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Midnight at the Temple

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#61 gothador_rollina

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Posted 01 August 2005 - 09:58

Rollina squirmed as the shakles where put on her wrists. Her eyes full of fear. Her voice quivers as she speaks loudly. "I didnt kill anyone I swear it, and Thomas was only protecting me if you want anyone to kill. Kill me, but let him go. I wont run away anymore from a crime I didnt do."

She looked at the shakles on Thomas, and gasped. "Your hurting him let him go now. If you want to make anyone suffer make me not him. He is the only friend I have in the world." Her eyes full of tears, as she grabs a near by Angelic men's dagger. She trys to run at Valki with it, but the angel's had the chain that was connected to her shakles. They pulled slightly makeing her fall backwards. They all started to chuckle at her attempt to hurt Valki.

Valki slowly walked up to her, and smiled evily as he kicked her in the stumache makeing her roll back. His words where harsh, and cold. "Stupid wench you think you can just kill my father then try to hurt me. Dont make me laugh I am the leader of this village now." He laughed even harder when he saw her tears flowing freely. He spoke again spiting at her. "You killed our cheif then you, and your friend come here to kill me off didnt you?"

Rollina looked Yelled "No we didnt we came to clear my name."

#62 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 03 August 2005 - 06:14

Thomas' rage was growing, his eyes now glowed a bright yellow. Straining more than ever to make an action (or a sound), his bat-like wings again appeared.

He couldn't give up now, while Rollina was watching. He again turned into bright flames, dissapearing. The chains seemed to stretch into the fire then recoiled, springing Thomas back to his spot.

Valki laughed "You think I wouldn't have thought of that? What do you take me for?" He then proceeded to kick the Demon in the stomache.

"It's true" Thomas thought. "It was a long shot but I had to attempt it". He then looked at rollina again, tears streaming down her face as she struggled. Anger rose again in Thomas, the pain he could take, but not the look on her face.

"Alright, take the girl to the dungeons. The demon can stay here for tonight, he is quite harmless" Valki ordered his men. "Oh and why don't you throw her in the men's cells, I fear just execution isn't enough for this one". Valki sneered.

"Don't!" said Thomas, in a feeble voice.

"Ooh! my my dear demon, you have some willpower I'll give you that" said Valki.

"SHUT UP!" Thomas shouted now, his voice at full strength. He rose from the ground, struggling, clenching his fists in rage.

He grasped at Valki with great strain, grasping the sword from his hand by the blade. Flecks of demon blood dripped down it as Thomas held it up in the air. As moonlight hit the blade a blue glow shone again.

All the angels watched this. Valki took a weakly step back. "You see! Angel Blood! She is innocent!" Thomas proclaimed. Then with a heavy thud, collapsed to the ground, the stained sword clattering against the floor. The name Valki engraved upon it in fancy lettering.

#63 gothador_rollina

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Posted 03 August 2005 - 07:30

Rollina screamed. "thomas please be ok." Her heart raced as the Angelic men unchained her and Thomas. She ran to him holding his head in her lap crying. "Thomas you have to be ok please open your eyes for me."

Valki backed up at this moment, and ran from the Village while the Angelic men watched in awe at what they had just seen. A few of them chased after Valki, but to no avail of finding him.

Rollina asked the angelic men to help her carry Thomas to her old hut. She helped them lay him on her bed, as she tended to his wounds gently. She kept crying worry in her eyes. She gently hummed to him a song her mother sang to her while she lived. Rollina fell asleep by Thomas's side while all the angels in the village talked about what had happened, and of Thomas's bravery, and Rollina's innocents.

Mean while Valki stumbled around in the forest breathing heavily, and as mad as a hornet he vowed to him self he would make Thomas, and Rollina pay. As he disapeared into the night.

#64 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 03 August 2005 - 08:18

Thomas was in a dark dreamless rest for many days. The strain on his body from that strange spell had taken a heavy toll. If he had fought it much longer the pain would've surely killed him.

Regaining consciousness, the back of Thomas' eyelids were sore and red as the light filtered through them. He opened his eyes, finding himself on a soft bed in a small room. Rollina, who was asleep in a chair next to him, slept softly.

The sun shone through the window upon his face, this wasn't usually a pleasant thing for a demon but Thomas seemed to enjoy it thouroughly this time. It was midmorning by the looks of it, a few birds sat outside the window. A smile graced his lips as he put a hand on Rollina's shoulder, slowly stirring her to wake.

"Hey" he said softly.

#65 gothador_rollina

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Posted 03 August 2005 - 16:37

Rollina's eyes flutered open as she heared Thomas's voice. Her eyes filled with tears of joy that he was now awake. She grabed him, and hugged him tightly crying. "I was so worryed about you Thomas." She smiled brightly. "You must be hungery ill make you breakfast." She quickly stands up, and heads into the kitchen, and makes him breakfast. Once done she brings him a plate of food. "Please eat you need your strength."

Meanwhile There was still a lot of commotion over everything that had happened in the village. They where a buz with talk about Valki killing his father how Thomas saved Rollina, and cleared her name. Also they talked about how Valki was still on the lose.

After Thomas had finished his food Rollina had decided something. "Thomas im going to stay at the temple with you, and only visit my old village to cheek up on things. Your my friend, and I want to stay by your side." She smiles brightly at him. "Thomas if you would like we can go for a walk around the village sometime if you would like?"

#66 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 04 August 2005 - 04:30

"I am glad you are staying, yes I would like a walk very much I think" said Thomas smiling, slightly embarrassed. "I've yet to see this place in the daylight".

As he went to get up, he realised his ankles were weak and quickly fell over. There were dark red burn scars on each ankle and wrist. "Perhaps we should fly instead?". Thomas laughed and his wings appeared. Hovering to his feet, he held out a hand to Rollina. "Shall we go then?".

#67 gothador_rollina

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Posted 04 August 2005 - 06:20

Rollina nodded, and spread out her angel wings. "I know where to get some herbs to help your wounds." She smiles brightly. As they take flight Rollina shows him a small clearing near the Village. She picks some herbs, and grinds them in her hands. She then applies them to his wounds. As they spent the day together Rollina showed him many things about her Village. All the Angel kept stareing at them, and whispering. "Thomas can I ask a favor please. Can we visit the cheifs grave. I would like to lay some flowers on his grave if its ok?" She smiles softly at him, and hugs him. "You are the greatest Thomas. You have saved me in so many ways I owe you so much." She showed Thomas many stores, and angelic bars. She rushed off for a secound without a word, and returned with a large box in her hands. "This is for you Thomas." Inside lay an sword made just for him. She had it made as a gift for him it had his name engraved in the handel of it, and was increasted with jewles of all types in the handel. The blade was like glass with a strange yet beautiful desighn on it. "I hope it's to your likeing." She layed the box in his arms.

#68 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 05:29

"I...you really didn't need to do all this" Thomas said modestly. "Just your company is enough reward I think". He smiled at Rollina.

He examined the sword, gave it a few test swings, then affixed it proudly to his belt. "I love it, thank you. But I feel I need to give you something in return, though I have nothing much of value". He then gave the angel a warm hug. "This will have to do I suppose, for the time being".

The sun was setting in the sky behind them. Bright orange and pink colored the sky. Thomas released the hug and they both sat and watched it. The demon put his arm around her.

#69 gothador_rollina

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 07:02

Rollina blushed as he put his arm around her. She smiled brightly, and nuzzled against him gently. "Thomas being with you is all I need as repayment. You saved me more than you know." She smiles, and takes his hand, and leads him to the lake just as the moon rises in the center makeing every thing glow in a silver color. Her eyes glowed with the moon light becomeing a brighter gold color. She layed her head on Thomas's shoulder, and looked up at him smileing. "Soon my Village will chose a new leader, and every thing will be at peace again." She smiles, and catches a firefly, and hands it to Thomas giggleing softly. "Look the light dances." Her eyes stayed focused on Thomas, and the fire fly.

Mean while Valki watched them from the forest that surounded the lake. Hate glowing in his eyes, as his wings turned black he had become an fallen angel. An evil smirk apeared on his face, as his new black wings moved a little. He conciled him self in the darkness, and muttered the words. "Soon you both will pay....." He then turned, and disapeared into the night vowing to make new allies, and distroy them both with his own tow hands. As he left he thought of ways to make them suffer, and pay for them foiling his plan to take over the village.

Rollina continued to smile at Thomas, and laughed softly, as her feathered wing tuched her body, as she landed on the ground. "Im ticklish even to my own feathers. oh.....um....Thomas how are your wounds I almost forgot to ask. Did the herbs help any are they feeling better?" Her words where full of worry.

#70 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 07:52

"Oh, don't worry about me, I'm tough" Thomas said in a comical tone, trying to hide the fact he was still in pain. Though the moonlight seemed to ease it as usual, Rollina's presence was more helpful. There was a brief silence then as they both sat together staring at the flickering stars.

"Heh heh, you know I think you're bad luck. Since I've met you I've been beaten up, cut up, nearly killed and yet...I wouldn't change a thing". Thomas leaned in a kissed Rollina, without even thinking about what he was doing. He pulled back a little, apologeticly, and blushed.

#71 gothador_rollina

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 17:09

Rollina blushes as he kisses her, and at his words. Her heart raceing, as she kisses him back softly without reliseing it. He had stolen her first kiss, and in her mind she thought wow he is a good kisser. Her body trembled a little at the loss of his lips on hers. Not knowing how to respond. Her eyes full of diffrent emotions mengling. Her heart started to calm down. "Thomas thank you, and im sorry you got hurt because of me. I never want to lose you." She nuzzles him softly, as she lay her head on his shoulder. She wrapped her wings around him, blushing a bright red her mind replaying the gentle, and sweet kiss Thomas had given to her. A moment she would always treasure. She looked out at the lake falling asleep next to Thomas. She felt so safe, and warm next to him. Like nothing in the world could hurt her. She smiled in her sleep, nuzzling him gently.

#72 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 05 August 2005 - 22:51

Thomas dozed off as well, quickly after. When he awoke Rollina was still sleeping. He sat up and sat there quietly, looking down on her.

"Rollina, we better head back" he said, waking her. And they both headed back to the village and Rollina's cottage. "When do you suppose we should go back to the temple?" He asked her.

#73 gothador_rollina

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Posted 06 August 2005 - 04:19

Rollina blushes, and smiles at Thomas. "We can go when ever you wish." She said sleeply she stoped at an hill, and picked some flowers, and placed them ontop of a grave. While on there way to Rollina's. When they got to Rollina's coutage she made a small fire. She then made some dinner for them, and set two places at the table. She had quickly made a roast, and some nice side dishes. She smiled softly at Thomas, and began to eat. "We missed dinner so this is our late night dinner."

#74 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 08 August 2005 - 05:33

"It smells wonderful" Thomas said, eating hungrily. "You are a great cook Rollina".

After he finished Thomas let out a deep yawn. "I can't believe I'm tired at this time of night, demons are s'posed to sleep during the day. This is your doing" he said jokingly. "We'll leave in the morning I think but for now time for bed I think....er...I don't suppose you have a guest room, or extra blankets for the floor? I'm not about to steal your bed from you again, it's just not gentlemanly".

#75 gothador_rollina

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Posted 08 August 2005 - 10:04

Rollina smiled, and eat after they both finished she smiled at Thomas's words. "Thomas I am sorry about every thing I have put you through. I do have extra blankets, but I refuse to let you sleep on the floor I insist You take my bed. Im sorry my cottage is so small it isnt like my parents cottage. When they died The village leader made me live here instead of at my dead parents home. He wanted me to stay close by so he could watch over me. His son Valki was always so mean to me, and the angelic Villagers of my Tribe always looked at me funny. The village leader before he died was like a secound father to me. Valki hated the way his father treated me like his own daughter. I guess that is why he framed me for the village leaders death. I guess every one treated me diffrent because of my child hood, and how my parents died....... " She stops, as tears flow down her face. "You are the first person besides the village leader who has passed away to even care about me, and I thank you for that. Im sorry I should not have mentioned that." She walks over to a cupboared, and opened it pulling from it some blankets, and a wrapped up sword falls down clatteringas it hit the floor. Engraved on the hilt is a name Orion She quickly picks it up as her tears tuch it, and places it back in the closet. A small jewlery box lays next to it hiden in the back of the closet. She turns to Thomas, and hands him the blanket pushing him into her room. "Please take my bed I have a couch." She then leaves, and lays down on the couch falling asleep with her wings wrapped around her.

#76 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 09 August 2005 - 04:57

"Well that's that" Thomas said, looking very surprised as the door was shut behind him. He let out a sigh "Oh this doesn't feel right, but if she insists". He took off his tunic and laid down on the bed.

He was swiftly asleep and dreams came to him. He dreamt of Rollina's childhood, and how terrible it must have been. He dreamt then, of his own childhood. The death of his brother, who was slaughtered mercilessly before Thomas's eyes when he was only fifteen. His mother's favorite song and his father's old pipe. Then their tombstones and a weeping young demon crouching before them.

He awoke the next morning and put on his clothes and armor. Opening the door he saw Rollina already up. "Good morning" Thomas yawned, scratching his head.

#77 gothador_rollina

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Posted 09 August 2005 - 16:01

Rollina smiles at Thomas, and sets a plate of panncakes, ham, eggs, toast, and any other type of breakfast food she could make. She also pours him some orange juice. "I hope you sleept well Thomas." She smiles softly at him. You can barely tell she was crying last night. She slowly walks over to him. "You better eat before breakfast gets cold. I have to go for a few minutes please fell free to look around, and do as you please tell Im back. It's just I have to say good bye to three people in this village."

She leaves, and walks out of the village, and to two hidden small graves poorly made. She kneels down by them, and touches one of the stones gently. Her fingures tuch the carveings that she had made. On one rock it said Orion, and on the other it said Maria. Tears fill her eyes again. "Mother, father every thing is ok now. Im still alive so dont worry. I know I must have worryed you both. I miss you both. Ive meet someone so wounderful mother his name is Thomas. he is a great guy, and a wounderful demon. Im sorry that when I was little I couldnt save you both. You both gave your lifes to safe me, and the other villagers.....Dad Im sorry I couldnt save your best friend.....Valki killed him. Im scared I don't want anyone else to die, or get hurt." More tears flow down her face. "Father I still have your sword, and mom I still have your jewlery box. I wont ever let them go." She lays her head on her parents graves, and nuzzles the hot stones gently. "I will find the creatures that killed you both, and some day I will get my revenge for you both. Till then dont worry....I will be staying with Thomas at the temple. I know I wont forget this village or where I came from so dont worry. Dad even though your dead I can still hear you lecture. I will make you both proud of me."

She stands up, and walks to the grave on the hill she went to yesterday, and smiles kneeling before it. "Im glad you can now rest. I hope you can find peace you were like a secound dad to me. You took me in when my parents where killed. It's not often someone will do that. You even let me make my own graves for them. I remember how you told me that it was the only way to bring peace to myself. I know you told me to be strong. Even when others mocked me, and I thank you for that. I thank you for everything. You said I was speacile, but I still dont think I am. I hope you can rest in peace. I will be going to the temple with Thomas, and liveing there. I know even in death I know what you are going to say. Gaurd your heart, but never seal it. Your favorite saying huh. Dont worry Valki wont be able to hurt you anymore, or the village. So rest in peace dad....You are my secound father. You three are in my heart always."

She slowly stands up, and walks back to her cottage. She trys to dry her tears softly, before entering, and starts to pack a few of her things. Only what she can carry. "Thomas I hope you had fun while I was away. I just had to talk to my parents, and the village elder one last time." She carefull wrapps up her fathers sword, and her mothers jewlery box takeing them from there hideing spot. She puts them in her bag, and ties it tightly. Her mind suddenly goes over something as her eyes grow wide, and she unties the bag quickly, and pulls out the jewlery box, and her fathers sword. Her mind runs opver a memorie of before Valki killed his father. Her body stiffens, as she goes into a small trance. She snapps out of it quickly not wanting to relive her past. She quickly places them back inside her bag, and ties it tightly.

#78 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 11 August 2005 - 04:35

"You ok?" Thomas placed his hand on her shoulder gently. "If it is too hard for you to leave this place, you do not have to. I know how difficult it is to leave one's home". And he did know, more so than anyone would think. He was a wanderer, every home Thomas has ever had has been abandoned of destroyed. Nanaea gave him this blessing of a home but he was never sure when it would be taken from him.

Deep in thought he barely heard what Rollina had spoken next but, it seemed to snap him from his daydream.

#79 gothador_rollina

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Posted 11 August 2005 - 05:16

Rollina looked at him, and smiled. "It is ok Thomas I want to go with you. Everyone that I loved here, and they loved me is dead. The only one I have left is you Thomas. As long as Im with you im happy." She smiles softly at him. "This place will always be my home, and I can always come, and visit it. I just dont fully belong here. The village will be fine without me." She lays her head on Thomas's shoulder. "Are you ok Thomas?" She looks at him worryed. "You are verry close to me Thomas I will stay by your side for as long as you wish me too. I wont leave you." Rollina picks up her bag, and looks at Thomas worriedly. "Im sorry if I worryed you Thomas I was just in a trance I was kinda starting to relive my past, and I dont want to do that."

#80 gothador_lordthomas

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Posted 11 August 2005 - 06:45

"I am fine. There are certain things in everyones memory that they would never want to relive...But, then again, there are moments that I would relive over and over forever". Thomas smiled and put his arm around her.

He then collected his armor and things and they set off. Out the door and back to the temple, home.

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