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Forthcoming Composing Update.

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#81 Turby001


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Posted 26 November 2014 - 13:26

Regards availability / value of common fragments - what about being able to decompose higher level fragments into lower level fragments ? such as any single fragment can be decomposed into 1 fragment of any lower fragment type.

#82 Kbyte



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Posted 26 November 2014 - 13:37

I've already sent this message I'll paste here from an ticket I've sent but I'll let it here too to know what players think about it.


"Hi HCS,

I'm writting this ticket to help you come up with composing new formula.

On the forum it is written this: "Finally, we shall be altering the Frags used in composing to balance out the use of Commons Versus LE, SE and Crystalline Frags, while also adding all the previously discussed Buffs (with maybe one or two others!) and raising the level cap to 60."

But I think instead of increasing the amount (doubler and lightfoot would be even more expensive this way) of higher types of frags you would better (and be more reasonable) to increase their "usage" (allowing SE frags to already be spend on buffs at level 300) on each potion (above certains levels of composed potions).

To make things easier I'll write here the actual (an the proposed by my suggestion) amount spend to make 60 min pots (but in really players make 30, 60, 90 and 120 min generally composed pot according to what they will do with the potion).

By now to make an composed potion level spend (60 min):

Level 200: 12K Gold | 20 Common | 16 Rare | 8 Unique | 2 Legy

Level 250: 15K Gold | 26 Common | 20 Rare | 14 Unique | 4 Legy

Level 300: 18K Gold | 30 Common | 26 Rare | 18 Unique |6 Legy | 2 Crystaline 

Level 500: 30K Gold | 50 Common | 46 Rare | 38 Unique |14 Legy | 10 Crystaline | 8 SE

Level 1000: 60K Gold | 100 Common | 96 Rare | 88 Unique |34 Legy | 30 Crystaline | 28 SE

Here I'll write my suggestion, first I'll start with Legy, Crystaline and SE frags and later I'll talk about common, rare and unique frags. 

[I'll make an small talk (it may looks nonsense sometimes but it will help a little) to try to comprehend and make more reasonable the frags expenditure]

The highest level buff an player can cast without fury caster is 150, so It would sound good if on composing buffs above level 150 spend Legy frags

But most players have fury caster allowing them to cast buffs at level 175 (normal), and since the game provide special events with crystaline gear (stronger equips only farmable on those events to get those equips to hunt or to get to wear to pvp) so crystaline is above average, this way being acceptable to allow crystaline frags be spend above composed buffs above level 200.

SE creatures are really strong and spawn only one per map in some maps and hard to kill, so not so easy to farm this type of frag the normal way (beside an low level inventing equip which makes players to spend even more stam farming resources to make the equips, so SE frags are still more expensive than any other type of frag | cause it requires more stm to get them), so it would be reasonable to allow SE frags be spent on composed buffs above level 250.

To solve the problem with buffs with level higher than 300, LF and Double for example I would like to suggest that for each 100 levels the amount of Legy and Crystaline frags increase and every 150 level amount of SE frag increase.

So to make buffs at level (60 MIN) [considering only Legy, Cryst and SE frags, I'll talk about other types of frags soon later to make it complete]:

Level 200 would spend: 2 Legy
Level 250 would spend: 2 Legy | 2 Crystaline
Level 300 would spend: 4 Legy | 2 Crystaline | 2 SE
Level 500 would spend: 8 Legy | 6 Crystaline | 4 SE
Level 1000 would spend: 18 Legy | 16 Crystaline | 10 SE

* This way LF and Double won't be too expensive, and would allow players to already Spend SE frags on level 300 buffs (AM, Sanctuary and other potions you may come with this composing update).

** Since the max Level Cap will be increased to level 60, It would be good if some already existing buffs had their cap increased a bit: 
|AL 250 (would be good an benefit low level composers to already be able to spend crystaline frags making events with crystaline gear more usefull even to low level composers), 
| Coord Attack 300 (would allow players to spend SE frags more often and since it is weaker than smashing hammer**, Coord Attack won't be too strong)
|* ** Smashing hammer could be level 250
| Light Foot 600 (following the can increase, before cap was level 50 and LF was 500, now level cap is 60 LF could be 600 too)
| Doubler 1200 (following the same idea of LF).

Now about common, rare and unique frags: These are easier farmable type of frags (only unique is a bit harder to get because it mostly drops from elites and some few specifics champ which only certain level maps).

So I would suggest common spent to be increased every 40 levels starting from buffs level 1;
Rare frags to be spend every 40 levels starting from buffs level 41;
Unique frags to be spend every 60 levels starting from buffs level 121; (because it is harder to get this type of frag in comparision to common and rare frags)

So now I can show how much it would spend to make each buff max level on composing with all types of frags. (60 min to make the example but it would still increase every 30 min duration)

Level 200 (Keen Edge, Honor*)
12K Gold | 10 Common | 8 Rare | 4 Unique | 2 Legy

Level 250
15K Gold | 14 Common | 12 Rare | 6 Unique | 2 Legy | 2 Crystaline

Level 300
18K Gold | 16 Common | 14 Rare | 6 Unique | 4 Legy | 2 Crystaline |2 SE

Level 600 (LF)
36K Gold | 30 Common | 28 Rare | 24 Unique | 10 Legy | 8 Crystaline |6 SE

Level 1200 (Doubler)
72K Gold | 60 Common | 58 Rare | 36 Unique | 22 Legy | 20 Crystaline |14 SE

Extra notes:
If the suggestion I've come up be implement it will make the "usage" of frags more balanced;
it would make players to be more willing to make higher exp pots maybe 40 exp so sinking more gold from the game;
Frags spend to make LF and Doubler would be more reasonable;

Also it would be easier to come up with frag amount on chests from frag globals; (cause the increase of frags on potion's level is better balanced than before).

Hope my suggestion will help you. "

Edited by Kbyte, 26 November 2014 - 13:39.

#83 Kbyte



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Posted 26 November 2014 - 14:23

Might Vigor that may be implemented on this update could have max level 400 ('cause it works like doubler, only usefull every 50 levels) [if an player drink an distil 150 it would go to level 460, allowing the player to equip (that way) an item up to 9 levels above him/her actual level]


* and also allowing to spend SE frags by doing that

Edited by Kbyte, 26 November 2014 - 14:25.

#84 Melissa3



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Posted 27 November 2014 - 00:49

Composing relies on a high find item buff to gather the fragments.


It would defeat the purpose to request a higher find item composing pot as it would require too many fragments to compose a potion above level 1000 .


What I would like you to consider as a Compose only buff is a new buff that would enhance the  Find Item buff which would be used in conjuction with the current find item buff and assist us in gathering even more fragments than we currently can.

#85 justinian9



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Posted 27 November 2014 - 01:02

Composing relies on a high find item buff to gather the fragments.


It would defeat the purpose to request a higher find item composing pot as it would require too many fragments to compose a potion above level 1000 .


What I would like you to consider as a Compose only buff is a new buff that would enhance the  Find Item buff which would be used in conjuction with the current find item buff and assist us in gathering even more fragments than we currently can.

question: Isn't that what reckoning does?  FI 1500 is an epic buff, wouldn't this take away from FI 1500 being epic  if you can get the same thing from FI 1000 and an FI boosting buff? How do you limit this to only farming frags and not LE drops?


EDIT:  what about a buff that gives you a chance of getting double the frags when breaking them down?

Edited by justinian9, 27 November 2014 - 01:04.

#86 Melissa3



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Posted 27 November 2014 - 01:22

question: Isn't that what reckoning does?  FI 1500 is an epic buff, wouldn't this take away from FI 1500 being epic  if you can get the same thing from FI 1000 and an FI boosting buff? How do you limit this to only farming frags and not LE drops?


EDIT:  what about a buff that gives you a chance of getting double the frags when breaking them down?


What I am suggesting is different to reckoning as my suggestion is that the new composed buff enhances the find item only buff no matter what the lvl of the find item buff.   So of course it would also enhance an epic FI 1500 as well.  And I am not saying it should be limited to only farming frags.  We require all types of drops including LE drops.


It could also be very valuable to our scavengers in the caves.  So often we hear when there is a cave event many complaining of the drop rate.


Your idea of a buff that gives you a chance of getting double the frags when breaking them down is a great suggestion as well and worthy of consideration.

#87 BigGrim


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Posted 27 November 2014 - 11:16

What about a buff that gives you a chance of getting double the frags when breaking them down?

That's certainly a possibility.

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