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Two new HKs Sighted!

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#61 majar



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Posted 30 June 2011 - 22:04

Hi HCS and forum! 8-)

ANY CHANCE THAT WE CAN GET HK SETS TO GO ALONG WITH THE nice WEAPONS? I was really hoping for some armor and defense that go with HKs. LoL
Please :P

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Sincerely :|
majar :shock:

#62 EdTheHead



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Posted 30 June 2011 - 22:46

If that's the case, then what's the point of us making comments, saying we want HK's like we're used to in-game already, and then they just throw in SE's relabelled as HK's.

Guess they just want to annoy what's left of the player base and sink the game as most of us aren't going to accept renaming some lame SE as an HK so much for Hoof offering to help looks like he kicked us in the nuts on this one.

#63 ecolitan



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Posted 30 June 2011 - 23:02

When players said what they wanted was an HK - there were expectations and conditions. Every other HK in the game came with good mission, tough stats for at level players, competition for set building, sets that lasted a large number of levels, sets with ARMOR and HP among other things.

What we got was 2 SE. Just to be clear - NOT WHAT WAS ASKED FOR. Renaming SE into HK and saying "we gave you what you wanted" won't work. As for low to high trade... for weapons? Not going to happen. Weapons are not an issue in this game. Particularly weapons that only allow 1-2 classes (depending on which skills you consider essential) to use them. No purist or soldier cares about these as they are specifically NOT what works with their skills. This was dumped on us rapidly (we know why) when what we wanted was PROLONGED ATTENTION AND CAREFUL ADDITIONS. Not quick stuff that isn't what was asked for. You have 58 players online. Maybe we do know what we want and we might be right?

I wanted a Mercedes for Christmas. The Hyundai with the Mercedes hood ornament kind of sucks.

#64 BigGrim


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Posted 30 June 2011 - 23:03

If the Purist Weapon needs ammo, all the weapons should use ammo. Would players want this?

perhaps not the mutant weapons, but ammo for sldiers/borgs/purists will be right in line with what they are used to.

Sounds good, as that would let everyone use their class skills still.

Anyone else agree?

#65 iut044



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Posted 30 June 2011 - 23:14

Anyone else agree?


#66 Pardoux



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Posted 30 June 2011 - 23:30

If the Purist Weapon needs ammo, all the weapons should use ammo. Would players want this?

perhaps not the mutant weapons, but ammo for sldiers/borgs/purists will be right in line with what they are used to.

Anyone else agree?

Not for mutie weapons ... Hopefully, you'll also address the other, far more important concerns regarding these rebadged SE's too BG ?

Homer : Marge, don't discourage the boy. Weaseling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals .. except the weasel.


Eddie Izzard : The National Rifle Association say that guns don't kill people, people do. But I think the gun helps, you know ? I think it helps. I think just standing there going "BANG" - that's not going to kill too many people, is it ?


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but it seems that everything I eat lately turns to poo ...

#67 ss_auronxx

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Posted 01 July 2011 - 00:07

Anyone else agree?


Disagree. I don't think you'll get any mutant to agree. Not a single Mutant weapon uses ammo. Why start now?

#68 ss_auronxx

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Posted 01 July 2011 - 00:11

I've been watching the log, and so far Sertina the Huntress (HK) has only appeared in one location (Amethyst Peak (Climb)), and Juggernaut X10 (HK) keeps appearing in the same two locatinos: Netherdeep (Dead Cave) and Varion City (Uptown).

New drop from the Juggernaut:

Titanium Toothed Ripsaw
Dmg Type=Solid

Sertina the Huntress (HK)
Ashstorm ToO (Supply Line)
Amethyst Peak (Climb)
Maren Ridge (Crest)
Phantom Domain (Border)
Maren Ridge (Crest)

Juggernaut X10 (HK)
Netherdeep (Dead Cave)
Varion City (Uptown)
Highridge Mines (Dark Excavations)

#69 ecolitan



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Posted 01 July 2011 - 01:01

biggrim is it correct that Psi Channeling Chainblade doesn't use ammo as all other Psi weapons do ?

If the Purist Weapon needs ammo, all the weapons should use ammo. Would players want this?

Why? Why couldn't each weapon be designed to be what is needed for best use of that class' skills? Rad blade for mutants, psi ammo (sword?) for purists, rifle for soldiers, etc.

I guess I don't know why they all need to use ammo if one does, seems it would be better to make each one good for the class that uses it. I personally don't need more weapons that don't replace my latest so don't have much of a dog in this hunt.

#70 majar



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Posted 01 July 2011 - 01:12

If the Purist Weapon needs ammo, all the weapons should use ammo. Would players want this?

Anyone else agree?

Hello biggrim! :)
Negatore! I like the titanium chainsaw NO ammo. Pls keep it NO ammo! thnx :?

#71 ss_auronxx

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Posted 01 July 2011 - 03:17

Rad Laced Bonesaw (level 280, Mutant)
ATK = 364
DMG = 243

Wep Type = Blade
Dmg Type = Solid

Given that the Dmg Type = Solid, and not Radiation, the "Variance" skill won't work on it.

...so it looks like even Mutants miss out on making full use of their class skills on the new weapons.

#72 ecolitan



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Posted 01 July 2011 - 03:47

Rad Laced Bonesaw (level 280, Mutant)
ATK = 364
DMG = 243

Wep Type = Blade
Dmg Type = Solid

Given that the Dmg Type = Solid, and not Radiation, the "Variance" skill won't work on it.

...so it looks like even Mutants miss out on making full use of their class skills on the new weapons.

Is there a class that can other than cyborg?

#73 BigGrim


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Posted 01 July 2011 - 11:51

Hopefully, you'll also address the other, far more important concerns regarding these rebadged SE's too BG ?

They shall be staying as HKs.

Given that the Dmg Type = Solid, and not Radiation, the "Variance" skill won't work on it.

...so it looks like even Mutants miss out on making full use of their class skills on the new weapons.

That can be tweaked too.

#74 ecolitan



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Posted 01 July 2011 - 13:24

Hopefully, you'll also address the other, far more important concerns regarding these rebadged SE's too BG ?

They shall be staying as HKs.

I totally disagree with this decision. The first (the only TRUE) three HK in the game had a similar pattern. The new ones follow a new (though old and somehow familiar) pattern. They are kind of like... well, SE from that other game. If, for some reason, the name SE can't be used here at least do us the courtesy of fixing:

http://www.sigmastor... ... cmd=manage

I can keep going but that should get the idea across. Every single page in this game has the wrong name and title (strikingly familiar names and titles however). So, if we're getting rid of an FS name for a mob (despite the fact that it properly describes the mob whereas the rebadging doesn't at all) then we need to get rid of all that first....

HCS decided to introduce SE to this game. Now that name is verbotten for some reason that doesn't make any sense to the player base. What was just given to us were SE - as defined IN THIS GAME BY RELEASES IN THE PAST. HK are not like this. We didn't ask for SE (which did exist before this update so we would have known how to ask for them).

Guys. We're drowning here and hoof offered to throw us something we needed, asking what we could use. We said "Hey, a lifejacket would be good". Throwing us a tackle box and telling us it's a lifejacket won't help a bit as, see, we'll still know it's not the lifejacket we asked for.

#75 EdTheHead



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Posted 01 July 2011 - 13:53

Hopefully, you'll also address the other, far more important concerns regarding these rebadged SE's too BG ?

They shall be staying as HKs.

I also disagree and it seems the majority of the players think it should be called an SE but BigGrim doesn't seem to want to respect what the players of this game want, maybe the biggest problem is really who's in charge and it's time to bring in some new blood before he completely sinks this ship, Sorry BigGrim but if you can't represent the decision of the majority it's time for us to push the Change Leader/Mutiny button

#76 ss_sailor

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Posted 01 July 2011 - 14:30

Ed, with all due respect I think you have to remember that BG is an EMPLOYEE of HCS. Hoof is the guy in charge. Employees follow directions of their employer or they get fired. It is Hoof that is driving this train. It is Hoof that is killing his game and his income.

We are customers of HCS and if we don't like what is happening then we vote by not buying FC and not supporting the game. (Many of us have taken this path). You have to face the fact that HCS knows that the game is dead and they are not willing to spend the resources or manpower to try to revive the game. We either play the game the way that they want to develop it or we stop playing and that will relive the stress. Each player has to decide for themselves.

HCS does not care about the community. I believe that they have a death wish to just let the game die. The last update was the most telling of all. We wanted HK the way they have been in the past. They had SE on the drawing board ready to go and then just threw them in and called them HK to make us happy. We have a saying in the south. Don't pee on my boot and tell me it's raining.

Yes they tweaked the mercs which was needed. They "fixed" the forum in the update but it was really fixed right. SCROLL BAR.

But remember that they now have a new improved payment system to take your money. :roll:

I will continue to play the game just to see who is one of the last standing players. I don't expect HCS to improve the game or to listen to us. I will not DONATE another nickle to a company that does not care about its customers. Each player has to decide for themselves what they want to do.

#77 ecolitan



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Posted 01 July 2011 - 14:35

I think assumptions about who is making what decisions for what reasons need to be carefully thought out. The players are frustrated, that's clear. BG posted that they'll be called HK, that's clear.

What isn't clear is why the decisions are being made. I have an inkling that BG didn't decide to hurry up and release the two SE in a vacuum. I think there are directives to "fix things and fix them now" from somewhere else in HCS.

That's why my posts have consistently tried to say we want PROLONGED attention. CAREFULLY THOUGHT OUT ADDITIONS and nothing haphazard to slap a patch up. I think hoof takes a programmers view of the world sometimes. Where patches and kluges are normal parts of life. That's fine when they're invisible to the client - and disastrous when we get to watch them.

HCS - these aren't HK, they're SE. We really didn't need roaming creatures that dropped weapons significantly less powerful than what's already out there in the game. I understand how we got them - but that's not what we asked for and taking the most popular part of the game and nerfing it is not helping. "Rebadging" things as HK is a subtle way of repackaging something we don't like and trying to convince us we should. The player base is screaming that they don't want pretend HK in the game. We have not had an HK in 250 levels. HCS renaming something else an HK won't change that and the players STRONGLY don't want HCS even trying to use that name where it doesn't belong.

Not every customer is always right. But, when ALL the customers say the same thing - they're right. Trust me - they are.

#78 ss_sailor

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Posted 01 July 2011 - 14:40

I think assumptions about who is making what decisions for what reasons need to be carefully thought out. The players are frustrated, that's clear. BG posted that they'll be called HK, that's clear.

What isn't clear is why the decisions are being made. I have an inkling that BG didn't decide to hurry up and release the two SE in a vacuum. I think there are directives to "fix things and fix them now" from somewhere else in HCS.

That's why my posts have consistently tried to say we want PROLONGED attention. CAREFULLY THOUGHT OUT ADDITIONS and nothing haphazard to slap a patch up. I think hoof takes a programmers view of the world sometimes. Where patches and kluges are normal parts of life. That's fine when they're invisible to the client - and disastrous when we get to watch them.

HCS - these aren't HK, they're SE. We really didn't need roaming creatures that dropped weapons significantly less powerful than what's already out there in the game. I understand how we got them - but that's not what we asked for and taking the most popular part of the game and nerfing it is not helping. "Rebadging" things as HK is a subtle way of repackaging something we don't like and trying to convince us we should. The player base is screaming that they don't want pretend HK in the game. We have not had an HK in 250 levels. HCS renaming something else an HK won't change that and the players STRONGLY don't want HCS even trying to use that name where it doesn't belong.

Not every customer is always right. But, when ALL the customers say the same thing - they're right. Trust me - they are.


#79 EdTheHead



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Posted 01 July 2011 - 14:54

Ed, with all due respect I think you have to remember that BG is an EMPLOYEE of HCS. Hoof is the guy in charge. Employees follow directions of their employer or they get fired. It is Hoof that is driving this train. It is Hoof that is killing his game and his income.

At the moment I only see BG saying They shall be staying as HKs, If Hoof is behind it I hope he owns up to it and discuses this issue with us, If Hoof is going to make a few changes he might want to make sure he can keep what's left of the player base happy so we'll stick around to see if it gets better.

#80 Undjuvion



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Posted 01 July 2011 - 15:12

id rather not get broiled up in a debate but i must say that they only just gave us word about a week ago that they were gonna make some major improvements, while i dont mind if HK's are roaming or they are reformed back to SE's to roam, i think its not clear to us whether these HK/SE were ready for realease at this time anyway BUT i would assume that making a HK set(as long as they have really had since lvl 190) may take who knows maybe a week or ??? but we shall have them shortly i would think...

i think we are all frustrated with what has become of sigma, ive been here since day 2 except for a month off here and there and i have things i want for the game but am not seeing even a mention on what i would like to see, sometimes i feel invisible to admin, BUT at the least we should wait and see what they bring to the table before going down in a blaze of glory.

in my opinion i dont know what they are thinking in developing a game which isnt finished without a designated coder but its been like that for some time which most of us know.

and if you can hear me BG, edit HK on items to say Hunter Killer if they dont return to SE, it looks better and also the older HK sets still say unique O.o

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