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Fight the supression!! UNDEAD PRIDE!!!!!!

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#61 FrankNStien



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Posted 26 April 2005 - 16:03

Mellifleur was drifting through the forest when a black shadow passed overhead in the night sky..... smiling to himself he felt the magic of the creature as it flew past, as if it was in some sort of rush....

The Lich ebbs forth throughout the forest, trees withering and plant life and animal life dying as his 30 ft. aura of death and numbing cold encircles them...following the path of the magical creature that flew overhead.... he moves forth...still many many miles off...but almost...glee...welling up inside of him as he will finally be able to draw the magic from that creature and add to his furious power, already growing at a alarming rate...

Mellifleur steps forth from the Sacred Grounds and moves ahead, following the tracks of beasts and the faint trail of magic the creature left behind...

#62 gothador_dafadil

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Posted 26 April 2005 - 16:07

(ooc, many apllogies, forgive this old dead thing)

daf watches as bob lumbers up, his pace slow and steady,
he reaches for song and at the last moment reveals his true speed by stepping in behinder her and pulling his clawed hands down her back, the very claw that tore a trog to bits only days before.

pulling away and falling on his back easy avoiding the attack that ment to send his bones to the wind, he hisses out his delight and springs for songs throat!

(ooc my skellie has been tearing at a trog now for 80 points a hit with out getting hit for like 6 days now., hes a real trooper!!!)

#63 Songwoven



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Posted 26 April 2005 - 17:27

*With a gasp, Song notes the creature rushing at her and then, lightning quick, feels it's claws skittering on her armour as they tear through her cloak. She swings, but misses as the strange creature drops to the ground. With a grin she realizes she's going to win... this creature may be hitting the trogs... but she hits them far harder... :twisted: As she leaps towards the creature, her blade flashes and turns into a deadly scythe. At the last moment, she pulls her blow so that only the blunt end rebounds off of the creature's skull. At the same moment, a blast of strange light and a swift breath of coolness emanate from her body. The combined attack stuns the creature, knocking it once more to the ground, this time not of its own volition.*
"Bah, tore my good cloak ya bastard" *she spits angrily* "And you scratched my armour!! I'll have to go shopping now, Chaotix is gonna be mad... :wink: " *Then, her mood turning serious, she raises a hand and burns a message into the ground beside the inert body of the slumbering Summoned creature for its Master to read...

We did not start this war, nor did we attack you. Your unjust fight will bring you nothing... next time, choose your opponents more wisely.

*Song then turns on her heal and walks away, vanishing into the night... she has other things to attend to and precious few hours left...*

#64 gothador_dafadil

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Posted 26 April 2005 - 20:03

watching her leave, dafadil makes notes, calculates the next move and calls to bob. the undead thing rises as if unaffected by her actions, and disapears into the night.

#65 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 26 April 2005 - 20:30

*Chaotix stands posed to watch the fox and the wolf do battle and notes that his love is okay. His brow furrows slightly as if he is concentrating. He then turns his attention back to the fight in anticipation*

#66 FrankNStien



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Posted 27 April 2005 - 14:26

Mellifleur travels through the slowly dying forest, as everything withers and scatters at his passing...

Coming upon a clearing, I seen that there was some remnants of decayed bones and a littering of still moving parts... no doubt from a animated corpse...

Mellifleur puts a trivial thought out, sending waves of communication to the dead creatures in the area...sensing there is not enough to create a animated servant he ends his thought

Moving through the clearing and once again into the withering thicket of the forest...

Mellifleur continues forth towards the sounds off in the distance of battle.

#67 gothador_darkdragon8

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Posted 27 April 2005 - 17:35

Dark watched as the fox/angel and wolf fought, thinking about all that had happened in the fight so far. He disliked the idea of having to sit out but then again his weapons wouldn't have done much damage to the undead wolves as they didn't have any magical enchantments of any kind. Next he thought about how Chaotix's, the other drow's and the angel's fighting abilities and equipment made him feel.... weak and useless.

(Why had Chaotix taken me when I am more likely to slow him down and be a hindrance?)

Dark wachted at the fox/angel nimbly doged the wolf's lunge and shivered. Dark realised it wasn't a shiver for the cold because it crawled up his spine and when it reached his skull everthing felt different somehow. Slowly his gaze wondered to a point far behind the other drow and he saw.... animals. A lot of animals of all kind of species were racing through the forest but Dark somehow knew something was coming.... something was killing everything without realy trying.

Dark's new feeling suddenly disappeared and he broke out into a cold sweat out of fear.

Quickly thinking up a plan to warn them of danger but to sound believable, he screamed:


#68 gothador_toulip

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Posted 27 April 2005 - 20:53

OOC: Remember, the good guys can't win every battle. Try adding in some NP charaters... if only just so they could be killed off

#69 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 27 April 2005 - 21:04

OOC: I understand that the good guys can't win every battle, I just think it's that you guys are kind of outnumbered right now. I'm just playing by the rules right now. So far everything I've done has been within the reach of my gothador character. Why don't you add in something about your and Mamori's fight?

#70 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 27 April 2005 - 21:17

*Hearing Dark's cry Chaotix turned around to see animals scurrying out of the forest towards them.*

"Raknoc spit!" he cursed feeling the presence of something incredibly evil lumbering towards them. Xanthor was no push-over in his own right but this creature was more powerful in its own right. Much older... though not as old as Chaotix.

*Furrowing his brow again he seemed to go into a trance for a moment. Then he awoke. Drawing his carver he started running towards the disturbance. Worried, Tiamat began after him,*

"Tia, stay! You watch Dark, make sure nothing happens to him!"

*Looking back over his shoulder he could see the wolf and fox still battling. He then switched his focus to the other dark elf but could not tell what he was thinking. With one last look back he forged on into the forest to meet this creature.

In a minute he comes upon it. A huge undead creture. He can feel powerful magicks eminating from it.*

"Well I guess I wanted a challenge," he says with a sigh, "ah well times a wastin'," Chaotix grins and assumes a battle stance ready to face the creature.

#71 Songwoven



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Posted 27 April 2005 - 21:28

(OOC: :oops: Xanthor... NP players? I'm not real clear on that phrase :( And yeah, I know the good guys can't always win, but Song's not real disposable lol... that and she's pretty decent stat-wise so she can survive quite a bit... I've thought about adding another character in, but she's the only one I control...)

#72 mamori



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Posted 27 April 2005 - 21:41

OOC: NP=non-player character.

#73 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 27 April 2005 - 21:48

OOC: Okay someone roleplay! =0)p Enough out of character stuff =0) That's three posts of people who RP on this thread without roleplaying. I want to move this story along =0)p

#74 FrankNStien



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Posted 27 April 2005 - 22:40

Mellifleur floats forward..Ash and flayed decayed skin surrounding his form as his cold and deathly aura eminates out into the forest , slaying and withering all within the invisible globe of putrid decay...

Finding the tracks I lost a bit ago, I begin following what seems to be skeletal paw marks...

Mellifleur laughs to himself slightly , earthworms and beetles falling out from his jawless skull where the throaty sound came from.... and moves forth following the skeletal marks in the dirt and leaves ahead of him..the sound of battle ringing out even closer... within yards he sees pieces of the battle through the thick but now dying brush and foliage... looking for the magical creature that led him here he scans the area....

Tiring of the trivial and meaningless battle he extends his floating hand... it floats sevreal inches away from where the cuff of his robe is. muttering words of ancient and forgotten rituals, a black bolt with violet hues extends forth out of his hand in a rush... giving a pale glow to the battlefield in seconds... the bolt slams into the undead wolf shattering brittle bones and destroying magics that were binding it together.... the wolf lets out a gutteral cry as it collapses into a pile of bone fragments and ash...

As Mellifleur finishes the spell, a Dark Elf jumps out in front of him... slightly surprising the Arch Lich.... the jawless skull turns toward the creature....his violet pinpoints of light flicker in a sense of eagerness for this new situation...

His mind drifts back... Tier`Dal... Drow... a culture he once lived in and reveled in... killing his kin that were unworthy of the sigil of his house and those that were unlucky enough to attempt to take his life.... a life of chaos and no true goal but survival....

Mellifleur jumps back to the present and considers the situation before him.... His goal is the magic from that beautiful creature that flew overhead... not this pitiful elf...

Mellifleur's form begins to disentigrate... his bones crumpling into each other and seeming to shatter and decay right in front of the elf.... the robes and magical artifacts too crumple into a cloud of swirling ash ...a mini tornado.. the dust swirls about and scatters... Disseminating and finally dissapearing before the Elf...

Erelivay, the Grey Moon,worshipped by those who beilive in neutrality and Inajira, the scarlet moon worshipped by those who weave evil..shine thier lights down into the thicket... and the ashen cloud , that swirled before the elf.........

Is nowhere to be seen

#75 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 27 April 2005 - 22:47

*Chaotix blinks, surprised. The creature just seemed to disappear. Shrugging he goes back to the clearing where the fox and the elf are standing.*

"Hi, name's Chaotix," he says extending his hand. "It's nice to meet you."

#76 FrankNStien



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Posted 27 April 2005 - 22:51

Hovering in a thin layer sevreal hundred feet up, Mellifleur moves through the winds... looking down to the thicket below... searching for the Dragon the elf brought with him....

#77 Songwoven



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Posted 27 April 2005 - 22:54

*As SongWoven walks into the darkness she briefly closes her eyes and sends a tendril of thought out. When she reopens her eyes she sways briefly and then places her hand on her side where bob's claws snicked through the leather. Her hand comes away just mildly bloody.*


*She winces and then stops to rest and briefly assess her condition. From the bushes on the side of the path she hears rustling and swiftly drops to a crouch.*

'Tis only me m'lady

*A soft voice murmurs, and Song's scout Haydria steps into view. Dressed in muted greens and browns, she blends perfectly with the surrounding foliage, only visible when she moves, or when the moon glints off of her short, silvery hair. She quickly moves to support her mistress and murmurs in distress at Song's wound.*

Wounded are we? We'll just fix that...

*Haydria hands Song a small potion which Song gratefully gulps down. In moments, her smooth skin flows to heal the wound, leaving no trace of the attack save for Song's weariness.*

"Thank you my friend, but how did you reach me so quickly?"

*Song asks as she hands the bottle back to Haydria.*

I sensed your distress, and as I was hunting nothing important, came as swiftly as I was able. I also bring news. Xanthor and Mellifleur have ambushed Chaotix in the Dark Forest, but Chaotix is aided by a Holy one and another Dark Elf. The human merely watches.

"Son of a Trog..."

*Song curses*

"He is well able to help himself... but I worry more that Dafadil himself has not been sighted. I believe it was his... creature... I left back in the clearing with my message."

Aye m'lady, I noted his scent.

"I am in need of speed Haydria. See if you can warn any others of this misguided war. You know where I can be found... here, please take this scroll to our friends... you know of whom I speak... we will need aid and I am in too much hurry to take it myself. This is of great importance Haydria... I'm counting on you!"

*Without another glance Song closes her eyes and casts Shadows around her frame. In another instant she is gone, leaving only her Scout to shake her head...*

#78 FrankNStien



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Posted 27 April 2005 - 23:09

Bit by Bit... scale by scale of sullen flesh... the ashen cloud begins to descend back into the forest ....finding it's goal... the cloud swirls slightly around the great beast, feeling it's power and it's magic... Immense.... it's attacks are limited...but it's defense magic... is unreal... Mellifleur feels the dragon..carressing it's magical aura ...the decrepit cloud moves behind the now curious beast, as it swirls, wondering what this magical grey snow is that has drifted down around it....

the thick cloud begins to move behind the dragon, several yards off into the forest .... and the dragon peers off into the foliage following the trail with it's gaze.

Mellifleur reforms.....

The violet hues once again flare up in his sullen decayed skull..bits of tissue and grave dirt fall out from within his skull as his robe forms as does his rings and his staff....

Finally fully reformed... he moves once again toward the thicket the humanoids have gathered in, trees begin to creak and wither and vegitation peels down and dies without as much as a whimper...a tree snake that was lounging for the night , his scales begin to peel back from his body as he hisses out a last cry for his life, falling on the deaf ears of the lich as the snake falls to the ground with a slight thud. Mellifleur peers forth and sees the humanoids slightly relaxed exchanging greetings... and with them

the elf's dragon....

#79 gothador_chaotix

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Posted 27 April 2005 - 23:15

*As Chaotix introduces himself to the drow he Tiamat lets out a low hiss.*

"What is it Tia?" he asks. *He looks around but sees nothing. He tries to sense the presence of magical energy but the air is too filled with residue and it is all mixed together.

"What did you do Dark?" he asks with a grin on his face before turning back to the drow... but not without resting his arm under something under his cape.

#80 mamori



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Posted 27 April 2005 - 23:54

still eyeing the burnt corpse of the blood wolf, mamori walks towards Castamir and the other dark elf, his ears once again becoming that of a human, his tail vanishing.

"well that was odd." mamori eyes the elf's dragon, as well as the death aura which stayed off in the trees.

"it's hungry..." mamori pulls the yellow stone from his robes, the bright light withen showing it had little room left inside. digging a whole into the forest's soft earth, he burries it. Drawling a circle and several strange marks before rising again, never taking his eyes off the aura.

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