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PvP ladder rewards (again)

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#61 hmfic



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Posted 15 April 2013 - 21:08

I've never once complained that people are profiting...fact is not many are....tokens are worthless right now for the most part. I've got over 60 that I have NO use for, my guild founder has over 300 with nothing to do with them, I know many others with similar amounts.


If you have taken engineering classes and can't understand buffs,gear,etc maybe FS isn't for you. I know kids that are barely 14 playing the game. I mean no offense by this but it is not hard to look at a buff in the skills guide, figure what it does and then apply it to your stats.


I haven't seen a failed proposal yet either, many people support bound pvp items, NOBODY has stated ALL items will be bound. Old items wouldn't be. there is profit for people right there. You seem to take people wanting something new and useful as a personal attack.


There are arguements for both sides. Nither really matter until cows decide to do something. We will never agree because you are set that if you can't buy everything then there is no point in earning it. Nobody is forcing you to participate in the ladder. IF we ever get new gear,pots,etc  and you decide they are something of value to you then you will have to make a choice to physically click the box to opt into the ladder. Nobody is there with a gun to your head or threatening you. It is a CHOICE you make. I chose to opt out after receiving my bronze dominance medal. The tokens have no part in me playing the ladder. I've invented every set I could possibly need. The ladder was designed to increase pvp activity and it did for a short while, sadly the offering of worthwhile gear made it very quickly a declining market after it was flooded with gear.  augilts was 50-60...now they are what 5-6 fsp? over flooding causes death in the ladders.


rant over.





Any more ideas for new ladder rewards?

#62 watagashi



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Posted 15 April 2013 - 21:30

This post is spiraling into the black hole of a lock so ill add one thing Ripple mentioned.


See FS is really cool and above other places in one aspect, the secondary market. We have played and in fact a place where I still have ALL the stuff I bought, earned or won on me and can never share it with her is the inspiration for this and its because that game sucks :)


I have made a post regarding the level restrictions on pvp gear as well and stand by it too, if I could make every pvp set I would have,,, and gave it to my guild.


Because the social aspect, the shared experience the players who went first and leveled in shop gear or drop gear and maybe once in a while found an elite den. They led the way. People who took the time and stam to hunt up the first SE sets branched out and took another line sacrificing their leveling to get things not only for themselfs but for friends or most times for their guilds when they were done with it. LE events, arenas, titans and yes even the first pvp gear most players made it, used it and if they didnt make another and drop it in guild store already tagged it when done. Its been a foundation of FS and one big reason its stood the test of time.


Sure there are players in all parts of the game who will only work for themselves, there are players who only care about how many FSP they will get out of the deal and its ok they are an important part of the game too because,,,,


WHATEVER it was and wherever it came from somebody spent time, stam and maybe even FSP to earn the gear, its worth something to them but above all else THEY had fun doing it!


They needed some FSP so they decide they must sell it, they put it up for auction and the desire for the item dictates its selling price,,, What we dont think about is the leveler who doesnt want to pvp got those points from buying a special offer and supporting the game :) HE is having fun leveling and is going to be delighted to see how well that new set goes with the other stuff he bought. 


The pvper now has,,,wth how about 350 points,,, I recall selling a sekhs shield for that once upon a time.

He plays ladder and piddles away 10-15 a day for pots and buffs to have fun, play ladder and enjoy what he likes to do.


The buffer is saving up for some new gear,,, oddly enough its pvp gear


The pvper also likes to play arena he puts 5 or so FSP into that every day hes doing what HE LIKES TO DO and eventually he may sell a piece of gear he makes with that.


He also maxxed his stam with 100 of those FSP and titan hunts now,, hes having a lot of fun at it!!! Eventually he will get some reward shared around with his guildies for a titan drop they earned with their stam and time,, they all had fun doing it.


Finally he tags a set since hes got a bunch of tokens laying around,,, a guildie puts it on, gets interested in pvp from it and HE joins the ladder :)


And so on and so on,,,, binding up gear so it cant be used except by a select few makes for a real dull game,, also one that doesnt last long.

#63 Nikita90



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Posted 15 April 2013 - 22:31

as of right now i have gained about 28 in under 2 weeks. PVP tokens are basically worthless at this point. i have no way to make make a decent profit off of the current items. i suggest a epic set. something such as nuryns set or something like that except overpowered 

#64 Jose



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Posted 16 April 2013 - 01:45

Bound new PvP ladder gear?


Player A has played the PvP ladder for some time and has a stack of ladder rewards waiting for new gear to invent with it.

Player B has not played the PvP ladder before, so has no ladder rewards. Player B would like the new gear OR would like to play the PvP ladder.

How is Player B going to be able to compete on the PvP ladder if Player A has the advantage of the new gear and Player B cannot win against it?

If all new PvP ladder reward gear and potions are bound, then only those already playing the ladder will continue to play it. There are unlikely to be many, if any, new participants.

So if you think thats a problem i have to perfect solution. Your point is that there are veteran pvpers and new pvpers. Also i can add that we have Novice Pvp Arena and Normal Pvp arenas. So why we dont divide ladder? I mean, players that dont have Dominance Gold Medal should be in the Novice Ladder (if they opt in) and If you have one higher that Gold (or even gold) you would be at the normal pvp ladder. So HCS can add new items and turn them bound or also to FF them using tokkens. That would prevent abuse by the players that already are doing pvp ladder. Also dont forget to check the last thread created about this, http://forums.hunted...showtopic=55997


I hope that helps :)

#65 EvilLyn



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Posted 16 April 2013 - 17:21

The PvP ladder needs something new for it. I think that certain thing SHOULD be bound. Not gear though. I like the idea of adding new potions, both for leveling and PvP aspects. Make it tempting enough that a few levelers may want to try and get some for personal use. The point is to get more players interested in attempting the ladder. I could care less about the profits  from the tokens. I want to see other players try something they think is "bad" because they don't understand it. Other players may even enjoy themselves if they have to try it to get a nice reward that they can't just buy off others. Plus it will give a chance for poor players to get nice rewards.


Please, please PLEASE add something for the ladder.

#66 hmfic



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Posted 20 April 2013 - 14:54

bumpity bump up the page

#67 Scathian



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Posted 20 April 2013 - 15:31

I joined the pvp ladder a while ago now, I don't actually remember the actual date anymore lol but the price of Nuryns was like 120 fsp per item. I wanted a nuryns set, but I didn't have any fsp... So I joined my local pvp ladder to earn myself one. I had 1 att/def set and a pathetic armor set (which was why I wanted nuryns) and I hadn't had any experience with pvp before besides a couple of easy bounty clears so I  got knocked around a bunch and it took a while to earn my nuryn set, but boy was I proud to have gotten it :) 


Fast forwards to now, I have my gold dominance, and pile of over 500 pvp tokens that I am not using. I have all the gear I want, and I won't be inventing with tokens until it's worth using... I have a piece that I have been selling for a couple months now with nobody interested in it at all (except one guy, but I persuaded him to join his pvp ladder and get his own :)  )   


Right now I wouldn't care if we got a new ladder currency, I could earn my new gear again and it would be loads of fun. It would be nice to use my tokens though, the bound potions sound especially good, saves me (and everyone else) from flooding the market with new gear like we did the last time new pvp gear was put out. But we need something to get more life into the ladder.

#68 vastilos



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 07:15

The two crappiest things about the ladder is:


1) Every hit you do or have done to you can be bountied.

2) Being able to bounty someone from a ladder hit is a joke that should have been changed when the ladder was introduced.


One of the reasons I took a 6 month break from FS is because I had some douche that didn't like the fact that I could beat him, so during the 40-something hours I was opted into the ladder I got bountied for every hit I did on him, and I lost a crap load of levels PLUS I was losing exp from each hit done to me. So, losing exp from ladder hits and losing close to 25 levels from bounties for the time I was opted in just made me disgusted that the cows have no sense to fix it (no offense intended).


You opt into the ladder KNOWING that you are going to get hit and KNOWING that each time you are hit you are GOING TO LOSE EXP, yet they allow this kind of garbage made no sense to me. Allowing bounties to be placed for every single ladder hit makes no sense at all and that should be removed. You risk getting hit and losing exp when you opt in to the ladder, if you don't want to lose exp, then don't opt in, it cannot get any simpler than that.

#69 Pardoux



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:02

Are there folk with plenty of tokens stockpiled ? - yes

Are there bands where a SINGLE hit / reset wins ? - yes

Are there more than 100 ladder players, across all ranges ? - no (only 81)


As it stands, the ladder is, pretty much, a joke unfortunately. The existing sets are too prevalent now and the ladder took, IMO, a backward step when bounties were allowed to be placed per hit on it. 


The ladder is OPTIONAL - bounties should not be applicable when all participants in the ladder voluntarily and knowingly opt-in on it. Thankfully, this is something BG is thinking about changing.


NEW items are needed - be the sets and potions




New items should be made from NEW tokens (or whatever you want to call the rewards). For too long, on too many ranges, the ladder has been "I'll hit you once for top place, and next reset you hit me once" reward. Some people, by their own admissions, have hundreds of ladder tokens for pretty much zip "investment".


I'd personally also like to see new items, whatever they are, be BOUND. Too many folk complain that PvP is dying... well, make it so that items from the ladder are only available if you earn them on the ladder. Whether that will happen or not, who knows.


The MAIN thing tho is the "new items = new tokens" ... 

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#70 Jose



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 13:26

And why u want to punish those players that have been playing ladder to keep it a bit alive? The idea of adding new rewards to game by playing ladder its not to gain fsp doing it. The idea is to bring more players in. So all we need its new items bound or new potions bounds or new forge with tokens that turns item bound (that item cant be tagged by a guild) or even cast some buffs with the tokens.

#71 Pardoux



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 23:56

And why u want to punish those players that have been playing ladder to keep it a bit alive? The idea of adding new rewards to game by playing ladder its not to gain fsp doing it. The idea is to bring more players in. So all we need its new items bound or new potions bounds or new forge with tokens that turns item bound (that item cant be tagged by a guild) or even cast some buffs with the tokens.


Keep it alive ? - 81 players out of everyone ? - I think, were the ladder an animal, it would be declared extinct to all intents and purposes.


I've just checked your ladder (seeing as you "called me out" as it were) - and currently there's just 2 of you on it - and previously, there were just 3 of you on it. A couple of taps per reset is not exactly earning those tokens, now is it ? ;)

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#72 tharzill



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Posted 29 April 2013 - 10:42

"This post is spiraling into the black hole of a lock so ill add one thing Ripple mentioned.


See FS is really cool and above other places in one aspect, the secondary market. We have played and in fact a place where I still have ALL the stuff I bought, earned or won on me and can never share it with her is the inspiration for this and its because that game sucks :)


I have made a post regarding the level restrictions on pvp gear as well and stand by it too, if I could make every pvp set I would have,,, and gave it to my guild.


Because the social aspect, the shared experience the players who went first and leveled in shop gear or drop gear and maybe once in a while found an elite den. They led the way. People who took the time and stam to hunt up the first SE sets branched out and took another line sacrificing their leveling to get things not only for themselfs but for friends or most times for their guilds when they were done with it. LE events, arenas, titans and yes even the first pvp gear most players made it, used it and if they didnt make another and drop it in guild store already tagged it when done. Its been a foundation of FS and one big reason its stood the test of time.


Sure there are players in all parts of the game who will only work for themselves, there are players who only care about how many FSP they will get out of the deal and its ok they are an important part of the game too because,,,,


WHATEVER it was and wherever it came from somebody spent time, stam and maybe even FSP to earn the gear, its worth something to them but above all else THEY had fun doing it!


They needed some FSP so they decide they must sell it, they put it up for auction and the desire for the item dictates its selling price,,, What we dont think about is the leveler who doesnt want to pvp got those points from buying a special offer and supporting the game :) HE is having fun leveling and is going to be delighted to see how well that new set goes with the other stuff he bought. 


The pvper now has,,,wth how about 350 points,,, I recall selling a sekhs shield for that once upon a time.

He plays ladder and piddles away 10-15 a day for pots and buffs to have fun, play ladder and enjoy what he likes to do.


The buffer is saving up for some new gear,,, oddly enough its pvp gear


The pvper also likes to play arena he puts 5 or so FSP into that every day hes doing what HE LIKES TO DO and eventually he may sell a piece of gear he makes with that.


He also maxxed his stam with 100 of those FSP and titan hunts now,, hes having a lot of fun at it!!! Eventually he will get some reward shared around with his guildies for a titan drop they earned with their stam and time,, they all had fun doing it.


Finally he tags a set since hes got a bunch of tokens laying around,,, a guildie puts it on, gets interested in pvp from it and HE joins the ladder :)


And so on and so on,,,, binding up gear so it cant be used except by a select few makes for a real dull game,, also one that doesnt last long."




I would have to agree.


While new gear/potions might be good for the ladder, having them bound would not be good for the game itself IMO.  


#73 Jose



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Posted 29 April 2013 - 10:48

A couple of taps per reset is not exactly earning those tokens, now is it ? ;)

I think thats exactly earning... dont u see, we are opting in, if all peoples leave ladder it will die... if there are  few doing it means it still live... or im crazy or u dont see when someone earn something lol

#74 Pardoux



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Posted 29 April 2013 - 10:59

I think thats exactly earning... dont u see, we are opting in, if all peoples leave ladder it will die... if there are  few doing it means it still live... or im crazy or u dont see when someone earn something lol


The ladder and its prizes are not, I'm pretty sure, designed to be won by 1 hit per reset. In it's current form, where tokens are given out for next to nothing, then it SHOULD die ...

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

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