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Official (Un-Official) Suggestions Thread

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#61 KeS



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Posted 24 March 2013 - 02:34

Some of the quest items and general loot should also be usable like the goblin necklace and the goblin sword for example

The world is cruel...as will I....

#62 Killen4fun



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Posted 24 March 2013 - 04:23

The farming skill is not that difficult to level up: shearing and textile cloth making boost it rather quick.


The issue is with plant seeding. It simply takes too much time due to multiple actions, each with its own duration. It's overkill. I haven't suggested faster growth rate for the plants, but rather speeding up the human actions a bit.



While we're at it, so far to me the slowest skill is Foraging, because the sources are few and scattered all over the place. IMO there should be at least one location with an orchard of something similar and also a place where ppl would find weeds, mushrooms and so on. We have farms for farming, multiple fishing spots for fishing, mines for mining, etc. IMO we also need a place where we'd be able to forage and cut some trees down ;)


In the starting area of the game just to the north east of the Othalo Guard house in a small patch of woods where you first kill pigs  I believe there is 2 Pynwood trees, 2 Green Apple Trees, 1 Lemon Tree, and a couple weeds you can get. Best spot I've found so far.

#63 cowboy


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Posted 24 March 2013 - 04:59

If you're in a dungeon there are very few places where you can eat food to repenish your bars. IMO all jobs should be rewarding enough to push you into levelling them - right now cooking - at least for me - is not. 


As for belts, they're special...the game sees them as additional storage bags, that's why they won't go in the extra packs. I could be wrong but I think at some point a dev said they will fix this...

Funnily I blocked belts from going in one of the 4 inventory slots also just before closed beta (or was told to) basically as they would also give you buffs when added there. By doing this we missed the problem that you now can't swap a belt containing items anywhere, as 'bags/belts' can only go in main inventories if they're empty, and you can't put bags inside each other. So at the moment yes, you need to empty your belt one item at a time, before swapping the equipped belt. The same goes for bags really, even though you have 4 slots, if they're all full, at the moment try swapping one with a new bag :)


Anyway, I've got no immediate solution to this problem, and with the current system nothings springing to mind as a nice way around it, but its a problem that needs fixing for sure.

Glenn Murphy (cowboy)
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#64 Grizzly


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Posted 24 March 2013 - 05:47

Ok, I think something needs to be done about weaponsmithing. I gain a lot of experience for prospecting via mining and then smelting the ores into ingots, bars, etc. But when I'm actually using the bars for crafting purposes the amount of experience I get is miniscule compared to the prospecting skill gains and the total number of bars used. Over the last 24 hours or so I've been devoting my time in-game to prospecting and weaponsmithing and I'm currently level 24 in Prospecting and only level 6 in Weaponsmithing. I have used the majority of the bars made, just for weaponsmithing. My Armorsmithing is at level 1 and I haven't been selling the materials or using them for questing. I think this needs a bit more balancing because as it stands this crafting skill is painful.


-In short my suggestion is to take a look at the crafting skills(could be relevant to more than the one I've mentioned) and increase the experience gains.

#65 SDGR



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Posted 24 March 2013 - 10:45

Anyway, I've got no immediate solution to this problem, and with the current system nothings springing to mind as a nice way around it, but its a problem that needs fixing for sure.


How about instead of fixing the belts you'd apply some sort of locking mechanism on the storage bags, so that no matter what you store in them, it won't add? ;)



@Killen4fun: I know most of the spawning spots in game (at least in the lvl 1 - 20 areas), but that's the actual issue - it takes time to find them and it will be a pain for the new players (especially since ftm you can't mark them on the map for future reference). CB testers will know where to go and will harvest them before the others and since the spawning rate is not very quick, it will become a problem. We need things that will make everybody's in game experience pleasant, not frustrating the heck out of them ;) And since the other gathering skills do have special harvesting locations, sounds logical tome to also have such spots for foaraging & foresting.

#66 Mythic



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Posted 24 March 2013 - 10:46

I would suggest that there be more potions with different effects added to the Alchemy profession, such as invisibility.

The invisibility potion would make it so even aggressive mobs wouldn't attack the player without being attacked first (being invisible is cool, too).

I could use this myself, I always get attacked and end up using all my potions.


Everybody is welcome to try come up with their own potion ideas.

Mythic | Merlin

#67 ZooksterGaming



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Posted 24 March 2013 - 12:13

To be able to send a message to someone that is offline.
Like with a easy command like /tell

And restrict it to about 1-3 possible messages


| Zook (45) Prophet | Arumat (45) Warrior | Samoorai (45) Templar |

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#68 ZooksterGaming



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Posted 24 March 2013 - 12:55

The Dragon Handler Prices shuold be changed according to how far you are traveling. And not beeing set to a specific location.


| Zook (45) Prophet | Arumat (45) Warrior | Samoorai (45) Templar |

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#69 f0xydam


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Posted 24 March 2013 - 14:12

There should be a target you can set for map. For example when looking the map, you press T button to create a target and pressing it again will make it disappear.

#70 sercra


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Posted 24 March 2013 - 22:24

I like something more like setting a tag at the full map  to remember someting (like 100carat mine) .  Also +1 to bigger map icon and maybe map interaction like in the small round map.

#71 Etlebrook



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Posted 25 March 2013 - 13:29

I am not sure why a cool down period for the healing potions is needed?? If I need to drink two or three quickly, then that option should be available at a time the player needs it, rather than the game structure deciding when it is needed. I would suggest taking the cool down periods off of such items. Evenually they will become a gold sink for the game as the beta goes to open access.

#72 LHorta


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 15:20

I am not sure why a cool down period for the healing potions is needed?? If I need to drink two or three quickly, then that option should be available at a time the player needs it, rather than the game structure deciding when it is needed. I would suggest taking the cool down periods off of such items. Evenually they will become a gold sink for the game as the beta goes to open access.

Potions are instant-heal in eldevin, without cool-downs the game would be too easy and healig spells would become worthless, think about it.

#73 SDGR



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Posted 25 March 2013 - 16:26

Cooldown on pots should be reduced a bit.


Healing spells are weak if that is not your main class. Healers will always have an important role in parties, but for solo questing a tad more powerful healing spells and less cooldown on pots would help. And before someone starts that old argument about pot using in PvP, they could simply apply different rules for that (as many other MMOs did as well).

#74 Etlebrook



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Posted 25 March 2013 - 17:25

Lucas I can see your argument, but can't fully agree with it. The game seems to be more an individual effort, with groups and parties coming together for boss level quests. In other games, when I use a healing spell my character does not stop fighting. Here it is either cast or whallop but not both at the same time. So when I cast the small healing spell, the critters are still whacking me and I can't whack them back until the casting is completed. I find that that is often when I get killed. The cool down on the healing potions just add to the time lost in fighting, and there's really no need of it. As a compromise, perhaps only take away the cooling down time on the lower level pots, and keep it on the higher ones. That ensures either the use of spells, or the use of a lot of coin buying the smaller pots. Besides, I am a wee bit insulted that HCS thinks it only takes one drink to get me inebriated .... Lol

#75 LHorta


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Posted 25 March 2013 - 20:38

Maybe they should decrease it then, completly removing the cool downs could make the game too easy (When in group bosses for example).


Now with another suggestion, npc guards should attack monsters when they're nearby, that would help people when in high level areas and would make more sense too.

#76 ZooksterGaming



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Posted 25 March 2013 - 20:43

I would like to see Items that only drop from certain creatures If you have a big enough grouplevel. This makes grinding more essential and makes you go into teamwork more.
These Items shuold absolutely be tradeable. So that does who put the time down on hunting these nice items can make a nice profit out of it.


| Zook (45) Prophet | Arumat (45) Warrior | Samoorai (45) Templar |

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#77 ZooksterGaming



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Posted 25 March 2013 - 20:53

Maybe they should decrease it then, completly removing the cool downs could make the game too easy (When in group bosses for example).


Now with another suggestion, npc guards should attack monsters when they're nearby, that would help people when in high level areas and would make more sense too.

NPC guards do attack monsters. But maybe not in all areas.


| Zook (45) Prophet | Arumat (45) Warrior | Samoorai (45) Templar |

| Crystal Cutting - 45 | Farming - 40 | Fishing - 23 | Foraging - 45 | Forestry - 45 | Prospecting - 45 | Skinning - 45 |

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#78 Killen4fun



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Posted 26 March 2013 - 01:20

Maybe they should decrease it then, completly removing the cool downs could make the game too easy (When in group bosses for example).


Now with another suggestion, npc guards should attack monsters when they're nearby, that would help people when in high level areas and would make more sense too.


Arcane Council and Eldevin Army NPC's attack enemies. Most of them anyway. I've seen a few just stand there.

#79 LHorta


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:40

Never noticed that, but i've seen some npcs attacking dinosaurs in the camp north of eldevin, i hope they make it work in other areas too.

#80 Mythic



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Posted 26 March 2013 - 10:41

Look at me! I'm so rich!


No, honestly, here's an idea; let gems stack 10 at a time. tongue.png

It would also be nice if the same was done for timber, as well as any other crafted objects that only stack 5. I've had this same backpack full of timber before. :lol:


Does this have any chance at all of happening?

Mythic | Merlin

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