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PvP: A Different Approach

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#61 BraveKath



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Posted 16 April 2014 - 23:57

No gold or experience loss?! No. No. NO. This "let's try to make everybody happy" approach is admirable in some ways, don't get me wrong....... (READ ORIGINAL POST FOR FULL)


Thanks Bunnybee for looking this over and weighing in.  You may be right .... and I may definitely be wrong that Prestige will never be considered comparable to xp and gold as a Risk /reward item :)

Edited by BraveKath, 17 April 2014 - 00:05.

#62 BraveKath



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Posted 17 April 2014 - 00:01

If  PvP does NOT take xp and gold, will be good if  we are allow to attack each other more often, not waiting for 1 hour to pass. The 1 hour waiting period I believe was kind of protection limiting the damage from malicious PvP attacks?

So able to attack more often means more PvP activities right?  ......(READ ORIGINAL POST FOR FULL)


But Remove gold or xp loss would be radical, involving other part of game. Some of existing buffs like Gloat, and Enhancements like Thievery, Master Thief, Protect Gold, Protection would be redundant for example.


- IF - Prestige could be changed so it had greater value and could be seen as adequate Risk & Reward, then yes, I think more frequent hits wouldn't be bad as the loss of Prestige won't unduly hold back a player from their endeavors.  At least that's the theory I put forth AND yes it is radical and perhaps idealistic-Polly Anna-isk. :)

Edited by BraveKath, 17 April 2014 - 01:02.

#63 BraveKath



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Posted 17 April 2014 - 00:49

Hey Kath. Really nice suggestions and discussion here. It's refreshing to read a PvP topic and not get fed up with the nastiness within the first few posts. :wub: 

I think the sheer number of topics and passionate players who keep coming back to PvP shows we can all agree on one thing.... something is wrong. It's not working and we want to fix it. (AGREE) The one thing that keeps getting in the way is this strong divide between PvE and PvP players. (*sigh* yes  .... see 1 below)We've tried for years to find common ground. Both sides want something completely different. It's nice to see so many working together to try and find some middle ground.

PvE players want a way to 'punish' PvP players. They want a guaranteed easy way to get revenge and not get their hands dirty. But no matter what changes HCS makes to PvP, the rules apply to all types of players. So the PvE player is still required to do some work if they want to use the system to actually 'punish' someone. (See 2 Below)  Guilds and friends have to work together. Delevel parties have to be done. They have to put themselves at risk. Basically, they have to work as PvP players do to get the result they want. Of course they don't want that so they view the system as flawed. It's a hard sell no matter what you offer.


I'm not trying to be a Negative Nelly when I say this. (You're being a honest - nothing negative about that) The issue has been allowed to fester for too long. The camps are too divided. (Amen to that) HCS needs to step in and take control of their game.  Either remove PvP completely (pure pvp, not the ladder/gvg/arena safe stuff),  or revert PvP back to its origins and work from there with the idea of promoting Pvp not punishing it. Until that is done, anything else is just a temporary band-aid. Yes, this would piss people off. But it would end all this drama and let the game move forward in a positive manner.  (With FSH features and other changes in the game, in my opinion we can't go back to exactly how it was as the game is forever changed - maybe the answer is somewhere in the middle??? )


Dear Calista,

Glad you have felt respected in this thread as I do have respect for both sides of the discussion and dipping into the negative is just boring, as we've read/hear it all before and it's a snooze and doesn't help any of us and we all have a strange affection for this game or we wouldn't still be here after all this time.

1)  The widening divide bothers me greatly.  I'm a person that is not comfortable with conflict.  I like challenge and competition, but not conflict per se. I was "raised" in a blended guild with PvPers/Levelers/GvGers/Arena, etc and there was mutual respect for a long time and just acceptance of 'different strokes for different folks and even mutual respect.  But -- and I can't put my finger on it, but there came a point where I lost my love for GvG when levelers in the guild wanted and pushed for us to have RPS for "their game", but they refused to help buff the GvGers or anyone in the guild. (I need to note, right now have a good team who if we were GvG'ing I believe would act as a team, we had some days at the Highway that I call the Dark Days when that was not the case).  It may be something of the slide of society as a whole at play.  I don't know, but that's when I stopped wanting to GvG and the bitterness between PvP and PvE was tangible throughout the game and just seems to grow.


2) There is an irony and a strange disconnect when a player wants retribution, but is only willing to PAY for it, because their own guild and allies won't band together to help protect their mate.  Then there's anger when there aren't droves of people willing to carry out their desired punishment, but it's illogical to expect that paying strangers who also typically participate in PvP to carry out punishment that they don't necessarily agree with.
- - 

I think -- one thing that may be a factor is that we as a game community stopped dealing with our conflicts amongst the guilds involved first and giving that time.  We have all (I'm guilty of this too) sought to pull in friends prematurely.  Exception of course would be if pulling in friend/s to function as mediators.  

- -

I get the logic, but I don't know if PvP Protection has served the game well as by its very nature it established a theory that it's needed and that there is a division.  There are cases where someone has been beaten to a pulp and couldn't hold up under the onslaught, but maybe that should have been handled on a case by case basis and not resulted in PvP Protection ... I truly don't know.  But it's here and unless something dramatic changed in the game the likelihood of its removal not being a huge negative drama is slim to none.   PvPers and PvEers can exist without each other, but the game would loose in the end.

What I do know is that I don't like the lack of respect and venom - by both sides towards each other.  I don't like the attitudes found in the extremes on both sides.  

I don't know if we, as the simple humans that we are, have the ability as a game society to change our course and find a way to give and take more.  As someone pointed out -- can't recall who -- in the old days you did get hit now and then, but typically it wasn't all that often, but of course there were a lot more targets and as another friend pointed out finding targets now is child's play with FSH.

LOL ... so guess bottom line is I know nothing  :P - I just have a strong desire to see it somehow improve.  

Thank you Calista for your well thought out and considerate response :)

As Always, Kath

Edited by BraveKath, 17 April 2014 - 01:05.

#64 Diemond2


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Posted 26 April 2014 - 05:25

The way that Brave Kath explains how pvp could be turned around to benefit both the pvper and the recipiant, to me makes a lot of sense. Certainly any change that aleviates the present situation must be worth merit.

Thanks Kath for your time and effort ! 

#65 BraveKath



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Posted 27 April 2014 - 08:24

The way that Brave Kath explains how pvp could be turned around to benefit both the pvper and the recipiant, to me makes a lot of sense. Certainly any change that aleviates the present situation must be worth merit.

Thanks Kath for your time and effort ! 


Thanks Diemond2 for taking the time to read through this and for sharing my belief that this has potential.  :rolleyes:

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