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Arena Update #2 v2.48

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#81 Mister Doom

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Posted 27 June 2014 - 00:32

Over the years it has indeed been suggested a lot.

Apparently it would have killed the arena every time it was suggested. (Even though despite it never being implemented the arena has almost always been deader than a door-mouse)



I think it is perhaps time this tiered approach was indeed given a fair trial. See if it kills the arena or actually gives people a glimmer of hope to know they won't be simply buried by the arena masters.


#82 drakos333



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 01:04

can the way fatigue works (or does not work properly in this case) and the random 2% hits please be looked at/fixed as well 

#83 j3k


Posted 27 June 2014 - 01:27



So for instance there would be a complete arena for beginners with all of the lower end rewards and occasionally a few of the higher end. Then once they have earned their bronze medal they would graduate to the arena for 'slightly less rubbish beginners' and only face others who have achieved their bronze medal also. Each 'tier' would have a higher total value of available rewards to give players a sense of true progression.



so you're saying for all the low levels to get low rewards and all the experts better rewards?


the idea is "Eh"  the rewards should be for all   


but i do like the bracket system you thought of 



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#84 Brice



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 01:34

So... Ok we got a token system... But I really think you all slipped up on the gold tourneys here...I'm fine with the token thing for items( ya it's going to mess up the market for a bit, but all other Arena updates did that too...used to that)...BUT!!! It would cost 250 tokens for 1 million in gold currently...hmmm to me that's not right...I will adapt to the token thing and I thank HCS for the update...but you should have left the gold tourneys alone and reimplement those...I think that would really balance things out :)

***side note***
HCS I do have an Arena suggestions forum that the players really spoke out on...you might want to read it for future updates to our valued Arena ;)

Edited by Brice, 27 June 2014 - 01:51.

#85 kimbo



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 01:51

As we can SEE right now..Prices of those valuable pots ( BM, LF, WELL READ and etc) sink below the GROUND..my suggestion is to mark up price to..100 and or maybe 150 tokens a piece :)

#86 kimbo



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 01:58

Brice idea and suggestion is superb HCS, why ? Simply because all teams implemented taxes evrytime a player hunt and likewise to make a Deposit for the guild to sustain its operation, right ? So, by retaining the GOLD reward somehow a player can generate some gold for himself :)

#87 kimbo



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 02:09

When Arena Combat was set @ 100,500,1000,1500 and 2500 the entries are so fast and the Battle is so furious..just my observation..right now ?? it's seems that it is slow and sometimes no entry at all :(

#88 kimbo



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 02:51

Just to prove what i was talking about HCS, why not re-try to implement that 100,500......, thing... together with what we have right now. There's no Harm in trying anyway, evrything to gain and nothing to lost :)

#89 BraveKath



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 02:59

When Arena Combat was set @ 100,500,1000,1500 and 2500 the entries are so fast and the Battle is so furious..just my observation..right now ?? it's seems that it is slow and sometimes no entry at all :(


Not sure if you're right, or that was just the initial feeding frenzy because HCS chummed the waters.

The winners were predominately all 1) high level players; 2) highly ranked arena players, so that sort of blows the idea of getting more people playing arena out of the water.  I was looking through a lot of the results and wasn't seen many "new" arena folks, let alone even many "lowly" ranked arena folks even in the fight.

(not sure why all the water related analogies today -- maybe I need to go fishing) :)

#90 Inteus


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 03:05

For this arena update I like some of it like the levels and more arenas avalible I may suck I've never won one arena but the variety is bigger. Being able to pick what you buy its nice yes some items are over priced but that will be fixed I know this but your standard torney is on lockdown by a variety of pros in the arena. The token system allows a variety of perks alot of hunting helpers (buffs) but also a variety of fsp and most of the low level tourneys are too low where the people that want to get into the arena can't because we dont have that kinda gear on hand or we can't afford it adding some higher level tourney in novice to earn moves as well it would help more it would also be more cost efficent to users to earn the moves they need.


#91 Bleltch



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 04:02



Instead of the same people winning all of the arena's, all of the time. There should be a system that categorises a player by their level of skill (Which medal they have achieved) and pits them against similar skilled individuals.



I'd prefer to see the idea hoof had a couple years ago: Arenas with a supplied equipment list to choose from. That way all players would be on equal footing. Tick the equipment you want from the list and have at it. It would take care of the biggest problem: It would do away with the arena masters with the best most expensive gear having a huge advantage. All would be equal. It would come down to equipment choice and moves. 

#92 bloody18



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 04:37

Objectively speaking ..  Im glad that we can now make all arena gold tourneys by exchanging the tokens for gold ..  No more stacking AH with items that will not sell :) so thanks for the update in arena HCS. We shall see how it goes!

#93 aliadnan12



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 04:47

my thought would be to get the items back in arenas ie u win the item by winning an arena and AT THE SAME TIME 2nd and 3rd places get like 5 tokens or so .. this way u get a hold on the HUGE amount of tokens flow and the items brought as well 

#94 bloody18



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 04:51

(not sure why all the water related analogies today -- maybe I need to go fishing) :)

You may have water on the subconscious brain BK because the great state of Cali is running low on the stuff :)

(not sure why all the water related analogies today -- maybe I need to go fishing) :)

You may have water on the subconscious brain BK because the great state of Cali is running low on the stuff :)

#95 BraveKath



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 04:58

I'd prefer to see the idea hoof had a couple years ago: Arenas with a supplied equipment list to choose from. That way all players would be on equal footing. Tick the equipment you want from the list and have at it. It would take care of the biggest problem: It would do away with the arena masters with the best most expensive gear having a huge advantage. All would be equal. It would come down to equipment choice and moves. 


Doesn't that make it really hard for the novice to break into arena?  

Speaking as a novice (130 arena wins AKA Noob), I have won arenas from many of the top players but only because I got really creative with gear and then had some luck.  Pretty much no one was using my set ups - doesn't mean they were great, just means it was different enough to slide in for a win now and then.

Just seems what you're proposing would leave it an arena for just a few players.  I realize I may be quite wrong.


#96 BraveKath



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 05:05

You may have water on the subconscious brain BK because the great state of Cali is running low on the stuff :)



:D  :P  ;)  You're probably right there Bloody. Arguing with the County so can water our crops and I saw a clip from the old "Jaws" movie today.

#97 bloody18



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 05:22

I bet the county is hoarding all the water for the "Squirrels on Skis" show !!!!! BASTAGES ALL :)

:D  :P  ;)  You're probably right there Bloody. Arguing with the County so can water our crops and I saw a clip from the old "Jaws" movie today.


#98 Uralus



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 07:19

I like that the runner up now also gets some tokens. Makes losing the final less painfull. Thanks for that.


The biggest problem I have now is that there are so few arena matches of higher level I can join. Most matches are below level 200!, and almost nothing above level 1000. Why is that? Is that because the lower levels take a lot longer to fill?

#99 justinian9



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 10:40

I have to agree that I like the token system.  It was a good idea!  As to devaluing the items I think that is good also.  When players wanted to create an item most the time it cost more to buy the components then it did to buy the item already created. They were over priced.

#100 shindrak



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Posted 27 June 2014 - 10:54

I'm happy to see new faces in arena now :) seems the idea is kinda working... but Higher level tourneys seems to fill faster than lower ones guess the high level players more active and interested to play arena

Edited by shindrak, 27 June 2014 - 10:54.

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