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Game Update v2.43

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#61 Egami



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Posted 30 January 2014 - 21:07

It's not really any good for the game long term if this rewards people intentionally bottoming out the buff market. How is there any benefit for people not at 1200+ to be selling buffs if people are selling 300 stam in buffs for 1 fsp including SH/EF/OK if the trend continues?


I can say flat out I've already benefitted from the Buff marketplace, but it's basically driven a lot of buffers in the sub 900 level zone out of the competition for buff sales. Not trying to be crass... but I kind of had a feeling this would happen when I saw it as an option to vote for on roadmap... nothing I can do but deal with it I guess.



EDIT #2: The potential for abuse is what I have issue with. Why should someone be rewarded for not being as active as someone who is more active? How does allowing someone who devotes 5 mins every two days get rewarded essentially as much as someone on 4+ hours a day?

I edited out portion's of gutie's comment.


Paragraph 1: As far as how it's beneficial, now all those lower levels can buy those buffs cheaper.


Paragraph 2: They should lower their prices then.


Paragraph 3: I find this to be irrelevant. Nobody is being "rewarded" for being inactive. Somebody made some robot comment which actually I kind of liked. I still go to the market where there are fruit and vegetable stands, etc. Choice is the issue. As a buyer, I can decide. As a seller, I can decide. I don't know, but exactly as before with the Shout Box or FSBox, I'll tend to buy more from somebody who is around and that I tend to buy from at good prices. The active ones often give "extras" to their repeat customers.



Outside this response but in line with the general idea, someone was still pushing the buff ST idea. I really do like that idea though I think a lot of the anti-automation players will be against it.


In any case, it was going to form part of my suggestions after having finally had the chance to do some buy-side experiments last weekend.


Regardless, how this fits in here would be, if implemented, it would actually provide an opportunity for more interaction. My regular buff buyers or those who have buffed me with Reinforce, Extend, Buff Master, or whatever could be offered a discount on my regular prices. Sky could be the limit there. ,oP

#62 Jonah Tebaa

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Posted 30 January 2014 - 21:11

Hey Hoof. As much as I appreciate the recent efforts u guys have been putting into FS lately, I think this exploitable auto buff update could really destroy FS.

I agree with the reasons u had to introduce this, in the first place, but I think there is a minor tweak that would limit possible abuse (by setting limits to 100 and going on autorefresh):

Make the limit 1 instead of 100. So now the buff is autocast once. Yet, when used, the buffer gets a message similar to this, with a refill option:
Player x has purchased your buff package abcdefg for 1 FSPs. [Refill Buff]

If buffer misses refilling his buffs here, he can still refill them in his manage buffs page.

This way, a player on auto refresh would only be able to sell a buff once (fix the ability to list the same buff several times).

Just crossed my mind, but perhaps make refilling buffs cost gold, and gold cost increases with buff level (by buff lvl i mean 1200 buff or 1600 buff)

I hope my idea makes sense and cheers to u guys.

#63 Egami



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Posted 30 January 2014 - 21:16

You fail to see the problem Of someone being able to sell buffs 24/7, limited only by stamina on hand? If you are a buyer there is no problem. The problem is when you have some one , for example an EOC player, who has nothing better to do with their stam. They can dominate the market - even in their sleep

My last response to Gutie might be good to look over, but I'll add to it a bit more on this part.


I still see no problem. That's called supply and demand. If an EOC wants to dominate the market with lower prices, then that's how it should be. Stam is stam. One might value it more, one might value it less.


The thing is that the extreme of what you are suggesting is that there should be some price minimum on buffs. I find that really hard to argue for. Many great players (not myself) have even paid FSP to advertise their buffs for free. Should that not be allowed?


Sorry, a level 1k like me wants to sell buffs for profit, they need to look for the price to compete. If they can't compete, they need to search for other ways to profit with their stam. I myself happen to farm shards on occasion, lmao.


EDIT: Saw jonah's post (right above this) after posting. That's actually a curious suggestion. Again, I'm for full automation, but does seem to be an interesting suggestion. I'll let this whole thing run and think about it.

Edited by Egami, 30 January 2014 - 21:22.

#64 Hoofmaster


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Posted 30 January 2014 - 21:49

Make the limit 1 instead of 100. So now the buff is autocast once. Yet, when used, the buffer gets a message similar to this, with a refill option:
Player x has purchased your buff package abcdefg for 1 FSPs. [Refill Buff]


That would be easily script-able too - the way it is now is open to all players and fair I think :)


I'm actually quite happy with this update and this it will turn out fine. I realise that some see it as automation, but I see it as making it more accessible to more players and hence a good thing for the game.


It's possibly too soon to tell, but it looks to be working well. Give it some time and try it out and lets see how it goes :)

#65 callmeabc



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Posted 30 January 2014 - 22:00

That would be easily script-able too - the way it is now is open to all players and fair I think :)


I'm actually quite happy with this update and this it will turn out fine. I realise that some see it as automation, but I see it as making it more accessible to more players and hence a good thing for the game.


It's possibly too soon to tell, but it looks to be working well. Give it some time and try it out and lets see how it goes :)

Could I ask you to please look into allowing us to securely trade buffs? I honestly do enjoy the player interaction. This series of up updates addresses the need for players to exchange buff and payment in a "secure" way. I strongly dislike the system being completely automated. If you are going to alllow buff factories could you please allow players to trade buffs with the same security?

Edited by callmeabc, 30 January 2014 - 22:01.

Avatar upgrade - http://forums.hunted...showtopic=55576

GvG tracking ideas -

In the advisor - http://forums.hunted...showtopic=55250

In a building - http://forums.hunted...showtopic=53004


#66 Jonah Tebaa

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Posted 30 January 2014 - 22:38

Hoof, I agree that this update has its good aspects and I think I know why you think it is applicable. But honestly, I dont think it was hard to find buffs before. Though this update allows lower level players to compete, which is what I like about it. But I really think there is a harmful part about it.

Most of us play FS for the friends we made here. This game has an amazing social aspect. I would rather we do not introduce a new system that decreases this aspect. If it was up to me, the fshelper "find buffs" should also be removed. I used to add players who sold fair priced buffs as enemies so I can use them again. I made good friends that way. Players used to advertise their cheap buffs in order to sell. Now it's just like AH except you cant even bargain for a cheaper deal. So this, in my humble opinion, helps destroy an aspect that made this game so good.

I know a lot of work was put here mate, but I do hope you consider the points hat many players are pointing out in this thread.

Regarding the possibility to script that, anything can be scripted, but scripting is against the game rules, while auto refresh isnt. This update allows any player to "legally" abuse the system. (I think autorefresh should not be allowed anyway)

Again, thanks for putting more efforts in this game and I hope you do consider the suggestion I made in my previous reply. Might be a good gold sinc too.

#67 Shadow19231



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Posted 30 January 2014 - 23:47

As suggested awhile ago, I think a pinging system would be suffice for both kinds of people. The kinds who want no automation from people on auto, and the kinds who are online but do not like accepting everytime. So, here's my idea.


When you activate your buff market, it will stay active for as long as your character is "online". Now, the fun begins when it needs to decide between online and auto.


Ways to decide:
Sending a message, be it guild or personal, accepting/initiating trades, attacking people, etc,  will "Ping" the service and mark you as truly online


If none of these are the case, then you are considered "on auto"


I don't know, just my idea. Don't entirely know how this can / if it can be implemented

#68 rowbeth



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Posted 31 January 2014 - 00:04

Most people choose to play MM online games because the gaming experience is enhanced when you're playing and interacting with other real people.


I have been really glad to be self-sufficient for buffs since level 1400. The main reason for this is that I used to spend ages not talking to people in trying to get buffed for my hunts. More accurately, I spent ages not being talked back to, and that was a real turn-off. I used to send buff requests, hang around for 3-4 minutes, send a cancellation message, try the next person... and it was not unknown to waste 30 minutes this way.


I think you will find the people who have been pushing for the automatic buffs will know exactly what I'm talking about - and are finding this to be a problem that gets worse as the size of the town gets smaller. I also think there is a good chance that this action from HCS will actually help to retain low level players who feel they need buffs before doing things in-game.

#69 Anonemesis



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Posted 31 January 2014 - 00:24

It's fair how it is, no more waiting to be buffed and sending requests too 50 people who are on auto-refresh with no response when I want to hunt....I want to hunt...I don't want to be straggling around FS looking for a damn buffer and anyone who does is cracked out in their mind...the easier it is to get buffs the better it is for the game the games complicated enough for newcomers...so streamlining this can only do good...staminas staminas it shouldn't matter if your online or not your using your stamina if that means you don't play for days...who the hell cares? that's your stamina...you should be able to use it how you please

Edited by xAnonemesisx, 31 January 2014 - 00:30.

Hate It Or Love It The Underdogs On Top. 

#70 Tastria



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Posted 31 January 2014 - 00:44

I haven't used the new market yet, but I do like the addition of seeing who has extend and the like running on their buffs.  On an associated note, buffs do not have to be given by other players, they can also be drunken.  I never quite understood getting (for example) a level 175 Berserk, when you can get a level 200 in the AH for a minimum of 100 gold.  I understand about the time element, but it is a viable option.  You just have to do a bit of planning ahead.

      I'm really skeptical about how well this system will work on automation, but we shall see.  I will be delighted to be proven wrong.

    On an associated note:  Can something be done to the forums to prevent this double posting? (which is why I had to edit.....)

Edited by Tastria, 31 January 2014 - 00:47.

#71 Windbattle



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Posted 31 January 2014 - 03:13

After seeing how it was working (or wasn't) with the requests, I felt it was better to go with this system. It makes it easier to use (which can only be a good thing) and solves the issue with players requesting multiple packages from different players due to players not responding (then responding and causing duplicate buffs to be cast etc.). Overall I just think it works better :)


If players are not online to cast the buffs, the more ACTIVE seller should get the sale. Also, I don't see how the multiple package buffing would be an issue .. since if you have 175 buffs cast on you .. any future 175 buff being cast on you would be a duplicate at the same casting level, so it wouldn't replace it.


But it seems this addition is here to stay. so I'll work with it and see how it goes. I honestly don't see the reason to go full automation with buff selling. The semi-automation system we had was working fine for 99% of people.

#72 Rasputin



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Posted 31 January 2014 - 05:10

Please read and respond to this with your thoughts, hoof or any staff...


The suggestion has been given by quite a few people of having a "View Buff Packages" option under Available actions while viewing the profile of a player. Do you think this will be possible to do? Do you think this option would be appropriate to have in the profile?


In my opinion it is a great idea since we now have the automation of buff packages so we can buy from our favorite buffers more easily.


Please offer us your reflection in regard to this idea. :lol:

Edited by Rasputin, 31 January 2014 - 05:10.


#73 maf22


Posted 31 January 2014 - 05:59

1 suggestion i have is to add the ability to search for buff packs by a players name,  this will allow players to continue to advertise in fsbox and shoutbox

#74 yotwehc



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Posted 31 January 2014 - 06:37

It's fair how it is, no more waiting to be buffed and sending requests too 50 people who are on auto-refresh with no response when I want to hunt....I want to hunt...I don't want to be straggling around FS looking for a damn buffer and anyone who does is cracked out in their mind...the easier it is to get buffs the better it is for the game the games complicated enough for newcomers...so streamlining this can only do good...staminas staminas it shouldn't matter if your online or not your using your stamina if that means you don't play for days...who the hell cares? that's your stamina...you should be able to use it how you please

WOW. The way you put it, it boggles the mind that this game survived for 6 years ( or is it 7?). Either way others have put it quite succinctly, it has become less social but it is the way things will be :(

#75 surfactant


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Posted 31 January 2014 - 14:39

Great update!


who doesnt like this update can continue buying buffs the old way they want to do. global chat is there for those who like to chat a lot.

Edited by surfactant, 31 January 2014 - 14:47.

#76 Kedyn



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Posted 31 January 2014 - 14:46

Since it seems like the update will stay the way it is, I have one more request for Hoof and HCS.


Is it possible to get an option to buy the buffs for other players - ie friends/guildmates etc? It would maybe be a pop-up after you click request buff pack. This would be helpful in the sense that you can get buffs for other players, including your guildmates when in a GVG or on the bounty board.

#77 Hoofmaster


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Posted 31 January 2014 - 15:14

Since it seems like the update will stay the way it is, I have one more request for Hoof and HCS.


Is it possible to get an option to buy the buffs for other players - ie friends/guildmates etc? It would maybe be a pop-up after you click request buff pack. This would be helpful in the sense that you can get buffs for other players, including your guildmates when in a GVG or on the bounty board.


I'm thinking it would be cool to show all players available buff packages on their profile (or maybe a selection that the seller selects) so it would essentially like your own buff shop on your profile :)

#78 Ramses1977



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Posted 31 January 2014 - 15:26

I'm thinking it would be cool to show all players available buff packages on their profile (or maybe a selection that the seller selects) so it would essentially like your own buff shop on your profile :)

That sounds pretty cool ... Sort of like the view my auctions ?

#79 cyrus7



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Posted 31 January 2014 - 15:33



- On the main page for the Buff Marketplace, search boxes after the first one (after you click Add Buff)

- - have the whole buff list in them twice

- - use a smaller size font


- Text at the top of the page still says: "You can search for up to 10 buffs at a time and results are ordered by sellers most recent online time. Requests not accepted within 10 minutes automatically expire." even though the buffs are listed by price and cast instantly and therefore have no expiration to the request.

#80 WWWolf

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Posted 31 January 2014 - 15:36

I'm thinking it would be cool to show all players available buff packages on their profile (or maybe a selection that the seller selects) so it would essentially like your own buff shop on your profile :)

I love this (actually asked for this weeks ago) but I believe what Kedyn was asking for is a way for me to buy buffs from someone to be cast on another player.


I have been messaged multiple times in the past with requests like "Can you please buff ____ with ___ and I'll pay you".


If there was a way to do this using the new Buff Market, it could help a lot of players, especially when trying to help new guildmates get the most out of their hunts when they can't afford to buy the buffs themselves.

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