Yea BG has said he's been busy. Sure isn't with FS. Been months since he's said he's been working on stuff and it's not done. Leads me to believe FS is going to go through another dry period like when eldevin was being developed...idk if it can take another dry period... it might die.
I'm afraid that I will have to agree with you here.
So much stuff "promised", so much stuff "known about, but not done" and, other than content and a few new LE's here and there, very little actually done
I REALLY hope that we're not going thru the lean patch that we did whilst Eldevin was developed, 'cos that certainly doesn't seem to have been worth the effort ? (just checked and there's a whole 75 players online).
OR, if we are, that the (mythical?) new game is truly something this time around ...