thing.   ;)

#77 spyders



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 17:51

i still do not understand why we need 50 stam hit on leader if no XP is lost.... make it 50 on bounty...GVG 


or make it 500 stam x hit so only a few players will be able to hit and get to crystal or titan league

#78 spyders



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 17:53

and why we lose potions in pvp...before this leadder update some pots had protection

#79 Uncle Beg

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Posted 24 July 2015 - 17:59

During the PvP Season, can all participants be equipped with gears and buffs?

The buffs should last until the end of the season.

There is no fun in attacking defenseless targets.


When I was fully buffed and equiped yesterday for 1-2 hours, I got 2 attacks and they were unresolved.

Kudos to those 3 attackers because they are true PvPers looking for a challenge, in my opinion.


When I decided to stop participating and removed gears and buffs, I got hit a lot.


#80 Melons



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Posted 24 July 2015 - 18:00

Why is there an opt-in button when XP/durability loss was removed? This is only going to end like the old ladder system. Once the rewards lose their worth, only a few will be playing it. 

Edited by Melons, 24 July 2015 - 18:01.

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