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Titan Hunting Changes

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Poll: Do you think this update will give more guilds a chance to participate in Titan Hunting? (331 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you think this update will give more guilds a chance to participate in Titan Hunting?

  1. Voted Yes (268 votes [80.97%])

    Percentage of vote: 80.97%

  2. Voted No (63 votes [19.03%])

    Percentage of vote: 19.03%


#61 Nagoyaka



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 15:52

I understand that and was probably bad typing on my part... but i have 20-25 titan hunters in my guild and will put a crunch on all of them that like to do their favorite thing in this whole game.... Making them not be able to hunt certain titans is going to make them not want to log in.... you are already having a problem with inactivity. why mess with it anymore?

I can see your point, however I also think it is important that more guilds can get involved in what I think is a fun aspect of the game :)

True, but please do it without excluding others. Excluding is BS! I dont like to be excluded :x
You are solving the problems wrongly imo... there is other options.

#62 Lostdog


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Posted 07 November 2012 - 15:53

i fully agree with C4RPY on this. the only guys complaining are the one who are going to have to share a chance for other guilds not able to compete with large organized titan titan hunting guilds. Is it really that big of a deal that after you get a titan item then for the next 7 days others can have a try at it? you can basically get at least 1 of each titan item per week and im pretty sure that's plenty. give some other guys a chance to enjoy titan hunting too.

on a side note, i personally stopped trying it because when my guild would take in 3-4 guys to hunt and we would split the map in 4 squares the same guys would be killing it in the very top left corner and then the very bottom right corner all in the same 2 seconds, (which is obviously not possible for someone actually hitting the move keys in person and not scripting)

You always had a chance at a titan, you just dont have the support in your guild. It takes practice and a lot of members unless your extremely well at titan hunting. Its more of an issue of not trying then not having the chance.

#63 fs_scrogger

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Posted 07 November 2012 - 15:53

on a side note, i personally stopped trying it because when my guild would take in 3-4 guys to hunt and we would split the map in 4 squares the same guys would be killing it in the very top left corner and then the very bottom right corner all in the same 2 seconds, (which is obviously not possible for someone actually hitting the move keys in person and not scripting)

This was and has always been my experience as well. Ive had it spawn right on top of me and been dead before I could even get 1 kill, certain couple of players always right there.......

#64 lokky13


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Posted 07 November 2012 - 15:54

Best update so far. Gives some of the other guild a chance to have a go at titan hunting.

#65 Kinkaid


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Posted 07 November 2012 - 15:54

So, if one of the other 123 people of my guild decides to solo a Titan, I am will not be able to play this game for 1 week.

Arena, GvG, PvP, Ladder, inventing, SE hunting, etc ALOT of stuff to do with time and stam :)

this is more like saying that a person can only play the ladder once if they win and not be a part of it until the next reset or worse yet, saying that no one in a guild can play the ladder in that range if someone places first. There is a lot of things to do but if someone only plays for one aspect of the game (i do not like the PvP aspect) it is severely limiting

#66 itstime


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Posted 07 November 2012 - 15:54

I think the changes are good and should be given a chance...

I see most of the guys complaining about the changes are the guys/guilds that currently dominate the Titan Hunting aspect of the game. As HCS mentioned, the changes made are to try and get more players taking part in Titans, I think this will entice more to give it a shot if they are not continuously over run by a certain few guilds simply out numbered them.


+1 :)

+1 :D

#67 C4RPY



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 15:54

So, if one of the other 123 people of my guild decides to solo a Titan, I am will not be able to play this game for 1 week.

Arena, GvG, PvP, Ladder, inventing, SE hunting, etc ALOT of stuff to do with time and stam :)

And other Titans... it only stops you hunting the one that you gained 1st place in, not ruling you out of every single Titan for 7 days

#68 insaner6



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 15:54

So, if one of the other 123 people of my guild decides to solo a Titan, I am will not be able to play this game for 1 week.

Arena, GvG, PvP, Ladder, inventing, SE hunting, etc ALOT of stuff to do with time and stam :)

so u are the one who will tell me what to like or what to do in this game?

#69 Noeni



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 15:56

What we have always said about Titan Hunting is that is a Guild activity. Thus, yes, if your Guild places first, the Guild cannot attack it for seven days. This will allow many more Guilds to try Titan Hunting.

You'll be seeing a nice influx of temporary guilds in the future.

Does that mean that you'll be one of those? :P


#70 Maehdros



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 15:56

So, if one of the other 123 people of my guild decides to solo a Titan, I am will not be able to play this game for 1 week.

Arena, GvG, PvP, Ladder, inventing, SE hunting, etc ALOT of stuff to do with time and stam :)

And other Titans... it only stops you hunting the one that you gained 1st place in, not ruling you out of every single Titan for 7 days


#71 Maehdros



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 15:57

So, if one of the other 123 people of my guild decides to solo a Titan, I am will not be able to play this game for 1 week.

Arena, GvG, PvP, Ladder, inventing, SE hunting, etc ALOT of stuff to do with time and stam :)

so u are the one who will tell me what to like or what to do in this game?

I only said there's plenty to do in this game :)

#72 Wesleysdf



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 15:59

i fully agree with C4RPY on this. the only guys complaining are the one who are going to have to share a chance for other guilds not able to compete with large organized titan titan hunting guilds. Is it really that big of a deal that after you get a titan item then for the next 7 days others can have a try at it? you can basically get at least 1 of each titan item per week and im pretty sure that's plenty. give some other guys a chance to enjoy titan hunting too.

on a side note, i personally stopped trying it because when my guild would take in 3-4 guys to hunt and we would split the map in 4 squares the same guys would be killing it in the very top left corner and then the very bottom right corner all in the same 2 seconds, (which is obviously not possible for someone actually hitting the move keys in person and not scripting)

You always had a chance at a titan, you just dont have the support in your guild. It takes practice and a lot of members unless your extremely well at titan hunting. Its more of an issue of not trying then not having the chance.


#73 Yuuzhan



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 15:59

personally I think this is a good idea. if you have the time frame short enough (and even at 7 days I am sure this will still happen) you will have good titaning guilds working with each other "I got this one, you get the next one" Maybe even forming offshoots of guilds to make two titaning teams - where the members jump from guild to guild to hunt the titan as frequently as they want (easy fix for that is do the ban per player, not per guild - if you are in a guild that wins, that player is banned for X days)

I know that my guild hunted titans in their infancy to great effect. Then we lost a few members, and I was unable to hunt whenever we wanted (marriage) and now I don't even see the point in trying for titans. We have secured about 6-10 titans in the past, and when we go for a titan now, we are aiming for 2nd place cause we know the faster then humans can process players are on scene. We managed to secure one yesterday (just barley) as the main titaning guilds went after the seasonal ones leaving that one free of experienced Titaners. It was great fun to actually have a chance for once, and that is when we are experienced hunters... just not "modernized" to current tactics.

If this system is implemented, and tweaked to work this will allow even less experienced guilds to say "you know what XXX won it last time, YYY the time before... they are both banned from this one lets go for it!" and then you will have a battle of smaller guilds going for a titan.

This should not go away due to the complainers on the Forum. The newbie guilds dont frequent the forum as much but I can say with almost certainty that 99% of the guilds out there would love to have a chance at a titan without being crushed by 1%.

Good job HCS!

#74 Noeni



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 16:00

I think it's fair if a guild secure the kill they should wait 4 or 5 days come on people share the wealth. :D It's a fair deal, every guild deserve a shot .It's a great idea if they secure it. that will give the rest of the top 5 and a chance. to and the rest that contribute to aim for the top 5.




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Posted 07 November 2012 - 16:01

I see alot of moaning about this update to titan hunting and the 7 day ban being to long.
If people hadnt abused the system with scripts ect then hcs would have had no need to step in and take action as they have.
i see people say its too long a ban or increase spawn rate.
give it a try why poo-poo something before its had a testing, if people enjoy the game so much why not support hcs with positive feedback instead of slagging them off at every chance you get.

#76 uscx



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 16:02

errrrrmageeerrrrdddd. Down with the titan dominating script junkies! FINALLY!!!!

Thank you HCS. This update has been a long time coming. Too bad these certain guilds have already farmed the prices down to nothing on the older titan drops. Time to bring in some new Titans under this script nullification system.

The guilds commenting on this thread make me laugh... as if they haven't made a mere fortune on Titans. Share the wealth! Obama would approve of this slight distribution of wealth. :mrgreen:

#77 juggeranut



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 16:03

What we have always said about Titan Hunting is that is a Guild activity. Thus, yes, if your Guild places first, the Guild cannot attack it for seven days. This will allow many more Guilds to try Titan Hunting.

You'll be seeing a nice influx of temporary guilds in the future.

Does that mean that you'll be one of those? :P

Lol, nah. I personally haven't hunting a titan in almost 2 years now. Just don't have the time now that I have a 19 month old and another one on the way.

#78 BigGrim


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Posted 07 November 2012 - 16:03

[quote name="Lostdog"]If you make it so that 1st place gets ban for 7 days, it is impossible to get enough epic TKP for the seasonal titans.[/quote]

If this is indeed the case, I personally have no issue with lowering the TKP needed for Seasonal Titans. Say half their current value.

[quote name="cramble"]Can you just verify when this took effect. I helped hunt a Fuvayu last night and my guild got 1st place (but not 50% of the kills). If Fuvayu spawns today or tomorrow, can we still hunt it, or do we need to wait 7 days?[/quote]

This is in effect now. So you killed Fuv yesterday, you'll have 6 days to wait.

[quote name="Lostdog"]Also please add a feature into the scout tower that states clearly when we are able to hunt the titan again please.[/quote]

I like that idea. I think we'd add that to an existing level though, not a new one, yes?

[quote name="Evarius"]At this point in time there are thirteen titans in the game. Fifteen if you count the Seasonals. That's plenty of titans to hunt. Furthermore, if this results in more and more newer Guilds giving Titan hunting a shot, we'd introduce more Titans across multiple levels.[/quote]

Now that sounds promising! :)[/quote]

New Titans were a huge complaint. Only a select few would get it so no-one wanted more. With this system in place, I see no reason not to add more for hunting.

At the end of the day, we believe this move should utterly revitalise Titan hunting for all players.

[quote name="insaner6"]All i get, is that with this update, you are not letting ppl to play this game.[/quote]

See what I said above. More people trying hunting equals new Titans for all to hunt.

#79 Revitalize



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Posted 07 November 2012 - 16:04

errrrrmageeerrrrdddd. Down with the titan dominating script junkies! FINALLY!!!!

Thank you HCS. This update has been a long time coming. Too bad these certain guilds have already farmed the prices down to nothing on the older titan drops. Time to bring in some new Titans under this script nullification system.

The guilds commenting on this thread make me laugh... as if they haven't made a mere fortune on Titans. Share the wealth! Obama would approve of this slight distribution of wealth. :mrgreen:

I am Obama, and i approve this message.

#80 jbhouse


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Posted 07 November 2012 - 16:04

i fully agree with C4RPY on this. the only guys complaining are the one who are going to have to share a chance for other guilds not able to compete with large organized titan titan hunting guilds. Is it really that big of a deal that after you get a titan item then for the next 7 days others can have a try at it? you can basically get at least 1 of each titan item per week and im pretty sure that's plenty. give some other guys a chance to enjoy titan hunting too.

on a side note, i personally stopped trying it because when my guild would take in 3-4 guys to hunt and we would split the map in 4 squares the same guys would be killing it in the very top left corner and then the very bottom right corner all in the same 2 seconds, (which is obviously not possible for someone actually hitting the move keys in person and not scripting)

You always had a chance at a titan, you just dont have the support in your guild. It takes practice and a lot of members unless your extremely well at titan hunting. Its more of an issue of not trying then not having the chance.

not quite as cut and dry as that. i choose to not use scripting and actually hit the keys as its suppose to be and because i can compete then thats an issue of not trying? im not complaining that i cant do it im saying this update is a good one and will let others that have had the same experiences as i have with a few guys dominating the whole board all at once ( and there is many) actually give titan hunting a chance once again

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