I have a suggestion for an upgrade - we need an upgrade to relics that allows you to abandon them. Why should we pay for something we do not want?
Lower levels keep taking them and us telling them not to. They just want to help. Having to pay for them and not want them is a pain.
1) limit who has privileges to empower relics
2) when someone does empower one anyway, go un-empower it or better yet send them to do it
3) Mass message guild and educate about your guild's limits and why. Have consequences if you have someone who repeatedly doesn't respect leadership guidance.
It's not merely a cost factor, as even if unempowered I think when you have over 3 relics that the benefits is significantly reduced. I remember reading the math one time, long ago in a galaxy .... .... Anyway - understanding tends to breed team work, and if not take a crow bar and Morse code the message into their brains.