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If we implemented 3 FSH features, which would you pick?

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#61 gomezkilla



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 01:58

LOL it's not hard to recall a few items at once  or drink a few potions at once - And sure they said If.....i'm saying don't even consider it till all the stuff is done as promised. Again FShelper  = too much reliance 

Again, FSH makes all that more efficient and again, reliance is nulled when FSH features are implemented.

#62 sirdavid58


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Posted 14 July 2014 - 02:01

i find near imposable to invent without fsh .  and i think it would be very diffcult for us "potion makers" to keep AH well stocked without it its not worth the greif to make 100 lib using invent potions to buy trill one plant at a time or jars one at a time please turn fshelper back on ......... what we need is composing buffs completed "not TBA its been near a year........... or how about finishing mentor............ or mabe new buffs for level 18 players not to metion level 20  players . please dont fix things that are running good.

#63 RebornJedi



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 02:11

Equiping and drinking multiple items and potions is needed for those who play on phones and tablets.. Even those on certain computers have a tough time multi clicking


#64 yotekiller



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 02:12

I'm guessing it would be too much to ask for the cows to just take over management of FSH.  That would remove it from player control and the cows wouldn't have to re-invent the wheel to add the same features to the game.  Short of that, here are my top 3.


1) Quick wear/delete, etc.

2) Buffs currently active

3) Attack links in log

Screenshot everything!

#65 batboy135



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 02:15

Again, FSH makes all that more efficient and again, reliance is nulled when FSH features are implemented.

How is it nulled? even when implemented - people will still rely on whatever new features they added. It is nulled when they don't need to use it. 

#66 RebornJedi



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 02:17

I'm guessing it would be too much to ask for the cows to just take over management of FSH. That would remove it from player control and the cows wouldn't have to re-invent the wheel to add the same features to the game.

There is a gamer base that can't use the FSHelper.. Best to add it into the game.. The interface and functionality of Fallen Sword needs to drastically change for the better of the game

Edited by RebornJedi, 14 July 2014 - 02:18.


#67 Kildek



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 02:21

As for choosing which feature to integrate first. I do not think many players are aware of, how much FS-Helper affects their game play. I see that every time there is an update, that brakes part of FS-helper. There are allways some players who report it as a bug in the game code.
Integrating one feature may brake another, which in turn was the most important feature for another group of players.

Resource wise it seems you (HCS) would get most bang for the buck, when you guys take over the development of FS-Helper. There is no need to add new features to FS-helper. Just please fix the parts that broke because of design changes to the web pages.

#68 RD1542



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 02:35

1)  the find player options on FS helper, ie the find pvp targets, it shows players name, level, how much gold on hand



2)  i tried the other day to manage my backpack without the use of the helper. it's e,embarrassing.. you cannot manage items from the manage back page, the only way to manage yuor back pack into folders is to go to profile page, very cumbersome to say the least. i had to feel like a nub all over again and ask on the world chat, then i found out that managing my backpack from the backpack management page was only an FSHelper option. 


3) Hoof,  try using the helper and cast buffs on a player, the difference is night and day. the current buffs on the players highlight in green, it is one of the most helpful parts of the helper hands down. 



i honestly havent really used helper since the last of the fshelper coding team had a new baby arrive, it was the best addition to this game that had ever really been introduced.


i am sure somethings in the helper would be very easy to code in, like wanted bounties, mouse overs on buffs that gives brief descriptions, etc etc.



would be nice to see some updates : )




#69 DomCorvis



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 02:54

1. show gold (find player page)

2. Highlight PvP/GvG targets in blue/orange respectivly

3.highlight active guild members in chat

4.buff first 16/buff all active


#70 Maury Bund

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Posted 14 July 2014 - 03:14

1) The level 1800-2200 skills we don't have yet

2) New LE and Spine equipment for the levels above 1500

3) A PvP or SE GE to match the multiple frag stash events we have had


Part of playing a game is learning HOW to play it. Never used it and do okay, and I'm not the sharpest knife in the block. Please stick to the stuff we really need. If FSHelper goes by the wayside, the player base will learn to cope and adapt like they do with the rest of many updates.

#71 Xed



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 03:18

1) Easy Guild Recall

2) Combat Stats when looking if you can kill a creature

3) Being able to see when someones online by the Green or Gray dot next to their name



Xed's Graphic Shoppe: http://forums.hunted...graphic-shoppe/



#72 Belaric



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 03:29

1) Guild Inventory - sortable by level, quick wear from inventory. A huge time saver. 

2) Quick buff is way useful as a time saver also.

3) I like the auto linking of scout tower info when you click on the titan kill log. A lot.

4) I like the auto calculation of stats vs monsters in terms of will you hit? Hits to kill etc., even though it has been inaccurate for a while it still gave me a ballpark idea and saved me some scratch paper!!


Yes we can live without it. But it is inconvenient. How much inconvenience do we want to have to play through? Will lost functionality lose players? I don't know - and it is a calculation HCS need to make.


The guild report system and scrolling down looking for items in people's backpacks is a humungous PITA. Every time I go back and play SS2 the need to search manually for gear kills me. Doing it here with much more guild gear to organise - well, I'm trying to live with it now...

Good-bye and hello, as always.

#73 hbklives



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 03:42

1-) Find Player Gold Holdings
2-) Guild Quick Recall/Wear
3-) Colored targets for PvP/GvG

I like this.


Also, I want the indicator that says how long ago friends/guildies are on. Green for on within last 3 minutes, lighter and lighter until they are offline.


#74 Kildek



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 03:51

Below a list of some FS-helper features. This in order to give players a better chance, to understand which are FS-Helper features, and what is game code. So they know what to vote for.
The list is likely not complete or error free.

* Hunting:
- Combat Evaluation
- Fetch Creature Stats (from UFSG)
- Default Hunting Buffs
- Creature Logs
- Footprints (Partly integrated, lacking features)
- Do Not Kill list
- Combat Logs
- Quick links to maps for Wiki, UFSG (old FS-helper feature, broken)
- Quest tracker (old FS-helper feature, broken)
- Create Wiki style area overview (old FS-helper feature, broken)
- Check Worn Items for Best Damage item (old FS-helper feature, broken)
- Merges Titan Scout tower info into Titan kill log
- Shield IMP counter on hunting map (old FS-helper feature, broken)

* PvP/GvG/Arena
- Show Gold on Player in find player
- Highlight PvP / GvG Targets
- Wanted / Active Bounties
- Listing of stats / buffs in "Attack Player" screen
- Notification of guild allies enemies in player profiles, like: "Allied guild, do not attack" or "Enemy guild, attack at will"
- Auto sort PvP Arena by level + level filter, hide arenas with combat moves, when combat moves are maxed (old FS-helper feature, broken)
- GvG summary on guild page

* Personal:
- Bulk Sell (Partly integrated into AH, lacks features)
- Quick Drink / wear
- Quick Buff
- Bio feature to sell buffs
- Personal Inventory Manager
- Online Allies/Enemies
- Quick Wear from personal inventory (Currently partly broken in FS-Helper. Can only be activated with hotkey "v")
- Search for Buffs (Partly replaced by Buff Market)
- Profile links as icons to quick buff / player AH listing / Secure Trade
- Quick take from mailbox
- Personal log filter with links to Reply, ST, Trade, Buff (old FS-helper feature, partly integrated, partly broken)
- Enhance Chat Text (among others templates)
- Manage Backpack: Select all / Move to folder / AH Links / UFSG Links / Create auction
- Sent to player improvement. Select all of one kind. Mark items in a secure trade.(Partly broken in FS-helper)
- FS-Box filter / storage
- In game shortcuts
- Pop up info on character stats in top bar: "Max stam at", "Next level at"
- Scavenging summary (Partly integrated, lacking features like remaining backpack slots)

* Inventing:
- Recipe Manager
- Quick Extract Components
- Quick buy from stores / Potion bazaar
- Quick component count / delete

* Guild:
- Guild Inventory Manager
- Mark active/inactive players with green / Yellow / orange / grey / red dots
- Sortable Guild Advisor
- "Last 7 Days" on the Guild Advisor
- Quick Recall / Quick Wear from guild inventory
- Relic defender stats calculation
- Quick tagging / untagging of items in guild store
- Player profile links to guild inventory / Join all groups
- Guild log filter

Edited by Kildek, 14 July 2014 - 03:54.

#75 Maldarktuk


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Posted 14 July 2014 - 04:05

1: select if you want the global creatures to be on the map

2: more epic quests for higher levels and give more stamina

3: more content, for all levels not just the high levels



other than those i think the game is amazing :D

#76 batboy135



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 04:08

1) The level 1800-2200 skills we don't have yet

2) New LE and Spine equipment for the levels above 1500

3) A PvP or SE GE to match the multiple frag stash events we have had


Part of playing a game is learning HOW to play it. Never used it and do okay, and I'm not the sharpest knife in the block. Please stick to the stuff we really need. If FSHelper goes by the wayside, the player base will learn to cope and adapt like they do with the rest of many updates.

Thank you +1 haha

#77 tharzill



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 04:09

1. Online Allies/Enemies

2. Merges Titan Scout tower info into Titan kill log

3. Mark active/inactive players

#78 Lellarell



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 04:28

1) Guild Inventory and Fast Recall

2) Show stats and buffs in the Attack Screen

3) Light PvP/GvG Targets


[ 4) Show green the players online ---- 5) Show what buffs are on players ----- 6) Show links "attack, reply, buff, trade, ST" in the log --- 7) Quick Links ---- 8) Quick Wear/Drink ]


I can't choose 3. I like it all !



#79 Kurama1574


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Posted 14 July 2014 - 04:53

1. Quick Drink / Wear / Use / Delete / Extract etc etc


2. Show what buffs are active on players and show stam usage (total) (quick buff menu)


3. Last activity based coloring on the online guildmates (right side of the screen)


I did find that downgrading to greasemonkey version 1.15 and reinstalling the helper script worked perfectly. What would truely be amazing is if we could get another team of around 5-10 players/programmers to take over the Helper script to insure that it stays up to date.


I have noticed that some players have been getting a bit grumpy about this thread and would like to add my appreciation for an awesome free game that HCS has allowed me to play for 6 years now. :)

#80 Pardoux



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Posted 14 July 2014 - 05:30

3: more content, for all levels not just the high levels


Sheesh, isn't almost 2000 levels of content above you enough ? ;)

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

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